-Sailing through life ⛵-
177 posts
Radkittyphantom - La Aliengena - Tumblr Blog
some things that have happened since you stopped hearing about p/alestine after the “ceasefire” was declared
1,000+ palestinians were arrested in a mass-arrest campaign designed to, and i quote, “instill fear” - including children
al-aqsa mosque and worshippers were attacked and beaten
literal children, not even teens, children, were arrested and tried in a military court (this is not new, thousands of children have faced this terrorization over the years. Isr@el is the only country in the world that tries children in military courts. 500-700 children are prosecuted each year.)
a soldier deliberately ran over a child on a bike for having a pales/tinian flag on his bike. an adult man ran over a child with his car. on purpose. the child is 12. read that again.
sheikh jarrah was blockaded, illegally
whatsapp blocked the accounts of over 100 pal/estinian journalists
silwan, another pal/estinian neighborhood like sheikh j/arrah, is being violently ethnically cleansed to make way for more settlers
Isr@el has forced social media sites to censor the hashtags “free pal/estine” and “save sheikh ja/rrah” many posts and accounts have been deleted
25 pales/tinians have been murdered by the ID/F and settlers
in Jaffa, 300 arab families are under force expulsion orders to make way for more settlers. 300 families.
suicide rates in g/aza have risen to an all-time high due to PTSD and hopelessness
Pales/tinians in G/aza still do not have access to safe drinking water, electricity, medical care, and nutrition. families are still being displaced from their homes by settler colonialism. There is still an inability to mobilize freely, pursue a career, seek an education, or gain access to decent healthcare or mental health resources. The occupation, genocide, and ethnic cleansing continues whether you see on your feed or not.
Reflect on whether your past experiences are making you feel better or bitter...
I know life at times is not a smooth ride, it has ups and downs and at times we let certain circumstances during this journey of life get to us, that is the human nature to feel, have emotions but we also have the ability to reflect on our actions and thoughts to decide whether we want them i.e. our experiences to hold us back or push us forward, of course the process of moving forward, working on ourselves is anything but messy, that doesn't mean we should not work on detaching ourselves from those shackles of the past. We need to do so in order for us to be free, to be able to look at life from a clean window rather than a crooked, dirty window shaped from our bitter past experiences.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
-Soren Kierkegaard
Do you know what strength lies beneath all of that insecurity of yours?
That intelligence, that passion, that beauty?
But instead of empowering yourself, you shut yourself down and fill your mind with absurd thoughts. Why do you do that?
– Khorasaniyyah.
‘Would you tell your ten year old self what you are telling yourself now?’

“Although human civilization advances and benefits from competition, our existence is not dependent on the survival of the fittest as much as it is on the survival of the kindest.”
— from Secrets of Divine Love : A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam
For those who had a bad day:
there’s no shame in going to sleep earlier than normal; no shame in leaving your room messy and it’s definitely okay to leave some emails/messages/calls unanswered. if you need today to end earlier, IT’S OKAY. you can sort your life out tomorrow

[Images description: A ten part Twitter thread by Suhail Matar. The tweets read as follows:
1) Because I mostly user twitter academically, let me share my experience as a Palestinian in Israeli academia. A thread.
2) I attended the Technion (In Haifa, my city) between 2004 and 2011. This coincided with Israel’s 2006 war on Lebanon, 2008/9 war on Gaza, and 2010 attack on the flotilla headed for Gaza.
3) This meant many protests at the university’s gates. We were usually some 150 students, chanting support for Gaza, say and condemnations of Israeli aggression.
4) Across the street, without fail, was always a 10x bigger protest: huge Israeli flags, enraged Zionists jumping up and down yellow “DEATH TO ARABS! DEATH TO ARABS!” Our chants were 100% drowned The blind hatred in their eyes could have probably powered the campus.
5) These weren’t just random people. These were my Physical Chemistry professor, for example. He used to show up to lectures in full settler regalia. Imagine a US professor showing up to class in Proud Boys or KKK regalia.
6) It was that shy, tall, bespectacled student from year 2 who’d asked me for tips (having recently finished the bachelor’s program) only a few weeks prior. He was also there chanting “DEATH TO ARABS!” Oh, yes, he knew I was Palestinian.
7) We then had to go back to the lecture halls and literally sit with people who chanted for our death. Disciplinary action, you suggest? Hahahaha
8) Not to mention that, a few weeks later, those Israeli students who were recruited for the reserve army for whatever was it was would come back to university. We were sitting next to snipers and pilots who killed people, our people, in Gaza and Lebanon.
9) In the Technion we were “lucky” it didn’t go further. Other campuses are much more politically active, and Palestinian students are routinely harassed, attacked, arrested, expelled for simply raising a flag, or expressing their Palestinianness.
10) This is what your fancy collab with an Israeli university looks like, under the surface. This is the grim reality of Israeli academia. Yes, it has top-notch education and great researchers. But it is severly lacking in basic humanity towards even its own Palestinians.]
Is this fair? How is this justified?
Reposted from @wissamgaza 🇵🇸#Palestine || “ Is my my mom fine?
The moment of rescue a little Palestinian girl burried under the rubble of residential buildings that bombed by Israeli warplanes in Al Remal neighborhood in Gaza, without any warning.
"ماما كويسة؟ بعرفش”.. لحظة انتشال طفلة من بين أنقاض المباني السكنية التي دمرها جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بحي الرمال على رؤوس ساكنيها دون سابق إنذار . https://www.instagram.com/p/CO6uT9qJ-g5/?igshid=djybbeyq75lh

EDUCATE YOURSELF BEFORE BEING NEUTRAL ON THIS ISSUE. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN PALESTINE IS GENOCIDE, IT IS A MASSACRE and to pretend otherwise is a direct display of your ignorance, colonialist imperialist western influence and immense privilege that is directly harming the people of palestine who are in immense peril.
Use your platform and help expose Is*ael's crimes. We must amplify Palestinians' voices!

