purpleheartsrus - PurpleHearts

Just sitting here purpling the greatest human beings on the planet.

754 posts

Handed A Lemon

handed a lemon

the absolute turmoil -  drabble series part two featuring JIMIN (mentions of yoongi/ofc relationship) words: 782 a serious conversation warnings for mentions of mental illness and related mature themes.

go here for more info on this drabble series or to find part one.


Jimin looks uncomfortable, his brows furrowed and his lips quivering like he’s trying to hold something back. He’s looking everywhere but at Mina as she watches him struggle through the mirror, her hands on her hips where she can feel her tights starting to run where she yanked them up over her leotard this morning.

“Just say it, Chim,” she says finally, having grown impatient.

That’s all it takes for him to finally look back at her in the mirror, no longer fidgeting, but staring with a gentle, yet firm expression.

“I don’t know why you’re still working at the college,” he tells her and her chin recedes into her neck, taken aback, though she recovers quickly.

“I love the kids.”

Jimin nods. “I know you do. But you have to do something for yourself instead of other people. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.” When he pauses, his face breaks out into a blinding smile, his eyes turning to endearing crescents. “Plus, it wouldn’t be all for yourself. I’d love to have you here, and I know Hobi would, too. And you’d still get to work with kids.”

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More Posts from Purpleheartsrus

4 years ago

I am squealing.  I love this universe.  The atmosphere is really cool and General Min is such a cute softy.  

Portraits of a Tiger || 02


Legends of a great and equally terrifying warrior nicknamed the Tiger have been emerging from your fellow villagers for quite sometime. Stories of his skill, his stealth and his supposed wickedness have been passed around to the point where he is more prophecy than person. You have lived your life with a strong sense of conviction, rarely letting gossip influence your opinion. However, you would be lying if you said that his legacy didn’t intrigue you. When the Tiger and his infamous army arrive in your village to refuel, you come face to face with the man behind the myth.

And no amount of marketplace gossip would ever be enough to capture the true complexity of his nature.

Pairing: Merchant! Reader x Warrior! Yoongi

Genre: Adventure, Romance, Smut (later), Fluff, Angst

Word Count: 7.1k

Warnings: language, depictions of violence both verbal and physical however they are fairly mild, mentions of war and power dynamics, there will be smut in future parts so, (18+ only please).

Current Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged!): @gldnrecs​ @naajix​ @bluewhale52​ @nikkikenji​ @lustedkisses​ @loveyoongles​ @hear-me-growl​ 

A/N: oh hiiii. I’m a little obsessed with this universe so, I hope you guys are enjoying all the Warrior! Yoongi content. Love you!

Once again, I want to shout out @bulletproofbirdy​ for everything she has done to make this fic possible. I love you so much! 

“I’m just saying, some of the women in this village should at least attempt it. Wedding a solider is an honor, not to mention the fact that it sets you up for life.”  

Jane’s voice sounds beside you and it causes you to smile to yourself; she’s always coming up with plans for other people, attempting to live vicariously through them.  

“Like Y/N- you’re young-” She tilts her head, her frizzy red hair almost twirling above her scalp, “-ish. You would probably be able to convince one of them to take you for a bride.”  

You scoff, “Thank you for having so much faith in me Jane, I’ll keep that in mind.”  

Jane quickly moves on to another girl in the market, throwing the same amount of enthusiasm her way.  

You know she means well, even if she is a little brash at times.  

It’s been two days since the market place was riddled with thieves and soldiers. Things have mostly gone back to normal apart from the same armored men loitering about your village.  

Over the time that’s past, you’ve been able to meet or at least learn more about Yoongi’s fleet.  

Seven men, each of them possessing an incredible amount of skill, made up the group behind the gossip.  

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4 years ago

We Need to Talk About Engagement

No, I don’t mean that step you take in the pursuit of marrying someone.

I mean interaction. Messages and reblogs.

A couple months ago, there were posts circulating about how the like to ratio reblog was unfair because likes do not give writers the opportunity to be seen where reblogs do. Once enough people reblogged this or added to it, engagement went way up and the ratios were better and people were sending messages and replying to fics about how much they loved them!

Then, it seems, everyone went “I did my part” and gave up on it.

Engagement seems to be at an all-time-low; the like to reblog ratio seems to be gapped even wider now, people are hardly sending messages in, and heck people are even reading fics without even LIKING them.

I thought it was me at first and that everyone grew bored of my writing, but then my friends said they weren’t gaining much attention either or they were no longer receiving many asks. And then posts about it started popping up about how engagement was down 50%.

Why? What is so bad about reblogging a fic or replying to it? We write for ourselves, but the sweet comments and messages make it worth putting out there for people. Seeing people simply like it or pay no mind to it is very discouraging.

Here are some things you can do to help engagement go up that are barely any effort on your part and are very appreciated:

Reblog a fic if you like it. You don’t even have to say anything if you are allowing other people the chance to see it.

Send asks. Comment on your reblogs if there’s something for you to say. Reply to the post. Put things in the tags bc we go and read them!

