obsessedftshit - Obsessed ft Cartoons
Obsessed ft Cartoons

I think this will be a blog where I will be ranting about random cartoons I love and am obsessed with. Currently obsessed with Young Justice. My Instagram - @obsessedftshit My Wattpad - @obsessedftshit My A03 - @obsessedftshit

74 posts

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

I loved the conversation Wally and Nightwing had. The way Wally is worried about Artemis and is trying to talk sense into Nighing on how close that explosion was to killing them was unnecessary and dangerous. He's right. I feel like the explosion was too much. Connor and Nightwing almost died.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

And it's the fact that Aqualad took 3 more hostages in return for Lagaan. Like how does that actually make sense?

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

Is it just me or has Wally mastered? I feel like he has. The way he screamed that he didn't care about the souvenirs but for Artemis's safety had me giggling. That's actually so cute and adorable. I need a relationship like theirs.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

I want him to lean on me how he leaned on the desk.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

The way Wally shoved him down to the chair. Damn boy's pissed but I understand him. Artemis is lucky. So is Wally. They both r hot as fuck. Hottest couple so far in Young Justice.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

When Wally said that Aqualad might be a triple agent had me thinking, he actually could be. Like he lost his first love and found out his dad is the bad guy as well but tbh I feel like Aqualad is still the good guy, just taking things a bit too far to make it look realistic.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

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More Posts from Obsessedftshit

10 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

I loved how we finally were shown Roy and what happened to him during the 5 years.

Nah cause when I saw him, I screamed but then I also got worried cause his legs were skinny and he looked well like shit.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

Ngl him falling was embarrassing.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

The fact that Arrow saw as well has me dying but obviously this is a serious scene.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

I loved how everyone came to help him get back on the right path. They don't want him to suffer anymore.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

But you know what I do love about him, is the fact that he can't move on from trying to find the real Roy. Obviously, he's looking for him cause he feels bad for taking his life technically but he also wants to save him from wherever he is. I like how dedicated he is but I feel bad because he can't move on like the others. But I know the real Roy is alive, he has to be so it's good he hasn't given up. However, I also want him to make himself a new name. Start fresh so he can stop hurting.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

Black Canary is actually so fine. Marry me 😩.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

The way she pulled him ahhhh Oliver, stay away from my wife.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

When Chesire showed up I gasped but the way Roy barely reacted as if she wasn't a threat had me thinking....

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1


Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

Yay now he'll go back to normal. I need him to shave. Srsly, I can't stand him not shaved and I need him to fix his legs. Go to the gym Roy, get those leg days in.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 1

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11 months ago

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

This episode was like a revelation for those who had secrets.

At first I actually got confused and shocked when I saw Artemis go to the villains. I thought she was the actual mole.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

Then when Megan showed up, I gasped. I actually thought that all 3 of them were the moles or would become the moles.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

Then the flashback hit.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

I was so relieved that Connor confessed to the team about those Superman sticker thingies. Especially when he figured out that because of those stickers he would become even more angrier.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

Robin's reaction got me when Connor told the team that his father is Lex Luther 😭.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

When Artemis had a flashback, I literally sighed in relief cause I actually thought she turned on the team cause of her father and sister.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

I was actually so happy when she revealed her secret. Nah but when Kid Flash heard then he registered that that's why she felt so insecure and scared. Scared that she would be kicked out. Abandoned. Kid Flash, don't make assumptions until u know the whole story.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

Also, I love how Robin said he already knew but that her family relations didn't matter cause she wasn't/isn't like her family. The smile she gave after his comment made me melt.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

Naaah cause I actually doubted Megan for a second. I fr thought she betrayed them since Queen Bee found out her secret.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

I actually didn't think she would tell everyone about her being a monster. If I was her, there would be no way I'd tell them 😭.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 1

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11 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep1

This episode felt like a new beginning especially with all the new hero entries.

I screamed when I saw him. Like look at him 😩. Fucking sexy as fuck.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

I gasped when Megan kissed that monster fish dude. Like Connor and her broke up? When? Why? Tbh I think they might've broken up either because of his anger issues cause Connor can't control his anger and she might've been tired of dealing with them or she felt insecure about herself and then broke up with him. Cause it makes sense since she's dating a monster and she is one as well. These r my theories but let's hope it was a good reason cause even tho I didn't ship them at first, Megan was the best thing that happened to Connor especially after he found out he was a Cadmus clone and all.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

Naah cause I love his facial expressions. But look, it seems like he hasn't gotten over her and is definitely jealous so maybe Megan broke up with him. I feel bad for him but I can't wait for...

Young Justice S2 Ep1

Him and Wonder Girl. Like ahhh when she first showed up I was so confused on who she was and then Batgirl said "Wonder Girl" and I was like 😯. Nah she's so cool. I already love her. I ship her with Connor cause it just seems like they would click. She's strong. He's strong. She's funny and cocky and he's aggressive and angry. Perfect match. Also, her wardrobe style is like Connor's. Not too fancy but casual. I can already imagine their chemistry.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

When I saw Batgirl, my jaw dropped cause y tf is she so fine. She and Wonder Girl both. God damn. They're my mommies guys along with Artemis.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

Look at Wondergirl. So fine and funny. She has my heart rn.

Young Justice S2 Ep1
Young Justice S2 Ep1

The way Nightwing nodded. I'm sat.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

Connor's facial expressions 😭. I can't.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

Him 😩. Also, Robin's smile is so cute.

Young Justice S2 Ep1

Also, so Robin's real name is Tim smth? Cause Nightwing said his name "Tim" but in S1 in that episode of the circus one, the owner of the circus called Robin Dick Grayson so I'm confused.

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11 months ago

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 2

The fact that Connor said that he knew about Megan's true form since he was in her mind had me. Like no way u knew about this and waited for her to tell u and the team in person. But that's true love tho. I'm jealous.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 2

OMG I screamed when Red Arrow placed that weird thingy on Batman. That's when I realized he was the mole. But I felt so betrayed. Like how was he the mole?

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 2

Naaah but then an even bigger plot twist happened. HE DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW HE WAS THE MOLE! LIKE HOW TF DID HE NOT KNOW?! Nah but his facial expressions made me feel bad for him cause he genuinely seemed sad and confused once he realized.

Young Justice S1 Ep25 Part 2

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10 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

Artemis was so hot for sensing the bad guy behind her with a knife. She really said to Nightwing "I can handle myself". 😭

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2


Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

And the fact that only Nightwing was there to help her. I kept thinking about Wally and how he'd get so mad at Nightwing and end up hurting him. I also thought he'd hunt down Aqualad so he could kill him himself.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2
Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2
Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

I knew the kid who took a selfie with Artemis was Nightwing. It just made sense. Nah but he was talking to himself and said smth like "we're gonna laugh about this in the future." Then I knew. I knew she was alive.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

Whilst waiting for Wally, Aqualad showed up and I got so confused. Like y is he here? But me being smart, they explained how he wasn't the bad guy and was actually undercover the whole time. I KNEW IT. I literally wrote in another review about how I thought he was just pretending to be the bad guy so he could get close to his dad and that was the plan. I'M ACTUALLY SO SMART GUYS.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

My girl's alive. I knew they wouldn't just kill her off like that. Thank fuck Aqualad was the good guy the whole time.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

I loved the flashbacks. The way Aqualad changed the shape of his water sword and didn't stab her for real was so cool.

I love whenever the show shows flashbacks cause it just shocks the viewers. Shocks me.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2
Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 2

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