5 months ago

You haven’t seen happiness until you’ve seen 7 rats in a box of (pet safe) packing peanuts

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4 years ago

We Need to Talk About Engagement

No, I don’t mean that step you take in the pursuit of marrying someone.

I mean interaction. Messages and reblogs.

A couple months ago, there were posts circulating about how the like to ratio reblog was unfair because likes do not give writers the opportunity to be seen where reblogs do. Once enough people reblogged this or added to it, engagement went way up and the ratios were better and people were sending messages and replying to fics about how much they loved them!

Then, it seems, everyone went “I did my part” and gave up on it.

Engagement seems to be at an all-time-low; the like to reblog ratio seems to be gapped even wider now, people are hardly sending messages in, and heck people are even reading fics without even LIKING them.

I thought it was me at first and that everyone grew bored of my writing, but then my friends said they weren’t gaining much attention either or they were no longer receiving many asks. And then posts about it started popping up about how engagement was down 50%.

Why? What is so bad about reblogging a fic or replying to it? We write for ourselves, but the sweet comments and messages make it worth putting out there for people. Seeing people simply like it or pay no mind to it is very discouraging.

Here are some things you can do to help engagement go up that are barely any effort on your part and are very appreciated:

Reblog a fic if you like it. You don’t even have to say anything if you are allowing other people the chance to see it.

Send asks. Comment on your reblogs if there’s something for you to say. Reply to the post. Put things in the tags bc we go and read them!

Popular writers; if you see a fic and you enjoy it, you should reblog it. If you have a nice following, they should be seen just as much as your fics should be, especially if written by a smaller writer.

Even if all you want to do is DM someone to tell them how great their fic is, that’s wonderful!

I understand there’s some inferiority/superiority thing on here where bc someone’s writing is popular they seem intimidating, but we LOVE COMMENTS. WE LOVE ASKS. IF SOMEONE DOES NOT LIKE THESE THINGS THEN THEY ARE A JERK WHO YOU SHOULD NOT SUPPORT THE WRITING OF.

Please just tell us what you’re thinking even if it’s “sdfoisjdfaslk” bc we really appreciate it and it makes us WANT to keep writing and showing our work.

The lack of interaction from people and the amount of silent readers who do no more than like is so discouraging to us and I think that’s kind of obvious across the platform, so PLEASE, do not be afraid to tell us what you think of the fic and to reblog it.

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5 months ago

Wow, just wow! This is an amazing work of art 🙏🏼 I can’t describe how absolutely beautiful this is but you’ve made me tear up hard!!!!

Watch the part at the end its good i promise

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6 years ago
Please, Reblog! IIts Called Self Defense. Apart From Having Here, In The US, One Of The Highest Cases
Please, Reblog! IIts Called Self Defense. Apart From Having Here, In The US, One Of The Highest Cases
Please, Reblog! IIts Called Self Defense. Apart From Having Here, In The US, One Of The Highest Cases
Please, Reblog! IIts Called Self Defense. Apart From Having Here, In The US, One Of The Highest Cases
Please, Reblog! IIts Called Self Defense. Apart From Having Here, In The US, One Of The Highest Cases

Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister

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1 year ago
So A Free Tool Called GLAZE Has Been Developed That Allows Artists To Cloak Their Artwork So It Can't
So A Free Tool Called GLAZE Has Been Developed That Allows Artists To Cloak Their Artwork So It Can't

So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.

AI art bros are big mad about it.

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8 months ago
Zero Day Would Be A Hundred Times Better If Cal And Andre Were Girls
Zero Day Would Be A Hundred Times Better If Cal And Andre Were Girls

zero day would be a hundred times better if cal and andre were girls

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7 months ago


some people need to hear this..

cal is NOT a baby, stop babying him. he co-planned a school shooting and the only reason they BOTH died was bc of cal convincing andre to die along side him. and are we gonna ignore how cal was SCREAMING and all in all having fun while the shooting was happening? he knew exactly what they were going to do, went along with the plan when he could’ve at least TRIED to back out, and committed suicide after it was all done. THAT was his plan. he wasn’t stupid or naive.

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6 years ago

Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.

Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.

Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking
Listen Up. There Is Literally An App That Can Help You Avoid Self Harm And I Dont Know Why We Arent Talking

It’s also totally FREE.

once again, it’s called CALM HARM

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3 years ago


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1 year ago

Reminder for disabled and sick folks, or anyone with a disabled or sick or elderly person in your home, as seasons change whether it's getting hotter or colder for you:

If your power grid is being overtaxed by too many people in your community using their air conditioners or heat, and your leaders tell you something like it's "your civic duty" to lower your AC to an unbearable and dangerous level for you (or to reduce your heat use to unbearable and dangerous levels for you), ignore them.

That's right, I said ignore your civic duty. Let the ableds who can tolerate too hot or too cold with just mild discomfort take on the burden of society for once. You may feel guilt, but you're not saving the world by courting heat stroke or freezing to death because you're more vulnerable to either.

Eco fash and eugenecists will be blocked on sight

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1 year ago

Imagine being Master Kohga after “Tears of the Kingdom”.

You finally make it back to the Yiga Hideout; a bit singed, but otherwise unharmed. Everyone is delighted to see you, but your joy at finally returning home is dampened by your anger.

Every single one of your plans has been ruined. What’s it going to take to finally kill that stupid “hero”?

One of your Blademasters, noticing your unhappiness, tries to cheer you up by telling you about their awesome new Blademaster.

He passed the Blademaster exam in record time, set a new record in combat training, and even managed to master the Lightning Helm! He’s a wiz with Zonai technology, and one of our scouts saw him slay a Gleeok single-handily!

Granted, the new recruit’s professionalism still needs work. He refuses to dye his hair in accordance with regulations, keeps approaching uncover operatives while fully uniformed, and won’t stop trying to eat the bananas meant as bait for Link.

But despite those shortcomings, the newest Blademaster is still the best recruit we’ve gotten since the Great Calamity. If anyone can finally defeat Link, he can.

Oh, and what luck! The new Blademaster is here in the hideout right now! Here he comes!

And who should walk in, but the one person you hate most in the entire world.

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7 months ago
A Lot Of Blue-foot Burb

a lot of blue-foot burb

A Lot Of Blue-foot Burb

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