Au Prompt - Tumblr Posts
Soulmate AU Idea - Coins
Everyone is born with a magic coin on their forehead. When they come of age, the coin pops off. Whenever they meet someone they'll flip the coin. Tails, they're not your soulmate. Heads, they are your soulmate.
When both people flip theirs at the same time, which is the more traditional way, occasionally one coin will land on heads while the other on tails. This would mean that they are one-sided soulmates.
You can also choose to flip your coin while thinking of someone, and it will bare the same results. This would allow you to find out ahead of time, before you even properly introduce yourself to the new person.
Some people constantly do coin tricks because touching the coin brings them solace.
Others will shove theirs down into the bottom of their bags or their pockets and try to forget about them.
But if they try to misplace the coin entirely, it will always end up back somewhere on their person. As if drawn to them by an outside force than is stronger than they could ever imagine.
Imagine Your OTP Au (not aware)
Fairytale Au: (Quest for the flower) Person A is walking around the forest lost and confused when they hear…
Person B: “Hmm, hello, little one~”
Person A: (Looks up one of the trees to see Person B on one of the tallest branches) “Person B? What are you doing up there?”
Person B: “I might ask the same of what you are doing down there?” *They jump down, beside Person A and asked slight worried for them* “Did you get lost?”
Person A: “Well, yes rather but no matter why are you in this forest and with… Pointed ears? Are you an elf or fae of some sort?”
Person B: “Yes, its quite a bit of a story but I’m suppose to be the guide and guardian of this part of the forest, to help lost ones. Though *Holds Person A’s hands in theirs* I am glad I’m in your company! So what happened to you.”
Person A: “Kind of long story too, but the main point of it is I was sent from a little village I woke up in, to find a special healing flower-”
Person B: “Oh you mean the Meray of the Mist?”
Person A: “Yes, that one!”
Person B: “Then please let me help you! After you, my dear~”
Imagine Your OTP Au
College Au:
Person A: “I don’t know, I’m so tired. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up with only four hours of sleep.”
Person B: (Drinking their fifth cup of coffee and barely any sleep) “Oh, dearest if you only knew.”
Imagine Your OTP Au
Thief Au: Person B has been know as a notorious Phantom like thief. Slipping in an out of museums, gala, parties and grand events leave no trace of their whereabouts, only a calling card which they leave before stealing said magnificent item. Which comes to a surprise when Person A a regular 9-5 worker gets one left at their door…
Person A: (Pacing around their small apartment) “Oh, no! What are they going to steal from me? I have practically nothing of value, let alone something valuable enough for a thief. You know what it’s probably a mistake. Just calm down…*inhales* just breath, breath everything will be fine.... I hope.”
But Later that evening Person B knocks on the door to which Person A comes a little closer with an umbrella on hand as a means of defence if it goes that far and slowly unlocks the door…
Person A: (Peaking a bit through the crack they opened with the door) “Are you the Phantom Thief? Well I should tell you that I have nothing of value, I work a 9-5 at (Cafe/Restaurant/Etc) and am really tired and if I’m honest a little scared so please. I don’t want any trouble!”
Person B: (Looking a little puzzle but chuckles) “I’m afraid there is a misunderstand for you see you do have something quite valuable. Which I hope to acquire with your permission, my dear~” (They pull out a big lovely bouquet of flowers) “For you see I happened to visit your fine work establishment in my civilian form and I have to say that you have quite frankly stolen my heart and if you would be so kind if I may steal some of your time for a date … on a different day perhaps when you’re free and perhaps one day earn your heart in return?” (They asked hopefully holding out the bouquet towards them)
Person A: “Um, I, uh Alright! That’s a relief! Okay then yes, Friday is a good day for me about 6-7 o’clock would be nice!” (They take the bouquet from their kind admirer)
Person B: (Smiling brightly at them) “Then it’s a date, my dear~” (Picks out a flower from the bouquet to put it behind Person A’s ear) “See you then, my dearest jewel~”
Imagine Your OTP Au
Swan Lake-ish Au: Person B has been turned into a swan by the evil sorcerer and Person A stumbles upon the lake to find such an adorable swan…
Person A: “Oh, hello little friend! May I sit here, I promise not to cause you any trouble.” (The swan Person B nods their head for them to sit in front of the tree)
Person A: (Taking a seat and pulls out their sketchbook) “May I draw you! You sure you would be wonderful at posing for an image.”
Person B then nods and chooses a stance to pose. Person A then smiles and laughs to themself and gives them complements like ‘What a beautiful swan you are!’, ‘Aw look at how cute you are!’, ‘You’re really good at this!’ When it finally becomes sunset and Person B transforming in front of them.
Person A: “Well, that’s… unexpected. Um… *looks down to their nearly finished picture* W-would you like to see how the drawing turned out!”
Person B: (Looks over) “It’s quite good, my dear!”
Bonus: Person A: (After talking for a bit asks) “So Evil Curse, huh?”
Person B: (Nods)
Person A: “Happens a lot in this area.”/ “You wouldn’t believe how much that happens recently!”
