Roy Harper - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



Dick: You mean kiss?

Jason: Fuck you.

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6 years ago
 , . .

Много лет обдумывала свою версию Красного колпака и отбросов, теперь я готова показать её. Вот первые концепты Роя.

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4 years ago
Roy Harperredesign
Roy Harperredesign
Roy Harperredesign

Roy Harper redesign

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4 years ago
Traditional Painting Vs Digital Painting
Traditional Painting Vs Digital Painting

Traditional painting vs digital painting

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2 years ago

Jason is me

Jason, winding down from a half hour rant: So, yeah, I have strong opinions about chocolate pudding.

Roy, tired: I know you have strong opinions about chocolate pudding Jaybird, you have strong opinions about everything. I just asked if you wanted some.

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2 years ago

Jason is still me

Jason: I can’t go, I’ve used up all of my energy for today

Roy: We literally just woke up???

Roy: All you did was say good morning

Jason: Unbelievable! That’s the thanks I get for participating in human interaction

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2 years ago

Damian, a teen: Richard, this is my boyfriend Jonathan.

Dick: aw it's nice to hear you two got together, hey Damian could you get my phone?

Damian: sure *leaves*

Dick: listen closely okay, break his heart I'll kill you, hit him I'll kill you, do anything to harm him and your dead, understand?

Jon, scared: y-yes sir!

Damian: here's your phone Richard, please don't take pictures...

Dick: sorry my sweet little Dami but I must so stand together!

Damian: tt... Why are you shaking beloved?

Jon: nothing! I'm just cold ha...

Damian: but you-

Dick: okay you two lovebirds have a good day I'll be back later I have a few things to do!

Jon: so that happened to me, what about you guys?

Kon: same.

Roy: he threatened to take my balls and make me eat them.

Wally: I had to worry about Alfred... He really does that?

All 3 of them: yep.

Wally: ... What's he's going to do when our kids start dating—

Roy: I don't know but I want to be there when it happens.

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7 months ago

I like to think Jason and Roy would go round and round hyping each other’s anger towards their dads, specially cause Roy himself is a dad


Jason: maybe it’s all my fault, maybe I should forgive Bru—

Roy: as a dad, I would have never laid a hand on my kid or exiled her from her home for any reason. But that’s just me, doing the bare minimum.

Jason: :ㅇ . >:ㅇ .


Roy: I should’ve known better than to get addicted to that shit. Maybe Oli was right. Maybe I needed that kick in the ass.

Jason: … I’m sorry, would you also kick out and leave Lian with no support if she were to—

Roy: No! No I wouldn’t! You’re god damn right! That was so fucked up of him, what the fuck!!

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Look. Jason Was A Shy Lil Bean Around His Olders Brothers Cool Friends, Ok
Look. Jason Was A Shy Lil Bean Around His Olders Brothers Cool Friends, Ok
Look. Jason Was A Shy Lil Bean Around His Olders Brothers Cool Friends, Ok
Look. Jason Was A Shy Lil Bean Around His Olders Brothers Cool Friends, Ok

Look. Jason was a shy lil bean around his olders brothers cool friends, ok

Dick might also have forgotten to mention he was a selkie...

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Do you have a reading list recommendation for comics with Roy Harper? Also I love your blog ❤️

Yes! The short version is that you should pick up anything written by Devin Grayson or Judd Winick, who are the best and second best Roy writers out there IMO. The longer version is this:

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #85-86, a.k.a. “Snowbirds Don’t Fly” and “They Say It’ll Kill Me...But They Won’t Say When” by Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams: This is the original Roy addiction storyline from the 70s. It’s definitely dated but once your brain adjusts to Bronze Age art and storytelling it’s absolutely brilliant and gorgeous and heartbreaking. It’s also a groundbreaking moment in comics history for its unvarnished and sympathetic portrayal of drug addicts. And of course it’s probably the most important thing that ever happened to the character and hugely pivotal for his relationships with Ollie, Hal, and Dinah.

The New Teen Titans (1984) #20-21 by Marv Wolfman and George Perez: Roy discovers he’s a father and meets Lian.

