piratesoundpilled - the internet's #1 kicked puppy
the internet's #1 kicked puppy

gabriel :3 ☆ he/all prns ☆ 18 ☆ blk ☆ autistic ☆ that one tboy who really doesn't play abt fnaf the musical ☆ insta: @indicadogboy

12 posts

Piratesoundpilled - The Internet's #1 Kicked Puppy - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago

my #1 fnaf the musical headcanon is that alexandra "eggs" benedict (from monster in your head) is transfem bc when they first mentioned her in ground zero phone guy used he/him pronouns to refer to her but flash forward to MIYH and she's a girl, and while the boring answer to that discrepancy is that random encounters changed their minds for what they wanted her character to be and just ignored the previous continuity and wrote around it the more based and cool answer is that she came out and transitioned off screen :3

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1 year ago

okay so I promised myself I would actually start using this account again after kinda forgetting about it for a couple years so I figured I would do an official introduction so here :3

and I forgot to add my name to the pic but it's gabriel!!

Okay So I Promised Myself I Would Actually Start Using This Account Again After Kinda Forgetting About

I like to draw as well but I haven't been able to recently because of my focus on school rn, I do plan to post some are on here eventually though!!

feel free in interact if we share any interests, esspecially if it's fnaf the musical!! also keep in mind I tend to struggle with responding to messages bc of how busy I can be and also just a lack of any real object permanence so apologies in advance for taking a long time to respond to messages/asks

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2 years ago
Random Encounters I'm Begging On My Knees Rn My Hyperfixation Of Fnaf The Musical Will Not Rest Until

random encounters I'm begging on my knees rn my hyperfixation of fnaf the musical will not rest until I get a conclusion to web of lies

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2 years ago

it must be like.. a requirement or something for every project/collaboration that matpat is in for him to be just. completely unhinged. like just an absolute lunatic and I think that's great actually, people should do that more

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2 years ago

ignore how shit the quality is but I made a fnaftm edit yippee 😁😁 also this is my first time editing so if someone who's more experienced wants to give my tip please do lol this shit is hard asl

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2 years ago

I'm at the point where I'm making my own fnaftm memes and content because I can barely find anything else 💔💔

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2 years ago
I Am Once Again Spreading My Fnaf The Musical Agenda Anyways Night 4 Is One Of The Best Songs From The

I am once again spreading my fnaf the musical agenda anyways night 4 is one of the best songs from the musical feel free to argue with the wall

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2 years ago

shipping different markiplier egos is so funny to me cause what do you mean markiplier with pink hair got fucked by markiplier with a red and blue filter last night

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2 years ago

I'm begging rn someone please talk to me about fnaf the musical cause I'm obsessed

I'm Begging Rn Someone Please Talk To Me About Fnaf The Musical Cause I'm Obsessed

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