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Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.5: Untrustworthy

Ch.4 Ch.6
My tribe agreed to join Scar, although some were a bit more hesitant. Of course, I was also partly hesitant; I usually don't jump into ideas like this either, but it did have many benefits. My tribe wouldn't have to be nomadic anymore, we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked by another pride, and we wouldn't have to worry about running out of food.
I wait until dawn, then slowly make my way over to the elephant graveyard. It reeks of hyenas, I wish Scar would just get rid of them already, they are only on his side because he's promising them food.
Anyways, I slide down the hill into the graveyard and walk to the elephant's skull that Simba was playing on; as I continue my senses are on high alert since this is where a bunch of hyenas stay, and even though they like Scar, I don't trust them. I jump up onto the ledge that Scar said we'd meet at and wait, after a while it seems like he isn't going to show so I begin to get up and am ready to leave when I catch his scent. I turn around and see him just as he shows up, as you can imagine I'm already on edge, but him showing up this late is also making my tolerance run thin.
"Thought you'd never show up" I began the conversation. Scar simply looks at me as if willing me to go on.
"My tribe has agreed to join yours, but on one condition; we don't kill Simba." I explain, but the look on Scar's face clearly shows that he is slightly unhappy with this arrangement.
"Fine, I'll meet you at the top of the ravine, I'll explain the plan on getting rid of Simba there." With each of us nodding we walk towards our own pride/tribe lands.
I'm waiting at the canyon, eyeing the wildebeests who are grazing at the top. As I look down into the canyon I see Scar leading Simba down there, then walking away, leaving Simba down in the canyon. I'm getting slightly worried, I can see his plan falling into place now; he plans on causing a stampede down into the canyon, and that would leave no place for Simba to escape to.
I begin to sprint around the canyon as I try to find a way down to get Simba, Scar is going to get him killed and that was not part of our deal.
I see a pathway down, and I carefully weave my way down the rocky path into the canyon. I am successfully making my way down the canyon, the stampede has chased Simba onto a weak tree that is barely holding him above the herd, I jump over the backs of the stampede until I have reached Simba.
He looks at me in fright, not knowing why I'm here, but I quickly grab him, holding him lightly as I begin leaping over the stampede again. I see Simba's father in the canyon trying to get over to us, I just manage to hand off Simba before a wildebeest rams straight into my rib cage.
Mufasa leaps over to a ledge where he puts Simba, and begins making his way back over to me. I'm already getting up, but as I try to jump up the walls of the canyon I end up falling back down, nearly getting trampled to death. Mufasa, however, is quick to grab me and pulls me to the side of the canyon, throwing me over and onto the same ledge as Simba;mbut just as he is about to get up as well he is dragged down with the stampede, Simba is screaming for him, and I even try to get up to look through the stampede for him only to see him launch up and claw his way up the wall of the canyon.
Simba begins to make our way up the canyon so we can meet Mufasa, however as soon as we turn back to look we see Mufasa falling back first into the stampede, and I knew as soon as I saw, that he was going to be dead before we even got down there.
I quickly grab Simba and begin to try to get down there as quickly as I can, as soon as we reach the bottom we only see a straggler that was quickly gone. We make our way over to Mufasa, and his scent is clearly telling me that he is dead, however Simba simply won't give up trying to wake him up, and seeing him like that killed me inside. I had to look away, and after seeing Simba lying with his dead father I decided to wait by the wall of the canyon.
I hear a noise, and see Scar walking down into the canyon, as he reaches Simba he begins to speak. I can't hear very well though since I'm quite a ways away from them, but I do pick up on things, I believe he said that Mufasa's death was Simba's fault, and that Simba should just run away.
I see Simba backing away before he sprints off down the canyon, I then hear Scar say 'get him', and immediately see three hyenas take off after Simba. I look at Scar, who looks at me before walking off.
I quickly sprint after Simba, forcing my body to run faster than I ever have; I'm quickly catching up to the hyenas, but I can see that they will reach Simba before I reach them. I force my already tired body to continue with this stamina eating sprint until I am so close that I can almost pounce on them. However I see them all skidding to a halt so I quickly follow, leaping up and latching myself onto the canyon wall so that I can see what lay ahead of me.
Before me lies a forest of bramble thickets, I can see Simba making his way through them; and see him run out of the other side and into the distance.
The hyenas eventually leave. I have to find Simba, there is no way that he will survive out there, he's only a cub after all.
I wait until nightfall, then navigate my way around the forest of bramble thickets to where I last saw Simba. I quickly pick up his scent, and begin following him; it leads me out of the pride lands and eventually to a desert. I'm beginning to slightly regret doing this because I'm risking my own life for this cub, but I feel like I need to make sure he is fine because his father's death is partially my fault.
I look up and see vultures in the distance; and I begin to sprint towards them, and I'm sure all the animals could hear my thundering paws as they roughly hit the dry and cracked floor of this desert wasteland. As I come closer I can see a warthog and a meerkat have scared away the vultures that had landed and were advancing towards Simba.
However I only see them pick up his body and scurry away into the undergrowth. I slow my pace, and am eventually back to a walk as soon as I reach the undergrowth I saw them disappear into.
I slowly make my way through the trees, following their scent closely to make sure I didn't lose them. I eventually find where they were, silently watching through the bushes as they teach Simba to eat bugs which almost caused me to be sick, but I recovered quickly.
I'm so caught in the moment that I step on a twig, a snap emanating through the environment. The warthog and meerkat glance around in fear whilst Simba is looking defensive, making his way closer to me.
"Whoever is there better come out or I'll, I'll..."
"You'll what Simba, attack me?" I voice, cutting him off.
"Crow? Is that you?" Simba exclaims after a moment of thinking to himself.
I walk out of the bushes, the top of my mane is slightly raised, giving me a threatening appearance. Simba looks slightly happy to see me, whilst the other two look simply mortified as they hug each other for dear life. My eyes shift over to Simba as I stride completely out of my hiding spot, and proceed to sit a few paw steps away from him.
Ch.4 Ch.6
Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.6: Foreboding