Batman Plus Arsenal by Devin Grayson and Rodolfo Damaggio: A one shot but there’s so much good character stuff in here oh my god.

Arsenal #1-4 by Devin Grayson and Rick Mays: There’s a plot about Vandal Savage trying to harvest Roy and Lian’s organs but mostly this is a deep character study and exploration of Roy’s relationships with Ollie, Dinah, and Connor, and UGH it’s so freaking good.

The Titans (1999) #1-25 by Devin Grayson and Mark Buckingham: If you like team books with lots of complicated feelings, you need to read this. I pretty much draw all my headcanon about Roy’s relationships with Donna and Cheshire and his own self-destructive romantic tendencies from this series. It ran for 50 issues, but the first 25 by Grayson are the good ones - there’s more Roy stuff in the back half of the series but it’s a different writer and simply not as good.

Green Arrow (2001) #16-21, a.k.a. “The Archer’s Quest” by Brad Meltzer and Phil Hester: Full disclosure: I don’t actually like this story, but it’s a pretty major Ollie ‘n’ Roy teamup adventure and most people like it more than I do. The art’s good! Roy pets some puppies! *shrug*

Outsiders (2003) #1-33 by Judd Winick and Tom Raney: Do you want Roy as a super badass emotionally intuitive leader and A+ dad who is EXTREMELY homoerotic with Dick but also very much enjoys being topped by dangerous ladies? Well, this is the book for you!

Green Arrow (2001) #32 by Judd Winick and Manuel Garcia: Roy and Connor go out for a night on the town and discover that they do actually have things in common despite being very different people. It’s a crime that we don’t have more Roy and Connor team ups but this one is A+.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) and Red Hood/Arsenal by Scott Lobdell and various artists: ...Sigh. Look. These are bad comics. They are actively terrible. BUT they are the source of the Jason/Roy relationship and like so many bad comics, they steer so hard into macho nonsense that they just wind up being homoerotic. Also you should pick up Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25 and Annual #2 if you want to cry about how much Jason and Roy love each other and how Roy’s dead now. SIGH AGAIN.

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Who is Roy Harper? - A Reading Guide

Who Is Roy Harper? - A Reading Guide

Roy Harper is a DC Comics legacy character introduced in the Golden Age as the protégé/son of Green Arrow (Oliver Queen). Roy was the original Speedy and had an extremely close relationship with his adoptive father Oliver Queen throughout the Golden and Silver Ages. In 1971, DC released the "Snowbirds Don't Fly" storyline in response to Nixon's announced War on Drugs. This storyline was a PSA designed to show what not to do when a loved one (particularly a young adult child) is struggling with addiction. This story would change the trajectory of Roy's story and cemented his role as a recovered addict, a part of his character that has unfortunately come to be his defining quality rather than being part of his larger story. Roy is a single father to Lian Harper (his daughter with the assassin Jade Nguyen/Cheshire), and has a sibling bond with family members Connor Hawke, Mia Dearden, and Emiko Queen. Roy's origins have always been connected to America's Indigenous Peoples and later comics have cemented their role in his life with his having been adopted by the Diné/Navajo as a young child before being adopted by Ollie in his teenaged years. Roy has had multiple mantles over the years, from Speedy, to Arsenal, to joining the Justice League of America as Red Arrow - but in every iteration is he the very image of a hero.

Reading list (with totally legal links) under the cut!

This reading list begins in the Golden Age and will take you through Pre-52 comics, and then end with the Green Arrow 80th Anniversary Super Spectacular! New 52 is left out because that is not Roy Harper, and Rebirth and more current comics are being left out for a lot of reasons that I won't list here.

If multiple issues are listed for one run at a time, only the first issue will be linked, the assumption is that you will be able to navigate to the following issues from there.

