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2 years ago

A DO. RA. BLE. 😍😍😍



Pass the Sleep

Title: Pass the Sleep

Fandom: Irondad

Word Count: 677

A/N: brought to you by the fact that I need to use the sleep, and also prompt #78 from @irondadmadlads, and also @comfortember prompts: exhaustion & pass out 

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1 year ago


I am curious as to what we tell ppl when they inquire about our writing endeavors?

do you blatantly admit to the 200k-word filthy, vile, collection of smut about a celebrity obsession?

do you casually work into conversation how you write dark fantasy with characters of questionable morals?

or even w/ romance, do you boast over your cheesy, cliche stories even though your own life is loveless and far from fantastical?


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1 year ago

promt for merthur, merlin schedules a hunting trip but it's really a miny vacation in a farm house where they play pretend and relax from all the responsabilities

I forgot to clarify that I don't really write slash, sorry!

I hope you still like it what I did with the prompt, though : )


“You kidnapped me.”

Between whatever Merlin had slipped into his wine and the jostling of the farmer’s cart Merlin had probably stolen, Arthur was finding it very hard to think, but he was awake enough to know that this was not the hunting trip he had been on the previous evening.

Merlin was a blasted traitor.

“It’s for your own good,” Merlin said. “You need a break.”

“You kidnapped me. I’m the king. I just can’t leave Camelot!” There were missives to have Merlin write, speeches for Merlin to edit, and chores for Merlin to do.

“I asked Gwen. She said she would take care of running things until we got back. In fact, she’d probably do a better job at it.”

“Excuse me?”

Merlin lightly snapped the reins, and the horse picked up its pace. “We’ll be there in a few hours. Just try to relax until then.”

“I resent this entire operation.”

“You’ll get over it,” Merlin told him cheerfully as though that made everything better. 

Arthur crossed his arms. He would not get over it. He wasn’t going to speak a word until Merlin took him back to Camelot. And then he wasn’t going to speak to Gwen for apparently being in on this entire coup.

Traitors, the lot of them.

They did not arrive at their destination a few hours later because Merlin got lost. Instead, they arrived in the middle of the night.

Somewhere off in the distance, Arthur heard a cow mooing, but it was probably just his imagination.

He hoped.

It appeared to be a worn cabin with grass in place of a proper roof. In the corner was an old iron stove in which Merlin lit a fire and tried to cook something that was probably originally meant to be a cake but ended up looking like

Well, Arthur wasn’t going to go there.

It tasted fine, though, but he also wasn’t going to admit that to Merlin. “This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever had,” he informed his manservant as he tore off a piece with his fingers.

“Oh, really? I wouldn’t know. It was all gone before I could get to it.” 

“I saved you from a horrible fate.”

Merlin snorted.

After his last slice, Arthur was feeling rather tired. While Merlin went back outside to retrieve a blanket from the farmer’s cart, he found a cot in the corner and collapsed into it. Despite having been traveling all day, he was exhausted. 

Briefly, he was aware of Merlin gently draping a blanket over him before he dropped off.

The next morning, Arthur woke to a demonic noise in his ear.

Wildly confused, he shot up and looked around.

This was not his castle.

Everything - the cart ride, the cake, Merlin’s insubordination - came flooding back to him.

“Good morning!” Merlin removed a pot from the stove. “The coffee is all ready.”

“What was that?” Arthur demanded. “Are we under attack?”

“Nope. That was Uther the rooster.”

“You named a rooster after my father?”

“Why not?”

Arthur thought about it, couldn’t think of a good enough reason not to name such a hellish beast after his father, and got up to get a mug of coffee. “Where are we, anyway?” he asked as he took a seat at the sole table in the room. “It was too dark last night.”

“My mother’s farm in Ealdor. She wanted to visit a friend in another village for a week, so I told her we would take care of the animals until she came back.”

That was a very uncomfortable we. Horses and dogs, Arthur could deal with - other animals (if they were dead) sometimes, too.

Whatever was on the other side of the cabin wall, however

He’d rather not think about it.

“I already milked the cows,” Merlin said. “They get upset if you don’t do it at the same time every day. But you can help me get the eggs from the chickens.”

Arthur coughed.

If this was Merlin’s idea of a vacation, he was sorely mistaken.

Arthur wasn’t setting foot near that chicken coop.

“She pecked me!” 

“What did you expect? You’re stealing her eggs.”

“That’s what you told me to do! Why don’t you do this?” Arthur yelled.

“You want to switch places and hold Uther back yourself?”

At his name, the rooster tried to flap his wings and murder Merlin at the same time, sending feathers flying across the coop.

By the time they were finished gathering the eggs, Arthur’s arm was covered in red wells from furious chickens, and somehow it hurt worse than if he had been stabbed by a barbarian.

“I hate them,” he seethed. “I hate their beady little eyes and their talons-”

“Here.” Merlin plunked a pail down in front of him.

Arthur eyed it suspiciously. “What’s this for? You don’t have chickens hiding somewhere else, do you?”

“No. We’re going hunting.”

At the word hunting, Arthur perked up. He knew how to hunt. And he was infinitely more skilled at it than collecting eggs.

“Berry hunting,” Merlin clarified at the expression on his face. “There’s a good berry patch about a mile south of the fields.”

Arthur frowned. “I’ve
I’ve never been hunting for
berries.” Naturally, he could tell the difference between poisonous and edible ones, but it was usually in a survival situation. Not purposefully trapezing around looking for them.

“Don’t worry,” Merlin said. “This is going to be fun.”

Five hours later, Arthur collapsed in one of the chairs back at the cabin.

He couldn’t tell if his fingers were stained from blood from thorns or berry juice. 

If anything, he was more tired than when he had first arrived at Hunith’s farm, but it was the same lassitude he felt after a long day of training with the knights or a hard-won quest.

Perhaps farming wasn’t as bad as it initially seemed. He could see himself as a farmer, growing plants instead of diplomatic relations, fighting chickens instead of Saxons, and picking berries instead of picking battles with the nobles.

It wasn’t a bad life at all.

Merlin had been rather thoughtful to drag him out there with him when he simply could have taken a few days off.

Contented, Arthur leaned back in his chair and sighed.

Not a bad life at all. 

