hi, im pine tree and basically just here to read fanfics and see fan art (mostly Star Wars, I love The Bad Batch!) ^w^ But I also write fafics on my own on AO3 :D so check it out if you want ^w^ I'm PineeTree99 on AO3
18 posts


ghost agents . 'Jump back into Hyperspace Stories and find your allies when Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories: The Bad Batch: Ghost Agents #1 (of 5) lands in comic shops on January 15, 2025. '

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Crosshair learning that that betta mer doesn’t in fact want to eat him

It was… Nice.
At first the way Crosshair would force himself onto the two mers was to see where was the boundary; how much he would get away with before the adults would decide that the he was to be put in his place lower in the hierarchy, most likely by force. But for some reason it never happened.
Crosshair could take the food first, even seconds before their claws touched it, and the two bettas didn’t seem to mind, even smiling when he would hurriedly shove it into his mouth.
They didn’t hiss or bite him if he took the best basking spot, or hoard those floating mats to nap that he knew Echo always used if he was too tired to swim. But neither he or his fully able brother ever tried to get it back.
It was frustrating, trying to finally get them to act, to show where Crosshair’s place was, that they were in charge-
And never getting any pushback. Fives never tried to hurt him after the first time the teen was introduced to them and attacked Echo. Looks like this was the only way to find out how these adults would punish him for acting out of line.
It was a warm afternoon, Echo floating in the pool without his prosthetic tail, taking a nap underwater. Crosshair began slowly swimming up to the handicapped twin, his skin and scales still aching from the wounds caused by the net and sun three weeks back.
He knew Echo was aware of his approach, cause the betta opened his eyes to look at him with some sort of curiosity. If it was anyone from Crosshair’s pod, they would already bite his ears for interrupting their nap. But this one didn’t, instead he unwrapped his one remaining arm from his torso and… waited?
The eel mer slowly swam closer, until he was almost up to the betta’s face. He could wrap around him, drag him to the bottom of the pool, bite into his neck gills and force Fives to finally show what would happen to an unruly teen that didn’t know his place-
A quiet, low tune reached Crosshair’s ears, and immediately made him relax. His ears, flattened to the sides of his head until now, were now spread out and moving. Muscles of his back and tail, previously tense and ready to strike relaxed, so the mer teen started to sink to the bottom until his head hit the betta’s scarred chest. His eyes were heavy, and he realized how tired he was from all the stressing around the two adults in the same pool. He looked up to see a soft smile on Echo’s face as he hummed the song.
„Kid, did your mum never sing you the lullaby?” Crosshair tiredly shook his head, his left arms reaching out and instead of sinking his claws into the adult’s neck, it curled under the eel mer’s head to work like a pillow.
He fell asleep immediately.

"Precautioned Recording"
Something I came up with while having some alone time at work. I thought about panic attacks, what happenes, what the person goes through and ways to help.
I recently became addicted to The Magnus Archives and Protocol and it gave me the idea to write it like a script ( also because I plan to do a comic or animate it some day )
( TMA is a Podcast distributed by Rusty Quill, a really good Horror Podcast written by Jonathan Sims and directed by Alexander J Newall, if you like horror and good story telling I can only recommend listening to it! )
So, this is taking place in S3 Ep7. The Batch and the others are in the tunnels to flee, and I thought, what if the encounter with the CX-1 trooper triggered something in Crosshair wich resulted in a panic attack later.
I'm gonna cut it into parts tho, and thx to my ori'vod for helping me naming this <3
So yeah, hold your tissiues ready and enjoy part one :D
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Hunter Tech Wrecker Crosshair Echo Omega Other
- in the tunnels -
[ slightly shaking, trying to hide it ]
[ Batcher whines quietly at Cross ]
[ notices too, moves to put a hand on his shoulder but is interrupted by Howzer stepping between them ]
Alright! [ shoves him back, ripping Crosshair's helmet off of his head ]
[ drops rifle, backs of scared ]
Howzer! ( Rex )
What did he ment by asking you?! What are you not telling us?! [ Howzer pushes Crosshair against the wall ]
[ grunts by the impact with the wall ]
[ Batcher barks outraged ]
Spit it out!!! ( Howzer )
[ breathes heavily, pressing his eyes shut ]
Hey!! [ grabs Howzer by the collar of his back and picks him up ] Back. Off!! [ let's him down, shoves him away, put's himself infront of Cross ]
It's all his fault! He's feeding them information! ( Howzer )
No! No he's not! He changed! [ stepps up beside Wrecker ] He's on our side!