Extra Bonus: Person A: “Do need any help breaking it?”
Person B: (Looks up at them) “Would you be so kind?”
Person A: “Of course! After all you seem very sweet!”
Epilogue: Could either go around trying to find their true love to realizing it was them all along or Person A confessing to them and Person B reciprocating it which permanently breaks the curse for the sun to rise and them remaining human, maybe they confess when confronting the sorcerer or when they are both in danger. Whichever you prefer.
It's the "A’s car is totaled by some jackass who ran an all-way stop, fleeing the cops on foot... and B is the super cute paramedic/cop taking care of A" AU
Unfortunately, the FIRST part of this is inspired by real life, and I am just done with 2019.
As time began to blur Like a startling sign That fate had finally found me And your voice was all I heard - New Divide [Linkin Park] Soulmate AU Prompt 7 | Fandom: Overwatch (Pre-Fall) | Angela / Cassidy
AO3 | | Works
"I do not see why I have to be here," Angela grumbled, even as she continued jotting notes down on her clipboard. "I could have sent any of my medical staff." They'd pulled her away from her research to watch the intake of prisoners, recently captured by Blackwatch Commander Reyes. "You could have," Ana agreed from her right. Angela glanced towards her for a moment before turning her gaze back to the room before her. They - Jack, Ana, and herself - stood behind a one-way mirror, while Commander Reyes sat on the other side as he spoke to the prisoners. For the most part, she had tuned out their words - all she saw was the various injuries that she was now responsible for. "This capture is… different. It's confidential." Jack added - as if the presence of Blackwatch hadn't made that obvious. "You were the best choice." Angela had known that, too; it didn't make her any happier. She'd been busy. "I know," she said with a sigh as the prisoner on the other side of the glass rose. He was the fifth they'd watched. "How many more are there?" If they had told her earlier, she had long since forgotten. "Maybe three or four," Ana assured her as the next one - a woman, this time - shuffled in. "Gabriel's going pretty quickly; he doesn't seem to be very impressed." Angela turned to look at her friend with a questioning look. "This is how some of the Blackwatch agents are recruited, Angela," Ana explained gently. "Seriously?" She'd worked with some Blackwatch agents; while she'd never felt unsafe in their presence, they definitely were different from Overwatch agents. This was probably why. "They can't get, you know, normal people?" "'Normal' people don't generally join Blackwatch, Angela," Jack replied dryly. "They've already got the skills we need; all that's left is their temperament. Gabe's good at sizing people up." Angela turned back to the mirror. The woman was already rising again and she hadn't taken any notes. Quickly, she jotted down a few words before the prisoner disappeared from sight. "I suppose you are right," Angela agreed, once she finished her notes. "It's just…" Angela struggled to find the right words. "It's not what you're used to," Jack finished. "This isn't how Overwatch does things." She nodded as the next man entered and sat in the empty chair. As the prisoner leaned back, Commander Reyes began speaking - the same questions he'd asked all the others. Angela let his words slip past her as she looked over the ragged man for any injuries. From what she could tell - between her eyes and the reports she'd read - he didn't seem to be hurt. "I ain't talkin'," the man replied, and Angela tensed. Her eyes flew up to the mans' face, as if that would help her better understand. She'd always known this would happen, but she'd never expected it to be like this. Shortly after she had turned eighteen, Angela had known his voice as well as she knew her own. She just hadn't expected him to be a criminal. But - he couldn't be that bad, not if he was hers. Fate wouldn't be that cruel, would it? "Work with me," Commander Reyes replied, his voice taking on the familiar croon that it had with the last six prisoners. "Right now, you're facing a death sentence. If you give me something - anything - I might be able to work something out." "You might kill me, but at least it'll be quick - th' Gang'll drag it out slow-like." The man insisted; Angela got the sense that, had he not been chained, he'd have crossed his arms. "Angela?" Ana asked, noting the doctors' distress. "What's wrong?" She had hoped that she had been mistaken, that maybe she had misheard, but she hadn't. Angela took a shaky breath and released the death grip on her clipboard. Commander Reyes was finishing his interview. Angela had never met this man before, but she couldn't help but want to keep him alive. The thought of him dying made her chest hurt and it was unbearable. He was hers. Her eyes were wide and her breathing ragged as the man - her soulmate - rose. If he went out that door, it would be over before it ever began; he would die. Before she could stop herself, Angela darted forward to press a small button on the wall. "Tell him what he wants to know." The words were strangled, forced through a too-tight throat, but she had to say them. "Please." Jack yanked her away from the microphone then, disengaging it before she could say anything else. "What the hell are you doing?" Jack demanded. She ignored the way his fingers dug into her shoulders as she leaned around him to look through the mirror once more. Commander Reyes was glaring at the mirror - she knew he, too, would reprimand her after he was done - but the prisoner was staring at it with confusion and wonder, just like she was. "Angela! " Jack shook her slightly, pulling her attention back to him. "What were you thinking?" He snapped, once he realized he had her attention once more. "I—" Angela swallowed, trying to bring moisture back to her suddenly dry throat. She was an infinitely private person, but she had to explain herself, had to try - even if it made her uncomfortable. "He's my soulmate, Jack," Angela whispered. Jack tensed, his head whipping around to look at the prisoner again. "Are you certain, Angela?" Ana's voice broke the tense silence. "He's…" Ana was kind enough not to enumerate all the horrible things Angela was already thinking. Angela nodded jerkily, her gaze already moving back to the prisoner - her soulmate. He was still standing, halfway between the chair and the door. "Well?" Commander Reyes demanded, trying to take control of the room once more. "What's it going to be?" After another long, considering moment, the prisoner sat back down in the chair. "Ask away, then." Angela sagged in Jack's grip as relief coursed through her. He was going to cooperate. He would live. She hadn't made a fool of herself for no reason. "I have to go," she gasped out after a moment. Angela needed to get away from it all - from her friends concerned gazes and that damning voice that had changed everything and nothing. She had done what she could here; she didn't have to watch this interrogation that she had provoked.
