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212 posts
I Am Watching A Video On The Gun Axe From @shadiversity And The Intro Consisted Of Shad Talking About
I am watching a video on the gun axe from @shadiversity and the intro consisted of Shad talking about peanut butter and jam, saying "In America they call it jelly: it's jam!" and I find it funny, because in America, Jelly and Jam are two different things.
the-bigtree liked this · 2 years ago
iolite-moodboards liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Poorboypictures
Pay close attention to those who try to smear Project Veritas after this.
When you want to know who’s trying to control you or is doing something wrong, find out who you can’t criticize.
Where were you?
Major Jordon Wilkinson and Georgie Burke are at the footprints of the twin towers, looking across the remnants.
“William Construction.” Jordon states quietly.
“What?” Gerogie asks, a bit confused.
“That’s where I was when this happened.” Jordon explained. "We had just loaded up our equipment and supplies when our boss ran out to us; all he had to say was ‘Twin Towers’ and ‘Attack’ and we all piled into the main office to watch his TV and see what happened. We caught the aftermath of the first tower and saw the second come down. It was over an hour away but our boss told us to take our dozers, our cranes, and anything else we had to move rubble and head down there to help with the recovery efforts; he rented out a fleet of Semis and busses to get everything and everyone down there. Two months later I enlisted.”
“I was still a sophomore in high school when it happened; we were just starting second period when the principle came over the speaker to tell the teachers to turn on their TVs. We saw the aftermath of everything. We didn’t do anything for the period as we watched.” Georgie wipes the tears from her eyes.
“I met quite a few folks during my tour who were affected by the attack; a lot of them didn’t make it through the first year.”
He stands at attention and salutes; Georgie sees this and takes off her hat, holding it to her heart.
“May all those affected rest in peace.” Jordon says, eyes tearing up.

My little sister: "My hair is puffier on one side than it is on the other."
Me: "Maybe because you sleep on that side?"
Sister, frustrated: "I- I don't-... I don't sleep..."
me: *Loses it*
This is Fearless Penguin, or, as my sister @seraph-draws-stuff calls him, Frank Pellegrino.
i have drawn him on my four favorite islands: Wild West, Mystery Train, Time Tangled, and Skullduggery.

Hands are hard.
Head canon: Ray Stantz is autistic.
No, I'm not saying this because Dan Aykroyd is autistic, I have more to go on than that.
In both the films and comics, Ray is shown to be an easily excited individual, with fixations on things most people wouldn't find interesting, Ray also doesn't really understand social cues, or that most people don't understand the significance of his interests. The strongest piece of evidence for all four of these is the mass sponge migration that came to be in the IDW comics; Ray often times will go on about it or bring it up even when the situation doesn't require the story, and he doesn't get that most of the people he tells will not find such an event all that interesting.
Ray can be easily excited or distracted from more important subjects, such as when he, Egon, and Peter were looking at the firehouse; Ray is ecstatic about the firepole while Egon and Peter are looking at the structural integrity of the building, wanting to buy the building simply for the pole.
One of Ray's hyper fixations is, obviously, ghosts, wanting to know as much about them as possible, even opening a book store specifically for the occult so that he can easily reach whatever information he needs at the moment. And, as the Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer suggests, he still has the store, showing his fixation is stronger than a thirty year ghost drought.
Sometimes Ray can even infodump on subjects that people wouldn't normally understand, using terminology people don't understand, usually when informing random people on the class, history, and importance of a ghost he is currenting hunting.
And it would make sense that Ray, being portrayed by Aykroyd, would be autistic; Aykroyd co-wrote the films, so he would obviously write a character he could easily portray to a believable extent. Similar to Aykroyd's portrayal of Elwood Blues in Blues Brothers, a movie Aykroyd also co-wrote; Elwood has a hyper fixation on getting the band back together, even a fixation on keeping the car in the beginning of the film; he has an odd love of toast, and a manner of speaking that isn't extremely easy for most people to understand, but it's not hard either.
I think Aykroyd just likes to play characters that are more like him.