However - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Me: spends hours on fanart

The lonely tab labeled Whumptober that I am supposed to be focusing on:

Me: Spends Hours On Fanart

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okay im gonna be aggressive about this actually wil doesn't get to show up after two weeks of phil being the second best dad on the entire fucking server (after roier) and start throwing implications about phil being a terrible father and the fandom eating it up

like wil is Objectively Incorrect that phil shouldn't be raising his kids as warriors. tallulah Will die if she doesn't at least get armor and a sword for self defense. phil's house seems paranoid but chayanne would be dead now if not for it.

qsmp phil is a good dad actually no matter how much wil wants to give his own character some angst at phil's expense

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8 years ago

With a thought comes an action.  With an action comes consequences.  With consequences comes conflict.  And conflict, when stretched across countless souls and lifetimes, across countless experiences and feelings, is a dangerous thing to behold.

Inspired by and based on TratserEnoyreve’s comic, “The Thought”

Adapted from various themes, primarily “Megalovania”, from Undertale (2015)

Undertale and all original songs are copyright of Toby Fox. Art by TratserEnoyreve.

Download: Here

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5 months ago

Crime Time!! Now With Actual Crime!

I have been on a roll when it comes to writing!! More criminal AU, more Bite-Sized, I'm feeling unstoppable!!

Anyyyyway, here's more of my AU of @cubbihue's AU! Hope y'all enjoy!!

Mugsy knew he couldn’t afford to house an entire other person. But Peri had nowhere to go. Mugsy wasn’t even sure the guy had any living family. He asked about it once and Peri got so miserable Mugsy was afraid to ask again.

Yeah, he’d love to keep Peri around until he could reasonably move out, but it wasn’t possible. Not unless he started making more money and fast.

The majority of his funds on any given week were typically from thievery, and Peri didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would be okay with that. If Mugsy asked, if he phrased it right, maybe he could get Peri on board.

There were a couple issues that came with employing Peri as a literal partner in crime. For one, Peri wasn’t the best at walking. Mugsy had snagged a cane, not from anyone using it, no, from a store, and handed it to the guy. It took some trial and error, but Peri was getting the hang of it. He still wasn’t the most mobile person out there, but he was getting better. For two, Peri could not navigate. Dimmadelphia was a huge city, not the biggest out there, but still a bustling metropolis. One that Peri had gotten lost in twice already and they’d known each other for only a couple of days. And three, Peri really didn’t seem like the kind of person who would want to commit crimes.

Welp, Mugsy would never know if he never asked.

Peri was setting up a space on the couch so he could sleep there tonight. He had gotten the apartment tour the day prior, when the two of them arrived home from the cafe. Apparently, Peri really didn’t have a single thing on him. Not a phone or wallet, not an id. It was mildly concerning, but Mugsy let it slide, if not for anything else, than for nearly mugging the guy.

“Hey, Peri?” The purple haired man looked up, setting down the pillow he was fluffing. “Uh, you think you could help me out with stuff, moneywise? Since you’re going to be staying here,” Peri tilted his head like a confused kitten.

“Sure. But what did you have in mind?” Mugsy took a deep breath. “Oh. Please don’t make me mug people!” Peri’s voice took on a bit of a whine as he said that.

“No! No. Uh, not mugging. But, stealing in general. Expensive stuff left... Unattended. And food and stuff. Pickpocketing maybe?” Peri looked thoughtful for a moment before he smiled and nodded.

“Sure! I can do that! I think... I haven’t stolen too much before, and it was a while ago, so I might be rusty,” And what? Peri’s stolen stuff before? It was probably when he was a teenager and in a rebellious phase. But hey, at least he’s still open to it.

“Great. We can get started on that as soon as you're settled.” Peri shot Mugsy a thumbs up before returning to his work on the couch.

A couple hours later, Peri and Mugsy wound up inside a walmart. Peri isn’t as nervous as Mugsy thought he’d be, but he was fidgeting with his hands quite a bit. Though whether that was nerves or something else was up for debate. They needed clothes for Peri, and that was simple enough. As well as perhaps another cane, definitely a phone, and maybe one of those water flavoring drop-things. In the last 48 hours or so, Peri had only drank a coffee, and a single sip of water. He had a concerning sweet tooth, it seemed.

Mugsy had his backpack, which had plenty of space for anything Peri might want, and was leaving it with his new companion. It was very much divide and conquer, and Mugsy could only hope that Peri wouldn’t immediately screw this up.

As it turned out, Peri was not the one to mess things up. It was Mugsy. Apparently he looked too sketchy and acquired a stalker watching him from in between the aisles.

This is exactly how Mugsy ended up booking it out of the store with Peri draped over his shoulder. The purple haired man was struggling with the zipper of the backpack as they made their getaway.

Despite the extra weight of a whole human, Mugsy managed to escape whatever security might have been chasing them. The duo ended up in a nearby park, showing off their spoils at one of the many picnic tables in the area.

Just about every article of clothing that Peri had snatched was purple. With the exception of some pink and green accessories. The guy certainly seemed to have a theme. He had somehow found a pair of dark purple pants that he insisted were ‘aubergine.’ Mugsy did not recognize the word, so Peri must have made it up.

Mugsy’s haul was much smaller, given that he had been caught, but he did manage to get the water flavoring, which meant Peri could properly hydrate. He did not, however, get a phone. But that could wait for another day. At the moment, Mugsy was likely the only person Peri could call. He had also scored another cane, this one a purple-y color, which Peri was calling periwinkle and claiming that he loved it already. So, mission success!

The two started their way home at a leisurely pace, Peri testing out his new cane and sporting a pair of bracelets pink and green, both with crown and star charms.

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3 years ago
This Is A Commission For @pinksalsa Of His OC's SI And Shinji, Hope You Like It! Thanks Again For Your

This is a commission for @pinksalsa of his OC's SI and Shinji, hope you like it! Thanks again for your support!

Patreon: Ko-Fi:

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9 months ago

Thank you thank you thank you

Y'all don't understand how much I love Hera. I think about her endlessly. I am she and she is me. Ask me about college au human Hera I have so many little details abt her and Rhea in my brain right now

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1 year ago

"Something special..."

"Something Special..."

...Tomorrow night...

I walked to my bedroom, only to find...

"Something Special..."

"...Hello, my darling~"

My headcanon is that Lance is spicy with the Farmer only after marrying them, so this is pretty much Ziana's (my farmer) POV! ^^

I drew this as a joke, but now, it is not... Enjoy, my lovely fellow Lance simps enjoyers ✨️

More stuff below! ;)

Sexy night with your husband, Lance 😉✨️

"Something Special..."
"Something Special..."
"Something Special..."

My mom reacted this with heart eyes on IG, which is quite unexpected, hehe.... 🥰

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3 years ago

Many of my texts to my friends read a lot like Tumblr posts, but I can stop bothering them because I actually have a Tumblr now.

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