لا احد يستطيع ان يعيش بالطريقة التي يعيش بها الناس في غزة، إسرائيل تهاجمهم في كل لحظة مما يدفع الأطفال والعائلات إلى هجر منازلهم والكثير منهم يموت بسبب الهجوم الصاروخي بدون إنذار! ولسنوات كانت إسرائيل تسيطر على 90% من التغطية الإعلامية بينما الان يستخدمون المحرقة والبطاقة المعادية للسامية ايضا لإسكات النقاش المشروع وتبرير التطهير العرقي في فلسطين ووسائل الإعلام العربية تكشف لهم مايفعلونه في غزة
فإسرائيل لا تريد السلام هذه هي الإبادة الجماعية والتطهير العرقي التي كانت تحدث عن لسنوات عديدة. الناس يموتون لا يوجد منصة صغيرة جدًا للتعبير عن الرأي ونشر الوعي، الرجاء الاستمرار في تضخيم أصوات الفلسطينيين حيث لا توجد أي تغطية إعلامية. وتتعرض غزة للهجوم بمئات الضربات الجوية. إذا كنت مسلمًا أو مسيحيًا أو أي شيء آخر غير مهم، فيجب أن تكون إنسانًا!!!! وتقع على عاتقنا جميعا مسؤولية مشاركتها ونشر الوعي بها..
No one would ever be able to live the way people live in Gaza, israel attack them at every single moment which leads kids and families to abandon their homes and a lot of them die because of the without warning missileattack!
For years israil have been controlling 90% of the media coverage while using the holocaust and antisemitic card to silence legitimate debate and justify ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Now the Arab media is showing them what they're doing in Gaza.
and ethnic cleansing that has been happening for many years. People are DYING. No platform is too small to speak up and spread awareness, please continue to amplify Palestinians’ voices ، Because
No exist any media coverage. Gaza is being under attack with over hundreds of air strikes . If u r a Muslim , Christian or what ever , not important, u must be human!!!! we all have the responsibilities to share it and spread awareness.
- copied.
Artwork by : @bushrarateb

Sometimes I think about life goals and aspirations and instead of motivating me it just makes me feel a lot of pressure. Like I should be more strategic about the things I'm doing and I should be putting more effort into upskilling and career development etc. But then I remember the things that give me the most fulflilment are things like laughing a lot and having meaningful conversations with people I love. Waking up early to read a book that gives me a new perspective. Going for a walk and looking at the trees. Eating sweet oranges that peel easily. Listening to my favorite people talk about things they're excited about. All of it has nothing to do with my career. And that's what makes me feel like hey maybe I'll be okay. Maybe as I grow older all I really need is some trees some fruit some books and some people to love and love me back.

Virtually all U.S. politicians...

"It's a complicated situation" not right now it isn't. This isn't about decades of geopolitics. This is about 200 missiles launched against Gaza in under 10 minutes, this is about about the forced expulsion of Palestinian civilians from their homes, this is about Israel continuing to escalate their air and ground attacks against Palestinian civilians who do not have sophisticated defense protections, this is about Israel breaking international law and committing war crimes against Palestinian civilians while claiming that it is "self defense". The world is watching genocide unfold right now and nobody is stopping it.
'but if you question the existence of the israeli state, you question the existence of all states' well i sure do!!!!
if you live in a colonial settler state, then the land you're standing on right now was stolen from indigenous peoples. for the country you live in to exist, genocide and ethnic cleansing had to happen.
just like what's happening in gaza right now.

My heart is with the Palestinian people right now. I couldn't enjoy Eid today and now I can't do anything not even sleep. My heart is once again broken for my brothers and sisters in Palestine.
What we're witnessing is genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing, and I am so disgusted at the lack of media coverage. The whole world united for Notre Dame de Paris when it was burning, as much as I like it and no matter how sad I was about it, I can't help thinking IT IS A FREAKING BUILDING, why isn't the world uniting to save HUMAN LIVES? Why are y'all just enjoying your lives and ignoring children's lives being taken away?
I am so angry and heartbroken. I stand with Palestine.
Sincerely, screw the Zionist Regime.

it’s being reported that electricity and power have been cut in gaza in an effort to stop livestreams of the now ground attack that israel is conducting in gaza.
Israel launched 200 rockets against Gaza in under 10 minutes. 200 rockets. It is the middle of the night, and it is the night after Eid. Palestinian civilians do not have bomb shelters and sophisticated missile defense systems to protect themselves, they are left without protection as their world is blown up around them. Israel has also deployed ground forces into Gaza. We are watching genocide unfold. And I do not ever use that word lightly. This is genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
Israel is currently bombing and launching ground ops against a majority refugee population - where nearly 70% are under the age of 29 - and who are completely trapped with nowhere to run. And they're doing it on Eid and right before the anniversary of the Nakba.
What's happening in Gaza NOW is GENOCIDE .
Dozen Bombs are falling on Gaza by Israeli occupation warplanes.
Deaths : 106 including 27 children.
ما يحدث في غزة الآن هو إبادة جماعية.
استشهاد ١٠٦ في غزة بينهم ٢٧ طفل.
ياريت كله يدعي دلوقتي و يصلي لهم
اللهم انصرهم و احفظهم بحفظك و احقن دمائهم.
بردا و سلاما يارب العالمين .
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل..اللهم انتقم منهم.