Instead of the expected reprimands - from either Jack or Commander Reyes - she got Cole Cassidy. Despite all her arguments against it, the man sat on one of her infirmary beds. Though he was her soulmate, Angela wasn't sure if she had even wanted to see him again - he was a criminal, whose crimes were, apparently, bad enough to warrant a death sentence. And yet there he sat. Neither had said a word yet. He was eying her warily, as if she were going to attack him with a scalpel. Angela didn't think he knew who she was, which was why she hadn't broken the silence yet. Unfortunately, she couldn't exactly run a physical without speaking. "Your name is Cole Cassidy?" Angela asked, trying to keep her voice neutral and failing spectacularly. His brown eyes snapped up to hers, widening in shock; as she'd thought, no one had told her who she was. "It's you?" Angela nodded sharply; if she hadn't been holding a clipboard, she'd have crossed her arms. "Well then," he drawled thoughtfully, "'s a pleasure, then." Angela sighed. "Is Cole Cassidy your name?" Angela repeated, sticking to the script she knew. She didn't know how to do this - whatever this was. "Yes, that's my name," Cole replied after a moment, before smirking up at her, "but you, darlin', can call me whatever you like." Angela turned her attention to the chart in her hand, as if she didn't have the entire thing memorized, to escape his eerily knowing gaze. "And what should I call you, then?" He probed. "You got a name, or should I just keep callin' you 'darlin''?" Her eyes snapped back up to his laughing ones; he was teasing her, and she wasn't certain how she felt about that. "I am Dr. Angela Ziegler," she replied after a moment. "And you are my patient, Agent Cassidy." Angela knew they were soulmates, but she couldn't help but try to hold him at arms length. She didn't let people close to her - and he was a criminal. "Whatever the lady says," Cole said, hands held up in surrender. Even though he'd been captured and interrogated, he was now free of his chains. To spare his life, Commander Reyes had recruited him - though Angela wasn't sure if it was because Cole would be a good agent or if it was because Jack had asked him to on her behalf. Thus, the physical. Angela began running through the questions on her list. She was trying to build a medical history on him from scratch - and he wasn't much help. "Didn' have much to do with doctors - no offense, meant," he told her when she had asked about his previous caregiver. It had been a long shot, but it would have helped. Angela sighed and nodded before continuing along to his family history. "I couldn' tell ya," Cole replied. "I don' know who m' dad is, and mom died when was I young." He said the words flippantly, but his hunched shoulders and darting eyes - which had, until this point, fixed her with a bright, teasing gaze - told a different story. "I am sorry," Angela murmured as she jotted down her notes. "I lost my parents when I was young, too." She paused there, fingers tightening on her pen; she never spoke about her parents. If anyone knew, it was because they had read her personnel file. Awkwardly, Angela cleared her throat as she quickly changed the subject. "Do you drink?" Angela asked, hovering over the last few questions. Then, it would be on to the more physical aspect of this examination - and she wasn't sure how she'd deal with it, not when it was him. "Sure," he replied after a moment, his easy drawl back in place. Angela found that interesting, despite herself. She wondered if this was something common he did, hiding himself away as she did, or if it was just a response to the hard topic. "Whiskey, if I get a choice," Cole continued, eyes lifting to hers again. "What about you, doc?" He was teasing her again; she frowned. "I do not often have time to drink," Angela replied finally; this wasn't her physical, but she still felt compelled to answer - as if they were getting to know each other, rather than him being evaluated for field work. Her heart clenched at the reminder; she was prepping her soulmate for battle - and death. Angela had saved him from a death sentence, but that didn't mean he still wouldn't die. She didn't know if she could bear that eventuality. "Darlin'?" His voice pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked up. He was leaning forward, eyes intense in a way that made her shiver. "You alright?" Angela forced herself to nod, because she wasn't willing to voice her fears - not to this man she didn't know, soulmate or not. "I apologize; I was just… lost in thought." Angela demurred once she could trust her voice to remain steady. "Where were we?" She asked, eyes skimming the page before pausing on the next question. "Ah, here we are. Do you smoke?" Her eyes lifted back up to look at him. "Yes." Angela must have made a face because he continued. "What? D'ya got a problem with smokin', doc?" She glanced up to find him fiddling idly with the edge of his shirt. "Smoking is terrible for your health - not to mention those around you." Angela replied coolly after a moment. She didn't tell him that she found the habit disgusting; it felt too much like a personal attack. "I see," Cole nodded slightly. Angela quickly changed the topic to the final question - illegal drugs. Not that it went any better. "That what you think of me, then?" Cole asked lowly. "I've done some stuff, so I must do drugs, too?" Angela rocked back, clipboard held between them as if it would be any kind of protection - as if she needed protection from him. "It is just a question," Angela hurried to assure him. "We ask everyone; it isn't about you or your… history." She looked down to mark 'no' next to the question before looking up to meet