I'm female and aromantic, I have autism and anxiety. I have many fandoms. Do I have the energy to actually watch them? No.
183 posts
My Friend Wasnt Texting Me Back For Three Days When She Usually Only Takes Two Hours At Most, So I Was
My friend wasn’t texting me back for three days when she usually only takes two hours at most, so I was getting worried about her and kind of low-key figured well maybe she got tired of you, but then she got in touch and told me that her phone wasn’t working and that she didn’t want me to worry, and then she said that she missed me because she wasn’t able to respond to my texts, and that just made me smile a lot.
Edit: It turns out she wasn’t getting my texts at all, BUT THE POINT STILL STANDS SHE WAS STILL MISSING ME AND I STARTED MISSING HER TOO
sweet-candy102 liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Parketmansion
I mostly just want to go to sleep. Also to watch Legally Blonde, but mostly to go to sleep.
The great thing about Tumblr is that I can share my thoughts with the world. I’ve always liked having private thoughts, but having someone know what they are every once in a while and respond is rather nice as well. No one’s really paying attention here, so I can say what I want, and if someone likes it, they can see it and move on. I’ve shared it. And very few people will know. Unless I somehow for some reason become famous, then something went wrong along the way.
My workplace finally added a place to insert a card on the vending machine, so I got to eat a smol pie on my lunch break
Many of my texts to my friends read a lot like Tumblr posts, but I can stop bothering them because I actually have a Tumblr now.
I realised the other day that I have yet to find a pair of shoes that I genuinely find cute. I have seen some cool shoes, and some old shoes, but none of them have ever been ugly, and none have ever been cute.