Companions - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

I’ve got a headcanon where at the beginning of every Doctor Who episode, the theme plays somewhere in the TARDIS.

And whenever the companions hear it for the first time they’re like “Doctor what’s that” and he’s just like “I have no idea but it plays everytime something exciting is about to happen!”

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I actually yell this when I get sick and tired of them complaining.

‘’Piper disliked that.’’ ‘’MacCready disliked that.’’




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Yo, that last reblog needs to be written. Like NOW.

it is NOT easy being me, ive been playing stupid ass fallout 4 since it came out so like 4 years (and the previous fallouts since before that) and ive been AGONIZING through this last play through like why am i holding so much weight? i get rid of everything but my armor and weapons and essential quest items when i’m able am i really holding 90% of my weight capacity in that stuff alone what is going on?? and yeah only just now realized that while ammo doesn’t have weight projectiles do (like molotovs and grenades) and i was holding like 400 molotov cocktails. thanks for listening

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1 year ago


Gallifreyan, the last language of the Time Lords, able to burn stars and rise up empires and topple gods. But it was never just that. It's the first language he ever spoke, the language of his childhood, the language he taught his children and granddaughter. It's the language that brings him home. But his home is long gone and when Gallifrey fell, the language was lost with it.

What had meant family became the reminder of his loneliness. But he never stopped using it. He used it as a reminder of what he had lost, as a reminder not to let anyone else have to make the decision he made that day.

Gallifreyan means so much to the Doctor... And all the companions have sensed that at some point.

Rose used to stare at Nine writing on sticky notes, delicate tracings of all she didn't know about him, perfect circles and lines that fascinated her. She never dared to ask, though. When Jack joined them, not knowing the Doctor was the last of his kind, he had no problem doing it.

"What are you writing?" He asked peering over his shoulder. "Oh, Doctor, do you have a secret code you use to look enigmatic?" Smiling as he said it. "Is it even a real language or are you just using it to impress us?" It had just been their normal banter, he hadn't meant to hurt him.

The Doctor had turned serious for a moment, trying to make clear that Gallifreyan wasn't banter material-

"It's the language of my people." He answered simply. "Now," he added, a smile on his face and changing his tone completely while pressing buttons in the TARDIS controls, "who wants to go to the beach?"

Jack was confused, wanting to ask, but Rose took his arm, signaling for him to let it go.

"You're finally taking me somewhere I can get a proper tan." Rose said smiling to the Doctor, letting go of Jack's arm.

Jack understood Rose and went back to his normal harmless quips.

"Only if he's able to land the TARDIS in a real beach without an emergency crisis going on this time."

The Doctor had seen the interaction between Jack and Rose and he silently thanked her for it. He decided at that moment that if Rose ever asked, he would answer. The image of him teaching her how to read Gallifreyan even crossed his mind for a brief second.

"Oh, Jack, I'm going to land this TARDIS in the most beautiful beach you've ever seen.

And he did.

They never talked again about Gallifreyan with the Doctor, but the beauty of the circles always Intrigued them. They used to joke about what they thought was written on the sticky notes when Doctor wasn't there and that led to them trying to figure out how to read it, which circles where words and which ones where letters, failing every time to decipher it.

Rose understood it when she was Bad Wolf but it all faded away too quickly for her to remember it afterwards. Then, Jack was left behind and Rose stopped trying to figure it out. Ten would have taught her, but she never asked. Tentoo taught her without her needing to say anything.

Jack never stopped trying to understand it. Using the Torchwood files they had about Gallifreyan just like Martha used UNIT's. Working together and knowing what some of the messages said they made some progress at recognizing patterns but not enough to translate other messages.

Donna didn't give Gallifreyan a long thought while she was travelling with the Doctor. Just a Martian language. Sometimes Wilfred finds her doodling perfectly organized circles and lines when she is distracted. He hates not being able to tell her about the Doctor when she gets angry at herself after realizing she is doodling nonsense again.

When Ten met River she told him his name in perfect Gallifreyan. He thought he should have had to really love and trust her not only to tell her his name but to teach her Gallifreyan to the point of speaking it daily, judging by the accent. What he didn't know was that River had born with the ability to talk Gallifreyan, she was, after all, the daughter of the TARDIS.

Jack and River came across each other a couple of times, forming a close friendship over the years. Their love for the Doctor made them create a special bond. At that point Jack had lost all hope in learning Gallifreyan; his adventures with the Doctor had happened centuries ago and understanding sticky notes around the TARDIS had no sense anymore. He had given up the thought of travelling with him again. When River offered to teach him anyway his face lit up with a smile.

