Lu Mask - Tumblr Posts
Proxi: We’ll give you a 200% tip on the order if can you add the information we want.
Bartender: Make it 350% and have some of your men drop by later. Business has been slow.
Proxi: Deal.
Mask: I’ll take the largest glass of milk you got.
Tune: What kind of soup do you? Any that doesn’t have vegetables?
Proxi: Tune.

"Did you get all that?"
Proxi: We’ll give you a 200% tip on the order if can you add the information we want.
Bartender: Make it 350% and have some of your men drop by later. Business has been slow.
Proxi: Deal.
Mask: I’ll take the largest glass of milk you got.
Tune: What kind of soup do you? Any that doesn’t have vegetables?
Proxi: Tune.

"Did you get all that?"
I was not expecting you to draw this. Thank you for your wonderful art!
🤣 Time’s jolt! Fear the leash!
I headcanon that Warriors totally has a magical indestructible child’s leash (via Lana) for Mask and Tune. Twilight couldn’t understood why during LU (he thought Warriors was exasperating about their gremliness) but during HW, he definitely understands.

Oh, Twilight definitely understands, alright (he looked away for FIVE SECONDS-)
I was not expecting you to draw this. Thank you for your wonderful art!
🤣 Time’s jolt! Fear the leash!
I headcanon that Warriors totally has a magical indestructible child’s leash (via Lana) for Mask and Tune. Twilight couldn’t understood why during LU (he thought Warriors was exasperating about their gremliness) but during HW, he definitely understands.