Ch.5 Ch.7
"Crow!" Simba jumped slightly, hugging his body against mine. I'm slightly surprised, especially since we barely know each other, but I chalk it up to how he just lost his father.
"Simba I... I'm sorry I couldn't save your father." I stutter out, I know I agreed to help Scar, but I had no idea he would go about it this way. I never really wanted to kill Mufasa, and what happened will stay with me forever.
Simba tenses slightly, his face becoming somber as the memory floods back into his mind. His ears drop back against his head, his gaze shifting downwards as he pushes himself against me even harder. I crouch down, wrapping my paw around his back and lowering my head against his, a sort of hug to comfort him.
"It'll be alright Simba, I'll keep you safe." I promise to both him and to myself, my whispering barely loud enough for him to hear. He only answers by nodding his head, I can hear his sniffles as he cries for the loss of his father.
As he pulls back, I hear someone loudly clear their throat. Both Simba and I glance up to the disturbance.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I would like to, oh I don't know, maybe know WHO YOU ARE!" A meerkat sarcastically states, yelling slightly at the end as he throws his paws up in the air at the end. The warthog behind him simply nods, still looking at me with slight fear in his eyes.
I raise an eyebrow at Simba, who simply gives a slight smile at my reaction. He turns to the meerkat.
"Timon, Pumba, this is Crow; Crow, this is Timon and Pumba."
"Nice to make your acquaintance." Pumba says as he walks forward.
"Please, the pleasure is all mine." I replied. Turning away from Timon and Pumba, I focus on Simba.
"I must head back now, I'll make sure to check on you at least once a week, I'm sure you can make do for yourself." I say, ruffling my mane as I finish my sentence.
"Don't worry about me Crow, I'll be fine." Simba replies, his smile dimming slightly at my goodbye. I allow a small fond smile to grace my features, I pull him into another hug before pulling away, ruffling the fur on his head before heading back to Pride Rock.
It was well dark when I returned, heading straight to the watering hole, that desert trip back-and-forth is going to suck.
I don't know how to describe it, but the atmosphere feels heavy, like it's humid, every step closer feels wrong, like I should turn back time and stop anything from ever proceeding. As I approach Pride Rock I am met with the cynical laughing and yelping of hyenas. I'm immediately on edge, last time I had to deal with hyenas, I had to stop them from killing Simba.
I'm thrown out of my thoughts by a sudden attack to my neck, a couple hyenas had circled me, and one had snapped at my throat. I immediately swipe at him, my claws deeply scoring their face, a loud screech of pain reverberating through the plains. I roar quickly, requesting help from anyone available, and I receive a surprising response.
I not only hear the roars of response from my tribe, but also from other lions, probably Mufasa's. I try to keep fighting them off, but more hyenas have joined, there's now at least 15, all of which are attacking me at random. I try and try, but each attack of mine is met with 4 more from all sides, I can feel the blood dripping down my legs, blood matting my mane and dripping into my eyes. I'm about to give up when both lion prides arrive.
The hyenas are quickly torn off of me, being attacked by both sides, the roars of anger creating a cacophony that fills my ears. A loud roar creates silence, but I pay little attention to it as I can barely maintain my balance. My vision is going blurry, but I can still see where the roar came from, the figure jumping down from Pride Rock and coming closer to me. The hyenas immediately listened to this lion, meaning it could only be Scar, and the fact that the lions listened too means that his plan worked.
I can't think anymore on the topic, though. I feel my legs give out, leaving me laying across the floor, breathing heavily before falling unconscious. The last thing I heard being:
Ch.5 Ch.7
Woodland Princess Ch.2: The Company

Ch.1 Ch.3
When I arrived within the dining room, one of the dwarves looked like he wanted to attack me. He'd abruptly stood up, nearly charging at me, being held back by two other dwarves.
"Everyone this is Aelsar, she was sent an invite by Gandalf in case you were thinking she was uninvited." Bilbo shakily stated, waiting for a response. He, however, had to rush out of the room when he heard a sharp knock on the door again.
I hope it's Gandalf because he will get me out of a fight with these dwarves, but if he doesn't come someone will end up hurt, and it sure isn't going to be me.
"Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Voiced the two dwarves who'd stopped the other from attacking me. I was about to answer before the dwarf who nearly attacked me pushed the two away, who I quickly noticed were the heirs to the throne of Erebor.
"While it's nice that you want to befriend her, remember she's an elf from that pixie woodland realm led by that traitor who refused to help our kingdom when we needed it most!" Grunted the dwarf at them.
I opened my mouth to say something but the dwarf I would soon know as Dwalin held up his hand as if to silence me.
"Do you really think that your almighty hand could silence me?" I say in a slightly humorous yet deadly tone that seemed to have made him angry.
He threw a fist forward but I quickly dodged it by ducking and threw a punch of my own which tagged him straight in the spot between his eyes. He stumbled back, and nearly fell in surprise to see an elf using her fists, it's an unusual fighting style for elves.
He was, however, caught by an older dwarf who looked at Dwalin as if silently saying "You had it coming."
"Aelsar!" Exclaimed a familiar voice from behind her. I turn and see Gandalf. I ran over to him, grasping him in a tight embrace. He was slightly surprised when he found all the dwarves staring at me as if I was dangerous.
"Might I ask what master Dwalin did that made you punch him?" Questioned Gandalf after noticing that Dwalin had left the dining room and returned with an ice pack in between his eyes. Before I could reply Dwalin spoke.
"She lost her pitiful little temper at a little taunting." Responded Dwalin in a venomous tone.
"That's a lie!" Kili quickly stated after hearing Dwalin's false explanation. All the while I'm just wondering why he feels the need to defend me, after all he is a dwarf like the rest of them who had heard the stories of my people's ill will towards dwarves. I was snapped out of thought as a loud pounding came upon the door.
"He is here." Gandalf spoke in a serious tone. Bilbo left the room to allow the person in while the dwarves cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. Gandalf left to talk with Thorin in another room, I hid in the shadows of their room, listening to their secret conversation.
Ch.1 Ch.3
Woodland Princess Ch.3: The Conversation