Oh yeah? Then how- (Howzer)
[ voices seem muffled like being underwater breathes heavily, pressed up against the wall, a hand on his chest, trying to calm himself. flashes of Tantiss come up, the torture, the pain, the cold... the lonely, whimperes ]
-Huh? Why that?! Enlighten me! ( Howzer )
He did nothing! It's not his fault!!
Back off Howzer! You have no idea what you are talking about! [ stepps up beside Omega ]
He's a traitor! [ points at Crosshair ]
[ lifts arm up to shield Cross more and hide him behind him ]
[ can't seem to calm down, begins to panic ]
[ looks at Crosshair worried ]
[ Batcher growles at Howzer ]
[ voices still muffled, hears blood rushing and his heart pounding in his ears, breathing becomes hoarse ]
Everyone stand down! ( Rex )
[ can't take it anymore, runs off, just wanting to get away ]
[ Batcher runs after ]
Crosshair? Crosshair! [ wants to go after too ]
[ holds her back ] Let him go.
Running off to feed them new informations huh?! ( Howzer )
[ shoves Howzer back ] Listen here! You don't know anything about him, nor what he's been through! So back the hell off, now!!
[ Howzer steps back intimidated ]
Now. [ steps up to Omega, opening her backpack, shuffles through it ] I'm going after him and bring him back so we can finally get out of here.
[ quietly ] What's with him?
[ sights ] He's having a panic attack. [ pulls out Tech's datapad ] Wait here. [ picks up Crosshair's helmet, runns off ]
[ put's a hand on Omega's shoulder ]
[ everyone looks after Hunter running after Crosshair ]
[ runs down the tunnel, stumbles and falls, groaning by the impact with the ground, gets up again and keeps running ]
[ Batcher trotting beside him, looking up at him ]
[ falls again, panting, crawls to the side, presses himself in a gap in the wall, head in his hands, balls up ]
[ Batcher whines ]
[ runs down the hall, falling into a jog after seeing Batcher in the distance ]
[ Batcher looks up at Hunter after he comes closer to them ]
[ calmly ] Crosshair?
[ whimperes ]
Crosshair it's okay [ kneeles down ]
[ still whimpering and gasping ]
[ types through datapad ] You're gonna be okay Crosshair...
[ sobbs slightly ]
[ finds wanted record ] Here, just listen, okay? [ presses play, hold's datapad up infront of him ]
"Precautioned Recording"
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
[ short static noise ]
[ finally looks up ]
If you hear this recording that means that we got into a situation where you are having a panic attack during a mission where we have to stay radio silent.
[ voices begin to sound clearer again ]
I told you I would record this for you in case we would get in a situation like this. So don't worry, you are going to be okay, just listen to my voice.
Now, what we are going to do, is that I will give you instructions to calm down and help ground yourself and you are going to follow these instructions step by step.
First thing we are going to do, is do the so called 5 5 5 Rule. You breathe in for 5 sec, hold it for 5 and then let it out for 5 sec. Ready?
Breathe in. 1...2...3...4...5.
[ moving his hand slowly up infront of his chest and breathes in ]
[ inhales shakily ]
Hold it. 1...2...3...4...5.
[ holds breath ]
Now let it out. 1...2...3...4...5....
[ slowly lowering his hand again, breathing out ]
[ exhales shakily ]
You're doing great brother. Again, okay? Breathe in. 1...2...3...4...5.
[ moves hand up again and breathes in ]
[ inhales a bit steadyer ]
Hold it. 1...2...3...4...5.
[ holds breath again ]
And, let it out 1...2...3...4...5.
[ moves hand down again and breathes out ]
[ exhales a bit steadyer ]
And one more time. Breathe in.
[ inhales stady ]
[ moves hand up again ]
Hold. 1...2...3...4...5.
[ holds breath a last time ]
And breathe out. 1...2...3...4... and 5.
[ moves hand down ]
[ exhales calmly ]
Okay. Now that we calmed you down, hopefully, we now do the 3 3 3 rule. It's where we you look around and identify 3 objects, when you found them you find 3 different sounds after that I want you to move 3 seperate body parts of your liking. This technique is meant to help you ground yourself and focus on the present. After all, it is not the place that is bothering you, it is the thought.
Good. Now look around and look for the first object. Say it out loud...
[ looks around and to the side ] Batcher...
