rayday-mayday - I'm an anxious mess :')
I'm an anxious mess :')

| he/him | Proship | I will block as I please || Birthday: July 19th 2005 || Professional yapper |

129 posts

Anyway, I Was At A Game Expo Here Recently, And While There I Got 2 Keychains. At First I Was Only Planning

Anyway, I was at a game expo here recently, and while there I got 2 keychains. At first I was only planning on getting a Laios keychain, but I was worried he'd get lonely so after a bit I also bought a Falin one from the same artist.

I love the autism siblings so much, though, like oml. Dungeon Meshi is literally so peak I can't wait for season 2 of the anime.

Also, speaking of Dungeon Meshi, I'm fairly certain most of- if not the entire cast- would be proship. Especially Marcille. There is literally no way she's not profic/proship considering the type of magic she specializes in in canon if you ask me. I mean, the woman literally says "magic doesn't have morality," which is a statement that can easily be translated over to fiction.

Anyway, I Was At A Game Expo Here Recently, And While There I Got 2 Keychains. At First I Was Only Planning
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More Posts from Rayday-mayday

5 months ago

I just want to say thanks for your blog! It's not usual to find stuff like this!

It's no problem, really! I mean, I literally just like to yap for most of my post, sometimes partake in the selfship stuff by either reblogging posts or making my own imagines, and also like to keep the balance between discourse talk and positivity/acceptance.

Like, personally if I partake in too much discourse, then my mental health start to decline, even if I only stay on the proship side of things. That's kind of why I tend to reblog/post positivity, too, every now and then.

Though I do wonder what you mean with "not usual to find stuff like this," since from what I've seen there's a good handful of blogs like mine. Idk maybe I'm wrong lmao.

My best guess is that you're referring to the proship/pro-kink/pro-para positivity and/or the fact my blog is selfship and proship at the same time, since those are decently rare I think? Idk feel free to elaborate/correct me or not, anon.

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5 months ago

Shout-out to proshippers/darkshippers like me who partake in the dark media we consume, not because we've been through the abuse/trauma depicted, but because what we've already been through doesn't feel "valid enough."

I promise you, you aren't bad for having an urge to go through "worse." It's a natural response your brain has when your pain and hurt doesn't feel validated enough. I can guarantee you that whatever you've been through- even if "small"- isn't something to simply be ignored or treated as lesser.

You were hurt, and you deserve the acknowledgement and support for that like any other survivor does. Sometimes people and society just tend to overlook trauma that isn't on the extreme end, even if all trauma is just that no matter the "degree": trauma.

I know it probably doesn't mean much coming from a stranger on the internet, but I'm proud of you for finding a coping mechanism where you don't go out and hurt yourself. Personally I'd rather have you, or anyone in general, consume your darkfiction, than go and seek out abuse in real life.

Shout-out To Proshippers/darkshippers Like Me Who Partake In The Dark Media We Consume, Not Because We've

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6 months ago

Just saw a person in a TikTok comment section with all the "proship" emoji combos. People were saying to check the person's search history and hard drive, but in the same comment section replies the person said they only use all the combos to mock proshippers.

Idk I just find it kinda comical that antis didn't even stop to think "hey, maybe this person using 6+ proship emoji combos in their username is trolling" which ended up with the emoji combo person being harrassed by, like, 10+ people if not more.

Just Saw A Person In A TikTok Comment Section With All The "proship" Emoji Combos. People Were Saying

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6 months ago
Honestly? I Don't Think They Want To Be Taken Seriously, Or At Least Don't Care About It. Antis Strategy

Honestly? I don't think they want to be taken seriously, or at least don't care about it. Antis strategy seems to mainly be harassment, shame, and vigilante attacks from what I can tell. Sure, sometimes they ( mass ) report stuff, but none of their actions seem to show them professionally dealing with the presumable predators ( fx. they mass report which can clog systems, they harass the predators which can have them attempt to delete evidence/run, etc. )

Even if law enforcement and platforms are unreliable, and systems to get actual predators dealt with is shit at times, their actions still do more harm than good by fx. messing shit up for law enforcement that are actually doing stuff by making things more messy/chaotic, having people harm themselves due to their harassment no matter if they're innocent or not, etc.

I doubt they actually care about getting predators behind bars with how they act anyway. Their actions more so says they want to harm people they find disgusting, all the while hiding behind the "protecting the kids" argument, rather than do actual good for the world.

Either way, what I'm trying to say is that antis usually seem to prefer to harass and/or "own" people they believe to be predators, rather than want/care about seriously dealing with them in the best/least messy way(s) possible.

Just saw a person in a TikTok comment section with all the "proship" emoji combos. People were saying to check the person's search history and hard drive, but in the same comment section replies the person said they only use all the combos to mock proshippers.

Idk I just find it kinda comical that antis didn't even stop to think "hey, maybe this person using 6+ proship emoji combos in their username is trolling" which ended up with the emoji combo person being harrassed by, like, 10+ people if not more.

Just Saw A Person In A TikTok Comment Section With All The "proship" Emoji Combos. People Were Saying

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5 months ago

I mean, some predators tend to kill their victims after sexually assaulting them to keep them silent, so it would make sense if you ask me. You could even add on him being a necrophile and/or sadist too since imo that'd also fit.

i'm gonna say it. william afton would be a pedophile. he just would be.

springtrap and deliah had it right the first time.

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