Ch.2 Ch.4
"Well Gandalf, who is our newest member of the company?" Questioned Thorin. Gandalf looked slightly surprised.
"I believe he let you into his home." Answered Gandalf in a tone that was obvious.
"Ahh the halfling. He will not last two days, and I can not save him from getting killed." Replied Thorin in a slow whisper so that others outside the room couldn't hear.
I moved to get closer, but my dagger slightly brushed against a metal bead on a chair to the side of the room, making it have a quiet slicing noise as it went across it. I held my breath hoping they didn't hear it, but a few seconds later I found myself pushed down with my back to the ground with a sword against my throat. Gandalf couldn't do anything because Thorin would find it suspicious and possibly trust the wizard even less.
"Who are you thief?" Thorin said in a deadly growl. I nearly forgot he still couldn't see my face because of the shadow of darkness over me. I was very thankful for that, or else Thorin would've surely already killed me. Gandalf quickly stepped between us and pulled Thorin's sword away from my throat. I immediately felt my throat for any unnoticed cuts but there were none thankfully.
"What're you doing? They overheard a secret conversation for only our ears, and I know they are not one of my dwarves because all are loyal without a fault and would rather die than betray me." Confronts Thorin as he is pushed away from me.
"Now Thorin you're going to despise me for this... but," he said while motioning for me to get up.
"I have chosen more than one to join this journey and one of them happens to be..." he continues as I get up and stand behind him to shield my identity.
"Lady Aelsar, of the woodland realm." He finishes and moves to the side to show him who I was. His eyes scanned over my silvery blonde hair, to my face and then quickly to my weapons since he knew I had a bow that no other can have as long as I am alive. He sees the signature blades on my bow and quickly his face changes into one of anger, and betrayal.
He looks back at Gandalf and then quickly raises his blade back to my throat. However I dodge and twist his wrist causing him to drop his sword while remaining uninjured.
Gandalf looks at me with a face of 'I knew this would be a bad idea but it's for the best'. Thorin however after putting his sword in its sheath turns to Gandalf and yells,
"How dare you bring that traitor's daughter here!" Pointing at me in which Gandalf steps in front of me in a protective way, as he was slightly like a second father to me, and I a daughter to him.
"Thorin you know she can help us on this quest all you need to do is give her time. If it makes you feel any better you can take her daggers and arrows but not her bow." Says Gandalf quickly.
I look at him in surprise thinking 'do I not have any say in this decision'. Thorin looks slightly happy as he always likes having the upper ground in a fight and thought 'Without her daggers and arrows she is unable to attack us'.
"Then it would seem we have a deal." Says Thorin and holds out his hand as if to say 'I won this battle elvish scum'. I looked to Gandalf who reluctantly nodded, doing so with a frown on his face.
I take out my daggers reluctantly and place them in his hands and he has an evil smirk on his face as I take my arrows that I store within a pocket on the inside of the silver cloak I wear.
"Don't get in our way and if you fall behind we won't wait." He states in a deathly serious tone that makes me flinch very slightly but he notices and allows a smirk to cross his face knowing that he has control over my actions.
As he steps out of the room so does Gandalf and I'm left there thinking 'Why did that dwarf have to be so difficult and Gandalf just gave him what he wanted, control over my actions and my complete vulnerability in a fight'. I sigh and sit in a chair in the corner of the room, huddled in a slight ball as I slowly drift to sleep.
Ch.2 Ch.4
Woodland Princess Ch.5: Confrontation

Ch.4 Ch.6
It has been nearly the whole day now, we stop in a high up area where if we get attacked we have the upper hand. It's nearly pitch black apart from the light radiating off of a nearby fire that was created for warmth.
I couldn't sleep so I helped to take care of the horses and found a nice area where I could untie my mare known as Raerthar. After being set free everyone looks at me strange,
"What?" I ask in complete confusion.
"Isn't she going to run off." Asks a dwarf named Nori, he was a nice and unassuming person, so I don't really mind his company.
"No, we understand each other and she understands her freedoms and boundaries." I state and with that they all nod and go back to what they were doing.
Thorin scoffs at my explanation, glancing at me in a cruel way as if saying, 'I hope she runs away because I can promise that I won't give you one of our ponies'.
After noticing this I go to an area where a rock weathered to a flat in the middle but the sides curve upwards. I quickly grab a bunch of pine needles from the trees around me and create a soft patch within the rock where I lay on my back and stare up at the stars.
Suddenly a loud screeching noise reaches my ears and I sit upright within a second staring in the section where I heard the shriek. Bilbo appears confused and asked,
"What was that?"
"Orcs" I answer quickly, eager to change the subject but I hear Fili and Kili laughing about something I didn't hear. I stare at them and they quickly stop laughing but Thorin comes in and says,
"You think a night raid by orcs is funny do you!" He says in a raised voice I quickly try to help them out saying,
"I'm sure they meant nothing by it Thorin."
He turns and stalks over towards where I'm now standing in slight fear, but more adrenaline. The brothers see a hint of fear flash in my eyes as Thorin nears and they see that my daggers are missing. They quickly get up a dash over to where I'm at. Thorin is now right in front of me, and Gandalf gets up but doesn't move in fear that will provoke an attack. Thorin speaks in a dark tone,
"Do not tell me what to do with my own family, you piece of filth." He growls lowly.
By now Fili and Kili are a few feet behind him ready to intervene if anything becomes dangerous. I step back slightly and Thorin steps forward pushing me against the side of the wide cliff edge we were staying on.
"Well you obviously don't know how to deal with a way to break the silence and they were just trying to help, if you can't see that then you obviously need help in managing your 'family'." I reply in a mocking and sarcastic voice that I know will enrage him further. He puts a hand on his sword and goes to unsheath it, but Fili and Kili grab him while Gandalf pulls me away.
"What have I told you, you could be killed by Thorin and he wouldn't care." Starts Gandalf but I quickly use my elvish magic and disappear, not wanting to have this conversation right now. I slump back on the rock I layed pine needles over and fell into a deep sleep.
Ch.4 Ch.6
Woodland Princess Ch.7: Turn of Events