By the two, two buckets of berries sat.

Despite the humongous number of berries that had been picked that afternoon, neither were full.

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4 years ago

- you’re a big content creator in a few of my favorite fandoms and I make a point to follow your blogs because I think you’re pretty cool and holy shit you just fucking followed me and why and how and oh my god, could we be mutuals? Yes?? Really???

- So we’ve been chatting on and off for a couple months but recently we’ve been talking like... all the time and... well, you are in my city. And... I have been wanting to meet you. And... well, honestly what could it hurt? Wanna get bubble tea next tuesday?

- I’ve been struggling with my weight for quite a while and it’s really starting to mess with me so I decided to hire a personal trainer and holy shit? You keep giving me all these sweet little compliments and encouraging me and I never realized a person could make me feel so good about myself? 

- It turns out that moving cross country is like hard(??) and I also know that we don’t like know each other know each other but none of my other friends live in new york and you’ve got a really nice truck and won’t this be a nice way for us to bond? Don’t you wanna come and get to know me? Just a little bit?? Please??? (I’d pay for a moving company but I’m broke as hell)

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7 months ago

Curiosity... the Dog?

As promised, I've got two updates for you guys! Here's the first one!




Huge shoutiut to @ladydanitar for helping me edit this artwork! She's an awesome editor (yall should check out her ko-fi)

Curiosity... The Dog?


Sesshomaru watched as the Miko quietly walked away from the campsite. Pain and depression radiated from her aura, causing Sesshomarus instincts to be on edge.

It was unnatural, the dynamics of their pack. Unlike what would be expected, the Miko herself presented as the alpha rather than a son of the greatest alpha to ever live, as one would expect.

And the disrespect she suffered at the hands of her first packmate as an alpha was unheard of. It made him wonder if she even understood her position as leader of the group.

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6 months ago

Fix It...

~A Possible Future Fic.~

Favored quote "I can/will fix that/it"

Plot: Sesshomaru makes it his mission to fix what is broken.

Feel free to use the prompts for your own story ... Title & plot are mine 😘


*this is just a little note for myself*



Hair brush

School uniform



Good Mood


Holiday (of your choice)






Motherly love




Fix It...
Fix It...

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6 months ago

The Color of his Heart

Coming Winter 2024

Traveling with Sesshomaru was... Different. Everything Kagome thought she knew about the great and terrible Western Lord was quickly proving to be incorrect. As the months go by, Kagome learns that not everything is Black & White


"Show me."

"I cant!" His eyebrow rose and though he kept his gaze impassive, his thoughts raced. Rin had been with him for nearly five winters and had never once defied him. Why now did his ward choose to hide things from him? Surely she understood disobedience was unbecoming of a young lady.

A young lady...

It hit him then, Rin was very much a young lady. He guessed she was nearing her tenth year of life and he understood what must have happened.

Now that he had an idea of what the problem was, he was racking his brain trying to figure out what to do about it. Lothe as he was to admit being ignorant on any subject, the topic of human reproductive cycles was one in which he had no knowledge.

Aside from Rin, he had never associated with a human on a regular basis before. So his options for dealing with this situation were limited. But, one face stood out in his mind... his half brothers miko.

The Color Of His Heart

*I'm planning on it being a 31 chapter story with daily updates for 1 month*

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6 months ago

I Can Fix It...

Coming Autumn 2024

This will be a short story (18-20 chapters) focusing on prompts from a Facebook group I was part of until recently.

Description: Sesshomaru makes it his mission to fix what is broken.

I Can Fix It...

Art edited by the amazing @ladydanitar

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3 years ago

Like The Back of My Hand.

a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.

( @ apolloswords )

feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!

Jens visits Lucas and his newly broken hand, even if it means playing a game of risks and rewards.

When Jens had finally climbed through the window of Lucas’ bedroom, he tried his best to stifle his laugh. But even as hard as he bit his lip, his face broke into a smile and Lucas stayed there, sat on his bed as he looked at him- clearly very unamused.

“Don’t laugh.” He frowned, which only made Jens let out a little chuckle.

Walking over to his bed, he threw his body down on it and greeted his friend with a bright smile. Lucas only wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brows at him, knowing Jens was very intrigued by the entire situation.

“I’m not laughing.” He finally said, even though a little chuckle did escape him.

“Yes you are.” Lucas pouted before flopping his back down on his pillows.

Leaning up a bit, Jens poked at the cast on Lucas’ arm teasingly. “I’m not laughing.” He said again, even though his lips were turned up into a wide smirk.

“Yes you are.” Lucas groaned as he dramatically covered his face with a pillow. “You like seeing me in pain.”

“I thought you weren’t in pain anymore? That’s why they released you from the hospital.”

He shook his head. “There’s still some pain. More than last time I broke it.”

Getting up from his bed, Jens gestured around his room. “Where’s your pain medications?”

“The only drug I need is you baby.” Lucas replied with a weary smile on his face and Jens felt his heart skip a beat. He didn’t need his best friend to suspect his rather unrequited crush.

Trying to ignore the way his body warmed up to the term, “baby”, Jens hoped the warm flush on his face from a slight blush wouldn’t give him away. Putting a hand to his heart as he tilted his head back, he sighed dramatically. “That’s sweet of you. But where are your medications?”

“Top row of my bookshelf.” He heard Lucas mumble.

Without even needing to tiptoe, Jens grabbed the small bottle of pills and tossed it to him. He should’ve thought it through first, since Lucas only really had one working hand. Instead of catching it like he had intended, it fell on Lucas’ lap. Staring blankly at Jens, he realized there was a low chance he could open up the bottle with only one hand.

Trying not to think about his hand brushing against Lucas’ thigh, Jens diverted eye contact as he tried to quickly pick up the bottle from his lap. He didn’t think Lucas felt rather awkward with the whole thing, since they were just friends.

Popping the cap open, Jens gave Lucas a small pill and he popped it in his mouth before leaning over on his desk to take a sip of water. Jens gently flopped down on the bed again, this time, beside Lucas as he made himself comfortable against the abundance of pillows.

“How’d you break your hand anyway?” He asked. “What’s your excuse this time?”

Laughing, he shook his head, recalling the incident. “Something stupid.” Lucas shrugged as he let out a light chuckle. “Same thing as last time. Got on a skateboard and tried to do a trick under Jayden’s supervision.”

