219 posts
Pairing: Wolf!toji Fushiguro X Readersummary: Wolfhybrid!toji, Grumpy X Sunshine Again, Animalistic Behavior,
pairing: wolf!toji fushiguro x reader summary: wolfhybrid!toji, grumpy x sunshine again, animalistic behavior, bickering rheya’s note: man i couldn’t stop thinking about guard dog toji so it turned into a hybrid au! i can’t see him as anything but a wolf/dog tbh. anyways i will def be writing more for this au hehe <33

you’ve been hearing noises.
it sounds strange, but you’re sure that there is something lurking in the normally deserted alleyway next to your apartment. at first you brushed it off as people traveling through, but now you've noticed the sounds are constant—every night.
you’re eating dinner when you hear the sounds of scuffling, followed by the yowl of a cat and realize you’re probably dealing with a stray looking for food.
so after you finish your meal, you put a bit of leftover fish in an old plate you seldom use, and take it outside. when you peer into the dark alley you don’t see any cat—it’s empty and quiet. you do notice a few scrapes on the walls and a couple of trash bins overturned, which means there definitely was some animal here.
maybe it’ll come back, you think as you bend down and place the plate on the pavement. with one last backward glance at the deserted alleyway, you head inside and go to bed.
a fond smile stretches across your face when you notice the empty plate as you’re leaving for work the next morning.
it becomes a daily routine after that. every night before you go to bed you go out and leave a little plate of fish for the poor cat. and every morning you’re met with a licked clean plate.
even though you never do see the cat, you do feel a strange combination of accomplishment and affection for the poor thing. and your little routine runs smoothly for a couple weeks—you have no complaints.
and then one night, when you’re going to drop off your little ration of the day, you see him. despite being hunched in a corner, he looms infinitely large—heavy shoulders and muscles straining as they fill with tension at your presence. his eyes are strangely bright, crystalline jade narrowed into slits as they appraise you, teeth bared in feral anger. they snap and snarl at you in warning, and you freeze almost immediately.
he’s terrifying—in a strangely gorgeous way.
dark furry ears are pointed up straight, twitching with the sound of your movements, and a warning growl bounces over the walls.
you raise your hands, ignoring the tremble, the instinct to run. “i just…” you keep your voice low, choosing to lightly shake the little plate you have in your hand. green eyes dart over—another snarl, a flick of a tail.
you slowly crouch and place the plate onto the ground, before backing away—you’re not trying to get attacked by a clearly feral hybrid.
he snarls and growls until you are well out of sight.
when you’re back in the safety of your apartment you almost laugh, heart pounding with disbelief. you thought you’d been feeding a stray cat—but no, it’s a hybrid. a big one, predatory in all aspects. you couldn’t see much in the dark lighting of the alley but the ears looked distinctly canine—with the addition of the teeth, claws, and tail, you’re almost sure he is some kind of dog or wolf or whatever.
dangerous for sure.
sensibly, you should probably stop feeding him so he doesn’t stick around. but stupidly, you can’t help it.
the next night you leave another plate. he’s not there this time, but you leave it just in case he’s lurking.
the following night his green eyes remain narrowed on your figure as you return—still snarling as he watches you.
you’re not fazed.
(tell that to your racing heart.)
over the course of the next few weeks, you repeat this process, not really sure what you’re expecting. you suppose you should be grateful that he doesn’t growl as much anymore, seemingly becoming accustomed to your routine presence. it becomes clockwork, so much so that you can always expect him to be sitting in the alley, ears flicking at the sounds of your footsteps.
the plate has now been saved for his little nightly meals, something you don’t necessarily mind. you notice that he is always clad in the same tattered clothing, a dark shirt that is far too loose even on his large body—it is littered with dirt and holes and you wish it was easier to offer some more comfortable items to him.
but you’ve only just gotten him to stop viewing you as a threat; you’ll take it slow.
you don’t notice that he gradually waits closer and closer to where he knows you leave the plate, the distance diminishing in a display of semi trust.
you think that this is all you’ll really get from him. which is fine—you’d rather he remain silent and alive than dead from starvation in your alleyway.
he surprises you one night.
