randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
Just Another Fangirl

Constantly fangirling. CONSTANTLY.

115 posts

Randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago
If You Know You Know.

If you know you know.

... Extrapolating from incomplete data be like...

7 months ago
line drawn two panel comic of diluc ragnvindr from genshin impact. the first panel has him dismissively raising a hand and looking aloof, saying "it's always "be the bigger person" and "the best thing you can do is be happy". the second panel is a close up of diluc with a furious expression and red eyes saying "and never "how was the blood-soaked revenge? the blood-soaked revenge looked fun."
a two panel line drawn comic of zhongli from genshin impact. the first panel has him looking thoughtful with a hand on his chin, saying " "you should be at the club" Direct exposure to the club would kill me instantly". the second panel has him closing his eyes and pointing one finger up, making a point, saying " "you should be at bar trivia night" This, I cannot deny."

genshin tumblr screenshots (rbs appreciated)

7 months ago
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
7 months ago

ao3 emails are the best emails to receive bc it’s either a comment or kudos on my work, a comment in reply to something i said on someone else’s work, or a new chapter/fic from a writer i’m subscribed to. you can never go wrong with an ao3 email. bless.

7 months ago
노란덩어리🐤구조대 pic.twitter.com/OhShQMFIB2

— 판사 (@JJ8blt0estar) August 16, 2021

This is so cute I cannot.

7 months ago
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl

HC moondae/gunwoo subconsciously pushes his glasses time to time

8 months ago

Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.

8 months ago
The Onion Pulling Zero Fucking Punches.
The Onion Pulling Zero Fucking Punches.

The Onion pulling zero fucking punches.

8 months ago
Boss Is Asleep, Cannot Stop Me From Frogposting

Boss is asleep, cannot stop me from frogposting

8 months ago
8 months ago

crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read

and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you

like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors

1 year ago

And out came the tiger....

1 year ago
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
randomly-fangirls - Just Another Fangirl
1 year ago

I'll cry if hes actually an otter

I'll Cry If Hes Actually An Otter
I'll Cry If Hes Actually An Otter
1 year ago


Video of Tama

Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

1 year ago
A New Mode Of Production Arises Out Of The Newly Networked Masses.

A new mode of production arises out of the newly networked masses.

1 year ago

You know the Grimm version of Snow White makes more sense than most versions if only because in that version Snow White was like 7 years old.

1 year ago
Boss Is Asleep, Cannot Stop Me From Frogposting

Boss is asleep, cannot stop me from frogposting

1 year ago

reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics

7 years ago

I've always been madly in love with the story of Tam Lin and your description of it as Beauty & the Beast's older cooler cousin is 100% my favorite thing, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to talk about your feelings on the matter a little bit.

don’t get me wrong, I love beauty and the beast, I could happily read/watch/etc. nothing else but beauty and the beast adaptations for the rest of my media-consuming days


if beauty found herself in a tough situation and went “well, I guess I would bang a monster born of magic and bad decisions, that’s something I did not know about myself!!!” janet went ahead and put on sensible boots and marched into the enchanted castle pulling every rose she sees up by the roots and going “WHERE’S A GIRL SUPPOSED TO FUCK A BEAST AROUND HERE”

…also, when Tam Lin tries to tell her she’s trespassed on his magic castle, her response is That’s Not How Property Rights Work You Mystical Maidenhead-Taking Squatter, which I think we can all agree is amazing.

(for extra lols, you can imagine Tam Lin as Coming Out Of The Well To Bang and/or Steal From Womankind)

Anyway, my actual favorite part of the entire story is that presumably Janet just wanted to get rid of her pesky virginity in the most epic way possible and had no intention of sticking around past the initial banging-of-an-elf, because she goes home directly afterwards. This is the part I always like to imagine Tam Lin Languishing For Love Of Janet (The Best I Ever Had), and like. Sighing a lot, and looking forlornly into his well, and being a generally useless Romantic poet about everything.

He probably writes sad poetry about it. The rhymes are terrible.

Anyway, the only reason anyone brings it up again is because a few months later, Janet’s hugely pregnant and her dad finally, tentatively asks, “so uh….this baby. who….?”

 “NONE OF YOUR STUPID KNIGHTS THAT’S WHO,” Janet says, because Janet has no chill at all, no chill at all has she, and so she hies to Carterhaugh—

Anyway, she shows up on Halloween, because Janet has an appropriate sense of gothic timing, and Tam Lin is ecstatic to see her. He mentions super casually that actually he might die that night, presumably because he thinks this will convince her to bang one last one out. 

(“About to be sacrificed to Hell by the faeries” is a pretty good fuck-or-die scenario, incidentally.)

Except Janet’s response is “UM EXCUSE ME WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS ELDRITCH MAGIC BABY IF YOU ARE DEAD, ASSHOLE,” and because Janet has no chill, no chill at all, she demands to know how she’s going to break the stupid curse and get him back from the faeries.

At which point Tam Lin finally comes through with the iconic line, “hold me fast and fear me not” which everyone should quote over-liberally. Plus, you get the mental image of a very pregnant Janet holding onto Tam Lin as he turns into a wild wolf and a lion bold and a snake—

Afterwards, the Fairy Queen appears and admits defeat and lets them go back to Janet’s father, who presumably was cowed into accepting this weird ex-changeling knight as his son-in-law.

Which just goes to show what any woman can accomplish if she has a sensible pair of boots, a proper sense of gothic timing, and goes around fucking whoever or whatever shows up when she weeds the garden.

7 years ago

A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month.

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7 years ago

Reblog to help people understand how important this is and how to help someone who might need it.

A bit of kindness can go a long way.

Here’s my story of today…

I have Chronic Anxiety Disorder. I have experienced panic attacks. Often at one point. I am working on this but it gets the best of me sometimes. Today it almost got me. If it wasn’t for a girl on the bus across from me it would have.

I was set off…by what? It doesn’t matter right now. I felt the drift, the anxiety creeping up. My body started shaking, I couldn’t stop it. I looked around, hoping to find an escape. There was none. I accidentally made eye contact with the girl across from me.

Now, this started another line of panic. “Oh, God. I’m an annoyance. Everyone hates me. I am a burden on everyone around me.” 

She smiled. Just a smile, then a voice. She was reaching out to me in my time of need. She saw the shaking, the panicked glances, noticed the shallowness of my breaths. Here is what she did:

She asked me to name 5 things I could see, and had patience with me as I thought. People, cars, chairs, trees, buildings. Once I managed that, it was 4 things I could hear. Engines, talking people, the rain against the glass, and the bus driver’s radio. Slowly I answer her questions…not quite realizing the effect. 3 things I could feel. My bag, my hair, the plastic of my bus pass. 2 thing I could smell. The air conditioning and the rain just outside the window. 1 thing I could taste. The mint of the gum I had been chewing earlier.

By the time I finished I noticed the shaking had stopped. She continued to talk to me until her stop. I never got her name. As she got off all I could think o say was, “Thank you so much”. Her response, “We have to stick together.”

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8 years ago

Just because you feel like you’re a mess doesn’t mean you’re trash.

You can have a mess that’s made up of good things, just in the wrong places. When you finally are able to clean it up you could find amazing things. You could be amazing.

There’s no need to rush in the clean up either, take your time. Enjoy yourself and make a habbit of remembering the good things, people and events. Place everything in the places you want them to be in.

You will be okay…you may be a mess now but you’re worth so much, there’s no need to throw it all away. Always keep fighting.

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8 years ago