Oh, Twilight definitely understands, alright (he looked away for FIVE SECONDS-)
When Twilight encounters a mysterious child deep in the woods, he writes it off as just another oddity of this cross-era quest. After all, one of his companions is a man he first met as a ghost. Weirder things have happened. But then Twilight and the other heroes find themselves in a strange place called Termina, and the anomalies keep adding up. Why doesn't the kid recognize Warriors? Why has no one in Termina heard of Hyrule? And why is Time, their leader, suddenly shying away from everyone when they need his guidance more than ever? Or: The gang meets Mask. Time is also there.
Welcome to Chapter 4! Here I offer you: more discussion about the Indigo-Go's than anyone has ever asked for, alcoholic milk cocktails (not clickbait), more of Mask's yelp reviews, and everyone's favorite character, ???.
Hyrule Warriors Traitor Angst
This has been sitting around in my docs for ages, and I’m really tired of looking at it XD Hyrule Warriors traitor stuff is one of my weaknesses, I truly never get enough of it, and this was born from a stray thought I had awhile ago.
I’m pretty okay with how this turned out, even if it was originally going to be longer and have wayyyy more angst XD
Link woke up with a hand pressed over his mouth and the cold steel of a dagger against his throat.
His eyes snapped open and it was only because of his training that he didn’t immediately sit up and inadvertently slit his throat, instead only jerking slightly as adrenaline flooded his system.
“Not a sound hero,” a low voice sneered.
Link glared towards the figure holding the knife, the light in the tent too dim to make out details, and felt the dagger tighten against his neck when he moved slightly.
“You try anything and the kid dies,” the voice continued, and Link’s heart shot into his throat.
He frantically cast his gaze across the room, feeling his worry only triple when he finally caught sight of Mask. Two men were holding tightly to him, a hand over his mouth as well, and though there wasn’t a dagger to his throat like Link’s, there was a third man standing close by also holding a knife.
The kid looked furious, but even in the low light Link could make out the worried tilt to his brows, the barely hidden panic in his eyes. They met gazes and as Mask struggled more frantically, Link felt the dagger tighten against his throat again.
“I said don’t try anything,” the voice repeated, and Link flicked his eyes up to the man who currently had him at his mercy.
His eyes had adjusted to the light a bit more, and now that he was all the way awake Link could make out the army uniform the man wore. He studied him closer, and felt his gut churn as he made out the familiar face of one of the army’s lieutenants, a man Link didn’t know personally but recognized in passing.
The dagger bit into his throat and Link flinched at the sting, feeling something warm start to trickle down his neck.
“Get up,” the lieutenant demanded, and Link complied, slowly getting to his feet as he slid off his cot. The dagger never left his throat, and he lifted his hands up in surrender, keeping his gaze focused on Mask. He tried to reassure him with a look, but it was a bit difficult to be calm when he could feel blood starting to stain his shirt collar.
One of the men holding Mask came over and grabbed Link’s arms, twisting his hands behind his back before securing them with a thick rope he’d somehow procured. Then the hand was finally lifted off of Link’s mouth.
“What do you want,” he said in a voice that he had to struggle to keep calm.
The man holding the dagger to his neck went to speak, but was cut off by one of the men holding Mask, who glared at Link with fire in his eyes.
“An end to this cursed war,” he spat, and Link rolled his eyes with a nonchalance he didn’t feel.
“And you think this is going to do it?” he said in an unimpressed voice, then felt his head snap to the side as the lieutenant hit him.
“We are going to walk out of this tent and you two will make no noise,” the lieutenant, obviously the ringleader instructed as blood trickled down Link’s lip. “You will not call for help, you will not try to signal anyone, you will do nothing but walk. And if you don’t follow our instructions to the letter...”
A dagger was pressed to Mask’s neck and he froze, Link’s heart shooting into his throat again.
“...we don’t need the kid.”
“Leave him out of this,” Link snapped, his calm facade broken as he started to struggle, “you have no quarrel with him, I’m the one you want!”
Then he hissed in pain as the dagger jabbed his throat.
“Shut up.”
And he was shoved towards the exit, only a few steps behind Mask.
They exited the tent out into the dark of the camp, a thin sliver of the moon the only thing lighting their path. The night was chilly, and Link found himself wishing he had his scarf around his neck, for both the warmth and the security it would bring.
He felt awfully exposed with nothing but a dagger pressed against his throat.
He glanced up ahead at Mask, who was half-walking half-being-carried by the other two men. He still squirmed in their grasp, but not quite as intensely since the dagger still hovered near his neck. Link could see the tense way he was holding his shoulders, and wished he could see his face.
They were quickly drawing closer to the edge of the army’s tents, and Link found himself looking desperately around for some way out of this predicament, knowing that if they were brought out of camp the possibility of escape or rescue would be significantly diminished.
He’d try and make an attempt at getting away, but he didn’t know how far these men were willing to go and he did not want to risk it with a knife so close to Mask’s throat.
Something shone in the corner of his vision, and Link flicked his gaze to the side of the path, his eyes widening as blue sparkles disappeared behind a tent. He felt a bloom of hope in his chest, and smiled to himself even though it was hard to do so with a busted lip.
They had nothing to worry about.
A faint hiss went through the air, and the man walking next to Link suddenly dropped to the ground like a puppet who’s strings had been cut. The lieutenant holding the dagger jolted in surprise, then snarled, grabbing Link as if to use him like a human shield.
“We’ve been exposed,” he hissed, and the other remaining men put the dagger back at Mask’s throat.
“Drop your weapons,” a voice demanded from the shadows, and Link mentally sighed in relief as he recognized it as Impa’s.
The lieutenant holding him laughed. “Sure, so your pretty little daggers can just hit us in the necks the minute we do. How stupid do you think we are? We’re not falling for that.”
The other two growled in assent, and Mask took the opportunity to jerk forward and bite the hand that held the dagger to his neck.
The man shouted in pain as he dropped the weapon, and Mask immediately swooped down and grabbed it, leveling it at the two. But he didn’t end up needing it, as two more daggers whipped out of the shadows, their solid handles knocking the two unconscious one right after the other.
Leaving only the lieutenant.
Link couldn’t do anything from his position, not with his hands literally tied and the dagger pressed to his neck, and despite her incredible aim, he knew if Impa were to throw one at his captor, the chance of Link’s neck being unintentionally slit was a rather high possibility.
They seemed to be in a bit of a stalemate.
“Release him,” Impa’s voice said from the shadows, the general still not revealing herself. Mask stood only a few feet away from Link, his face twisted in anger as Proxi flew to his side.
But they both stayed where they were. They all knew what could happen if they made a wrong move, and nobody was willing to risk Link’s neck.
The lieutenant gave a laugh, the sound tinged with hysteria. “You do realize who this is, right?” he said, giving Link a small shake. His fingers dug into Link’s shoulder as his voice grew in volume, and Link winced at the force of his grip. “He’s the hero. And he’s the key to stopping the war.”
Mask’s face darkened, expression turning to one of pure anger that made him look much older then he actually was.
“Which is why you should let him go,” the kid snapped back, and Link tried working the ropes a bit while he had the man’s focus, “if you want the war to end why would you kidnap one of our greatest assets?!”
The man laughed again, sounding rather unhinged now. Not good.
“He’s the key,” the lieutenant hissed, the dagger still tight against Link’s throat. “the sorceress wants him. One man for the lives of thousands. It’s so simple.”
Link felt a rock sink into his stomach and his fingers went slack.
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Mask growled, and the lieutenant abruptly shifted his grip, the dagger cutting sharply against Link’s collarbone.
He couldn’t help but let out a small gasp at the abrupt pain at his neck, and Mask looked livid.
“Don’t be ridiculous?” the man repeated in a shout, “why don’t you all see?! The only way we’ll end this war is if we give her what she wants!” he nearly screamed, desperation in his voice, “she started it! She can end it! All we have to do is let her have the hero!”
A dagger whirled from behind them and hit the man over the head before he could say anything else.
The lieutenant’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he fell to the ground like a sack of rocks, completely limp. Link jerked back, nearly falling over as he took a couple steps backwards, mind still reeling with pain and what had happened. He gulped in a few deep breaths, but didn’t manage anything else before Mask leapt at him and flung his arms around Link, burying his head in his shoulder.
“I tried to warn you captain, I’m sorry, they grabbed me before I could even—”
“It’s okay Sprite, it’s fine, we’re both okay,” Link murmured as he sank to his knees, heart still thudding too fast. He got to work on finally getting out of his restraints as Proxi bobbed frantically around him, and Impa jogged up only seconds later, her eyes narrowed with concern.
“Captain, are you alright?” she asked, eyeing the blood staining his shirt.
Link merely nodded, a bit distracted by the fact that Mask still hadn’t let go. The kid wasn’t usually so keen on touch, and as of this moment this was the longest he’d ever clung to him.
“Captain,” Impa repeated, her eyes still on his neck, “you need medical attention.”
Link finally looked up at her, eyes firm but worried. “It’s not too bad,” he said quietly, putting a hand to his neck then pulling it away.
It came back much redder than he’d been expecting.
Impa grabbed his arm as Mask leaned back, and they both pulled him to the ground, forcing him to sit.
“Do not move captain, I’ll be right back,” Impa commanded him, and Link gave a weak nod, the night’s events finally catching up to him. He let Mask press a cloth he’d somehow procured up against his throat, and let out a hiss of pain.
“Sorry,” Mask murmured, and Link grunted something that he hoped sounded reassuring.
They sat there in a tense silence for several minutes, Proxi worriedly studying his wrists. Link was trying not to focus on the blood rapidly coloring the cloth still held to his neck, but also the fact that several of his man had turned on and nearly succeeded in kidnapping him and Mask.
And had honestly good reasons for doing so.
“They weren’t right.”
Link flicked his exhausted gaze over at Mask, who was glaring at the ground and not meeting his gaze.
“Who weren’t right?” he asked softly, and Mask clenched his jaw.
“Those guys. Giving you to Cia wouldn’t fix anything, it wouldn’t stop the war. It’d make it worse,” he muttered venomously. “I saw you when he said all of that, and I can see you thinking. You think he’s right.”
Link closed his eyes.
“Giving me to Cia would fix a lot of problems,” he whispered, and felt Mask’s grip tighten. “She’s after me. Taking me out of the equation, giving... giving me up... It would save so many lives...”
“Oh Link,” Proxi said softly, and flew over to sit on his shoulder.
She brushed comfortingly against his cheek, and Mask moved so he was right in Link’s face, face rent with equal anger and disbelief.
“Do you really think she’d stop once she had you?” Mask snapped incredulously. “You’re an idiot. She’s on the warpath captain, this isn’t just about you, she wants the whole kingdom. I know her type, giving you up would only egg her on, show her we’re willing to roll over and give her what she wants, and I refuse to let you believe that’s the best course of action.”
He crossed his arms and continued to glare. “This war isn’t your fault. You aren’t responsible for the actions of others and I’ll say that as many times as I have to to get it through your stupid thick skull.”
Link blinked at him, then gave a tiny nod, ignoring how his throat stung at the movement.
“Good,” Mask sighed, and adjusted his grip. “And you have to promise to remember that if this ever happens again too. Got it? Other people’s choices aren’t your fault.”
“...okay kiddo,” Link said quietly.
Mask studied his face, then nodded, leaning against him. He pressed his head against Link’s as he nestled in, and Link felt his chest warm just a little as Proxi and Mask both sat with him, waiting for Impa to come back.
“I won’t forget.”
I made some fanart for the wonderful @readingismyhobby24's Chapter 1- I Need You to Breathe.

