Wfa!Batfam is soooooo good im in love, here for the missed details and hcs and background info on characters cos i dun have the comics, I also read some marvel comics, mainly deadpool and wolverine.
13 posts
Pandora-eclipse - Currently Obsessed With Batfam - Tumblr Blog
ig it's tradition now

eek! Sorry! Have a good day. BYE
wherefore art thou dango?
What have I done.

I was bored! He looks very feminine...oops. Also, due to my inability to draw leather + low effort, the pants look more like boxer underwear than pants. Am I sorry? Not really.

Some ADA members taking care of a drunk Yosano because she deserves some love 💘

gave him sailor moon buns and makeup... dosent look like him anymore...i want his hair.
Late night doodles-2nd April

The moon is gone today...I wonder why? There's supposed to be a quarter moon still left but I can't find it. I just finished my geography exam, didn't finish the paper. I don't think I'll do well, I don't feel safe without the moon watching over me. I have another paper on Friday(math) the moon is supposed to be gone by then, and so I worry. I'll study for it soon. Just let me finish the doodle, I deserved it.
Overly complicated characters YAY!!!!
Ive been thinking about an X men OC with a super complicated ability. she has mutant abilities that are very special. she can talk to the souls of dead mutants, that have not crossed the bridge to afterlife due to the regret, guilt, or other strong emotions. she hears their stories, and write song about then, thereby liberating their souls, allowing them to cross into the afterlife, and she then gets their mutant abilities. she can also see the souls of unborne mutants, see their auras, she sees their strengths and weaknesses, give them these mutant abiities, to help them live their lives to the fullest extent.
Like for example, she sees Logan's soul, she sees a gentle, caring beast, who trusts so easily( remember james when he was young?) will be taken advantage of, who will be betrayed, caged and unresisting or not daring to resist, with only his healing abilities. Therefore, she gives him abilities that would prevent this from happening, his bone claws. Of course, she dosent know then shit that would end up happening, but the claws served their purpose, they made him into this bitter lonely person, but his soul was free, and he would not do anything he didnt want to, he was still caring, gentle at times, and ever so loyal, but firm and realistic.
is this a lil too far???????
I know tumblr isnt usually the place you go asking for help but im desperate. My parents got me a betta and expect me to put it in the large tank with angel fish and guppies and i read online that its not the best. I have another option of a 2 gallon tank but its definitely too small. I cant give it away cos its a birthday gift. I am an absolute begginer and have absolutely no idea what to do now. Anyone with more experience with bettas willing to help?
I love cats cos they’re just soooo adorable and pretty
I love dogs cos they’re sooooo cute and friendly and are generally angels
I love animals and nature because I find them fascinating and I feel very at peace observing them and the way they interact with their environment, I think it’s stunning. I don’t have the urge to pet and tame them or taking them away for myself. We have domesticated animals for that reason, dogs, cats, so why do we still want to tame wild animals, when we already have plenty of domesticated ones who can’t survive without us, looking for homes. I think wild animals are so stunning and facinating because they are wild. I think wild plants are gorgeous in the wild where they can grow freely and you can see the life in them. So stop taking them away from their homes and observe their beauty from afar
Am I weird or is it normal to want to be a cat sometimes? Like just lie on warm spots and curl into a ball and doze off. Especially when you have a lot of things on your schedule and you're really busy and tired?
The cat in the pic is snowy my neighborhood cat who probably has a home. According to my sis she looks really grumpy but shes really friendly, just sleepy in the sunny afternoon.

Hello tumblr!! im pandora and kinda new
currently obbsessed with wfa batfam but have not read the actual dc comics cos i dunno where to find em
i picked up knitting last year and im currently trying to knit a seater with the nightwing rebirth suit pattern (finger stripes and all)dunno if i will follow through with the plan but if i do ill def update
like i said, new to the app so i dunno how to tag properly but i know the basics(eg add spoilers tag if posting the fast pass eps)
somewhat a writer so might post hcs or fics but im really insecure about my writing so maybe after sometime
a lot of grammer mistakes cos my grammers bad and im from singapore so i speak alot of singlish
i decided to start interacting online cos im having troubles interacting irl and its easier online, so far ive had some luck on reddit, ticktok, and omegle so i have high hopes for tumblr too
if you managed to read the entire thing, tysm i really appreciate it pls be nice and no mean comments, tysm