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Sanene/Dew-on-Heels during the first few chapters of Touch Me.
" Baby you want some chicken?"
"Want some chicken?"
" want some more? Hmm?"
@evilroachindustrial asked for transcript of Brian’s spontaneous Caleb meta, but/and I ended up doing a transcription of the whole answer to the precipitating question and the conversation Brian, Liam, and Matt had together in answering it.
[51:55–57:37 of the Twitch VOD]
Q: As Caleb meets more advanced arcanists, whose motives and interests all differ from another, where does he see himself in relation to them? And does he instinctively compare them to Trent to analyze the potential hostility towards him and the group?
Liam: Well yes to the latter part. He’s very distrustful. Um… I mean he went through a traumatic—a very traumatic—situation and it has made him very paranoid and gun shy, and he is— You know, he’s a lot better—
Brian: (mutters) He’s not fire shy
Matt: He’s come a long way
Liam: He sure has! Um, there’s a lot that he’s never gonna let go of, but he’s come a long way.
[a brief, but Talks Machina-typical digression]
There’s so much here that I— A lot is changing for him. Or has changed and is still changing. He’s very reactive in a lot of ways. It’s like whatever is laid out in front of him in the moment that matters to him, or that he can take advantage of, or that he cares about. I don’t he’s kind of… [stammering] What’s just spilled out onto the table is going to be a real egg scramble for him I think, because a fucking Betrayer God coming back is so much more important than his bullshit. And I don’t know that it’s going to make him let go of that stuff—completely, or at all, or just a little—but if a Betrayer God is trying to come back and just shit on the world— like, on existence—then all the stuff that he’s been chasing, really… even for him in his, like, traumatized, fucked-up person that he is. You can’t— He has to reevaluate. He has to.
GO 👏 THE 👏 FUCK 👏 OFF. Also, the American educational system is trash. I applaud this child’s parents for giving her a voice and standing up against bias authority.
I love his little "mmn Neji?"
THis is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in Naruto.
Reginald’s journal entry s1 e7
I noticed that no-one had posted about what the journal entry we see Harold flip to in s1 e7 so I thought I’d transcribe since I’m rewatching it anyway (no image soz since Netflix doesn’t allow screenshots)
0.04 Conjuring incident 06/16/01
I found that number four was simply not progressing in his abilities to conjure the non-living. He seems to not want to embrace this power. I sped up that ability tonight by locking him in the mausoleum overnight. Hypothetically he is seeing gore and death, but to be affective he must become desensitised to this.
Notes from incident
Klaus resistant
More fearful than I’ve ever seen him
Trying to squeeze himself through gated bars. Appears to be seeing if he has another super power he doesn’t know about.
0:36 Appears to have made first contact with dead spirits
(Harold’s hand is blocking the rest of the page)
Thanks to @fiyero3305 for filling in blanks!
If you can't, won't, or don't want to watch the TikTok video, the person is reacting to another TikTok where someone asks why Germany works so strongly against modern antisemitism.
"I'm gonna be the first one to say it. WW2 never actually ended. They just started hiding. I cannot stress this enough: when Germany is siding with Israel, WW2 never ended. I can't stress this enough: with Italy siding with Israel, WW2 never ended. With the United States siding with Israel, WW2 never ended.
"All these people just went into hiding, and now that Israel is doing absolute chaos to the world, they're back in full support of Israel. Openly.
"This is just my hot take. Most Yahtzees [censored term for Nazis] look like this [points at pale skin on palm of hand]. I really feel like the remaining Yahtzees [Nazis] of the world go to Israel, rebrand as Zionism [sic], and call it a day.
"Again, after seeing Italy do the controversial salute and watching Germany silent [sic] antifascists? WW2 never ended. It really didn't."
Are we still playing Antisemitism bingo? I think this one's a winner.
Also, sometimes, if you're the first to say something?
It's because you're wrong.
tiktok dot com/t/ZTLetk3fK/ I am actually losing my mind over this what the fuck 😭
"WWII never ended" is indeed quite the hot take.
Update on Sherlock & Co Mailbag transcripts poll
I just joined a discord convo with some patreon members, and they advised me NOT to post the mailbags transcripts because it wouldn't be fair for the patreon members paying exclusively for that extra content.
I'm sorry if I got everyone excited, and I do appreciate all the votes put in, but sadly I won't be able to continue the poll due to no longer feeling comfortable with posting the transcripts now. I will be deleting the poll, but I'll still post about Sherlock & Co content like episode reviews and interacting with the community!
I just got hooked on Sherlock & Co. and found this beauty on AO3! I loved reading the transcript to the first episode! By our very own @iamjustreading !

Oh if you haven’t, do yourself a favor and listen! We have a very recognizable Sherlock and a John Watson who is somewhat awkward and light and jolly/happy. There is so much admiration and support from him to Sherlock and Sherlock…oh give it a listen and a read!!
Join the fun! Sherlock & Co Podcast Transcription
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