“no more fish.”
you pause in your tracks, a few measly centimeters away from putting the plate on the ground. your eyes dart upward to see him already staring at you, jade slits narrowed. his tail flicks lazily in the shadows. your voice is breathless when you ask, “w-what?”
“fish,” he repeats. “no more of it.”
his voice is a low rumble, deep in richness and timbre despite its evidence of not being used in a while. you glance down at the plate in confusion—he had eaten it all for these few weeks?
he reaches for the plate, digging into the fish with practiced ease. you watch his canines dig into the flesh and tear away like it’s mere paper.
(should you be scared that the fish could also be your throat?)
“you uh—” you clear you throat, staring at him. “you don’t like fish?”
“i can survive off it,” he spits out in between bites—his pupils find yours. “but it’s not great.”
you don’t know why you’re so eager to make him happy. “then what would you like to eat?”
he quirks a brow at the enthusiasm, but answers gruffly. “meat. real meat.” he pauses to run his tongue over his lips, satiated—you can see a scar cutting over them. “like lamb. or beef. i don’t care really.”
“i can do that!” you’re seriously embarrassed at how keen you are, but the progress you’re making excites you. “i should’ve considered what you’d naturally like to eat. you’re a…?”
“wolf,” he grunts, still focused on his meal.
“right.” you nod, grateful to have confirmed the species. “makes sense you’d prefer real meat.”
he doesn’t answer. you don’t mind.
“then i’ll get you something different tomorrow.” you turn to leave. once again he doesn’t answer, but you can feel his eyes boring holes into your back.
you don’t tell the wolf hybrid that you stayed up researching his species just to figure out what he’d like. you just place the plate down the next night, hoping that it is enough to make him feel a little more comfortable with you.
(you’re sure he could kill you with just one bite, but you try not to think about that.)
the wolf watches you present the plate of lamb meat, some pieces cooked and some raw—his tail slowly thumps against the ground.
“i um…know that wolves like deer and stuff, but getting deer meat nearby is a little difficult. i can probably go find some places over the weekend,” you say hesitantly, watching his expression. he reaches a large palm out, claws tugging the plate closer, and digs in. you’re not sure about the taste, but you can see the rise in enthusiasm as he gobbles the meat down—a smile twitches at your lips.
“it’s fine,” he mumbles in return. “deer’s expensive. i like lamb and chicken. beef too.”
you nod, surprised at the consideration for the money you’re spending.
“do…do you prefer it raw or cooked?” you wait for him to click his tongue or indicate he’s getting annoyed by your presence, but he’s feeling forthcoming tonight.
“either’s fine.” he licks up the pinkish liquid that has dripped down his chin while biting into the raw pieces. “i’m used to raw meat.”
you nod, slowly taking a seat on the pavement. his eyes flicker up to watch what you’re doing, but he doesn’t protest. he just picks up another piece of lamb and takes a bite.
“you cook this?” he grunts, waving one of the cooked pieces. you grimace, nodding sheepishly.
“yeah. i wasn't sure if you'd like raw meat or cooked so i brought both. i can just bring raw pieces from now on.”
he peers at the cooked meat in between his claws, before shaking his head gruffly. “it’s pretty good.”
“the cooked meat?” you ask in surprise. he nods.
“yeah. tastes good.”
you can’t help the grin that stretches across your face.
“the fuck are you smilin’ about?” he narrows his eyes at you, ears pointing upright. you drop the smile hastily, shaking your head with a start.
he snorts, continuing to eat. you watch him do so, strangely content. he doesn’t comment on how you’re seemingly inspecting him, eyes unblinking. he keeps his mouth shut because the taste of meat is heavy on his tongue, and at this point you’re a godsend to an animal like him.
so if you want to observe him like he’s in a fucking zoo, he’s fine with that.
you do have horrible survival instincts though. he wonders why on earth you seem so comfortable around a predator like him, especially a species that is so known to be violent. you’re just sitting there, a mere five feet away, watching him tear into raw meat with stars in your eyes.