Snorting, Jens shook his head. “Well that’s the last time you do anything under Jayden’s supervision.”

“Yep, at least for a long time.” Looking at Jens, he raised a brow. “You want to do me a favour?”

“Sure. Anything.”

“Would you paint my nails for me?”

Smiling at Lucas’ shyness, he rolled his eyes playfully. “You know I can barley even write my name neatly.”

“Please?” Lucas sweetly asked, even pouting his lip for dramatics.

After all, it wasn’t like he could do much with a broken hand.

Rolling his eyes again, Jens sighed but couldn’t cover the smile growing on his face. “Okay fine,” He said, giving in. “What colour would you like?”


Biting his tongue, Jens tried his hardest to paint the last coat on Lucas’ nails. He had switched positions now, moving away from his stretched out position on the pillows beside Lucas to sitting with his legs crossed in front of him. The bright pink polish on his nails seemed to liven up the room against the darkness of the rain from outside, gently tapping on the windowsill. It was a good thing he had came earlier, or else climbing though the window on the slippery rooftop would probably result in him breaking his own arm.

Lucas’ hand, the one without a cast, was delicate in his. Long slender fingers decorated with rings, sometimes very detailed extravagant ones or a simple silver band that he liked to twist and play with when he felt fidgety. Lucas always had pretty hands, Jens realized. And when he started wearing nail polish on them, he realized they were even prettier.

Even though it wasn’t like he was actually holding Lucas hand, Jens thought about the way it felt against his own. Soft, smooth and dainty, like they were paintbrushes that sat in the sun, waiting to be picked up to create art. Jens’ fingers were mostly calloused after long hours on the guitar. He sometimes wondered if Lucas ever felt the details of his hand against his own, wondering how it felt to just freely place his hand in his whenever he wanted. Jens would like that. Seeing his fingers intertwined with rings and nail polish, it was like holding a piece of art in the palm of his hand.

“What were you doing yesterday?” Lucas asked, as Jens capped the bottle of polish, pushing away his thoughts towards the back of his head.

Pretending to act dumb, Jens shrugged. “Nothing. What do you mean?”

“Well you avoided coming to the skatepark with me and Jayden in the first place. And then you didn’t answer the phone the entire time I was in the emergency room.” He explained, studying the way he seemed so hesitant to answer. “So where were you?”

Looking away, Jens let out a puff of air to buy him some time. He wasn’t a bad liar by any means, but it was always much harder for him to lie to Lucas. Sometimes he thought that Lucas knew him better than he did, which is why he was so paranoid his feelings for him would eventually be exposed. Lucas knew him like he was the back of his hand.

Still not taking his eyes off of him, Jens huffed. “Fine, you win. I had a date.”

“You had a date?” Lucas exclaimed. He couldn’t mistake the way his heart panged. The rather excited reaction he got definitely confirmed Lucas could care less about who Jens got involved with, meaning he most likely, most definitely did not have feelings for him.

“Yeah, I had a date.” He repeated. Playing with the bottle of polish in his hands, he avoided Lucas’ curious eyes. “We were just at some cafe.”

“Oh really? Well how’d it go?”

“Okay I guess.” Shrugging, he lifted his head up. “I mean it wasn’t the worst date.”

“But?” Lucas moved his arms a bit, gesturing for Jens to continue.

“It was really fucking boring.” He admitted. “Like, not because I was the only one making conversation but everything I had to listen to was just dreadful and I just didn’t care for.”

“Maybe you’re just a really bad date.”

Laughing, Jens teased him back. “Well you wouldn’t really know. You haven’t went on a date with me.”

Lucas smiled at himself while he didn’t give Jens a response. There was a hint of hope in his chest, something that made him think that maybe Lucas did have reciprocated feelings. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but he hoped the little smile on his face held the same secret the small smile on his own face held.

“So who was it?” Lucas finally asked, looking at Jens curiously.

He tried to search his eyes, for maybe just a glimpse of hurt of envy within their beautiful blue colour. It was the first thing he had noticed about Lucas upon meeting him as the new kid a few years ago, and it was the last thing he always made sure to look at before they ever parted ways.

“Jana had this friend who she wanted to set me up with.” He finally said. “Her name was like Maya or something.”

Snorting, Lucas looked at him teasingly. “Another friend of an ex? What? Is your type best friends or something?”

If only you knew. Jens thought to himself.

Clearing his throat, Jens scratched his jaw as he tried to think of some sort of response. Lucas squinted his eyes a bit, watching Jens suspiciously. He wasn’t sure why he was being looked at like this, like he was being studied, but rising up more questions might only make it more obvious that he was hiding something.

Before he could be the one to make a reply, Lucas brought his hands, well, hand and cast, up to his face. Jens knew this look. It was the look that signalled Lucas had an idea that just had to be executed. This idea could easily go i two ways.

One, a success. As crazy as the idea was, it would wound up actually working even at the very last second. Trusting the process was key here.

Or two, a horrible fail. Probably even worse than just a fail. There would be no coming back from this. It would probably only create a deeper hole than the one they started with and having to crawl out of it would be their own mission impossible.

Deciding just to bite the bullet and give in, Jens sighed. “What is it?”

“We make you an online dating profile.”

“We make me an online dating profile?” Jens gawked in disbelief.

“We make you an online dating profile.” Lucas repeated, the corners of his mouth lifting up into a mischievous grin.

“Why would I need one of those?”

“Well, there’s many dating apps and sites you could easily go on.” Lucas explained, making gestures with his hands. While it was a very Lucas trait, it did look kind of funny with the thick blue cast on his arm. “And then you could meet a bunch of people, talk to them and then set up some dates! They would be people you don’t know yet.”

But that was the thing. Jens didn’t need someone he didn’t know yet. The someone he wanted he already knew, like the back of his hand. And he was right in front of him, broken arm and all. He wished he could just risk it all. To admit to Lucas’ face that he was in love with him.

He knew he couldn’t. If he did, he knew an even bigger risk would follow. And that was loosing Lucas entirely. Jens would rather have Lucas for what they were now instead of having no Lucas at all.

“I don’t know.” He said, scratching the back of his neck as he hesitated. “That doesn’t really align with my morals.