[ Batcher turnes head ]
Now, look for a second and call it out...
[ looks at Hunter again ] Hunter...
[ quietly ] So I'm an object now?
[ little smirk ]
And the third...
... the datapad...
Good. Now onto the sounds, though you may look for three scents as well when you can't hear anything at the moment.
Okay, sound or scent number one...
[ Batcher huffs ]
[ sniffs ] Batcher's breath.
[ chuckles low and smiles ]
Sound or scent number two...
Cold dust... I guess...
And, sound or scent number three...
Hunter's sweat.
[ raises eyebrow ]
Now onto the body parts, move anything you like, lift your arm or your leg, wiggle your toe or shake your hands. On my count.
Part one...
[ lift's right foot, drops it again ]
Part two...
[ lifts left arm, lowering it again ]
And part three...
[ moves head slightly side to side ]
Excellent. Now take a deep breath again.
[ breathes deeply ]
[ relieved ]
Listen to me, Crosshair.
You are not alone brother, Hunter, Wrecker and I will always be there for you. Wrecker will gladly cuddle the living oisk out of you if you ask him to give you a hug, but he will also be kind enough to not do it when you feel bad and will just give you one where he won't crush you.
Hunter will always be there if you want or need to talk. And I will be there for you if you just want to sit and do nothing while listen to me ramble. We got your back brother.
[ looks longingly at the datapad ]
Now, hold tight and stay calm, we're soon be together again and if you feel like you're gonna panic again, just relisten to this recording.
End recording.
[ short static noise ]
[ another short static noise ]
About the 'always be there' part. I am certain that Echo will be there for you too. Even if he is rather new to our squad, he is a loyal member of it.
He's been with us only for a few weeks but in those weeks he has proven himself to be honorable and showed that he is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect the ones at his side. Think about it, I belive Echo would be glad to see that you trust him, actions speak louder than words and I know you're not much of a talker, unless you want to talk oisk, so show him your trust.
He'll figure it out.
[ at a distance ] Tech! Come on we gotta go!
On my way.
[ footsteps ]
[ nearer now ] What were you doing anyway? Sitting on a rock in the meadow.
I was recording.
[ audible smile ] What this time? The birds?
No. I made a supplemental to one of my recordings for Crosshair.
[ explaining ] I recorded something he can listen to to help him ground himself if he ever finds himself in a stressful situation where there's no one of us around to help him.
Oh... [ audible realize ]
And I just added that you will be there for him too if he seeks comfort.
You will be there for him, right?
[ slight audible outrage ] Of course I will, he's my brother. Di'kut head he is but he's my brother. [ calmer ] But, come on, he won't come to me, he doesn't even really like me.
Oh he does. I even think he was the first one to like you when we rescued you.
No. Just watch him. He's not much of a talker but his body language speaks sentences.
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of reading him eventually. [ audible smile ]
Right... The recording is still going.
Oh, right.
End supplemental.
[ short static noise ]
[ presses stop ]
... I... I forgot he did this for me...
[ Batcher nudges Cross with her snout ]
[ pet's her gently ]
Well, you know Tech. Always making precautions... [ taps on datapad ]
Mmm... [ tearing up ] ... Hunter, I'm not a spy, I'm not... Please you have to believe me [ whimperes slightly ]
Hey hey [ put's hand on shoulder ] I believe you, Wrecker and Omega do too, we know you're on our side.
Thank you... [ breathes relieved ]
Feeling better?
A bit...
[ sniffs ]
Come on. [ hands back helmet ] let's go back.
[ takes helmet, breathes again ] Right...
[ helps Crosshair up ]
[ puts helmet on ] ... thank you Hunter.
[ nods ]
[ all three head back to the others ]
[ back with the others ]
Good, now let's keep moving. ( Rex )
[ hand's Crosshair his rifle ]
[ quietly, putting a hand on Crosshair's arm ] Are you okay?
[ nods ]
[ they all kept moving ]
- later on Echo's ship -
[ comes up to Crosshair in the bunkroom ] Here.
[ turnes around ]
[ pushes Tech's datapad in Crosshair's hand ] Keep it for now.
[ looks at the datapad ] ... Thanks... [ looks up at Hunter, smiles slightly ]
[ smiles back softly, nods slightly, leaves bunkroom ]
[ sit's down on bunk, brushes thumb over the datapad ]
"Precautioned Recording"
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
( tissue warning, because I made myself cry writing this )
- late evening on Pabu, a day after the events on Tantiss -
[ sits up in the tree on Pabu, listening to Tech's recording again ]
- You will be there for him, right?
