prof-ramses - Professor Ramses
Professor Ramses

Creepy weirdo & weird creep who loves media where bad things happen to good people

693 posts

The Real Issue Is Actually The Happy Fella Show, Because If It Was Just Dolls I Could Buy It As A Local

The real issue is actually the Happy Fella show, because if it was just dolls I could buy it as a local thing, but the presence of a show implies this at least reaches farther than one relatively small town in Arizona. The cult's operations are (as far as we know) solely localized in Frighden (pardon the use of HCs) so why they would use a seemingly wide spread brand is beyond me. Unless they're trying to reach out farther for some special reason.

Sometimes I wonder about the company producing happy fellas, like, does the cult have someone on the inside to convert the dolls into vessels or is the whole thing in the cult's pocket. assuming it's the same company that makes the show, then it's the latter because HF's bangs are perfectly placed to cover any forehead holes as we see with skull illustration in the ARG journal/tome. Have you ever thought about this? If so, what's your current opinion.

When I first saw the happy Fella dolls in Unwanted Guest I assume that they were made by the cult, I'm not sure honestly, the dolls are a really interesting part of the lore though

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More Posts from Prof-ramses

1 year ago

What's more, if Itsy ends up having babies, we should call them "Itsy's Bitsies".

Until we get an official name can we all just call the giant attic spider "Itsy"?

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1 year ago

Volume 3 of Spooky Month headcanons

Shotgun man's last name is Cox (As in to cock a shotgun)

Kevin was in a garage band with some friends in high school. Most of them have moved away from Frighden since then.

Kevin has a slight phobia of lizards.

The first few movies Carmen and Richard ever showed Roy were all from the Disney renaissance. They also saw some in theaters as dates a few years into their relationship.

Skid's grandma was named Rose.

Skid would shave half his head in his teens. (You can't tell me he wouldn't)

Ross's sleep schedule is a god damn disaster(tm).

Patty owns a dog named Grim, she would kill for him without hesitation.

It's borderline impossible for Frank to get drunk. This man could down a beer stein worth of vodka and then calmly walk in a perfectly straight line. It doesn't have anything to do with whatever turned his eyes black, it's just the way he is.

On a similar note, Lila has a super high spice tolerance.

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1 year ago

Okay so I was thinking about your theory/idea thing for SM6, about one of the characters getting "infected" with the sugar high, and I remembered this one doodle Pelo made after TT released

Okay So I Was Thinking About Your Theory/idea Thing For SM6, About One Of The Characters Getting "infected"

And how Kevin's VA showed a photo of his recordings for Kevin in SM6

Okay So I Was Thinking About Your Theory/idea Thing For SM6, About One Of The Characters Getting "infected"

Note the bit towards the end where it looks like Kevin goes quiet, only for him to get really loud, like he's screaming a lot; it would fit a horror build-up scene following by him actually losing it

I can absolutely see Kevin being the one of the group to eat the spiked sugar and then attack the others

HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE A GENIUS! I always thought of the doodle as a joke but if Kevin is the one to get "sugared up" it would actually make perfect sense.

Initially I thought maybe John would be the one to get contaminated but that was mostly because of the theory that the Candy Dealer is his brother. Kevin is a way more likely candidate.

Come to think of it, there aren't any giant lollipop props in the candy club, so maybe CD spikes the town by starting his own store, which ends up being where Kevin gets contaminated and where he finds the giant lollipop.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

On a side note, I imagined the characters having some change to their eyes as a visual shorthand for them being "infected" with the "sugar high" but couldn't come up with what it would look like. But now, I think they might turn purple, like CD's eyes (I refuse to believe them looking like that is just shading).

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1 year ago

I have mini-theory to add here. In the first episode we see "Itsy" looming over Skidad's bones. I think it saw him transfer his soul into the mannequin, saw his original body go limp and thought "Well, not like he needs that anymore" and ate it. I thing the wrapped up body-looking thing is Moloch's original body and the same thing happened to it when he possessed Dexter.

Putting this one in a separate post bc I want to (warning for mildly realistic but still cartoony spiders)

Anyways! @prof-ramses posited a v interesting theory that the giant spider isn't going to be an antagonist per-say, but rather its babies

And that got me thinking, and realizing, that there are a lot of spiders in Lila's house, from the very beginning

There are two little ones in the first ep, one in the stairwell and one in the mousehole next to the stairs, in addition to the large one we've grown accustomed to

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)
Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

(^ brightened for visibility)

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Pelo even points out the stairwell spider in his (free to view) Patreon posts on the first episode, while simultaneously completely ignoring the giant spider

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

And then in Unwanted Guest there's a surprisingly large spider skittering between the floorboards in the pan up to the attic

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Along with a smaller but still decently big spider chilling in the attic itself

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

And a tiny spider got itself stuck on Dexter's mouse trap

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Also semi-related there's this big thing wrapped up in one of the webs. I have no idea what it is

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Moloch says he was forced to eat rats and spiders while trapped in the attic -- interestingly, we haven't seen any rats in Lila's house, at least as far as I'm aware. Maybe the spiders take care of them as well?

There aren't any new spiders in Deadly Smiles to my knowledge, just a new shot of the big one

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

There are no spiders at all in The Stars or Tender Treats, presumably because of the short attic time in both (the giant spider was drawn in the TT attic scene, but the camera doesn't pan far enough to show it)

Spiders even briefly appear in the Tender Treats ARG! There are three decently-sized ones next to the family photo

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

I had to circle them because they're REALLY well hidden, even after brightening the image

Yeah, there are... a LOT more spiders crawling around this house than I was aware of, likely even more since Moloch is no longer there to do pest control

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