“What morals?”

“Fair point.”

Rolling his eyes, Lucas placed a hand on top of Jens’, as he tried not to freeze up at the touch.

“Look,” He said softly. “I know people think dating apps mean you’ve hit a level of desperate, but that’s not true. A lot of people use dating apps.”

“Have you?”

“I have.” He admitted. “A long time ago, like when I was still in the closet and stuff.”

“How did it go?”

“Well I met some new people. People with the same hesitations and speculations I had. And some who felt like they would never make a connection finally did.”

“And what happened with all of that?”

He shrugged. “Not much. I only really used it because like I said, I was closeted. But then after I accepted who I was, I kind of deleted all of them.”

“Well then why should I get it?”

“To maybe broaden your horizons? So you don’t keep up with your track record of dating the best friend?” Lucas replied, in a matter-of-factly tone.

“You have a point.” He mumbled under his breath, not looking at Lucas. He didn’t need to see the smug look on his face, knowing he had won.

Digging into his back pocket, Jens pulled out his phone and handed it to Lucas. If it was any other time where Jens didn’t pity to boy and his cast, he would’ve tossed the phone and just pray Lucas had some athleticism to catch it.

Taking the phone form Jens, Lucas expertly unlocked it and began messing around on it. Jens wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but he could only guess he was downloading an abundance of dating apps and beginning to create profiles on them. He had to trust Lucas wouldn’t make a joke out of him and choose rather horrendous photos of him for the whole city to see.

But it didn’t really matter if he did. Jens didn’t have much interest or care to appeal to anyone else. He probably wouldn’t even open any of the apps unless he found himself awake at night hand procrastinating sleep. It wasn’t that he felt like he was above or better than online dating, he just had no desire to really commit to the whole bit. Lucas was probably just bored and needed some entertainment.

There was only so much he could do with a broken hand.

After a few more minutes, Lucas proudly held the phone up and waved it in Jens’ face.

“Check it out, I got it all set up for you.”

Taking the phone, Jens scrolled through the profile. Some of the photos were random selfies, while others were candid photos of him. It took him a bit, but he realized something similar within all the candid shots. They had been taken whenever he was with Lucas, even when Lucas wasn’t in the frame. There was one of him taken on a swing set, when Lucas had cracked up a joke and another take at the skatepark, when Jens had watched Lucas and Jayden try to pull off a competition. One photo even had Jens looking off towards someone beside him, as though he was listening intently to what they were saying. And he was. It was when their friend group had went out for breakfast and Lucas was rambling on about the night before.

He realized that the photos Lucas thought he looked best in, were all reactions and expressions he found himself doing whenever he was around. Jens wondered if Lucas had done this on purpose, or was simply clueless at the coincidence. It wasn’t like any of the photos had any evidence of Lucas being around anyway. Jens only knew they did because he held onto those fond memories.

“Jens? Are you okay?” Lucas asked, his voice soft and gentle.

Shaking his head, he scratched his chin as he thought up another excuse. Luckily, there seemed to be a notification right beside to messaging icon. He figured that would probably peak Lucas’ interest.

“Nothing.” He lied, before flipping the phone screen around to show Lucas. “I just got a message.”

“Oh my god let me see!” He exclaimed as he quickly grabbed the phone from Jens’ hand.

Panicking that Lucas was going to message the person back, Jens had to stop him before all hell broke loose. Without really thinking it through, he pushed his body forward and lunged forward to grab the phone.

Instead of successfully taking the phone back, Lucas had raised his hand up just as Jens thought he had it in his grasp. Due to the rather quick reflex, that Jens didn’t even know Lucas had, he felt himself fall and land on his chest.

Only, he didn’t just land on his own chest.

Right beneath him was Lucas’.

Luckily, not on the broken hand.

Their faces were dangerously close, only inches apart. Jens could make out the way Lucas’ eyes were becoming a mess of blue shades, some dark while others were bright. He didn’t look alarmed, but rather surprised at the sudden action Jens had taken. He gulped as Jens noticed how close their lips were. He could feel his mouth slightly open, lightly panting as he tried to catch his breath and calm down the adrenaline in his body and racing of his heart. Jens tried to focus on Lucas’s body, the way his chest tighten from underneath him, as if he was holding his breath.


Jens figured the idea in his head could go in two ways.

One, a success. As crazy as the idea was, it would wound up actually working even at the very last second. Trusting the process was key here.

Or two, a horrible fail. Probably even worse than just a fail. There would be no coming back from this. It would probably only create a deeper hole than the one they started with and having to crawl out of it would be their own mission impossible.

But he also figured, he was willing to take the risk.

Without trying to pay attention to the second thoughts racking through his brain, Jens pushed himself further and placed his hands on the side of Lucas’ face before pulling him in closer. Soon enough, their lips had connected and they were kissing each other.

He was finally kissing Lucas.

Jens felt his phone drop onto the pillows beside him, feeling it slide down somewhere on the bed. Lucas wrapped his arms, well, arm and cast, around his neck and pulled him in a little closer to deepen the kiss. Jens felt a smile against his lips, and at this point, he wasn’t sure which one of them it was coming from.

But he didn’t need to look at Lucas to know there was most definitely a smile on his face.

Because Jens knew him like he was the back of his hand.

When the pulled apart, lips red and swollen from the kissing, they both had hitched breathing and tried to force it to come to a slow. Jens searched Lucas’ eyes, trying to find a hint of doubt or regret.

They were only brighter than ever.

“I’m sorry.” He suddenly apologized, quickly getting off of him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to kiss you. I, I can go.”

He quickly got up, about to head out the window when he felt a hand reach out for his and pull him back.

“No.” Lucas said in a small voice. “Don’t go. Don’t be sorry.”

“I don’t want to ruin anything. We can pretend it never happened.”

A small smile formed on Lucas lips, the ones Jens had just kissed a minute ago. “But then I would have to keep waiting for you to finally kiss me.”

“You wanted me to kiss you?” Jens asked in disbelief, sitting back down. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.”

“And I’ve been wanting to be kissed by you for so long.” Lucas lightly laughed, placing the hand with the cast on his shoulder, pulling him in closer. The material of the cast was scratchy against his cheek, but Jens found himself smiling widely at the situation.