Ch.6 Ch.8
I made my way back to the trolls clearing to see that they had placed some dwarves each into separate bags to keep them from escaping and in the middle was the rest of them tied to a log and slowly being rotisseried.
I nearly laughed when I saw this but smacked myself at the thought that I was their only hope and was laughing. I took out my daggers which shone with the starlights powerful energy.
I slowly crept into a tree that was over one of the trolls that was near the edge of the clearing. I created an enduring burning rage which caused the blades to burn hotter than the sun since they are able to use your emotions to your advantage.
I jumped out of the tree and before the troll could figure out what was happening I stabbed the burning hot blades straight through the top of his head which killed him instantly.
Since Bilbo was talking to the other trolls they had no idea what happened when their friend dropped onto the floor with no reason according to them.
I quickly disappeared back into the forest, nobody saw what happened, not even the dwarves, so they wouldn't be able to give me away upon their own stupidity. I was closer to the ground now and crawled underneath a thick bush close to a foot.
Without waiting, I stabbed its leg and dragged it down to the bottom of their foot, and by the time he shrieked I was already back within the trees.
I caught sight of a gray blue guessing it was an animal of some sort, but when the sun's dawn light started to deep through the sky the gray blur turned out to be Gandalf who used his staffs and broke a rock that allowed the sun's light to come through and burn all the trolls to stone.
I didn't want any of them to know I'd helped them because then Thorin would know I have my weapons backs and would save his life even though he made me feel like the ground they step on everyday.
I quickly hurry back to camp and tell Raerthar to say nothing or else they would believe I was weak. Soon enough they came back to camp, some slightly limping and others just fine.
Thorin sent me a glare and thought 'And that's why you don't have a weapon, because you wouldn't even help us even if we're about to die'.
He stalked past me and hit his shoulder into mine as a way to say 'thanks for nothing'. I made no move to respond, knowing it was a bad idea.
Gandalf looked confused when he saw what Thorin did since he knew I was postponing the trolls from killing them, but I told Gandalf none of them had seen me so none of them knew and that that was how I wanted to keep it. He reluctantly agreed thinking it was a stupid thing but nonetheless agreed.
"Mountain trolls down here, this is quite odd." I say to Gandalf as we pack up the ponies.
"Yes, now that you mention it, it is quite odd judging that they haven't been this far since the last dark power fell." Explained Gandalf as he tacked up his horse.
"I find it strange how a wizard and an elf never seem to shut up!" Shouted Thorin from across the area. We decided to search for a nearby cave the trolls must've stayed in and sure enough we found one that smelled of death and decay.
I held my nose as I walked into the troll cave. Gandalf went around and searched for swords I believe he said while I looked around and found an odd looking thing with a deep dark blue color that quickly changed when I put it on my finger.
When everyone finally left the cave, Gandalf and I mounted our horses but it seems the other horses bolted when the trolls attacked so everyone else was walking which made me so happy at the looks of anger and jealousy Thorin threw at me when he was tired of trekking and carrying the things on his back the horses would've carried instead.
We stop at the edge of the forest where a plain opens up to drink and eat quickly. I slide off Raerthar and slip out two apples and a carrot then find her a patch of grass to eat while we're waiting.
"You know that food is much better off being given to a human other than some animal." Says a voice behind me. I turn and see Dwalin I quickly respond,"
"Why? Did you want one?" I say as nicely as I can and pull one out of the saddlebag and make sure to grab Raerthars attention without Dwalin noticing. I hold out the apple, he reaches to take it but I quickly throw it out of his reach to have Raerthar jump into the air and grab it.
The look Dwalin gave me was one of pure hatred but I laughed, hearing Gandalf chuckling slightly as well.
Ch.6 Ch.8
Woodland Princess Ch.8: The Great Chase

Ch.7 Ch.9
A loud howling sound traveled through the forest and I heard Bilbo say in surprise,
"Is that a wolf? Are there wolves out here?" Then a low growling came from behind me and I saw a warg prowling behind me, eyeing my Raerthar.
I quickly grabbed my daggers and allowed the emotion of madness and pure rage to flood through my body but not show. This emotion causes the blades to grow longer and slightly curve like when a tear streams down your face and you wipe it away.
The wild skull launched at Raerthar but I quickly jumped up and stabbed the blade easily into its skull with so much power it came out the bottom of its jaw. Suddenly Gandalf turned and yelled at Thorin,
"NO ONE!I SWEAR!" Answered Thorin.
"Why? What is happening?" Thorin questioned angrily.
"You are being hunted." Exclaimed Gandalf.
Then Gandalf's friend Radagast rides through and says some things but I don't pay attention, I'm busy making sure that Raerthar is okay and safe from the wild skulls. Radagast then bursts out of the forest and I question,
"What is he doing, he will most certainly be seen?"Gandalf responds,
"He's drawing their attention so we can escape." He explains, mounting his horse and follows the company as they quickly leave the forest.
I mount Raerthar and we ride out in time to see Radagast having the time of his life being caused by wargs with orcs on their backs. All of the sudden Raerthar bursts into her uncatchable gallop and I barely manage to hold on before asking her through our telepathic link,
'What are you doing they will see us?!'
'Why let Radagast have all the fun?' is all she replies, drawing some of their attention away from Radagast.
As we continue galloping, I see an orcs and a warg on top of a rock that Thorin and his group are hiding beside.
I shoot the wargs tail and gain his attention. He chases us until Raerthar begins to get tired so I start to shoot all the orcs and wargs that follow us. Soon we are forced to follow the company because Raerthar and I were outnumbered.
When I circled back to the group Gandalf was gone but I recognized this area, but he did too because as soon as we stopped he dragged all of us into the secret passage leading to rivendell.
I refused to leave Raerthar's side, seeing as she couldn't go with us so I said we would go the long way. Suddenly Thorin yelled after he saw I was the only one still outside,
"Get off the blasted creature!" I refused and heard a horn suddenly go off causing the orcs to turn and face the noise.
'Go through without me, I know the guards will not hurt me.' I explained to Mithrandir telepathically, he nodded in understanding and ushered everyone through the secret passage. Some stopped however when they saw I wasn't coming.
"Where's Aelsar, surely she's coming?" Questioned Bilbo as he turned and looked back out to the hill to see I was no longer there. Gandalf and the rest continued while I stayed with Raerthar.
I dismounted and used my magic to make me look like a mortal woman who just brutally killed the orcs. Afterwards I noticed that an arrow had hit Raerthar's left shoulder.
'Raerthar, this is going to hurt a bit', I said and then quickly before she responded ripped the arrow out of her shoulder. She let out an ear splitting whinny that caught all of the guards attention seeing as they hadn't noticed me before. My cloak was still up so they quickly surrounded me in their offensive circle formation.
The leader it would seem dismounted and grabbed Raerthar's reins and tried to lead her away. She bit his hand and trotted back to me. I chanted a healing spell and her wound healed within a few seconds. Finally one of them said something.
"What is a horse like that doing with you, whoever you are?" I couldn't take off my hood, they would instantly tell my father and brother where I was headed so I had to keep a low profile.
I searched their minds to see if I knew any of them. Bingo. I thought to myself as I found that lord Elrond was among them. I telepathically said to him,
'Sir we have met before, it's me Aelstar of the woodland realm. Please don't tell my father I'm here, he would have you send me straight home and I'm a little busy for that.' I pleaded to him.
He stepped forward and took off his helmet, the guards pointed their spears at me once again and Raerthar stomped her right foreleg on the ground and harnessed her magical ability to make all their spears turn to dust in their hands.
They stepped back in awe as they watched this rare type of elven horse protect this stranger who looks much less than elven in a tattered gray cloak with blood stains, with their face and body covered in a shadow.
Lord Elrond smiled at me, causing the guards to become even more confused.
"Raerthar isn't it, if you don't mind I would like to see my starlight." The guards glanced at each other, in all their years he only called one person his little Starlight, and that was Aelsar, daughter of King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm.
"Aelsar, do you mind taking off your spell? No one in my kingdom will be telling your father where you are if that is what you wish." Lord Elrond stated.
I slowly lowered my spell which allowed for my beautiful silver cloak and my silver blonde hair to be shown. All the guards quickly bowed down and then stood back up mounting their horses after they saw who I was.
"Well that was not the best welcome if I do say so myself." I said quickly after lord Elrond's guards had gone to do a last check for orcs that might've been missed.
Ch.7 Ch.9
Woodland Princess Ch.9: Memories

