philosynphonie - philosynphonie

Hey there! I'm Jace, 19 year old (*2002). she/her and they/them. bi or pan. A (funktioning) depressed fangirl (girl? person? idek anymore) from Germany and working on my mental health (which is also the reason why I'm hardly on this site anymore). Part of more fandoms than there are stars in the sky, but mainly D&D shows (Dimension 20, Critical Role, NADDpod, The Adventure Zone, etc.) Musicals (Starkid, bare, Lizard Boy, etc.), MCU, Narnia, Marauders, K-pop, ... and sooo many more. Big multi-shipper. Love the angst. poetry & aesthetics™ enthusiast. I'll try to do inktober this year, but who knows.

531 posts

@evilroachindustrial Asked For Transcript Of Brians Spontaneous Caleb Meta, But/and I Ended Up Doing

@evilroachindustrial asked for transcript of Brian’s spontaneous Caleb meta, but/and I ended up doing a transcription of the whole answer to the precipitating question and the conversation Brian, Liam, and Matt had together in answering it. 

[51:55–57:37 of the Twitch VOD]

Q: As Caleb meets more advanced arcanists, whose motives and interests all differ from another, where does he see himself in relation to them? And does he instinctively compare them to Trent to analyze the potential hostility towards him and the group?

Liam: Well yes to the latter part. He’s very distrustful. Um… I mean he went through a traumatic—a very traumatic—situation and it has made him very paranoid and gun shy, and he is— You know, he’s a lot better— 

Brian: (mutters) He’s not fire shy

Matt: He’s come a long way

Liam: He sure has! Um, there’s a lot that he’s never gonna let go of, but he’s come a long way. 

[a brief, but Talks Machina-typical digression]

There’s so much here that I— A lot is changing for him. Or has changed and is still changing. He’s very reactive in a lot of ways. It’s like whatever is laid out in front of him in the moment that matters to him, or that he can take advantage of, or that he cares about. I don’t he’s kind of… [stammering] What’s just spilled out onto the table is going to be a real egg scramble for him I think, because a fucking Betrayer God coming back is so much more important than his bullshit. And I don’t know that it’s going to make him let go of that stuff—completely, or at all, or just a little—but if a Betrayer God is trying to come back and just shit on the world— like, on existence—then all the stuff that he’s been chasing, really… even for him in his, like, traumatized, fucked-up person that he is. You can’t— He has to reevaluate. He has to.


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More Posts from Philosynphonie

5 years ago

i think the finale arc of the adventure zone is literally the most fucking powerful piece of media ever created and here’s why

you know that opening narration in Watchmen where rorshach is all “they’ll look up and scream save us, and i’ll look down and whisper no” and it’s all very gritty and dramatic and uhuhu sheeple

it’s literally the total fucking opposite of that

the apocalypse is bearing down, a hundred billion voices screaming in cacophonous and deafening unison GIVE UP AND DIE, and the entire world shares a glance, and takes a breath, and looks up and says:


And I don’t believe I have ever seen something with such a powerful faith in humanity. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something that describes such an unshakeable connectedness, such an unbreakable will to exist. The apocalypse is happening and people are still fighting.

And I think that especially now, especially in times of such upheaval and uncertainty, and now with the threat of nuclear war looming from the darker corners of our political houses, we need more than ever stories that say what this one does–and I have never seen it more clearly and more beautifully communicated.

It’s not over until you stop fighting.

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5 years ago

It is one of my favourite shows. It is very character focused and for once a story where the character narration actually adds something important to the show.

Phenomenal acting. This show made me both cry and laugh and I'm so glad that it ends where it ends. The two seasons where perfect.

I just want to say that the end of the fucking world is literally a piece of art. Everything from the cinematography to the music, and wardrobe choices. The small detailed flashbacks from season 1 they put in there, facial expressions that go beyond words. Every little detail was significant. I’m just in awe right now, I’m so amazed. I love this show so much

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5 years ago

Their sucessful comebacks have brought me so much joy after such a depressing time in the kpop scene.

I am so happy they're doing well, they deserve it.

God I’m so soft. Hyuna and Dawn look so good and so happy. I’m really proud of them and I hope these experiences help them grow as a couple. Please go support their comebacks

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5 years ago

Reasons You Should Listen to All the Episode Commentaries for Leverage

–John Rogers is always drinking some kind of alcoholic beverage while doing so. He introduces himself at the beginning, pops the can/bottle open, and it begins.

