Mad science boy making evil science memes, drawings, and entertraining science articles. Find those on my website-inator https://ravingsofamadscientist.com/ I love science!
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More Posts from Ravings-of-a-mad-scientist
Meet the Chemiballs: The Metagaming Metalloids!
Meet the Chemiballs: The Metagaming Metalloids!

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The Real Reason Why We Can't Cure Cancer: Cancer Stem Cells
The Real Reason Why We Can’t Cure Cancer: Cancer Stem Cells
Y’know cancer? It’s basically communism for your cells. Your cells work away their entire lives just so the sperm/egg bourgeoisie can do nothing but laze around all day and maybe have sex. But do the proletariat ever get to taste the fruits of their own labor and pass on their genes to the next generation? No. They die when you die. But then Oncovirus Marx publishes the Cancerist Manifesto…

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Why do Humans have Such Big Boobs? (They're Not Just for Milk)

Humans are the only species whose females have enlarged breasts their whole lives after puberty.
As anyone with large boobies will attest, massive fuckin’ titties are kinda inconvenient. Especially before the invention of fitted bras able to contain the power of your super stuffed up milkies. Also they get cancer a lot of the time.
So, it seems kinda weird to evolve massive honger donger, doinky boinkies, right? Why aren’t human women flat chested? Why evolve to be attracted to them?
You might think that we evolved bazongas because its a sign to men that the women can feed their baby. And you would be wrong! It turns out boobs evolved for an entirely different and much funnier reason.
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