Eleven hid his past inside himself, so when the TARDIS redecorated he made sure not to have Gallifreyan anywhere visible. Amy learnt about it when River used it to contact the Doctor but she was more interested in the adventure so she never thought to ask. That's what Eleven loved about her. (Because Army didn't ask, neither did Rory.)

When they got trapped by the angels in Manhattan, Amy's way to cope with loosing the Doctor was listening to the stories her daughter told her. She started to get interested in the little things she hadn't been able to appreciate with the adrenaline of the moment, trying to hold on to anything that reminded her of that moment of her life. When River understood it, she taught Amy to read and write Gallifreyan. Soon, the Pond's house started filling with messages: reminders and recipes written in a language only Amy, Rory and their two children could understand and a letter from Amy for only her Raggedy Man to read once he was ready.

When Eleven met Clara he fell for her, every time. He redecorated the TARDIS for her to ask about Gallifreyan, ready to share that part of his life with her. Clara was like Amy, though, always invested in the adventure, slowly falling for the Doctor. But when he changed, she changed too. Twelve eventually accepted Clara was never going to ask, so he started to write in English in the blackboards of the TARDIS for her to understand what he wrote but still leaving the Gallifreyan in the console's decoration. He adapted to her but he quietly hopped she would do the same one day.

Clara was forced to learn Gallifreyan in order to fly the TARDIS. Me taught her. She had learnt it many years before from her old friend, the Face of Boe.

The first time River spoke Gallifreyan in front of the Doctor was during their night in Darillium. She called him anidiot. She had gotten used to insulting people in Gallifreyan and switching languages was an instinct. River saw the Doctor cry for the first time that day. She hugged him in the floor while the Doctor told her about his kids and his marvelous granddaughter, all in the language of his people. At that moment she had thought that she had reminded him of everyone he had lost when she spoke Gallifreyan. Now, however, she understands the Doctor was thinking about how he was going to lose the only person he had left with whom he could speak it.

When the Doctor let Missy into the TARDIS with Bill, she made a comment about him having the names of his companions as decoration in the console. It took the Doctor a second to realize that Missy understood Gallifreyan, he had been guarding the vault for years and he had never spoken to Missy in their native language.

"We don't speak Gallifreyan." The Doctor mentioned once they were alone in the vault.

"Always so observant, Doctor" Missy rolled her eyes.

The only time he spoke Gallifreyan with Missy was when he was trying to convince her and the Master to stay and fight with him against the cybermen. The next time they saw each other, O spoke in Gallifreyan ("I did say the spy... master."), Thirteen didn't give him the privilege of answering in Gallifreyan.

In the year 2023 a giant graffiti of circles appears in London. It says "You are not alone". Yaz wrote it. She doesn't know Gallifreyan but she asked Jack to translate that sentence after one of her Companions Meetings.

The Doctor knows about the graffiti but she doesn't know who wrote it. She doesn't know that almost all her companions know Gallifreyan. She thinks it's something from her future, not realizing she has already Inspired so many people, not realizing that her companions can sense how much Gallifreyan means to her. Not realizing that Gallifreyan is their love language.

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9 years ago

Fallout 4 tip #2

Take all of your companions. Send them to Warwick. Then from Warwick, send them to Red Rocket or Sanctuary. Walk with them. It becomes the best road trip ever.

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11 years ago

Sherlock you should be with John not with me

You Are Never Alone With A Good Book. This Charming Campaign Is From Grey Tel Aviv. Via Taxi
You Are Never Alone With A Good Book. This Charming Campaign Is From Grey Tel Aviv. Via Taxi
You Are Never Alone With A Good Book. This Charming Campaign Is From Grey Tel Aviv. Via Taxi

You are never alone with a good book. This charming campaign is from Grey Tel Aviv. Via Taxi 

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11 years ago
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions
Doctor Whos Quinquagenary Companions

Doctor Who’s Quinquagenary → Companions

“You will have realized, of course, that you’re not the only human who has traveled with me in the TARDIS. The Time Lords have often wondered why I bothered. After all, we are capable of living for thousands of years; you can barely reach a hundred. And they came up with a theory. They thought you were all memento mori. Reminders of death. Quite common things really. On Medieval Earth, courtiers would often keep skulls on their mantelpiece. No matter how powerful you were, death was inevitable. You still had to remember your mortality. Time Lords need to remember all the more. I denied that was the reason of course, and as you said, friendship, companionship. But over the years, over my many lifetimes, as my friends all left me one by one, I began to wonder that they really might have had a point after all.” -Eighth Doctor, Scherzo

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10 years ago

Dionysus was rarely without his thiasus in his travels. Below is a summary of those who traveled with him across the world. Family members and lovers will be discussed in other posts, so these are his followers and friends.

