(This used to be an ask blog but now I just use it for general tumblr, might rearrange it soon) The one and only. Asks are always open! (Instagram ~ full.moon.chaser)
322 posts
Are You Best Friends With Sarah Jessica Parker?
Are you best friends with Sarah Jessica Parker?

More Posts from Old-ask-jean-horseface
What is it Jean?

I’ve been asking myself that for years
Uhh.. Admin of Jean.. Why did you use the word fetus..?

((Oh! I meant it as like “baby” or “younger”, because that was a picture from when I was a lot younger. Sorry, my friends and I use that word like that a lot))
(Look up bertholdts sleeping position and you'll see him sleeping in different poses)

He’s cute for sure, but I still don’t trust him........but very cute......
Do Ya Ever Go To Conventions With Other SnK Cosplayers? If So Who Had The Best Cosplay, Beside You Of Course ;)

((Everyone has lovely cosplays, no one person is better than another. And I’m actually hoping to go to Anime Boston this year with a group including @thecaptaincleanfreak and @jaegerrrrbombtas-dick , if they’ll have me as their Jean (ง ˙o˙)ว))
Marry Fuck Kill: Reiner, Bert, and Annie.

Kill all of them. If I had to choose, I’d say Marry Bert, Fuck Reiner, and Kill Annie