(This used to be an ask blog but now I just use it for general tumblr, might rearrange it soon) The one and only. Asks are always open! (Instagram ~ full.moon.chaser)
322 posts
Yeah Levi Dose Have A Sweet Ass But I Think Your Ass Is Sweeter To Fuck
Yeah Levi dose have a sweet ass but I think your ass is sweeter to fuck

Excuse you, this is a family-friendly blog, please refrain from dirty talk. ALSO you have no idea what flavor my ass is, nor what it is like to fuck it. That being said, yes, you are correct.
in-most-fandoms liked this · 7 years ago
levi350-blog liked this · 7 years ago
lisylawliet liked this · 7 years ago
More Posts from Old-ask-jean-horseface
C'mon Eren was a complete asshole. He nearly died from saving Armin

He was an asshole to ME when he first joined. I don’t hate him anymore, now that I know him better.
I still didn't get the point why Marco fainted after the supply room plan went well

Because he saw me ;)
(Look up bertholdts sleeping position and you'll see him sleeping in different poses)

He’s cute for sure, but I still don’t trust him........but very cute......
Marry Fuck Kill: Reiner, Bert, and Annie.

Kill all of them. If I had to choose, I’d say Marry Bert, Fuck Reiner, and Kill Annie
Yep, hi, Jordan here again to share this real quick. It isn’t the best thing I’ve ever done BY FAR and it was really just me goofing off, but this is a dance that I’ve been practicing for a little while and I thought it would be fun to do it in this cos. Also Keith 100% canon no questions asked listens to Kpop and no one can convince me otherwise. So yeah, this was just for fun, and I hope you enjoy <3 (Dancer!Keith Kogane cosplay based off Shut Up and Dance With Me by Wittyy and Sora @shutup-and-dance-with-me <333) (Find me on Instagram and YouTube)