his eyes once more. "I did not mean to upset you," she murmured. "I am sorry." After a long moment, Cole nodded. "I don' do anythin' like that, doc. Smokin' might be bad, but — that stuff is way worse." Angela nodded in agreement; if she had to pick, she'd rather he be a smoker, too. With a sigh, she rose from her stool to grab a small tray of instruments. Now she had to get up close with him. "What's all that for, then?" Cole asked as she settled it on the bed next to him. Despite his criminal background, she wasn't worried that he would hurt her; if she had been, she'd never have allowed herself to be left alone with him. "I have to examine you," Angela explained briefly. That brought the smirk back to his face as he spread his arms in an obvious invitation. "By all means, doc - examine away." Angela rolled her eyes and grabbed a penlight, stepping to the side slightly. "Please hold still," she asked as he turned to watch her, "I am trying to look at your ears." Angela had performed countless physicals, but she had never been more aware of how short the distance between them was as she leaned in close enough to do her work. Things were quiet between them until she moved to his other side. "I never expected t' meet you, ya know?" He said quietly. Angela hesitated before leaning in again. "Why is that?" She asked, curious despite herself. Angela had always expected to meet her soulmate; to her, it had only been a matter of time. Though she was all too aware of how fleeting time was, she'd never sought him out. She had been confident that their paths would cross, eventually. "Life wasn' easy, darlin'; I didn' even expect to make it past twenty, t' tell the truth." Angela glanced at his face sharply, but his eyes were fixed on his hands. "You were nothin' but a fairytale t' me." He shrugged as if it didn't matter - but she knew it did. She'd seen it on his face. Angela finished her exam in silence before leaning back to make some notes. "Look up, please; I need to check your eyes." When he tilted his head back, his brown eyes meeting her blue ones, she lifted the penlight again. "I always believed I would meet you," Angela told him softly. "I just…" She trailed off as she switched eyes. "Didn' expect it to be someone like me," he finished dryly. Angela's lips twisted into a wry smile. "Well, yes," she agreed - because he was right. She was a prestigious doctor, and he was a gangster. Angela would never have pegged her soulmate to be someone like him. "I ain't all bad," Cole assured her, once she'd finished her next set of notes. "If I had thought you were," Angela replied, cool eyes meeting his bright ones, "I never would have spoken to you." She didn't know if that was exactly true - all Angela had known was that his voice was the one that had filled her head for the last four years. She hadn't known his crimes - hadn't even stayed to listen to them - but she had known that couldn't let him die. Still, she wasn't going to tell him that. Angela made her way through the next exams, fielding whatever questions he threw her way. None were too personal, too revealing - such as her favorite color, which was green - so she allowed them if it made the exam run smoothly. "Alright," Angela turned away, tray of instruments in hand. "I am going to step out for a moment so that you can change into a hospital gown." Before she had set the tray down, she heard him shifting on the table and the distinct sound of clothing rustling. "You were supp—" The words died on her lips as she watched him shrug off his shirt. "What happened to you?" Fresh black and blue bruises dotted his ribs and stomach, which made little sense. Any injury he had should have been at least a day or two old. "Well, the others got wind that I'd talked," Cole said with a shrug that had to be painful, even if he didn't show it. "They weren't too pleased about it." He had been beaten while in their custody, under their - her - protection. "Why didn't you say anything?" Angela gripped the edge of the counter to steady herself. They were just bruises; he wasn't dying. It was nothing like her near-panic in the observation room when his death had hung over her, but it still made her far more uncomfortable than she was used to. Angela hated the lack of control. "It's just some bruises," Cole replied carelessly, and she could tell he truly meant them. "I've dealt with worse." Angela clenched her jaw before turning away to try to compose herself. She'd been revolutionizing medicine while he had been suffering. Angela knew it was stupid to feel bad about it - they hadn't even known one another - but she did. "Hey," his voice was too close, and then his hand touched her shoulder. Angela tensed to keep herself from leaning into it. "It's alright, darlin'," Cole soothed gently. "You don' have to get all worked up on my account." She shrugged off his hand before turning to face him fully, her cool mask firmly in place once more. "And how would you feel," Angela replied quietly, "if it were me covered in bruises?" Now it was his turn to tense, hands balling into fists briefly, before he relaxed again. Then, he was smirking down at her - because of course he was taller than her, even with her heels. "And here I thought you didn' care," Cole murmured. One of his hands lifted as if to touch her and she sidestepped out of his reach. She couldn't bear his touch again, not while she was feeling so raw. "It is my job to care," Angela replied, but she wasn't fooling him - or herself. She straightened her coat to give her hands something to do. "I am going to step out now." Angela fixed him with a look. "Please wait until I have left to finish changing. I will bring back something for your bruises." Before he could say anything, she grabbed the blood samples she had taken and practically rushed the door. It was ten minutes before she returned to the room containing Cole, healing stream in hand. Cole was lounged out on the bed on one side, but as she walked in, he pushed himself upright again. The gown looked absolutely ridiculous on him - but then again, they weren't really flattering on anyone. "Thought you'd gone and forgotten me," he said by way of greeting. Angela raised one eyebrow as she crossed the room; as if she could ever forget him. "I did not mean to take so long," Angela apologized. She had only meant to be gone for a minute or two, but a nurse had waylaid her on the way back. "One of my staff needed assistance." Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow. "You have staff?" Angela shifted uncomfortably, feeling oddly ashamed despite the fact that she had earned her position here. But, standing before Cole - a man to whom life had not been kind - it seemed wrong. "I am the Director of Medicine for Overwatch," Angela explained after a moment. "So, yes, I have staff." Hundreds, really, but now probably wasn't the best time to get into that. She drew closer to him so that she could begin healing his bruises. "The Director?" Angela really wished he'd stop using that tone. "I know you can' be that much older than I am," he continued once she'd nodded. "An' I'll admit, I don' know much about a lot of things, but aren't you - ya know - a little young?" Angela worried her at her lip. "I…" She didn't know how to explain without sounding like she was bragging. "I do not know how much you know about me," Angela finally said with a sigh. "I completed my PhD and was a full doctor by the time I was nineteen." She ignored his surprised look and continued. "I was the surgical director for my hospital when I invented this," she lifted the healing stream slightly, "at twenty-one. That was when Overwatch recruited me." "So," Cole said once she finished. "You're some kinda genius, then." Angela nodded. "In the medical field, at least," she explained. "I am not… very good at many other things." Like dealing with him. Angela shifted uncomfortably again - but she was a doctor and he was her patient so she could do this. "I need to see your chest again, please." Angela could feel the heat on her cheeks, as if she weren't a medical professional. "All ya ever gotta do is ask, darlin'," he said as he shifted the gown to bare his bruised flesh again. She bit her lip and focused on the tool in her hand instead of Cole's posturing. "What does it do?" Cole asked as she engaged it, bathing him in yellow light. Instead of explaining - and probably boring him to tears, because she could talk about it for hours - she simply settled for: "Just watch." Slowly, his skin shifted from the mottled black-and-blue of bruising to a healthy tan that matched the rest of his skin. Angela circled him, eying the work critically while ignoring Cole's gaze. "Does anything hurt?" Angela asked when she switched it off and moved back to the counter. She already knew the answer, but it filled the silence as she set the tool aside and grabbed a pair of gloves. "No," he said after a moment. "I feel good as new." She glanced back to see him gazing down at his skin in amazement. Before he could look up and catch her staring, she looked away again. "I appreciate it, darlin'. Really." He sounded so sincere and it upset her all over again; this was nothing to her - an everyday task, almost - and yet it was something to him. "You are welcome." Angela said finally, turning back with gloves in place. "But, I would ask that you try not to make a habit of this." She moved closer. "I'll try t'take better care of myself." He agreed, before looking at the gloves. "Are those really necessary? Y'know, considerin' everything." If it didn't pertain to her, she might have found the way they both danced around their relationship - that they were soulmates - funny. Neither had used the word, even though they were both firmly aware of the fact. "Yes," Angela replied firmly. Normally, these next few tests were done with the patient fully covered with the gown, but his bruises had skipped them ahead a little. "Please lay down on your back," she asked. She expected him to make another quip, but he just gave her an amused look as he lay back. "Let me know if anything hurts," Angela ordered before reaching out to press lightly - and then with increasing pressure on his sides, her eyes fixed on his face to spot any sign of discomfort. Satisfied, her hands slid closer together to press on his abdomen. "Good," she said, withdrawing to make her notes. "You can sit up now." Her eyes flicked over his ski appraisingly. "How did you get that scar?" She asked, gesturing towards his chest. "Oh, that?" Cole asked after glancing down at it. "I, uh, might've got caught cheatin' at cards." He explained sheepishly. "They didn' take too kindly to that; one of 'em got me good with his knife." Angela sighed. "Cheating at cards?" It was her turn to echo his words. "Hey now, it's only cheatin' if ya get caught." Cole defended indignantly. "Besides, they could afford to lose a little." Angela shook her head and walked around the table to look at his back. "I'm going to press on your back, now." She told him, setting the chart down at his hip. It didn't take long to finish those checks and then she was standing before him again, shifting nervously. "You, uhm," she cleared her throat, "you may wish to have another doctor perform the next examinations." Angela told him. "And why's that?" He asked, reminding Angela that he'd probably never had a physical - at least, not a proper one - before. "Because the next examinations are of your genitals