Texting - Tumblr Posts
you like "long story short" i like "short story long" tell me every fucking detail.

I'm telling y'all I'm HOPELESS
Friend: *sends pic showing their cleavage*
My gay ass: Cough- do you cough- do you like- ahem- dragons?

HELP 😭😭😭
Friend: *sends pic showing their cleavage*
My gay ass: Cough- do you cough- do you like- ahem- dragons?

Im gonna marry her probably
Friend: *sends pic showing their cleavage*
My gay ass: Cough- do you cough- do you like- ahem- dragons?

Kids these days, they even text while they're outside playing!

since I'm bored and these are fun to make, here!

honestly, I might do a Star Trek version of these since everybody seems to like them so much
Here are some texts between me and friends I thought would be popular amongst ya’ll. Enjoy.

texting your babe. Babe: 1:00pm Me: 1:01pm Babe: 3:35pm Me: 3:36pm Babe: 5:45pm Me: 5:46pm

one of my fave kind of mini-series of artworks
People get so scared of punctuation. Let me elaborate.
My friend texts me like: GWT TJE FUKC IP!?’
I reply with: No, additionally, retake 1st grade English.
I text like I write E Mails often. I text like a little Victorian boy who politely cleans chimneys. Every time I text a friend, they tell me I seem mad. When did grammar become an indication of anger?
Depending on the situation I read FTW interchangeably. At times, it’s ‘for the win’ at others? ‘Fuck the what?’
This is what i have my friend down as:

And this is what she has me down as 😭:

My friend wasn’t texting me back for three days when she usually only takes two hours at most, so I was getting worried about her and kind of low-key figured well maybe she got tired of you, but then she got in touch and told me that her phone wasn’t working and that she didn’t want me to worry, and then she said that she missed me because she wasn’t able to respond to my texts, and that just made me smile a lot.
Edit: It turns out she wasn’t getting my texts at all, BUT THE POINT STILL STANDS SHE WAS STILL MISSING ME AND I STARTED MISSING HER TOO
One of my best friends will no longer be my coworker, so that means that now more than ever I cannot tell her that I love her, because her leaving means most of our interactions will be through texts, which means it will be easier to idolise and create my own image of her. The bad news is, I was talking about love languages with her and said I wanted to spend money on her because “money is my love language”, and then she said she loved me “too” and then I realised I inadvertently told her I loved her so anyway life was a mistake