othyrbot - Just some guy
Just some guy

🥲 book📚keeper 🐸 i will curse your boyfriend | 20 | They/He

734 posts

Soulmate Type AU

Soulmate type AU

A world where everyone has a tattoo on their body and when they meet someone who will be important to them (and by 'important to them' I don't just mean friends and family. I mean rivals and enemies and begrudging allies who will be huge parts of their story), that person's tattoo appears on their body. Certain parts of the body represent the roles the person is going to play in your life. Like, if their tattoo is over your heart you'll be lovers, if it's around your wrists/neck they'll be someone with power over you, if it's on the bottom of your foot you'll be enemies, if it's on your heel they'll be a weakness to you, etc. Also, the tattoos are representative of a person's personality. One of my characters is a hothead who'd die to protect the people she loves and takes on a warrior type role, so she'd have a huge phoenix emblazoned across her shoulder blades.

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More Posts from Othyrbot

4 years ago

- you’re a big content creator in a few of my favorite fandoms and I make a point to follow your blogs because I think you’re pretty cool and holy shit you just fucking followed me and why and how and oh my god, could we be mutuals? Yes?? Really???

- So we’ve been chatting on and off for a couple months but recently we’ve been talking like... all the time and... well, you are in my city. And... I have been wanting to meet you. And... well, honestly what could it hurt? Wanna get bubble tea next tuesday?

- I’ve been struggling with my weight for quite a while and it’s really starting to mess with me so I decided to hire a personal trainer and holy shit? You keep giving me all these sweet little compliments and encouraging me and I never realized a person could make me feel so good about myself? 

- It turns out that moving cross country is like hard(??) and I also know that we don’t like know each other know each other but none of my other friends live in new york and you’ve got a really nice truck and won’t this be a nice way for us to bond? Don’t you wanna come and get to know me? Just a little bit?? Please??? (I’d pay for a moving company but I’m broke as hell)

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5 years ago

The 5 Stages of Grief-- I Mean of Plotting a Book

(And a masterlist of blog posts that help along the way)

All plotting styles are different and these are just the 5 stages that I go through and think are most common.

I will be updating this with links as new posts are published, so bookmark this post if you find it helpful!

1. That little idea

The little idea can come from literally anything. That’s the beautiful thing about a creative mind. The idea is also usually very, very tiny at first. It’s a character or a setting or a bare-bones plot or a prompt. But it’s an idea!

Prompts Masterpost Using an Image as Inspiration

2. A bigger idea!

This is where you flesh out the little idea. I braindump (i.e. writing down every little idea I have pertaining to the story, including plot points) during this time. This is also a good place to figure out the central idea/question/themes, and important characters.

The Ten Genres 50 Character Name Ideas OC Names of the Day #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 How to Make a Story File (w/ template)

3. Setting the stage

Now is the time to flesh out your worldbuilding, characters, arcs, and relationships.

How to Make a Story File (w/ template) When You Have a Large Cast of Characters The Anti-Villain: A Study in Motivation My Personal Character Files: The 6 Box Method (w/ template) Some Worldbuilding Categories ½ Some Worldbuilding Categories 2/2 Worldbuilding in Detail Vol. I: Flora and Fauna Worldbuilding in Detail Vol. II: Religion 7 Worldbuilding Tips Little Quirks and Habits for Your OC Words to Describe Dress of a Character (Semi) Master List of Character Motivations

4. The Worst Puzzle Known to Man

Now you’ve got to start arranging the plot points you have into a cohesive-ish order. I find this is also the time I get tired or bored of my story, so I’ve included my post about beating writer’s block. Because, as we know, it can happen well before you even start writing. 

Tips of Writer’s Block 5 Better Ways to End Your Story Raising Stakes

5. 5 Seconds to Launch

A working outline should be ready for you to work from now. You’ve ordered the plot points, filled in the gaps, your characters and their relationships are ready to go. While I have a “working title” from the get-go, this is when I settle on the final title.

5 Ways to Find Your Novel Title Gillian Flynn: A Closer Look at Two-Word Titling Some Titling Formats and Examples

Reminder: I will be updating this with links as new posts are published, so bookmark this post if you find it helpful! Please let me know if any links are incorrect!

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3 years ago

Diversity win! The unknowable eldritch deity slowly driving you and your fellow students mad uses neopronouns!

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6 years ago

Which oc wakes up at 3 in the morning with a burning need to bake cookies? (Bonus points if you can say who wakes up twenty minutes later to the smell of burning and forces them to stop)

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