(he could tear you apart in a second if he wanted to.)
he doesn’t leave a morsel on the plate, and you give him that same silly smile again.
“i have a little bit more cooked lamb leftover if you want?” you question him, and his eyes lazily roam over you. he thinks about telling you that he could devour meat for much longer if the supply was endless, but instead he huffs.
“did you eat?”
you blink. “me?”
“yeah you,” he replies harshly, rolling his eyes. “did you eat?”
you awkwardly scratch at your arm. “not yet. i was gonna eat some instant noodles later.”
“why the fuck are you worried about a stray like me then?” he snarls, crossing his arms—you’re so fucking naive. “go eat the cooked lamb and worry about yourself, for fuck’s sake.”
while his harsh tone would’ve definitely scared you on day one, this time, you feel more ticked off than afraid.
“i’m a grown ass adult. don’t tell me what to do. if i wanna worry about the noisy stray in my alleyway, i’ll do that,” you shoot back indignantly, mirroring his crossed arms.
the wolf’s demeanor changes, hackles rising. his ears go erect, straight and tense with frustration. he bares his teeth at you, a warning growl coming through them. “lot of talk for someone so damn tiny,” he barks. “don’t you have any self preservation instincts? i could just fucking eat you instead.”
you go a little slack jawed at that, a flicker of hesitation, but then you retort. “maybe, but i bet humans don’t taste as good as lamb or deer!”
“i’ll make do,” he growls back, canines pulling into an evil smirk.
your bravado dies down, and then he has to deal with the disturbingly wounded pout on your face. you don’t say anything more and he sighs heavily.
“i’ll eat more if you eat,” he grunts, glaring at the pavement. even then, he can feel the way you perk up.
“i’ll be right back!” you grab his plate and hurry into your apartment, eager, and all he can do is sigh, wondering what on earth he’s doing interacting with a fragile little human like you.
you come back with more cooked lamb in his designated plate, placing it in front of him before taking a seat on the floor again. he watches you stab at the pieces with a fork and chew on them, so dainty compared to the way his canines dig into his own share.
he can feel the curiosity thrumming through your veins, no doubt burning with questions—the need to talk to him. but you stay quiet as you eat, the sounds of chewing echoing through the alley. he concedes.
“you make it a habit to feed strays?” he mutters. you look up, once again sporting that silly look of surprise at his attention, but you recover quickly.
“no not really. you were just…really loud.” you sheepishly grin when he pins you with a glare, raising your hands innocently. “i just heard a lot of rattling around out here. i thought you were a stray cat.”
he takes offense to that.
“i ain’t no damn cat,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes as he bites into the flesh of another piece. your grin widens.
the rest of the short meal passes in silence. he finishes up before you do, and for the first time you see him stand to his full height—he’s tall and hulking.
“well,” he grunts, shoving his clawed hands into his dirty pockets. “y’should go inside and finish that.”
he nods at your bowl before turning away. you briefly wonder where he sleeps; perhaps the park nearby so that he can rest on soft grass rather than cold stone. the thought makes you pity him more than you did.
his retreating form suddenly pauses, and he turns to stare over his shoulder—his jade eyes glow in the darkness. “see y’tomorrow.”
a wide smile stretches across your face, and you wave back, giddy. “sure! see you tomorrow…” your voice trails off at the end. the wolf rolls his eyes heavily, before turning around and continuing his walk.
“toji.” he finishes for you, voice low and yet still clear.
you bite back a laugh of disbelief. “toji,” you repeat, and it rolls off your tongue like butter. his ears twitch at the sound, surprisingly pleasant, and he grumbles in return, vanishing into the night.
he ends up keeping his promise.