Ch.8 Ch.10
Lord Elrond had led Raerthar and I back to Rivendell. When we got there Raerthar and I both stared at the overview of it.
I was remembering how my father would sometimes send me here if he needed alone time to think, or if he found himself incapable of keeping me safe from a threat against his kingdom.
I now started to realize how much I missed my father, even though he seemed cold, he was quite caring and made sure we did what was right. I missed Legolas too, he could be cold like our father but he always was easier to make happy.
Now when I think about it, my father raised us very differently. When Legolas was a kid he had a loving mother and a caring father who always had a soft spot for him, but when I was raised I only knew my mother when I was very young before she died in battle.
After that, father became very cold and reserved, even towards me who he used to spoil with gifts and kindness.
He tried though, he really did, but he usually sent me over here when he couldn't deal with me or when he didn't want to be near me because as he said, "You look too much like your mother."
"I know it's been a while, but I've only ever seen you cry twice. This is the second time." Voiced Lord Elrond from beside me.
I quickly reached up with my hand and wiped it under my eyes.
'I shouldn't be crying, after all I'll see my family after this if my father hasn't banished me for leaving his kingdom unauthorized', I thought to myself before Raerthar began to walk to Rivendell.
Lord Elrond followed close behind, thinking to himself.
'I can read her thoughts as she can read mine, she was thinking about her father and how much she misses him. I always thought she would miss her brother more because he was more affectionate, but it's her father. I really should tell him about her being here, and I will but only after they've been gone for 2 days. That seems reasonable.'
We walk to Rivendell in silence, the guards have slightly encircled around myself and Lord Elrond seeing as we are the royalty in this group. As soon as we arrive the guards move forward and circle my company who stand in the center of the clearing.
Lord Elrond dismounts and greets Mithrandir while he orders a guard to take Raerthar to a stall but then quickly remembers how I said she hates small spaces and tells him to instead release her among the open pastures.
After he has the other elves leave everyone to the dining room he quickly comes over and hugs me. I hug him back, not letting any tears fall from my eyes as I look upon Rivendell.
"Aelsar if you really want to you can just skip the dinner, I remember how you are about eating alone in your room reading your books and writing your stories."
"I think I'll just go to the pasture and hang out with Raerthar. Not really that hungry." I say to Lord Elrond before going to get dinner so I can get back to Raerthar.
I sat in the pasture, with Raerthar for mainly the rest of the day.
'Aelsar, you should go and feast with the rest of your kin. I'll be fine.' Spoke Raerthar as she was worried on how little I had been eating over the past few days.
'Now it will take awhile for you to get back into the flow of everything here, but you must go and socialize. The only people you've had an actual conversation with is Gandalf and I. You've been mostly quiet after the day Thorin yelled at you during the battle. I know you must be angry but you must go and see your friends. They will be worried about you.' Emphasized Raerthar as she nudged me towards Rivendell from within the pasture.
'Fine. I will go and have dinner with them, but if I don't like it I'm leaving.' Replied Aelsar in an understanding tone.
'Deal.' Replied Raerthar as she then used her magic to place Aelsar on her back, and then galloped towards Rivendell.
We reached the edge of the pasture which had a small walkway of stone and jewels that led out of the stables and towards the dining hall.
I silently slipped off Raerthar's back, saying goodbye and began walking down the path. It led me through a beautiful stone stable with a soft sandy ground.
As I reached the outside I saw the path that led to the dining hall. However I didn't want to disturb anyone or enter the room and gain their attention so I took a secret passageway that only Lord Elrond and I knew about.
The secret passage was hidden behind a tapestry which I simply pushed out of the way and walked through the stone corridor. At the end of the passageway there was a sharp turn and a statue which you simply pushed forward and it moved forward for it to move forward, and out of the way.
Ch.8 Ch.10
Living a normal happy life was not possible for her. From losing her parents at 5 years old, to gaining another father figure who becomes a mutant, and two brothers who were stranger than they seem. To training the art of Ninjitsu with her new father and brothers, she begins to make discoveries about herself. With that she teaches them the ability of mystic powers, which at first turns out to be a disaster. As they all learn their new ability's, they come to use their new found powers as they face the being who destroyed NYC, his name is Lou Jitsu...but what happens when something goes awry and they end up in another universe. One where Lou Jitsu is good and hes a father of 4 Mutant Ninja Turtles?
I call it Dark Descent.
I figured since theirs so many AU'S out, I wanted to create one of my own. Ill admit I'm not sure where this series will head, but hopefully it turns out to be a good one since I recently just got back in the mood to write, hopefully I can actually make this a good series...anyway! This idea came to me a few days ago and I figured id share it since I grew inspiration and motivation to write again from EternalGlitch's story "Like Father Like Son". I highly suggest reading it, it made me cry and get angry at certain moments. So please follow them, give their story a read!
Their will be warnings since this series will get very morbid and dark at times, so I would suggest if you are not comfortable with those types of stories then do not read it.