“Well I guess those dating apps didn’t really broaden my horizons.” He teased, snuggling in closer to him.

Lucas snorted. “Thanks for letting me waste minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”

“Oh it’s okay.” Jens said, patting his thigh assuringly. “I think you’ll have more fun deleting some those profiles and apps now.”

“You have a point.” He giggled. “You know, I knew you as a crush on me for awhile.”

“What?” He asked in shock, almost pulling away from him until Lucas tugged on his shirt to pull him back. “How did you know that?”

“You have a tell.” Lucas explained. “You scratch your chin whenever you want to hide the fact you have a crush on someone. And you’ve been doing it lately around our friends and then a little bit more with me. I thought I was just hoping your crush was on me. And then today finally confirmed that.”

“Oh man,” Jens chuckled as he took Lucas’ non-broken hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed his knuckles gently, as he watched Lucas’ face turn a bright shade of blush. “You know me way too well.”

“Almost like the back of your hand.” Lucas said with a smile, before leaning in closer to fill the space between them.

“Like the back of my hand.” He whispered back, repeating the words as his lips brushed against Lucas’, before they closed the last few centimetres between them for another kiss.

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3 years ago

One In Seven Billion.

a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.

( @ apolloswords )

feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!

A soulmate au where everyone is born with the mark of where they first touch their soulmate. Everyone, except for one.

Everyone was born with a soulmate. A person who was an extension of your own being, representing someone you had no matter what life or universe you existed in. Everyone was born with a soulmate.

Everyone was born with the touch of a soulmate. A mark, the same colour of plush lips after being kissed endlessly, a burning passion of admiration and a declaration of love for the far and near. Everyone was born with a mark, symbolizing the first place your soulmate would touch you. However, this mark didn’t appear until one turned sixteen, where they would wake up one day, look in the mirror and figure out the endless possibilities they would soon be meeting their soulmate. And then when their soulmate was to finally touch them for the first time, a soft warm glow would appear. It was both like the light of a candle and the brightness of the sun in one touch.

Everyone had a mark of a soulmate’s touch.

Everyone, except Lucas.

It wasn’t like everyone’s mark was visible. Some were on their chests, thighs or the dips of their backs. These could easily be hidden but everyday clothing and nobody would ever know where their mark was. But Lucas simply didn’t have a mark. And when he had turned sixteen, he tried to look for all the possible reasons. Maybe his parents had messed up his birthday. Maybe he would get it a bit later, some people did. Maybe he couldn’t see it in the mirror and it was on his shoulder blades or back of his neck. But after trying so hard to even find the touch of a mere fingertip, he realized he was one in the seven billion people with no mark.

With no soulmate.

It was a hard thing to accept. To go your whole life knowing that there was nobody there for you. Nobody who was searching for your soul to complete theirs. There was simply nobody for Lucas. And as he went on life watching his friends cozy up beside the one who had touched them with the warm glow, his heart felt colder and colder each time.

So eventually, he gave up and refused to believe love even existed in the first place. What was the point of it anyway? People avoided anyone who wasn’t their soulmate and only fell for those who were. Is it really love if one only feels obligated to feel that way?

Nothing in Lucas’ heart or mind seemed to prove otherwise. So after two years of trying to deal with the loneliness, he figured the whole thing was a hoax and some dumb fairytale. Surely there had to be someone without a mark either. Maybe they would be his soulmate.

“You’re being pessimistic.” Kes once told him.

Lucas didn’t tell much people about it and certainly not his parents. They didn’t need to think there was something else “wrong” with how he was “created”. They were already paranoid enough when they found out bipolar disorder could be genetic.

“Well what else am I supposed to be?” He said with a huff.

Kes shrugged. “Hopeful.”

“Please Kes.” He rolled his eyes. “You knew your soulmate right away. I won’t.”

The night after Kes had turned sixteen, his mark appeared and he excitedly showed Lucas. Since he was older by a few months, he hoped his mark would show up and match his. But it didn’t. In fact it never came. And a few months later, he was very sure that Kes wasn’t his to begin with. He recalled that moment. Even while he knew Kes would never be his, that didn’t meant he didn’t stop having feelings for him. But it was very much like loving someone from afar. Kes had nudged nudged Isa with his elbow at her sixteenth birthday party. It was a gesture he did often, but this time was different. Upon his elbow even brushing against the back started up the warm glow between them. Their eyes looked at each other in surprise, but the smile on their lips seemed assuring, like they had expected this.

But just because Kes’ moment was practically perfect, that didn’t mean they didn’t have their own troubles. The whole mark of a soulmate didn’t always mean a perfect relationship. Though it was never abusive, there were certainly ups and downs presented. And when Lucas witnessed that from Kes and Isa, once again, from afar, he realized that maybe the whole thing wasn’t worth it.

Yet, that didn’t stop him from feeling the rather lonesome pain from knowing there was no love for him in this universe.

“Jayden?” Lucas then asked, grabbing the attention of the other boy in his room. “Do you have a soulmate?”

“Well I have the mark.” Jayden answered as he exhaled the smoke from the joint. “But I haven’t met them yet.”

“I’m surprised your fingertips haven’t glowed whenever you touch weed.” Kes teased as he was offered a hit.

Jayden snorted. “If that were the case maybe I’d be married by now.”

Kes offered the joint to Lucas, and he shook his head at it. Both of them looked at Lucas in shock, as if he had just turned down the equivalent to a million dollars.

“What? Are you not smoking before the party?” Kes huffed with a laugh.

He shook his head. “Nah, not tonight.”

“Did you give up weed in the last few days or am I missing something?” Jayden added.

“Didn’t give up.” He replied with a a shrug. “I just feel like drinking tonight and I don’t really want to get cross faded either.”

A few snickers escapes the boys in front of them, and based on the context of the situation, it wasn’t solely from the effects of being high. Lucas narrowed his brows at them in confusion.

“What’s so funny?”

“You and alcohol?” Jayden snorted. “Not a good combo.”

“It’s like watching a wrestling match.” Kes laughed. “And you’re never winning.”

Rolling his eyes, Lucas scoffed at them. “I’m not that bad.”