Had some thoughts about the war from "Hyrule Warriors" when it comes to Linked Universe. That wolf Midna is riding is totally Twilight, so what if it was a post LU Twilight pfpfpf
He was not prepared for the gremlin that was young Time
Not that lacking that comparison helped Warriors any

This is a scene from chapter 6 of my fic (it's all fun and games until someone catches the plague)
I don't know if much context is needed. It's basically just Warriors worrying over Wind's future. I tried to fit as many characters as possible into his picto, but HW sure has a lot of them silly guys
doing comics is HARD. did I really do one of my own fic……. uggghhh
Close up of the picto:

I would love to see more done with the fact that unlike the other heroes, Warriors has none of that general quest experience.
Oh he’s fought monsters alright, he’s got experience in commanding troops and planning battle strategies that the others lack, but he’s never done a proper dungeon, he’s never had to do a fetch quest, he’s never even had to climb death mountain or deal with the water temple shenanigans!
I simply think it would be fun to watch all of the others (during the war or with the Chain) talking about similarities between their quests and all the weird, dangerous crap they’ve had to do and then there’s just Wars on the side being totally flabbergasted.
Mask: *explaining how he got the Biggoron Sword*
Warriors: And you did this why?
Mask: I was bored.
Tune: Plus, why not?

As of July 7th, 2024, THIS IS NOW (basically) CANON! FUCK YEAH BABY!!!!