Golden Age:

More Fun Comics #78, 81-82, 89, 91-92

World's Finest Comics #7, 57, 70

Adventure Comics #121, 133, 137, 151, 155, 164, 166, 179, 184, 189, 196

Silver Age and Beyond:

Adventure Comics #233

World's Finest Comics #88

Adventure Comics #246, 256, 260-263

Teen Titans Vol 1 #4, 11, 19-43

The next story on this list is "Snowbirds Don't Fly" - it is HEAVILY RECOMMENDED to read the above stories BEFORE reading Snowbirds as they should be considered required context for the storyline as they are the context the story is building from. Don't be a Judd Winick- do your reading kids.

Green Lantern Vol 2 #85-86

Action Comics #436

Teen Titans Vol 1 #44-52

Green Lantern Vol 2 #100

Teen Titans Vol 1 #53

World's Finest Vol 1 #251

Best of DC #18

New Teen Titans Vol 1 #27, 29-32

Tales of the Teen Titans #50

New Teen Titans Vol 2 #19-21

Action Comics Vol 1 #613-618, 627-634, 636-640

Secret Origins Vol 2 #38

New Titans Vol 1 #60-69, 97

Green Arrow Vol 2 #75

New Titans Vol 1 #99-114

Showcase '94 #7

New Titans Vol 1 #0, 115-130, Annual #11

Green Arrow Vol 2 #97-101 * these issues should be read with the understanding that the writer, Chuck Dixon, is a vocal hater of Oliver Queen and did his best to ruin the character's image before and during the character's death as soon as he took over the run

Showcase '95 #8

Batman + Arsenal #1

JLA/Titans Vol 1 #1-3

Arsenal #1-4

The Titans Vol 1 #1-50 Annual #1

Green Arrow Vol 3 #1-15*, 16-21 - *(most Roy centered issues are 1, 5-6, and 8-9)

Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1-3

Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files/Origins Vol 1 (2003)

Outsiders Vol 3 #1-33

Green Arrow Vol 3 #32, 44-50

DC Special Return of Donna Troy #1-4

Outsiders Vol 3 #44-46, Annual #1

Justice League of America Vol 2 #1-31

Titans Vol 2 #1-14, 17-19

Justice League: Cry for Justice

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8 months ago
My Take On Juni Ba's Incredible Jason Design + Some Angsty Jayroy Doodles From My Fic Sunshine On A Broken
My Take On Juni Ba's Incredible Jason Design + Some Angsty Jayroy Doodles From My Fic Sunshine On A Broken
My Take On Juni Ba's Incredible Jason Design + Some Angsty Jayroy Doodles From My Fic Sunshine On A Broken

My take on Juni Ba's incredible Jason design + some angsty Jayroy doodles from my fic Sunshine on a Broken Column

"I've been trying, haven't I? It's been a year, I don't kill anymore." - "You're killing my boyfriend!!"

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8 months ago

Let's build Jason a bookshelf !

Pride and Prejudice - homeboy is an Austen fan canonically, we need at least this one.

Hamlet -do I need to say more? Do I?

Water for the elephants: He won't admit it, but the book reminds him of Dick, and he reads it any time he misses him. It's angsty enough to maintain a front while actually being a romance with a satisfying ending.

The Outsiders: It's not just that the story is relatable and really well written; it's the themes of loyalty, grief and heroism, and the imagery and hopefulness shining through, and it's the way Johnny reminds him of Roy and sometimes, after Roy's death, he will close his eyes and picture the two of them together in an abandoned church, in that quiet space safe from the war raging outside, reading Gone With the Wind while Roy provides uncharitable commentary about the characters' decisions.

Under The Whispering Door (TJ Klune): This one was gifted to him by Tim because "the main character is an asshole ghost, I thought you might relate." Of course, these idiots could talk to eachother about emotions and go to therapy, but why do that when you can bait your brother into reading a story that will help him process a bit of his relationship with his own death and the family? The worst part is, it worked great, and Jason is so upset that it became one of his favourite books. (The part about the stages of grief is scientifically inaccurate, though. He would know.)

A compilation of TS Eliot's works: Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of TS Eliot and Jason, but every time I reread one of his poems, I think about Jason and I'm sad. The Hollow Men, in particular about the fallen soldiers from WWI, hits so hard as a Jason poem, especially when you consider he lived through the explosion but died of smoke inhalation.