Popular writers; if you see a fic and you enjoy it, you should reblog it. If you have a nice following, they should be seen just as much as your fics should be, especially if written by a smaller writer.

Even if all you want to do is DM someone to tell them how great their fic is, that’s wonderful!

I understand there’s some inferiority/superiority thing on here where bc someone’s writing is popular they seem intimidating, but we LOVE COMMENTS. WE LOVE ASKS. IF SOMEONE DOES NOT LIKE THESE THINGS THEN THEY ARE A JERK WHO YOU SHOULD NOT SUPPORT THE WRITING OF.

Please just tell us what you’re thinking even if it’s “sdfoisjdfaslk” bc we really appreciate it and it makes us WANT to keep writing and showing our work.

The lack of interaction from people and the amount of silent readers who do no more than like is so discouraging to us and I think that’s kind of obvious across the platform, so PLEASE, do not be afraid to tell us what you think of the fic and to reblog it.

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4 years ago

Love constant check ins for consent. Also, didn't imagine for Jorts Jungkook to be so cute.

The Speedo (M) | JJK


This is a companion drabble PREQUEL for The Jorts universe commissioned by @margalolittlelittlebird​ as part of our fundraising for Black Lives Matter. Thank you for contributing! This is much longer than expected because I am emotionally attached to their backstory.

{Pairing} Jeon jungkook/ Reader

{Genre} fluff/smut

{Rating} Mature, [explicit smut bro.]

{Word Count} 8.8K

{Warnings} exhibitionism, oral, kissing, fingering, nipple play, protected sex.

{Prompt} JK has fallen in love. Too bad the object of his affections thinks he’s a fuckboy who gets blowjobs in women’s locker rooms. How did Jungkook convince his future wife to give him a chance when none of his usual tricks  work? 

The Speedo (M) | JJK

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4 years ago

I'm so excited for more of their relationship.

Portraits of a Tiger|| 01


Legends of a great and equally terrifying warrior nicknamed the Tiger have been emerging from your fellow villagers for quite sometime. Stories of his skill, his stealth and his supposed wickedness have been passed around to the point where he is more prophecy than person. You have lived your life with a strong sense of conviction, rarely letting gossip influence your opinion. However, you would be lying if you said that his legacy didn’t intrigue you. When the Tiger and his infamous army arrive in your village to refuel, you come face to face with the man behind the myth.

And no amount of marketplace gossip would ever be enough to capture the true complexity of his nature.

Pairing: Merchant! Reader x Warrior! Yoongi

Genre: Adventure, Romance, Smut (later), Fluff, Angst

Word Count: 12k

Warnings: language, depictions of violence both verbal and physical however they are fairly mild, mentions of war and power dynamics, there will be smut in future parts so, (18+ only please).

Current Tag List: @bulletproofbirdy​ @gldnrecs​ @naajix​ @bluewhale52​ @nikkikenji​ @lustedkisses​

A/N: oh okayyyyy HELLO!!! Its here!!! Warrior! Yoongi is finally emerging from the depths of my writer blocked brain and I am SO happy you get to meet him. Once again, this series will be posted in parts just as Mama Mia! is and it may not necessarily follow a linear timeline. 

Also, I know I mentioned her in the tag list post but, SERIOUSLY you guys this story would not be possible without my wonderful friend @bulletbroofbirdy aka Rachel who has literally spent so much time dreaming up with wonderful universe with me. My sweet angel, you are the greatest in the world and I love you. Please go follow Rachel and send her all the love in the universe and thank her for her genius brain because, without her, this fic wouldn’t exist. 


It’s not an uncommon occurrence where you’re from.  

The ever-present shifting of the borderlines is a constant reminder of the struggle for power.

Many see it as a valiant effort, a noble cause…

But, war is something that doesn’t appeal to you.

It doesn’t sit right with your perspective on the world.

Sure, you understand it’s strengths and why it could be seen as necessary.

However, the consequences of war, of violence- never seem to be worth it.  


It’s not an uncommon occurrence where you’re from.  

When war is constantly raging on the background, it should be expected.  

It should be normal.  

To most of your district, it is.  

To you?

Every single rise in the death toll sends icy despair into your heart.  

Every drop of blood spilled feels as though it’s your own.  

You’re desperate to find the solution for peace but, you know it’s not that simple.  

Man is never content.

The struggle for power is never ending.  

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4 years ago

Honestly , kind of cute and fluffy in the beginning.

Prodigy - Teacher AU


“Could you just close the door and come over here? You have no reason to rush out, I didn’t post your grade. I want to discuss it in person.”

You swallowed hard at his words but did as you were told, closing the classroom door and going over to his desk. He was looking through the stack of students’ sketchbooks on his desk, presumably for your own. He pulled one of of the stack and laid it in the middle of his desk, and you froze. 

You could feel all color draining from your face once you noticed which sketchbook he had pulled out of the pile. There was a Hello Kitty sticker stuck to the top right corner of it, indicating it was your sketchbook.

Your personal sketchbook.

word count: 10.1k

genre: fluff & smut (a lot of soft/domestic stuff, concludes w smut)

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