Here's a sneak peak at what is to come from Dark Descent.
"Ready or not here I come April!" Said the black haired girl, determined to find her best friend...but first she searches her room, just in case she was in here, but nope she finds no sign of April. The girl leaves to go check the other areas, hoping to find her.
She checks the kitchen first, nope shes not here surprisingly, since April likes to raid her fridge for drinks and food...sometimes. She then checks the living room, not here either.
"Would she be in mom and dads room?" The girl says out loud to herself.
With that she goes running towards her parents room, knocking on the door as she opens it.
"Mom, dad have you guys seen April? Were playing hide and seek." The girl asks but goes silent upon seeing a new face, one that looks familiar to her.
It can't be.
Everyone turns to look at the girl.
"My my, so this is your daughter Layla, she's got your looks for sure." The new figure says as her mother chuckles.
"I would think so Lou, but she's got her father's personality down to a pat. Isn't that right dear?"
The girl watches as her father chuckles as he comes over and picks her up. "Not just my personality she has hun, she has your intelligence and sassy attitude love." The father says as he looks down at his daughter.
"As for your friend April, I would suggest looking outside sweetie. Now run along, your mother and I got some business to deal with." With that he ruffles his daughters hair before placing her back down.
The girl smiles and thanks her parents, but as she turns to leave she glances back at the man standing by her mother.
Something about him unerves the girl, but she smiles and waves as she runs outta the room in search of April.
She listens to what her father said and goes outside to her backyard.
As she wanders around she thinks about the man she saw. Her mother had called him Lou right? He cant be the famous movie actor Lou Jitsu...can he?
As she thinks about it her eyes widen, as she realises it was the famous Lou Jitsu. As she recalls seeing him on tv, she was a pretty big fan herself since she knew his signature catch phrase and watched all his movies.
The girl couldn't believe it, Lou Jitsu knows her parents!
If your wondering how her parents knew Lou Jitsu, well your gonna have to wait and find out. That's all im gonna write for now. I'm not the best when it comes to writing and im a little rusty...but nonetheless here you go! If you have any questions regarding Dark Descent please feel free to ask!

Here's child Karise! Not that good at drawing but hey it works lol. Your probably wondering to yourself who her step father is and why her parents are dead. All will be told in the prologue.