Flowers for Algernon: After losing Bizarro, Jason rereads it often, sitting on rooftops, every time the sky is bright enough to see the stars. He reads it out loud, and the words burn his tongue and taste bitter every time every time, but he likes to pretend his friend is listening, and feels a little less alone.

The Oresteia: This one belongs to the list Jason has read many times and should probably read less, because he projects the tragedy onto his real life and it's a bad influence that comforts him in the idea that he was doomed from the start and might as well burn the remains of the bridges with his family. Good luck trying to pry it out of his hands though! He also loves the idea of being seen at his worst, in the midst of all his hopelessness, and being loved anyway, cradled with unwavering devotion.

Frankenstein : He's a huge Mary Shelley fan, both as a person and a writer. As for Hamlet and the Oresteia, he definitely projects maybe a little too much of some of the characters, but hey, not everybody can brag that they relate to the Creature on such a visceral level.

What else would you guys add?

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2 years ago

I can imagine the Justice League/Batman searching for the weirder of the All Blades for like months. When they finally ask for help from those with relations to the League of Assassins and the like, Roy and Jason just stand there.

Roy laughs hard and is on the floor while Jason is just processing.

Jason is just like, ‘yeah, remember that period with the League? I was trained by others too. Including All Caste. So I’m like the last weirder of the All Blades. Surprise?’

Needless to say, Batman is not amused.

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2 years ago

I went to Disneyland in California recently and thought of Jason and Roy taking Lian.

Roy would want all the cute clothes for Lian and force Jason to get the ears for everyone and the sweaters. They ride all the rides and Jason smashes the shooting game.

Jason is the chill dad that’s up for anything and everything. He’s also the dad that will tell Lian how to look taller for the rides.

Lian is the Angel child that is happy to be there. She’d hold both their hands.

Bonus: Nobody knows. Jason says he’s taking the week off, so does Roy. Then they send out photos at Disney and are like, happiest place on earth without you :).

Bruce and Oliver are not amused

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1 year ago

DCU Masterlist (2024)

DCU Masterlist (2024)



"A Sisters Love" ( x Platonic! Batsis! Reader )


You realize you have a lot to learn about yourself outside of your little brother, Damian’s, shadow.

"Ohana, Bitch!" ( x Platonic! Batsis! Reader )


No summary provided

"Call Mom" ( x Platonic! Batmom! Reader )


No summary provided

Dick Grayson


"Animal Instinct" ( x Platonic! Damian Wayne )


No summary provided

"Wedding Mishap"


No summary provided


Dick Grayson when his Future child comes to the Present


Damian Wayne


"Animal Instinct" ( x Platonic! Reader ) ( x Dick Grayson )


No summary provided

"Trust Takes Time" ( x Platonic! Batmom! Reader )


Damian is very closed of to batmom, and she is just trying to get close to him. One day, he has a bad day and he tells batmom everything because there’s no one else there.


Damian Wayne x GN!Superpowered!Kyle!Reader


Damian Wayne when his Future child comes to the Present


Damian Wayne with a Muslim S/O


Bruce Wayne


"The Reveal"


No summary provided


Bruce Wayne when his Future child comes to the Present


Conner Kent


Conner Kent when his Future child comes to the Present


Jason Todd


"DIY Nerf Gun"


No summary provided



No summary provided


Jason Todd when his Future child comes to the Present


Tim Drake


Tim Drake when his Future child comes to the Present


Roy Harper


Roy Harper when his Future child comes to the Present

Wally West


Wally West when his Future child comes to the Present


Arthur Curry


"When World’s Collide" ( Marvel Crossover )


Imagine leaving New York behind after a messy breakup, only to return five years later. Your old friends are happy, if a little nervous for any possible drama, but everything turns out well when they realize you're doing very well for yourself.

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6 months ago

dick grayson definitely listened to chappell roan’s casual after finding out that roy was dating jason and he cried to himself in his bed while watching bad rom coms. everyone in the manor could hear it and the next day, dick was perfectly fine and no one has ever brought it up since

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