“Well you’re certainly not good.” Kes teased. “I didn’t think there was someone out there who was the worst when wasted after Isa. But then you got absolutely shit faced at her sixteenth birthday and I was wrong.”

Right, Lucas thought to himself. Isa’s sixteenth birthday party. The sixteenth birthday party.

“Besides,” Jayden shrugged as he took another hit from the joint. “You can’t hold in your liquor.”

“Yes I can.” He defended.

“No you can’t.” Jayden laughed. “You always end up throwing it all back up later in the night. And it’s never a pretty sight.”

“Well this night is going to be different.” He muttered.


By the time Kes and Jayden were high enough and Lucas had pregamed just a little, the party had taken over the house and was livelier than expected. Lucas and Kes looked over at Jayden, wondering how he even knew of this party. Jayden had explained that Noah and his new friend Sander from his art school and Belgium had decided to throw a party for the end of the school year. Most people they knew were going to be there, especially Liv and the other girls. And they knew Noah decently enough so maybe they weren’t so out of place.

Upon entering the house, the bass of the music and cheers of people echoed loudly throughout the house and Lucas figured there was not one room that wasn’t being occupied. His hair was in his face, long curls he had been growing out for a couple of months now, and it was hard to make much within the darker lighting. He relied heavily on the motion of Kes and Jayden moving along, walking under the vibrant party lights that provided some guidance.

Most people at the party were heavily intoxicated. And while the three of them weren’t exactly sober, they still had way more comprehension and awareness of their surroundings. Lucas could already spot Isa in the corner of the room, hanging off of Liv who was talking to a girl with short blonde hair and one in a dark green hijab. He didn’t seem to know who they were, and figured they must be some of the Belgian kids that this Sander knew of.

“I’m going to head off to the kitchen.” Lucas whispered lowly to Kes and Jayden. “You can meet Isa and them without me, I’ll catch up.”

“Sounds good.” Kes replied as Jayden gave him a thumbs up.

Even though the house was unfamiliar, only having been here maybe once or twice, he quickly navigated his way to the kitchen. From there, he spotted Ralph near the kitchen island, hosting what seemed to be a makeshift bar. There was another guy beside him, about his height, a collared pink shirt and light brown hair.

“Hey.” He greeted Ralph, while politely nodding at the other guy.

“Lucas!” Ralph exclaimed, walking away from behind the counter and placing his hands on the sides of his face. He felt Ralph kiss the top of his head and the smell of alcohol wafted over him, indicating that Ralph was definitely not sober.

He stepped back with his wide grin and gestured toward the other guy, who waved at him. “Lucas,” Ralph began to explain. “This is Milan, he’s from Belgium. Milan, this is Lucas!”

“Nice to meet you.” Lucas said politely.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Milan said back. He gestured to Lucas’ hair and grinned. “You have lovely hair, it’s so long and the curls are so softly done. What do you do to it?”

“Oh uhm,” Lucas patted his hair and shyly smiled at the compliment. “Nothing really. I just kind of started to grow it out.”

“He’s truly blessed with being pretty.” Ralph told Milan, before grabbing onto Lucas’ shoulders snd shaking him. “Luc, you will not believe what happened to me! I found my soulmate! We met a few days ago!”

Even though he was more than happy for his friend, there was no mistaking the way he felt his stomach do a flip. He was happy for Ralph, he really was. They had spent hours together looking at Ralph’s dating apps, trying to figure out which one matched the birthmark on his forearm. It felt good to know that the search was over.

“That’s great.” He said, hoping his tone sounded sincere and genuine enough.

It didn’t seem to come off like that, because suddenly Ralph’s face fell and he was squeezing Lucas’s arms.

“Oh I’m sorry Luc, I forgot you didn’t have a mark. I don’t mean to rub this in your face.” He apologized.

“He doesn’t have a mark?” Milan said in surprise.

“Uh, no.” Lucas replied, swallowing hard. “But it’s okay, I’m fine.” That was a lie and the three of them knew it. He turned to face Ralph and mustered a smile. “But I’m happy for you, I really am.”

“Awe, thank you Luc.” Ralph said, patting his face gently. “I’m sure you have someone out there for you. But for now, can Milan and I fix you a drink?”

“Yes please.” He said. “And I’ll probably need a lot.”


Lucas felt terrible.

That was an understatement. Lucas felt sick to his stomach and he wanted nothing more but to crawl under some covers and stay there until the noise around him wasn’t so loud. And until he didn’t feel so nauseous and uneasy.

Jayden was right. He couldn’t handle his liquor. At all. By the time in the night, he had lost track of how much he’d had to drink but it was surely way too much. There was no way he was going to tell Kes and Jayden either. He would choose another time to deal with their “I told you so” and relentless annoying teasing.

His feet managed to carry him to the second floor of the house and the second he reached the top of the stairs, he felt a little better. It wasn’t that crowded and there was room for him to take some slow deep breaths. But that didn’t mean he still didn’t feel terrible. Before he could throw up everywhere, Lucas ran around trying to find a bathroom.

The first two doors he tried were locked and he heard a few annoyed reactions from the other side. When he pushed on the third door, it swung open and revealed an empty bathroom.

Or what he assumed was empty.

The smell of weed hit him as he took in the boy sitting on top of the second. The lights were off and Lucas could hardly make most of his features, aside from the tall built frame of his body and the silhouette of a few hair strands falling in front of his face. Due to his impaired vision from all the drinking, Lucas turned on the light.

And realized how beautiful the boy in front of him looked.

For a second, they looked at each other. There was something so knowing in the other boy’s deep brown eyes. Like Lucas had seen them before but not in real life. Like a dream or a past memory. But he knew that he once knew them. Lucas couldn’t help but hold his breath, taking in the boy’s golden tan skin, high cheekbones and defined jawline, with a silver hoop earring that twinkled when he looked closer. The boy was without a doubt, so easily to fall in love with.

It made Lucas feel hopeful.

But the sick feeling came to him again and he hated what he was about to do next.

“I’m sorry.” He breathed out, his voice static as he panted. “I’m going to throw up.”

“Fuck.” The other boy said worriedly under his breath.

Rushing over to the toilet, Lucas fell to his knees. Soon enough, the alcohol finally caught up to him and once again, he had lost this round. It was probably really embarrassing for him to be throwing up in front of a potential crush, but he would have to face that music later.

