Blm Movement - Tumblr Posts
Stream to donate!
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
if you can, share or donate to the official fund for george floyd’s 6 year old daughter. it was organized by the family’s legal team and shared by his best friend, so it’s legitimate. the least we can do is make sure his baby is set for life.
New video: Christian First And Your Race Last| LINK TO VIDEO --->
Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link above #Christian #Christians #BLM #Blacklivematter #BLMmovement
Why isn’t anyone talking about this. BLM until they wanna have party. This is such a let them eat cake moment for the people attending the met gala all that performative protesting but nobody cares when our lives stop trending right. I really do hate that this world is built of money and power to do anything but good.
9.13.21. New York City
NYPD arrest non-violent protestors outside the Met Gala, including BLM protestors. NYPD used the notoriously brutal SRG to arrest non-violent protestors. This occurred outside the ultra-wealthy fundraising event whose theme this year was "In America".
CashApp $4OurLiberation to bail out those arrested, including Ella, pictured above
Hamburger Gängeviertel um 1930 Kinder und Strassenhuren gemeinsam auf dem Straßenpflaster
here is another video
shorter, but it can be streamed as well, maybe in another window or in between streaming this larger one.
use all the tips you’ve learnt from streaming
i understand that not everyone can donate rn even if they really wanted to. i myself am currently unemployed and cannot donate much more than i already have atm !! not donating is okay - pls don’t feel guilty if you do not have the means to do so.
if donating is not a possibility right now, ive found this 1 hour video you can watch on youtube where all proceeds from the ad revenue will go to an organization to help the cause (more info in the video’s description). op has compiled songs and art from Black artists to listen to. you can leave it on to play in the background or plug in earphones and go about your business as usual. it can’t get more simple than that.
as a fandom that’s known to mass stream, it would be amazing if you could channel that energy into watching this video !!!!!
Black Lives Matter Donation Playlist
For those of you who can’t donate as much as you’d like, or want to contribute more to BLM, check out this playlist. It is made up of videos that donate their ad revenue to BLM.
Play it in the backround, plug in headphones so you don’t have to hear it if you don’t want to, whatever. Don’t skip the ads! Use all the tips you’ve learnt from and about streaming and put them to good use.
Every view counts!
BTS+ARMY= a formidable force! 💜
Great job ARMY! Keep going with the good work!
once everyone realizes we're made of waves rather than particles, which means we're all infinitely connected with each other and basically the whole universe, which means what you do to someone/something else affects you as well, we'll all start thinking more about our actions.
لا احد يستطيع ان يعيش بالطريقة التي يعيش بها الناس في غزة، إسرائيل تهاجمهم في كل لحظة مما يدفع الأطفال والعائلات إلى هجر منازلهم والكثير منهم يموت بسبب الهجوم الصاروخي بدون إنذار! ولسنوات كانت إسرائيل تسيطر على 90% من التغطية الإعلامية بينما الان يستخدمون المحرقة والبطاقة المعادية للسامية ايضا لإسكات النقاش المشروع وتبرير التطهير العرقي في فلسطين ووسائل الإعلام العربية تكشف لهم مايفعلونه في غزة
فإسرائيل لا تريد السلام هذه هي الإبادة الجماعية والتطهير العرقي التي كانت تحدث عن لسنوات عديدة. الناس يموتون لا يوجد منصة صغيرة جدًا للتعبير عن الرأي ونشر الوعي، الرجاء الاستمرار في تضخيم أصوات الفلسطينيين حيث لا توجد أي تغطية إعلامية. وتتعرض غزة للهجوم بمئات الضربات الجوية. إذا كنت مسلمًا أو مسيحيًا أو أي شيء آخر غير مهم، فيجب أن تكون إنسانًا!!!! وتقع على عاتقنا جميعا مسؤولية مشاركتها ونشر الوعي بها..
No one would ever be able to live the way people live in Gaza, israel attack them at every single moment which leads kids and families to abandon their homes and a lot of them die because of the without warning missileattack!
For years israil have been controlling 90% of the media coverage while using the holocaust and antisemitic card to silence legitimate debate and justify ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Now the Arab media is showing them what they're doing in Gaza.
and ethnic cleansing that has been happening for many years. People are DYING. No platform is too small to speak up and spread awareness, please continue to amplify Palestinians’ voices ، Because
No exist any media coverage. Gaza is being under attack with over hundreds of air strikes . If u r a Muslim , Christian or what ever , not important, u must be human!!!! we all have the responsibilities to share it and spread awareness.
- copied.
Artwork by : @bushrarateb
Anyways, Breonna Taylor
Breonna Taylor - On March 13, 2020, Breonna Taylor lay sleeping with her boyfriend Kenneth Walker.
Outside police silently gathered, preparing to raid what they believed to be a residence linked to two drug dealers.
One of these drug dealers was thought to be receiving mail at Taylor’s apartment, resulting in a judge signing a search warrant with a “no knock” provision.
The warrant claimed that a US Postal Inspector confirmed that the dealer had been receiving packages at the apartment. Postal Inspector Tony Gooden has said that his office had told police there were no packages of interest being received there.
Taylor and Walker were awoken by a loud bang at the door.
Taylor yelled “Who is it?” multiple times to no response before Walker armed himself with a legally owned firearm.
Walker fired 1 shot before the officers returned with over 20 rounds. Taylor was shot at least 8 times. No drugs were found in the apartment.
Breonna Taylor worked as an EMT. She aspired to be a nurse and had no criminal past. She was working during the coronavirus crisis.
On May 29, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer indefinitely suspended the use of “no knock” warrants. The shooting is currently under investigation.
Artist: @thefakepan
Please stay safe out there.
It’s finally happening.
chop was a bastion of safety and freedom. we cannot let them take this silently.
i dont normally post about this shit mainly because tumblr was supposed to be a place for me to go to escape, but at this point i dont think i can keep that up.
(Follow @impact on Instagram)
It's not over, BLM is still going strong. Hold the police Accountable
People say "Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor" but don't even know who those cops are.
Their names are Brett Hankison, Jonathan Mattingly, and Myles Cosgrove.