and prostate," she explained awkwardly. He looked at her for a moment before chuckling. "I ain't got any problems with you examinin' me, darlin'," he told her. Cole's eyes ran over her once, taking in her discomfort. "But if you do, I won' mind someone else." Angela couldn't smother her surprise quickly enough for him to miss it. "What?" He demanded. "Yeah, I might make some jokes an' all, but I don' want you t' do anything ya ain't alright with." Cole frowned at her, crossing his arms. "I ain't like that." Shame swept through her. "I'm sorry," Angela whispered, eyes dropping to the floor. She's almost certain she's apologized more to him than she had anyone else - and she'd spoken to him for less than an hour. "I am usually better than this." Normally she wasn't so off balance. Cole sighed. "Just forget about it," he told her. She nodded, even though she knew she wouldn't. "How're we doin' this?" Angela sighed. "Let's just get this over with." She said. It was expected of her and it was necessary. He was quietly cooperative during the extremely personal examinations, which made it that much easier. It wasn't until she stepped back and pulled the gloves off that he spoke again. "I gotta admit, darlin': that wasn' the way I expected my first time naked with you to go." Angela glared at him over her shoulder, ignoring her red cheeks, and he laughed. At least he had kept that quip to himself until after she was done. "There is a bathroom there," Angela pointed, ignoring his previous words completely. "Inside, there is a specimen cup on the counter. Please fill it with urine and then redress." Then they would be done, and he would be Blackwatch. She kept her back to him as he slid off the bed and made his way to the bathroom, but she couldn't help but look at him once his back was to her. Angela wasn't sure what she was going to do. It didn't take long before he was done and the sample was on the counter next to his chart. "That's it, then?" Cole asked heavily, and Angela knew he wasn't just talking about the medical exam. But she didn't know what to say, didn't know how to be this person. "The exam is done," she told him instead, because she knew that they were far from over. "Once the lab results come back, you'll be an official Blackwatch agent." The words weighed heavily on her heart. "Does Overwatch and Blackwatch work together often?" Angela shook her head slightly, understanding the question for what it really was. "Blackwatch provides the information that Overwatch acts on, so we rarely go on missions together - though it does happen, from time to time." Angela hesitated, but continued. "Sometimes, Blackwatch leans on our medical division - especially in emergencies." She had personally operated on at least a dozen Blackwatch agents in the past year alone. "Occasionally, we have Blackwatch agents in the base, but I don't keep track of when they're here or why." Angela shrugged. She didn't concern herself with much that existed above her infirmary, though she was keenly aware that that was going to change. "I see." Angela nodded, giving him a tight smile. "I won't take up any more of your time, then." On that note, he turned to leave. Angelas' hand snapped out and grabbed his arm, surprising them both. "Please, Cole," Angela said quietly, looking at anything but him as her fingers tightened briefly, "stay safe." His hand closed over hers, squeezing gently. "Don't you worry, Angela," he assured her. "This ain't the last you've seen of me." Her lips twitched in a slight smile, and then he was gone.
Connection | Recovery
Surprise! I ship McMercy too. I'm planning to add to this, similar to the Angel's Ransom series [but with less torture probably], so for any that ship these two there's more to come. Seriously, I have like 15+ documents of random stories and prompts that have just captured me. I write what my brain lets me, so I give them to you as my muse allows. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them. Thanks to @ausforsoulmates for putting together such a great prompt list; I'll probably pull more from it because apparently this is where I am now.
Wholesome Batfamily Prompts
Some prompts for those who enjoy wholesome Batfam content. Feel free to mix or alter these, and share a link if you write one!
Fluff Prompts:
-The Batfam goes out for a day of go-carting. Things get competitive...
-The Robins decide to surprise Bruce with a birthday present, but can’t figure out what to get him.
-The Batfam volunteers at a local animal shelter. One of the animals wants to come home with them.
-Alfred is down with the flu (or some other contagious illness), and the Batfam have to figure out dinner for themselves. Chaos ensues.
AU/Crossover Prompts:
-An AU in which Talia and Bruce are happily married and actually try to raise Damian in a healthy environment. You decide what Ra’s is doing. (If you wanted to take the AU farther, he’s either no longer a villain or never was one to begin with.)
-A Pokémon crossover where Damian aspires to be a world-class trainer or Pokémon professor. He and his dad investigate Pokémon mysteries between tournaments. (Bonus points: Ra’s is either a Pokémon professor or evil team leader...maybe both?)
-A 1950′s/1960′s sitcom AU. You could go the traditional route with this one, or play up the weirdness like the Munsters or Addams Family.
FNAF Security Breach AU in which Cassie and Gregory basically swap roles.
Cassie is the one trying to escape the Pizza Plex and the roaming animatronics with the help of ("the best") Roxxanne Wolf
Gregory is the one venturing into the now abandoned Pizza Plex in hopes of saving his best friend, and ends up stumbling across a familiar face (Glamrock Freddy) who still remembers him.