As Lucas began to continue hurling, his body felt a bit lighter and a little less sick. He began to feel more of his surroundings, like the cold tiles against his knees and the way his hair was hanging in his face. There was no way he was going to be a pretty sight after this.

But then Lucas felt something else.

A warm glow.

It was right on the top of his head, where a bunch of his curls laid messily about. Lucas could feel fingers stroking through them, eventually pulling the hair out of his face and being held back.

At first he thought that maybe it was only coming from the gesture itself. That maybe his body reacted warmly to the assuring touch. But even in his delirious state, Lucas knew it was much more than that.

He could feel the glow everywhere in his body, from the top of his head and the tip of his toes. Flashes of past lives seem to run through his mind in a whimsical swirl, colours and expressions of happiness and love spinning through him that he almost felt dizzy. And each time he could make something out of the colourful mess, only deep brown eyes appeared, looking at him with the same knowing look that Lucas had seen a few moments ago.

Finally, when Lucas figured all the contents in his stomach were gone, he got up and splashed some cold water in his face. His body felt tired as he hopped up on the countertop, where the boy once was.The boy followed and jumped up as well, since the countertop was big enough for the both of them. He waited quietly until Lucas caught his breath and finally mustered the courage to look at him.

“Sorry.” He murmured. “That probably wasn’t the best first impression.”

The corner of the boy’s dark pink lips turned up into a smile. “It was memorable though.”

The both of them sat in silence for a bit, not really knowing where to go from here. They had just met- what were you supposed to do with a person you just met? Let alone the soulmate you had just met. It wasn’t until Lucas noticed the boy playing with his hand, more specifically the one with all the marks.

Lucas had never seen marks like these. They were all over his fingertips and palm of his hand, like a map of the world. They appeared in his left hand, and that was when Lucas realized that was the hand that first touched him.

The boy snorted as he continued to look at his hands. “You know, I thought it was pretty unfortunate my soulmate mark was on my hand.”

Looking at him confused, Lucas replied. “Isn’t the hand the most common place to first touch someone?”

“Well that’s why I hated it.” He smiled to himself. “It’s the easiest way to touch someone and when people see it, they always think that something could happen the second I touch them. Even if it’s a stranger at a coffee shop handing me my coffee. It’s so simple and so obvious.”

“That’s probably better than me though.” Lucas shrugged. “I didn’t even think I had a mark.”

“What do you mean?”

“I never saw my mark. And then I thought I was a late bloomer and even after a few weeks, it never came. So I started believing I just never had one.”

Reaching over, the boy took his left hand and brushed some curls out of Lucas’ face. He felt the familiar fuzzy feeling spark though his body at the touch, as the boy smiled admiringly at him.

“It was just under your mess of curls.” He said lightly, and Lucas felt like his voiced was dipped in warm honey.

“I’m Lucas.” He said, reaching out to shake his hand. “I’m your soulmate.”

Smiling, the boy dropped his hand from Lucas’ hair and shook it. “I’m Jens.” He squeezed Lucas’ hand and a soft glow seemed to emit from their held hands. “And I’m your soulmate.”

And with that, Lucas finally understood what it meant to have someone meant for you. Someone he would soon see as an extension of himself, someone who made him better and who made him feel like he had the world in his hands. Someone who was his, in every lifetime and in every universe. Someone who indeed, was his soulmate.

He had finally found his one in seven billion.

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9 months ago

From the list

Too loud Wonka

Or pet Laurie

Too Loud

Micro story prompt

"Mamma!!!" young Willy yelled from his bed. He sat up and looked around, unable to see anything in the dark until another flash of lightning illuminated the small room of their boat. "Mamma!!!"

His mother ran into the living quarters at the sound of his cries, hair drenched from tying things down outside so they would not fly away with the wind. She found her son curled up in the corner with his hands over his ears.

"The thunder, it's too loud," Willy whimpered. She sat next to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"There, there. It's ok. It will pass. We've weathered harsher storms than this and will weather harsher still." She rocked him and hummed until he fell asleep again.


Willy sat up in his rickety bed at Scrubbit and Bleacher's, awakened by a sudden clap of thunder. Within seconds, he heard the pattering of small footsteps stop at his door. The knob turned, and the door opened slowly to reveal a scared Noodle shrouded in her blanket.

"Is it too loud?" Willy asked. The young girl nodded. He opened his arms to invite her in, which she eagerly accepted. He pulled her to his chest, and she tucked her head under his chin. He rocked her and hummed one of his mother's lullabies until she fell asleep, and so did he.



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9 months ago

Trembling hands from micro prompts



Micro Story Prompt

Kate sat next to her fiancé of five hours at the Mindy family's dinner table. Yule stared absently at the centerpiece, not even reacting to her presence. She laid her hand on his.

"Are you alright? Your hands are trembling," she asked quietly.

Her touch shook him from his thoughts. He looked at her and half-smiled. "Y-Yeah, I'm cool." He straightened his back and sat up in the chair. He interlaced his fingers with hers.

"I- I just thought we would have more time," he said. "I would have liked actually marrying you."

Trembling Hands From Micro Prompts



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8 months ago

Reblogging because I love this one. Short but sweet.

From the list

Too loud Wonka

Or pet Laurie

Too Loud

Micro story prompt

"Mamma!!!" young Willy yelled from his bed. He sat up and looked around, unable to see anything in the dark until another flash of lightning illuminated the small room of their boat. "Mamma!!!"

His mother ran into the living quarters at the sound of his cries, hair drenched from tying things down outside so they would not fly away with the wind. She found her son curled up in the corner with his hands over his ears.

"The thunder, it's too loud," Willy whimpered. She sat next to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"There, there. It's ok. It will pass. We've weathered harsher storms than this and will weather harsher still." She rocked him and hummed until he fell asleep again.


Willy sat up in his rickety bed at Scrubbit and Bleacher's, awakened by a sudden clap of thunder. Within seconds, he heard the pattering of small footsteps stop at his door. The knob turned, and the door opened slowly to reveal a scared Noodle shrouded in her blanket.

"Is it too loud?" Willy asked. The young girl nodded. He opened his arms to invite her in, which she eagerly accepted. He pulled her to his chest, and she tucked her head under his chin. He rocked her and hummed one of his mother's lullabies until she fell asleep, and so did he.