(If anyone wants to make a better version of child Karise feel free to do so, I would love to see it!)
For those that can't read it, here's what it says.
Karise Zirmei
Age: 5
Height: ?
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Likes: Food, being happy, her best friend April, her family, science, inventing, math
Dislikes: Lou Jitsu, those talking trash about her family, mean people
Mother: Layla Zirmei (Human/Turtle Yokai)
Age: 38 (Current status - Desceased)
Father: Chen Zirmei (Human)
Age: 39 (Current status - Desceased)
Step Father: ?
Age: ? (Current status - Alive)
Welp finally finished the prologue! If you guys actually like this series I'll definitely have to make more! (I would have made more chapters anyway to challenge my brain. 😂) Don't mind the grammer, but if you see anything wrong don't be afraid to say something.
"Ready or not here I come April!" Said the black haired girl, determined to find her best friend...but first she searches her room, just in case she was in here, but nope she finds no sign of April. The girl leaves to go check the other areas, hoping to find her.
She checks the kitchen first, nope shes not here surprisingly, since April likes to raid her fridge for drinks and food...sometimes. She then checks the living room, not here either.
With that she goes running towards her parents room, knocking on the door as she opens it.
"Mom, dad have you seen April? Were playing hide and seek." The girl asks but goes silent upon seeing a new face, one that looks familiar to her.
It can't be.
Everyone turns to look at the girl.
"My my, so this is your daughter Layla, she's got your looks for sure." The new figure says as her mother chuckles.
"I would hope so Lou, but she's got her fathers personality down to a pat. Isnt that right dear?"
The girl watches her father chuckle as he comes over and picks her up. "Not just my personality she has hun, she has your intelligence and sassy attitude love." The father says as he looks down at his daughter.
"As for your friend April, I would suggest looking outside sweetie. Now run along, your mother and I got some business to deal with." With that he ruffles his daughters hair before placing her back down.
The girl smiles and thanks her parents, but as she turns to leave she glances back at the man standing beside her mother.
Something about him unerves the girl, but she smiles and waves as she runs outta the room in search of April.
She listens to what her father said and goes outside to check.
As she wanders around, she thinks about the man she saw. Her mother called him Lou right? He can't be the famous movie actor Lou Jitsu...can he?
As she thinks about it her eyes widen, as she realises it was the famous Lou Jitsu. As she recalls seeing him on tv, she was a pretty big fan herself since she knew his signature catch phrase and watched all his movies.
The girl couldn't believe it, Lou Jitsu knows her parents!
As the girl is lost in thought, she runs into a tree, groaning in pain from the impact on her poor little face.
"Kay?!" Exclaims April, but more so in worry.
"She saw that." Kay says quietly to herself, as she turns to where the sound of her best friends voice is.
She watches as her friend jumps down from the treehouse, running over to check on her friend. "That looked like it hurt, you okay Karise?" April asks worriedly.
Karise smiles and laughs at her curly haired friend, nodding at her concerned friend.
"I'm okay. Wanna play something else?" She asks her friend.
April points to the sky and sighs. "Its late Kay, I have to go home before mom and dad start looking for me."
With that the girls hug each other as they say their goodbyes, both having made plans to hangout tomorrow.
Not realising that things are about to change for the worst.
Karise should have known something was off with him from the beginning, but she wouldn't have expected this.
She heads back inside, only to be greeted with a strong sickening stench, as it wafts through the air around her.
She pinches her nose as her face scrunched up in disgust.
Where is that smell coming from and why is it strong?
Her stomach churns as a thought comes to mind.
Are her parents okay? What if something happened?
With that thought, she dashes to her parents room, flinging the door open. Startled by the gruesome sight before her.
All she sees is red or rather blood, and a message.
"Happy 5th birthday Karise." The message reads.
Tears begin to pull in her eyes as she sees her mother and father propped up against the wall, blood pulling underneath and onto the floor as it seeps outta fresh wounds.
No no no no no no.
She runs over to them, shaking her father awake. "Daddy wake up!" She cries out.
No response.
She goes over to try with her mother, only to recieve the same results.
She cries from realising that both her parents are dead.
She wipes away the tears on her sleeve as she gets up off the floor, knowing she can't be sad forever...its not what they would want.
She looks down at her parents, sadness washing over her as she wonders what to do now.
An idea pops into her head as she makes her way over to her mothers work desk. Karise opens the top drawer to see an old worn down leather notebook sitting on top of some folders. She grabs it and closes the drawer, as she focuses her attention on her mothers journal as she begins to open it, but quickly decides against it.
She remembers her mothers words clearly.
"Don't open my journal by any means Karise, should something ever happen to your father and I. Only then can you read it, but make sure you are safe first."
Karise knows she is not safe.
She runs back to her room and grabs her bookbag, sliding her mothers journal in as she goes and gathers some of her belongings.
After doing so Kay equips the backpack as she heads to the kitchen, making sure to grab plently of food and water, as puts them in her bag as well.
With that she sprints out of her house, not taking a glance back.
She can't go back, not now anyway.
It's late and she should be sleeping by now at home. Tooo bad she can't, she needs to get to somewhere safe first.
Karise realises how lost in thought she is when she wounds up in a city alleyway, one she doesnt remember. She stops for a moment to catch her breath, she can see how visible it has become.
Winter is soon approaching the girl thinks to herself, shivering when a gust of cold air hits her.
Luckily she threw on her blue hoodie beforhand.
Once she catches her breath she turns to continue her way forward, only to be slammed onto the ground.
Kay gasps in pain as her eyes widen in shock and fear.
Lou Jitsu?
He grins as she trembles in fear. Blood staining his blazer. "Finally I've been looking everywhere for you, your pretty fast kid." Lou says as he evily grins at her, wrapping a hand around the base of her neck.
He begins to choke her.
Karise's eyes widen as she screams for help.
"Keep your damn mouth shut! God kids are so fucking annoying. This is why I dont have any." He says angrily at her.
Someone please help me!
Karise wants to scream more but her airway is beginning to shut down by Lou choking her way to tightly.
As if someone heard her prayer, a man comes barreling outta nowhere and slams Lou Jitsu off of her.
The man in question looks behind him, turning to kneel down to her level as he holdd out his hand. A small smile adorning the man's face.
"Are you alright little one?" He asks softly, quietly, as if it would alarm her. She looks up at him, reaching out her little hand in his grasp as she nods.
"I am now. Thank you for saving me mister I appreciate it." Karise says as a smile forms onto her face. He lifts her up off the ground, helping her as she wipes away the dirt on her knees.
"My name is Baron Draxum, but you can call me Barry."
She smiles up at him.
"Karise Zirmei! Nice to meet you Barry!" She says happily.
Baron smiles down at the small child, letting his thoughts stir around as he wonders why she was out walking around alone. Where are her parents he questions.
"Tell me Karise, why are you out here all alone? Where are your parents?" Baron asks, watching as the small girl begins to tear up.
"They...there not waking up. They were covered in a lot of blood." Karise says as she cries softly.
Barons eyes widen.
He quickly bends down and pulls the child into his arms. "I'm so sorry little one...no one your age should ever have to loose her parents..." Barom says solemnly, comforting the girl as best as he can.
As he comforts Karise, he forgets about the man he shoved off of him. That is until a green liquid comes hurdling towards him, smashing into pieces up against his back.
He yells out in pain as he drops the child, his body contorting and shifting into something new.
"Forget about me did you?!" Lou yells out in anger.
In pain but not completely, Baron scoops the girl up into his arms and runs outta the alleyway, hoping to escape that mad man.
Kay watches in fascination as his body begins to transform.
She should be shocked from his new appearance, but she isn't.
I mean her mother is a Yokai after all...was a Yokai.
Layla was a red eared slider, but was able to take on a human appearance. Her father however was just a normal old human.
Chen loved her all the same when he found out, and boy was he shocked of course but it didn't change how he felt.
Afterall Karise was born...somehow.
As the girl thinks about her parents, she blinks in confusion as to where she is.
Karise takes a look at her surroundings.
She's not outside anymore, but in an old kinda torn down apartment.
"This is my home...I apologize for the mess...its never gotten this bad." Baron says as he places Karise down.
Kay looks at him, studying his new appearance now that he's no longer human.
He looks like a sheep.
She giggles to herself as Baron looks at her weirdly. "What do you find that is so funny child?" He asks in amusement. "You look like a sheep Barry!" She says in between fits of giggles.
His eyes widen as he panics. "What?!" He says with a startle.
Kay takes off her bookbag as she begins digging through it. Pulling out her small mirror, she hands it to him as he begins to inspect.
A gasp leaves his lips, shocked to see what he looks like now.
He's a tad horrified, but also curious, he supposes its to do with his scientific nature.
"Well this is now what I expected...as a scientist this is beyond my knowledge. What did he throw at me and how could this happen?" Baron says with curiosity. "I think it was that green ooze Lou threw at you." Kay says as Baron stops stroking his new beard.
"Green ooze?...!" Baron gasps in shock as he knows what hit him.
He begins pacing back and forth as he explains what the green ooze...or rather mutagen is, as she sits down. Looking down at her from time to time to see if shes paying attention. She nods to him as he continues explaining in great detail of what is was gonna be used for.
"The formula I had made was incomplete...or so I had thought."
Did Lou Jitsu take it and finish it?
"It was suppose to be a scientific breakthrough but now..." Baron sighs as he walks over and looks out the window.
Kay frowns at this.
She gets up off the floor and walks over to Baron, as she wraps her little hand around his much bigger one. He turns his head downward and looks at her. "Do not worry about me Kay I will be alright...but now we have a bigger problem on our hands." Kay turns her head to meet his big brown eyes that are staring back at her.
"We need to stop Lou Jitsu." He says with determination.
Kay's eyes widen in disbelief...take on Lou Jitsu?
Karise must have looked scared as Baron ruffles her hair to qwell her fears. "Do not worry, I will teach you the art of Ninjitsu little one. So you may protect yourself. After all my father has taught me when I was your age once." Baron says as he smiles down at her.
Ninjitsu? She's heard that before from somewhere.
"Do you not know what Ninjitsu is?" Baron asks as the girl shakes her head no at first, but then nods. "Isn't it like fighting?" She asks.
He nods. "It is a form of fighting yes, but anyone can master it as long as you are brave enough to take on the challenge. Like my father and his father had done and so on, but do not fret I will explain it all, so take many notes little one. Your training will begin soon." Baron says as he watches the girl grow excited from what she is about to be taught.
With this a new story unfolds for the both of them.
If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask! Again don't mind the grammer (kinda suck when it comes to grammer) just enjoy the story. Also yes Baron Draxum is her step father! He's grown quite an attachment towards her and now he doesnt want to let her go and yes in this AU he was born human and is actually quite nice towards them...for the most part (he has a soft spot for children shhhh) but , I'll leave it up to your imagination at to what he would have looked like.
Alright so update on the story, its gonna be uploaded to AO3. Bare with me its gonna be a work in progress, I've got 2 chapters plus the prolouge done (Just need to type it all out 😭). Grammer is still gonna suck no matter what I do, so for now I will just post it as is until the story is finished and then work my way around and fix it as needed lol.