Hoofed Revelers

Silenus, the spirit of the wine press and dance,...

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There’s so much gorgeous fanart on this site. I really need to reblog more of it. 

This is one of those fan artists from whom I have many works saved in my personal obsession folder and whom I’m super excited to have found and followed since making my tumblr. 

Also, I love the idea of the Doctor going around and giving his companions Christmas presents :) Perhaps it all started with that red bicycle he took back to Rose when she was 12; perhaps it’s been going on much longer, because it’s fun to imagine with the classic companions as well--the Doctor dropping by Gallifrey and reluctantly leaving Leela a nice new knife, or more likely a yo-yo, and the like. (I’ve just started watching Leela’s run in the classic series and I think she’s on my top 10 list of companions, if I could possibly make such a thing.)

I love how even the ‘round thingies’ are red and green and how the lights are around the big branchy bits as if that’s the tree. It’s really just such a gorgeous art style, and I love seeing what the Doctor’s up to in his holiday downtime :) 

I Humbly Beg Forgiveness For The Lateness Of This. I Had No Idea When I Signed Up For The @dwsecretsanta

I humbly beg forgiveness for the lateness of this. I had no idea when I signed up for the @dwsecretsanta gift exchange that a month later I would be offered a shiny new job that would swallow all my time. I am so very sorry about that.

This is for @nightfellart , a very TARDIS Christmas with Ten, enjoying a mug of creamy cocoa, en route to deliver gifts to his companions in time and space. I hope you had a very nice holiday this year!

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Merry Christmas from the Christmas Wilf :) 

Also remember the other day when I said Leela was on my top 10 companions list? Wilf is definitely on the list as well. (Actually, who am I kidding, there’s no way I could actually pin it down to a top 10 list. But Wilf is still one of my favorite companions.) 

Aint No Party Like A Wilfred Mott Christmas Party
Aint No Party Like A Wilfred Mott Christmas Party
Aint No Party Like A Wilfred Mott Christmas Party
Aint No Party Like A Wilfred Mott Christmas Party

ain’t no party like a wilfred mott christmas party

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12 years ago

A mad man and his box

Wibble-y Wobble-y

Last of the Timelords would

Sometimes get lonely on

Long TARDIS trips.

So his solution was:

Charm a companion with


Jargon and quips

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10 years ago
Instead Of This Aimless Drifting In Space. Art Inspired By Fanfic Of The Same Name Written By Unwillingadventurer.

Instead of this aimless drifting in space. Art inspired by fanfic of the same name written by unwillingadventurer. I think unwillingadventurer writes true to the characters, and visualising their stories is so easy. Look for their awesome fanfics here:

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10 years ago
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.
Lovely Companions (In No Particular Order) Part 1.

Lovely companions (In no particular order) part 1.

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10 years ago
Vicki And Barbara Relax In The Villa - The Romans

Vicki and Barbara relax in the Villa - The Romans

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10 years ago

An adorable story with Barbara and Ian. Worth a read. Set post adventures.

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10 years ago

Just read a post that annoyed me, so in response I am reblogging this in silent protest. Because Vicki is awesome.

orangefiend1 - Maturity Happens To Other People, Mine Hides.

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9 years ago
Down By The Seaside I Definitely Think What Ian's Wearing Suits Him, Still Not To Sure On The Colour

Down by the seaside I definitely think what Ian's wearing suits him, still not to sure on the colour scheme I picked for Barbara.

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8 years ago
Ian "helps" To Wash The Windows. I Think Barbara Will Forgive Him This Time.
Ian "helps" To Wash The Windows. I Think Barbara Will Forgive Him This Time.

Ian "helps" to wash the Windows. I think Barbara will forgive him this time.

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6 years ago
Some Glasses Gays Also Known As Logicality. Made For An Art Trade With @everything-is-rainbows Which
Some Glasses Gays Also Known As Logicality. Made For An Art Trade With @everything-is-rainbows Which

Some glasses 👓 Gays also known as Logicality. Made for an art trade with @everything-is-rainbows which you should absolutely follow cause their art is flippin amazing.

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