[ slight audible outrage ] Of course I will, he's my brother. Di'kut head he is but he's my brother. [ calmer ] But, come on, he won't come to me, he doesn't even really like me.
Oh he does. I even think he was the first one to like you when we rescued you.
[ softly ] calling me out ey?
No. Just watch him. He's not much of a talker but his body language speaks sentences.
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of reading him eventually. [ audible smile ]
Well, guess he did managed that eventually. [ smiles ]
Right... The recording is still going.
Oh, right. End supplemental.
[ short static noise ]
[ leanes back at the trunk, lowering the datapad in his lap, closing his eyes ]
[ another short static noise ]
... Second supplemental...
[ confused, looks at datapad again ]
[ slowly and hesitantly ] Right... If you are hearing this Crosshair, that means that you deserted the Empire and decided to come back to live with us...
Well, obviously that's the reason...
[ a bit mumbly ] But, I suppose there could me other ways that managed you to gain access to this file again, [ quickly ] but I doubt it.
[ takes datapad in "both hands", looks at it ]
The reason why you are listening to this recording again is probably because you are having another panic attack and we are not around to help you, though given the fact that the war is over now and we have a rather calm live here on Pabu, I suppose you just listened to it for old times sake and hear me ramble...
[ sit's up more, listening carefully ]
But I suppose the many people on Pabu might overwhelmed you a bit and you just need some alone time.
Or there is another reason why you listen to it, could be, I can't look into the future. [ sighes ] Gaah that's beside the point...
[ rusteling from the audiofeed, sounds of scratching (like scratching the back of the neck) Tech sighes again ]
What I want to tell you... what I fail at terribly to say [ scoffs slightly ]
Is... that we don't blame you... After everything...
I am not...
And I know you, I know that when you regret something that you will go down this... Self destructive hole, where you believe that you're not worth it, where you believe that you deserve to be punished.
Don't try to deny it. It happened more times than I want to admit... [ takes a breath ]
[ softly ] But it's not true. It's not, true Crosshair. You are worth it and you deserve to be happy and save. You deserve to be loved, wich I do, we all do brother.
[ begins to tear up ]
You are one of us... You are my little brother, whether you like to hear it or not. I'm not angry at you because of the things you've done, you... weren't really yourself... You were made believe things and wasn't able to see... well [ sarcastically ] the big picture...
[ takes a shaky breath, whisperes ] Tech...
I... I hope the reason why you are listening to this is just because you came home and pressed play for old times sake...
And/or you need to have some time alone... [ sighes ]
... Just... [ softly ] please, remember. That you can still talk to us. All of us. Even Omega, she would love to be around you, I just know it.
[ softly sobbing laugh ] You were right on this one...[ sniffs ]
And if you don't want to talk with any of us, then that is okay too. You can talk to Phee. She will listen and understand. She will give you advice when she can and would later on tell you that the conversation didn't happen.
She's a good person. Kind [ audible smile ] and nice to be around...
[ amused ] Someone's in love?
[ clears throat ] You can wipe that oisk eating grin off your face.
[ smiles, sadly laughes ]
... Please don't cut yourself off. We are all still here for you Crosshair. You are not alone anymore and will never be again...
I won't let it happen...
Talk to us and stay with us... You're gonna be okay...
I Love you Crosshair... We all do... And always will...
[ sounds of someone coming up the ramp of the Marauder in the distance ]
[ audible smile ] Tech, come on, food get's cold.
I'll be right there Omega.
Copy that [ runs off again ]
[ inhales deeply ]
[ chuckles softly ]
I... I hope you came back. And if you did...
Welcome home brother... [ audible smile ]
End second supplemental.
[ short static noise, recording ends ]
[ let's out sobbing gasp which he suppressed, sniffs, looks up into the stars ]
I am... I am home now... And I will stay...
[ tears ran down Cross's face but he smiles into the stars ]
I love you too brother... And I miss you- [ voice cracks at the end, sniffes ]
But- [ wipes nose with his wrist, sniffs ] I'm sure we'll meet again... [ smiles, wipes away tears ]
[ sad but happy laugh ]
Some day... [ inhales ]
Some day... we will all be together again... [ smiles into the star enlightened sky ]

Every now and then I suddenly remember the fact that TBB gave us the beginnings of a sweet romance between a woman of colour and an openly autistic man and then they killed one of them