Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Immortal Cosmic Entity, Yet So Protective Of Her Voice As She Was A Regular Human.

Immortal cosmic entity, yet so protective of her voice as she was a regular human.
Cindy haven't had any memories worth cherishing left from her human life, the only thing she still managed to protect is her voice, which she cherishes as much as her Fire. Thanks to her powers she's capable of regeneration both physically and mentally, but she haven't dared to test whenever the healing is also applied to her vocal chords specially, as they aren't necessary to be a terror or protector when needed.
Cindy knows her voice is a gift, one in a century and haven't stopped perfecting, gently pushing the limits further. She can be considered a vocal acrobat, her range is extraordinary along with her grit which is 70% natural 30% technique. She warms up every time before singing, despite being the literal embodiment of the Phoenix Force still drinks water in liters along with soothing teas. And trying to not retch in the process. She doesn't drink, do drugs or even smoke (her fire is cosmic and by itself it's pure energy therefore doesn't produce smoke if not burning anything); nothing which could potentially damage or lessen her capabilities. Exercises to specifically push her lung capacity to the maximum, perfected breathing techniques. She thinks she has earned to be proud of what she's capable of, it isn't like she's just talented and hasn't worked to achieve the current level.
The glaring difference between her and Rozália's singing is that Rozy is reckless with her voice. She knows the Hellfire will heal her vocal chords too, so she doesn't really care about warmups or water consumption. The other that Rozália is actually an alto, smooth original voice; the new heights and distortions are due to the Hellfire. While Cindy is a dramatic mezzo-soprano and everything about her voice is natural, even the infamous distortion and electric guitar noises. Rozy did her own share of learning when and how much to loosen the pendant for the desired effect, but in Cindy's eyes it will always be inferior as most of the uniqueness comes from a curse.
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“First the 'murder is bad don't do it'; okay then let me hop down to Hell and enjoy the change of scenery.”
“Then the basically 'sex is bad don't do it'; what happened to the so famous spirit of lust here??”

“Make up your fucking minds already or better yet; mind your own fucking business.”

Trying so hard to not burst out laughing at the sudden silence followed by her statement.

“Can't believe for once in my life I successfully stopped a conflict between two people without murder.”


“Hey, it’s still less awkward then when I fucked a snake demon and his grandson at the same time.”



Oh she liked this one.

“Yes to the movies, the sex toys and of course the play date~” the jade eyed woman purred approvingly
“No to the drugs as I have a voice to protect and I prefer to be conscious unless I'm getting choked out.” she shrugged, leaving out how she wanted to keep her clear judgment as well
“And I know it's so overused, yet it's still true: I love your outfit.”

"Everyone wants a brat but then nobody wants to put the brat in her place." Yes, she's pouting.
Ya know if you really wanna indulge in lust go to the lust ring
I'm sure Ozzie would get a kick outta you

“Already been to Lust. Might just visit it again.”

Look what my girlfriend @winters-club got me for Christmas!!🥰💖💕🔥