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11 months ago

Sunny Side of Heaven

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Hi, ya'll! I've finished my first prompt for Good Things Happen BINGO! This was a prompt from the wonderful @march-flowerr, who requested "Butterflies: Sarah & Joel, butterfly garden. 20 Years later, he takes Ellie to see the monarch migration and talks about Sarah." I know this is Good Things Happen BINGO, but you all know I love some angst, so there is more of that than I probably originally intended, my bad. I don't usually write in present-tense, and to be honest, I don't know that I will again - it was a challenge for me, and I don't know that I quite hit the mark. But I still had fun writing this, and it felt nice to take a break from my other WIP.

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11 months ago

Just a reminder that I wrote a new thing. And maybe will have another new thing to post soon, too!

Sunny Side of Heaven

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Hi, ya'll! I've finished my first prompt for Good Things Happen BINGO! This was a prompt from the wonderful @march-flowerr, who requested "Butterflies: Sarah & Joel, butterfly garden. 20 Years later, he takes Ellie to see the monarch migration and talks about Sarah." I know this is Good Things Happen BINGO, but you all know I love some angst, so there is more of that than I probably originally intended, my bad. I don't usually write in present-tense, and to be honest, I don't know that I will again - it was a challenge for me, and I don't know that I quite hit the mark. But I still had fun writing this, and it felt nice to take a break from my other WIP.

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9 months ago

The Ethylene Creator

Fandom: Doodle World (Roblox)

Words: 964

Characters: Cassidy


The Ethylene Creator

Cassidy walked out of Graphite Lodge’s Help Center, holding a card in her hands and rereading the peculiar assignment she had accepted. Whoever left the request hadn’t provided a name, but it was fairly straightforward: a house hadn’t been attended to in weeks by its owner. Check in to make sure everything was alright, and report to the mayor–her father–if it wasn’t, for a handy cash prize. It did raise the question of who involved her father in this without daring to be upfront about it, but she wasn’t one to stray from an opportunity to try and make the world better.

She knocked once on the wooden door to the house, and was greeted by a dimly lit room as it creaked open. “Hello? This place is lived in, right? People have been worrying
” There wasn’t a response.

Cassidy shrugged it off rather apprehensively, stepping upstairs. There was no sign of life, the whole attic was cluttered with boxes and various statuettes on end tables. She recognized them as all being shaped in the image of Louis: a Doodle some speculated was a god taking the form of an inflatable balloon cat one might get at the circus. Evidently whoever lives (lived?) here was a believer in that theory.

She took a mini flashlight from her pocket and flipped it, shining the thin beam of light across the deserted room. Was it her, or were the chiseled gazes of the Louis idols following the light? Maybe it was for the best that no one else was here

The light landed on an open book, pages slightly yellowed and covered in near-illegible scrawl. Cassidy toed around the boxes and picked up the book, glancing across the page. Evidently it was a diary of sorts, but most of what was written had been scratched out.

— - — - LOVE LOUIS – —---- WAR -- - - - —- —- LOVE —- - - LOVE LOUIS – —-- - — WILL THE —-- — - LOUIS - — LOVE LOUIS — - - - – - - – - - – —-- LOVE - - - - – - DOODLE – - - - – - - - LOUIS LOVE – - - – - - - LOVE – - - - — WE - WIN – – – - – LOVE LOUIS – – - SOMNIERE, — - — —--- - LOVE LOUIS

She turned the page, and it was more of the same. This couldn’t have had anything to do with Alice, could it? That girl was always fond of Louis
 but she wasn’t like this, no.

Cassidy took the diary, and underneath it were some scraps of paper, some legible and others not, that looked like they were relaying some sort of key to a puzzle. She hesitated. There was the innate sense that she wasn’t alone in this horror house, but nothing had happened to suggest she would regret her snooping. And, in the end, what was a bit more evidence for whatever ended up coming from this request?

She took the key and went back downstairs.

There was the sense she hadn’t checked everywhere there was to look, though. So she went out to the backyard, the place children throughout Graphite Lodge were told not to go. And, as she could have guessed, there was no sign of anyone alive. But someone had been there recently, she could see footprints that had yet to be cleared away by a gust of wind heading down into what Cassidy always assumed was a priest hole. She wasn’t one to believe much in supernatural religious figures, but it lined up with what she had seen in the house, so
 she went down into the hole anyway.

The hole led to a hallway with a stone floor and a wooden door standing ajar at the end. As Cassidy approached it, she saw a torn up version of the key she had found in the house laying on the ground in front of it.

Well. That made her job easier. Cassidy was almost disappointed, she rather liked decoding puzzles. Almost.

She stepped into the room and saw drawing-boards with bright blue threads hooked on pins stabbed into the boards. A hundred different scenarios, all written down in marker and tightly interwoven for scenarios Cassidy would never have dreamed were possible, doodles of keys–the kind you’d use to unlock something–crammed where they could fit. Project Ethylene G, a scenario with the second coming of the Blankists stood out, and the main point was highlighted in red ink:




Cassidy looked across the boards. Each and every possible scenario had this in common. Did they know? They couldn’t know. They were on the other side of the island collecting the keys for DoodleCo— the keys. They have the keys.

She heard a sound from the back of the room and jumped, turning to get as far away from there as possible. She didn’t even realize that the pieces of the key she had found fluttered out behind her, forming a trail as they drifted to the ground. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears, and she scrambled up the ladder to escape the priest-hole. Clambering over the fence, she staggered to the ground and pulled the diary out from under her arm.

Whatever was in this journal, someone didn’t want people reading it. The only clue was Louis. And yet what she’d found pointed to a war. It didn’t add up.

She had to find them. They could be anywhere now, but she’d be damned if she didn’t at least try. She headed through the gate from Graphite Lodge to the Crossroads and rushed down to Junjie’s Subway, clinging to the diary for dear life, hoping she didn’t look too shaken when she spoke to Junjie.

This wasn’t the kind of adventure she had always imagined when she was young, fantasizing of all the things she could accomplish for her father and her town. But it was undeniably more important, albeit a risk so absurd she could hardly believe it.

And yet she was as ready as she felt she could be to take that risk.

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