Nimona Shrek AU with Nimona and Ballister as Shrek and Donkey (idk who would be who) and Ambrosius in the Fiona role who falls in love with Ballister and they become Nimona's new dads.
(Also can we talk about how "Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett fits Nimona SO well?)
Dadbastian people write this down-
You’re a demon. One day, you’re summoned into a living room, and an exhausted woman quickly rambles about needing to get to work and being unable to find a sitter before flying out the door. Now, you stand in your summoning circle, a toddler staring wide eyed at you.
AUs I kinda want
- you smacked me in the face while telling a story but don’t stop, I really wanna know what happened to your grandma
- you stole my window seat on the airplane and I’m about to give you a long ass complaint but oh god you’re really cute and it’s your first time flying and fine, okay, guess I’m sitting in the middle seat now
- I stole your Netflix password from our mutual friend and normally I just quietly watch storage wars but it’s three in the morning and you’re watching Legally Blonde 2, is everything alright?
- I accidentally said your name wrong one time when you first ordered at my coffee shop and now you’re getting revenge by mispronouncing mine in increasingly horrible ways- no, it’s NOT yam, try again asshole
- I’m a demon and you just summoned me but as I’m hanging around in preparation for fulfilling the deal, we’re starting to talk and you’re actually a really good person, maybe you shouldn’t sell your soul for this.
- you're super good at this class and I’m really bad at it and I know we don’t really like each other but can you please, please tutor me? I’ll do anything
- you heard me ranting about a play I saw three weeks ago that you really liked and now we’re in the middle of a passionate debate and I guess you’re right about the staging being good but you can’t argue that the romance was horrendous
Some more AUs I want
- You always take up two parking spaces in the communal garage for our apartment building and it pisses me off because SERIOUSLY?!? so I’ve printed out a snarky coloring book page (”if you master coloring between the lines on here, there may be hope for your parking”) but you catch me sticking it to your windshield and, hey, how dare you say that about my mother, do you wanna fight?
- We’re both shopping for Christmas trees and I’ve found the perfect one but it’s caught your eye as well and I’m more than willing to fight for this but you also look really cold and tired so maybe we can work this out over some hot cocoa and, oh, well, now we're under some mistletoe, guess we have to kiss
- I’ve had a crush on you forever but we’ve never actually spoken because you’re hot and I’m shy but now you’re walking over here and ohmygod you look even cuter up close what the fuck do I do?
- I subtly referenced a show I really love in one of my poems for English and now the teacher says we have to peer review so here you go- wait, why do you look so excited!?- do you watch it too!? Who’s your favorite character???
- I’m walking my dog and I don't know why but he really wants to get up in your lap I’m so so sorry about spilling your coffee can I buy you another one?
- I know it’s late and I only know you through one of my more distant friends but I know you live in my neighborhood and I just fell and hurt my leg and I don’t think I can walk, oh god, can you please please come to get me?
- My car broke down and now I rely on you for rides everywhere and I’m sorry but we are NOT listening to anymore Adele no matter what you say about her talent if you want breakup songs at least have some self-respect and go with Taylor Swift
- I’m waiting for my friend to be done donating blood but you’re really cute and you’re ushering me into a waiting room and I guess this is my life now- how much will I be giving away again?
Soulmate type AU
A world where everyone has a tattoo on their body and when they meet someone who will be important to them (and by 'important to them' I don't just mean friends and family. I mean rivals and enemies and begrudging allies who will be huge parts of their story), that person's tattoo appears on their body. Certain parts of the body represent the roles the person is going to play in your life. Like, if their tattoo is over your heart you'll be lovers, if it's around your wrists/neck they'll be someone with power over you, if it's on the bottom of your foot you'll be enemies, if it's on your heel they'll be a weakness to you, etc. Also, the tattoos are representative of a person's personality. One of my characters is a hothead who'd die to protect the people she loves and takes on a warrior type role, so she'd have a huge phoenix emblazoned across her shoulder blades.
Camp Counselor AUs
Just got back from being a counselor in training at my favorite camp ever and I’m feeling inspired.
- One of my campers just shoved 12 cherry tomatoes into her mouth and spat them up into the air and I know you saw it too and now we’re both making eye contact and if you keep making that dumb face I’m going to die laughing please have mercy
- We’re doing some conflict resolution exercises and we’re supposed to pretend to be a pair of campers who got in a fight while the third member of our group is the counselor but you’re really into this and it’s honestly super cute oh my god, how did I never notice this before?
- A kid from my cabin and a kid from your cabin are obviously crushing on one another and we’ve decided to help them get together but along the way, we start to bond and I’m accidentally sabotaging out kids so we can keep hanging out all the time but you found out and now you’re pissed and how do I explain myself!?
- We’re co-counseling the youngest group of kids together and they’ve decided that we absolutely have to get married so now we’re holding a makeshift wedding ceremony and they’re insisting we kiss and you look so pretty up close and I’m about to die of embarrassment, please help.
