(This used to be an ask blog but now I just use it for general tumblr, might rearrange it soon) The one and only. Asks are always open! (Instagram ~ full.moon.chaser)

322 posts

Are You Best Friends With Sarah Jessica Parker?

Are you best friends with Sarah Jessica Parker?

Are You Best Friends With Sarah Jessica Parker?


More Posts from Old-ask-jean-horseface

Uhh.. Admin of Jean.. Why did you use the word fetus..?

Uhh.. Admin Of Jean.. Why Did You Use The Word Fetus..?

((Oh! I meant it as like “baby” or “younger”, because that was a picture from when I was a lot younger. Sorry, my friends and I use that word like that a lot))

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Do Ya Ever Go To Conventions With Other SnK Cosplayers? If So Who Had The Best Cosplay, Beside You Of Course ;)

Do Ya Ever Go To Conventions With Other SnK Cosplayers? If So Who Had The Best Cosplay, Beside You Of

((Everyone has lovely cosplays, no one person is better than another. And I’m actually hoping to go to Anime Boston this year with a group including @thecaptaincleanfreak and @jaegerrrrbombtas-dick , if they’ll have me as their Jean (ง ˙o˙)ว))

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