Me Asking For Money For My Birthday Instead Of Gifts Because I Know If I Ask My Mostly Christian/Conservative
Me asking for money for my birthday instead of gifts because I know if I ask my mostly Christian/Conservative family to buy my a corset I’m not gonna get it
More Posts from Rainy-day-revelry
So excited, best birthday present ever!
![[text table] Date, Scenario, Trope
April 21: Love-Platonic/Romantic/Friend; Favorite AU
April 22: Tender Care; Sickfic
April 23: Reunion; Modern
April 24: Road Trip; Beach Episode
April 25: Bunny or Transformation; Soulmate
April 26: I’ll Follow You; Hurt/Comfort
April 27: Five + One; Only one bed](
Welcome to Ravioli Ship Week!
The event will span from April 21st to April 27th. When posting, use the tag #raviolishipweek so everyone can see your creations! Both art and writing are welcome.
Be as creative as you want! You can pick a prompt from either category for the day, or combine them if that’s more suitable to you. Whether you participate for only a day or the whole week, remember to have fun!
For those who wish to post works on AO3, here is the collection. If you don't add it directly through the link, you'll want to type it in like this:

Sharing a few weeks early if you want to plan or start working now, just save your works to post on the day. And please reblog to spread the word!
Fun Writing Challenge!!! Brought to you by a ✨Theatre Kid✨
Now, for clarification, I’ve done this multiple times, but it has been with multiple people and under a time limit, something I’m aware may be stressful or difficult for some people, so adjust as needed.
So I’m currently a part of a theatre troupe and every year we do a couple of cabaret/vaudeville type shows to bring in some extra cash for little cost plus fun for us actors! It’s a mix of songs and skits, the songs are all from musicals but the scenes are written and directed by the actors themselves. It’s fun, we all have a great time, hallelujah. Anyways, our director/supervisor in charge of this event has participated in a few 24-hour playwriting challenges in her time and decided to give us, her wonderful actors, a similar challenge. It goes as follows:
At the beginning of the show as the audience is walking in there are several props and costumes on stage as well as several lists. The audience is informed that they get to vote on a few things. Once the show begins, the votes are tallied up and handed to the writers in the back. Out of the tallies, we are given the top 3 costumes, top 3 props, the top setting, and the top line of dialogue to create a scene with. We are then given approximately an hour (really it’s just however long the show is) to write a scene, cast it, and block it. At the end of the show, we print out the scripts, get into costume, and perform it for the audience. I just did it for the 4th and final time (moving for work) and had a blast!
It took a lot of trial and error to work at some of the kinks in the process. We originally had 3 lines of dialogue that were personally suggested by the audience and pulled out of a hat, but that led to a lot of trolling and directed the outcome of the scenes a little too much for our liking. We also had a much larger writing group the first few times which made the process far more chaotic and distracting than we had time for. However, that’s the fun part: there is no set rules to this challenge, you can manipulate the general premise to fit whatever works best for you and your resources, but it also helps get you out of your head and takes away some of the pressure of making those big decisions or worrying about the smaller details. Have fun with it!!!
I just wanted to share it here because 1. I had fun and I hope others will too and 2. I think Tumblr polls could make this so fun and chaotic for a creator to do with their audience. Enjoy, Tumblrinas, go wild!
So we’re coming up on exam season soon and all of my classmates are like, “Okay guys, we gotta lock in”
What if I lock out, what if I lock myself out of the house that is my brain and just read fanfiction into the ungodly hours of the morning, what then?
The American School System @ me:

Absolutely adoring how the chain seems to have assigned big brother little brother pairings for all of the minors:
Legend who is making sure Hyrule doesn’t overuse his magic and exhaust himself
Warriors who is constantly scruffing Wind to make sure he doesn’t do something stupid
And Twilight who is trying to stop Wild from yeeting himself off the nearest cliff and failing miserably
Peak sibling behavior
I would love to see more done with the fact that unlike the other heroes, Warriors has none of that general quest experience.
Oh he’s fought monsters alright, he’s got experience in commanding troops and planning battle strategies that the others lack, but he’s never done a proper dungeon, he’s never had to do a fetch quest, he’s never even had to climb death mountain or deal with the water temple shenanigans!
I simply think it would be fun to watch all of the others (during the war or with the Chain) talking about similarities between their quests and all the weird, dangerous crap they’ve had to do and then there’s just Wars on the side being totally flabbergasted.
Mask: *explaining how he got the Biggoron Sword*
Warriors: And you did this why?
Mask: I was bored.
Tune: Plus, why not?

As of July 7th, 2024, THIS IS NOW (basically) CANON! FUCK YEAH BABY!!!!