Female Aussie, Likes: Doctor Who, The New Avengers (Steed, Purdey & Gambit), Aussie Comedians, Terry Practhett, Muppets, Musicals, Shows from the 60's and 70's. Film, Photography, Crochet, Drawing, Music. Likes to draw OTP - Barbara and Ian.
313 posts
Very Happy To Receive Today, My Own Sonic Screwdriver! My Brother's Very Belated Birthday Present To

Very happy to receive today, my own Sonic Screwdriver! My brother's very belated birthday present to me. *happy dance*
elden-12 liked this · 10 years ago
More Posts from Orangefiend1

So that's where Johnny got it from. http://rpgens.tumblr.com/miniscenario ^^^^^^^^ Go here to make more.

Someone is bugging the Doctor on today’s Doctor Kawaii!
Within the 5 minutes that Barbara talked to the First Elder Sensorite, he was so captivated by her to the point that he was almost waxing poetic when she left the room. Barbara seems have that effect on people whether on earth or in space. She's that awesome.
An adorable story with Barbara and Ian. Worth a read. Set post adventures.