thoughts, music and photos
15 posts
Owl-in-violet-sunflowers - Violet-Greenish World - Tumblr Blog
Blah blah blah
Am I always a depressive shit for my friends?
2020 is here and I'm finally ready to left all the shit people in the past
The Morse code
How often you feel weird? Just like a hole inside the lungs growing up and ruining the heart? And you cannot breath properly. But what is it? Is it illness? Yes, kind of.
It's the signal that your brain is sending. Unknown signals. The Morse code for the deaf soul.

One Good song for thousands of bad days
Never allow loneliness to drive you into the arms of someone you know you don’t belong with.
Unknown (via help-n-quotes)

Just purple clouds
Morning questions
One beautiful or not morning you'll wake up and ask yourself: Am I wrong? Should I do everything in different way? The saddest and the best in the same time thing is that answer to this questions will know only you and nobody else.

The dissonance inside me
Frequently happens that we hate and love one person in the same time. This dissonance ruins us, but gives specious memorable pleasure

Charm of a bookish romance
Accidentally, in the middle of the night, I realised that I just got lost in the forest of delicate purple bookish romance and didn’t want to came back reality