feeling kinda emo rn cuz I just posted the second to last chapter of this fic,
like ya I'm working on a sequel, but my heart is BROKEN
I'm about to finish my creepy pasta OC (Devinna) first chapter of her story and I'm debating if I should post it or not because I don't really have a writing style and I'm scared if the creppypasta fandom will come back from the dead and sacrifice me onto the magic trees from marble hornets and then they will eat me.

Here it is guys!
The wedding of Stretch and Ari is today! So here are a bunch of drawings + sketches I did for it, unfortunately there are 2 drawings I couldn’t fit in here ._. But oh well..
I’ll be off for a little while. Apparently the bartender I hired had used his excuse for a smoke break to kidnap me. I’ll be back once I managed to escape from my captor. :)
Stay safe! Stay hydrated, stay awesome💙

Watercolour practice, featuring my two faves🌼

First guitar lesson✨
Wish I could say this was for an event but honestly I don’t think I could follow any😭 at least not fully, so I’ll just draw and post from time to time to any prompt from any event I find interesting :D
hey, i need some advice!
i am finally getting into writing fanfic and wanted to know if this sounded good so far! any advice and tips are welcome! it will be published on wattpad! it'll be a reader x namjoon fic with an oc insert!
TW: contains mentions of marijuana, alcohol, sexual assault, and gore.
The only thing that (Y/N) could see before her was blurred images of the partygoers as a large, calloused hand swallowed her small, delicate one. A kaleidoscope of soft light twisted and turned as she stumbled up the stars, the music being a muffled thump as she tried to regain focus.
"I might not know much about parties but I know you're never supposed to mix drugs or take anything a stranger offers, that's common sense.", reminded a small, gentle voice whom (Y/N) couldn't remember at the time. She traced her thoughts as the room got dark, momentarily reveling in the blast from the AC unit, unaware that the door was locked behind her. The only thing she remembered was threatening her younger siblings to not snitch or follow her, walking through a worn out path, hitting a bong, and downing 5 cups containing a liquid that made her face burn and set a fire in her chest.
Her back hit a soft surface as a shadow loomed over her. She furrowed her brows, confused as she heard a zipper.
"What are you doing?", she asked, speech slurred as she pushed the rough hands away as they they rubbed her thighs, going too far up her skirt.
A reply was mumbled as she felt the same hands turn her face to the side, a hot, sickly breath fanning over her face that caused her to gag. She reached her hands out to push weakley, earning a sharp slap that left a stinging sensation which in return caused a scream to erupt from her throat.
In an instant, the door slammed open, bringing in a bright light along with two silhouettes, the larger one grabbing for her, lifting her up off the soft surface as the smaller one went straight for the person with the rough hands. As her focus came into view, soft, brown eyes looked into her glazed, (E/C) ones, full of concern.
"Tae? What are you doing here?", she asked, recognizing her younger brother.
He began to reply but was cut off by a crash followed by a blood-curdling scream. (Y/N) turned and her heart lurched into her throat by the scene before her.
Red was splattered across the mattress where she laid and the wall behind it as blood pooled on the floor, traveling towards her and her brother. The owner of the the rough hands, Insu Choi being the owner, laid in the blood, clutching his crotch as blood seeped through his fingers, looking up at the perpetrator, his face contorted in pain as he yelled; "YOU FUCKING NIGHT TERROR", before meeting his end by what looked like a long, black, jagged piece of rock with razor-sharp edges protruding out of it. The squelch of tissue and muscles ripping combined with the sound of his bones shattering caused (Y/N) to feel faint and her stomach rumble. There was nothing left of his face but a cavity as the item was removed which sent (Y/N) over the edge as she turned and heaved chunks , feeling her brother beginning to shake. Looking up, a crowd had gathered outside the room, their faces stricken with terror before chaos and screaming ensued. Looking back, she was met with glowing, golden eyes that seemed to swirl with madness behind, circular, wire-rimmed glasses that set on a soft, round face a lovely shade of burnt umber that was splattered with blood.
That was the last thing (Y/N) saw before the world went dark.
I made them into twisted!