- One of our nighttime activities is stargazing and apparently you’re a mythology nerd so you start telling our campers all the stories and I can help but notice how cute you are while you’re all animated and excited because normally you’re kind of shy and this is something I’ve never gotten to see before
- We’re in the middle of a vicious prank war and you decided to individually wrap everything on my bed in plastic wrap which I’d normally find pretty funny but it’s really late and I don’t have the time to deal with this so scoot over asshole, it’s bed-sharing time
- It’s movie night for our campers and we’re sitting in the back sharing popcorn but one of the characters just made a joke that definitely wasn’t child-appropriate and I’m dying laughing but all our kids are confused and now I’m choking on a popcorn kernel, help!!
- We’re crafting and you want to make a flower crown but you’re also really bad at this so you’ve recruited me to help you and I keep getting distracted by how adorable you are when you’re concentrating really hard on something and when we’re finally done it’s an awful flower crown but you look so happy with it and I just cant.
Meet ugly
- So I may or may not have maced you because there’s this really creepy guy who’s been showing upside my house and I finally worked up the courage to face him but he wasn’t him he was you and oh god you’re crying, please don’t do that, I’m so fucking sorry let me help you inside!!
- My new puppy is a sweet and precious darling whose only sin is that she’s not potty trained and I warned you not to come any closer but... yep... there she goes. Sorry about the piss all over your shoes, I guess.
- You were a simple roofer, stapling shingles down onto my neighbor’s roof. I was a jackass who decided to play baseball in the front yard despite knowing my aim was horrible. We are the idiots who ended up in the ER because you stapled your hand three times and I feel too responsible to leave you alone like this. How much hospital coffee will it take to make this up?
- So maybe I was in the wrong when I punched through your car window but what are you gonna do? Sue me??? Oh shit, fuck, I didn’t mean literally! I’m so so so sorry, please don’t call your lawyer on me I’m too poor for this!!
- no specific prompt but can you just imagine a hooker x undercover cop au?? that would be pretty epic.
Some gay prompt shit
I’m big gay, I have thoughts, here we go
1. BIG soldier lady and small, waspy, annoyed medic who has to deal with her constant injuries. Obv a wartime thing. She never realized how much big dumb lesbian means to her until she fucking gets stabbed and it’s up to her to save the life of her crush. It’s got angst, it’s got whump, it’s got fucking everything!!
2. Hot pirate captain lady with probably a corset or smth b/c I’m gay and her prim, proper, noblewoman gf who ran away from her shitty parents for that sexy pirate lifestyle of adventure on the high seas. They are the original proprietors of be gay do crime. They are everything I need in life.
3. the Cool Out Suave New Wave Gay Girl and the one girl who just kind of realized that like??? maybe the reason I don’t feel attracted to guys is because i’m gay??? and they go to hs and are both very in love and you will now write a 300,000 word story abt their dumb pining asses as they both assume the other couldn’t possibly like them while going on dozens of dates that they don’t realize are dates
4. Creative writing class. High school. One of them writes moody high-atmosphere murder mystery stories. One of them writes soft love stories abt gay cowgirls riding off into the sunset together. They fall in love slowly, over the course of senior year, and write stories together in the sunshine filled courtyard and there is Yearning.
5. Cowgirl romance! There is cowgirl one and cowgirl two and one of them wears her hair in like... trendy braids, and the other has hers cut really short and dresses kind of masculine and both of them are grubby but like in a cute way and they are so in L O V E. (what if we kissed right after we drove the cows home? jk jk!!... 😳... unless...)
- you’re a big content creator in a few of my favorite fandoms and I make a point to follow your blogs because I think you’re pretty cool and holy shit you just fucking followed me and why and how and oh my god, could we be mutuals? Yes?? Really???
- So we’ve been chatting on and off for a couple months but recently we’ve been talking like... all the time and... well, you are in my city. And... I have been wanting to meet you. And... well, honestly what could it hurt? Wanna get bubble tea next tuesday?
- I’ve been struggling with my weight for quite a while and it’s really starting to mess with me so I decided to hire a personal trainer and holy shit? You keep giving me all these sweet little compliments and encouraging me and I never realized a person could make me feel so good about myself?
- It turns out that moving cross country is like hard(??) and I also know that we don’t like know each other know each other but none of my other friends live in new york and you’ve got a really nice truck and won’t this be a nice way for us to bond? Don’t you wanna come and get to know me? Just a little bit?? Please??? (I’d pay for a moving company but I’m broke as hell)
Klaus vibes.... he agreed to help with your studying and got held up at work.... oops.
"I missed a deadline for the group project and I'm now trying to make it up to you by burying you in helpful research papers and baked goods" AU
- (@yellowmagicalgirl)
Danny and his family are going to Gotham for vacation since the parents detected ectoplasm there (the family already knew Danny's the Phantom and so did Amity Park but not the whole world since Phantom made everyone forget it). The family are still obsessed with ghosts but friendlier now.
The point is, Danny is a prince who will going to a crime infested City so now the ghosts are secretly wandering around Gotham to keep Danny and his family safe and because of that, the crime rate decreased significantly faster as though it felt like peacefully mundane.
Every criminal and villain who was about to do their work had been either overshadowed by ghosts or be knocked out before they even get a chance and that got the heroes thinking about what's happening.