–The writers/directors/producers freaking LOVED just about every part of the show. They are always heaping love onto the actors/the crew/the writers/the locations they filmed.

–Aldis Hodge starts joining in during Season 3 and always introduces himself as either, “DJ Chocolate Skittles,” “Cookie,” or, with a very specific vocal inflection that I don’t know how to describe, “SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!” He also always has very interesting tidbits about approaching moments he’s improvised (which is almost all the best moments on the show) and about how he views Hardison.

–The creators also always talk about the Portland actors they worked with, because that’s where they filmed just about the whole show, and how talented those actors were. Very rarely did they bring up L.A. actors because they kept finding incredible talent in Portland, such as Detective Bonanno, Peggy, the Irish Mob actors in Boy’s Night Out, almost all of the clients and security guards, etc.

–Speaking of, they also keep talking about how they could imagine entirely other shows surrounding various characters they didn’t have enough time to dedicate to, such Sophie and Tara grifting together or the FBI Agent in the Radio Job having his own story. They wanted to bring back SO MANY different actors and characters who only appeared for brief times during the show.

–They talk about lots of lore that they couldn’t fit into the show. They say that the assassins from the Reunion Job and the Morning After Job are married, that the cop lady (they named her Officer Rose, specifically for fanfic references, because they hadn’t given her a name in the script and greatly regretted that because they loved this actor) that Eliot flirted with/distracted in Boy’s Night Out dated Rizzoli in the past (John Rogers was apparently very bitter that the writers hadn’t committed to Rizzolie and Isles being lesbians, he talks about it in the commentary twice), John Rogers even outright says that he believes that Maggie and Sophie were involved with each other in canon at one point.

–They encourage so much fanfiction ideas, both about the main cast and about minor characters. John says, and I quote, about the Girl’s Night Out scene where Sophie and Tara are searching that hotel bedroom together, “If this scene does not inspire some very raunchy fanfiction, we have failed our audience.”

–They respect their actors and characters. So much. They made a rule during the first two seasons to NOT sexualize Parker’s character unless she was on the grift and in control of the situation. They realized that the way Sophie and Nate were in S1, they hadn’t developed enough as characters be together during that season, so they changed it up because it was what the characters needed. They were very adamant about giving Parker and Hardison the lovely, slowburn romance they deserved, especially with how broken Parker was. So often, the writers said that the actors were so in-tune with their characters that all the directors did was point the camera at the actors and let them do their thing, because often the actors ad-libbed something in-character that ended up in the show., like Eliot and Sophie’s conversation about what’s under Nate’s bed in the Beantown Bailout Job. 

–The big reason Aldis Hodge was casted to be Hardison was because he was the only actor who made about eight pages worth of story exposition sound fun and interesting and enjoyable, and most of Hardison’s dialogue involves exposition. Also, his improv game was STRONG.

–One of my favorite lines in the entire commentary involves John Rogers talking about the Girl’s Night Out Job: “DON’T DISEMPOWER YOUR FEMALE LEADS.”

–They talk about HILARIOUS scenes they wanted to include in the show but couldn’t: Parker’s first introduction to chocolate involving her almost eating through the table, Eliot’s flashback scene in the beginning of S5 involving him coming through Stargate, or Eliot appearing covered in green goo in a flashback in the First-Contact Job.

–There’s also a LOT of really good lessons and ideas about camerawork and set design and costume design and how they write the episodes which I imagine will be very helpful for burgeoning filmmakers.

–Another big rule was to treat every season like it would be the last one, because Dean and John HATED when show pulled that awful cliffhanger trick to get people to come back and watch more, both for Season Finales and from episode to episode. To quote John, “GIVE THE FANS THEIR F***ING ENDING!!”

–Competence Porn. The creators’ favorite term to use, because they know all fans have a competence kink, and Leverage is a show FULL of Competence Porn. They know what the fans want and they deliver.

–Basically, if you’re looking to write Leverage fanfiction and want to enjoy hearing from creators who actually respected and loved the show they created along with the actors and crews who helped make it happen, I highly recommend the Leverage commentary, it’s so enjoyable, they are all so animated the entire time they talk about it, it makes you excited just listening.

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