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More Posts from Reblogingfics
So hybrid bulls and cows are actually separate species in MY fantasy world, not male and female.
So you work on a farm specializing in male cows and bulls, the only woman that’s allowed there due to… how the hybrids behave around any females.
You milk them… but not in the normal way. As the only woman on the farm, you’re the only one they’ll allow to milk their cocks. They produce a special semen that’s a milk alternative, and very yummy!
The cow’s are fine enough, following you around and nuzzling into you, wanting cuddles and extra attention when you’re milking them… they behave so well, blushing and mooing softly, gently moving their hips against your hand as you milk their cocks dry.
The bulls however… are a different story. They’re very territorial and protective over the cow hybrids, who they’ve formed a friendship with. They don’t like most people, and tend to be loners that only come around when it’s milking time.
But your pay is upgraded when the farm owners notice that the bulls have started warming up to you, even starting to treat you like a heifer, keeping you safe and guarding you from the other employees.
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone but you when the bulls started being a bit… too handsy with you. They viewed you as a heifer now… but you were so small compared to any female cow they’d ever seen. A runt, stunted, maybe…
But you had that chubby tummy and plush hips, those plump breasts that would look so pretty full of milk…
Within a month of starting work, you find yourself being bent over by one of the bulls, the cows mooing in distress and trying to comfort you as a fat cock enters your cunt.
“D-don’t be rough with her! She’s little!” one of the cows protests, stroking your hair and cooing softly to you. The bull huffs, hot air hitting the back of your neck as he fucks into you.
“Being as gentle as possible… little thing, couldn’t take me being rough even if I wanted to be…”
Your cunt was stuffed full with cum, several bulls mounting you until you were a blubbering mess. Once the bulls were done, you were surrounded by cows, getting kisses and snuggles… but they wanted to mate as well…
They pressed down on your belly, cum pooling between your legs as they cooed and gently fucked their own seed into you. By the end of the work day, you were spent, curled up in the hay with several cow hybrids as the bulls guarded the door.
You were payed handsomely for your efforts, and offered an even bigger paycheck to let them mount you at least once a week to let out their sexual frustrations.
They became more territorial around you, but when you weren’t in the picture, the bulls were much calmer and didn’t attack anyone that brought out food or came to give them check ups.
And when you became pregnant… well… let’s just say you were tucked away in the barn, living there with the cows and bulls as your belly grew heavy and swollen.
The cows tended to you, making sure you received all the human comforts you wanted along with their endless affections, and the bulls kept you safe.
A/N: omg… ask me more about this concept because… I’m in love
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @chubbumblebee @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden
tw. gore
you never would have guessed that gladiator!toji fushiguro was obsessed with you, until he brandished his blood-covered spear in your direction and dedicated his first-ever victory, not to his emperor, not to your father, but you; the pure and innocent emperor’s daughter.
he has the whole crowd screaming for him, but only you can satisfy his hunger for magnificence. what’s the point if you’re not watching him slaughter pathetic gladiators in the name of your emperor? if you’re not here to witness gladiator!toji rise, drenched in sweat, blood and glory, what is he even fighting for?
gladiator!toji has your name boldly engraved on the handle of his gladius as a reminder. none shall break nor bend the blade that bears your name, but him. he’s not letting any other man carry his sword, nor shall he let any other man live long enough to have a chance. from his cell, he has figured out ways to keep men away and asks his handler for a minute of your time after each victory.
when he wears a helmet, it’s to tease you. he knows you’ll anxiously be watching the scene, searching for him through the messy rumble of muscular and sweaty men tearing each other to shreds. you distinctly recognize gladiator!toji by his physical prowess and herculean body towering over the other combatants. he’s sturdy and magnificently sculpted. the sun reflects on the sweat dripping off his scarred arms while he offers the greatest of performance to the crowd and to you.
gladiator!toji is aware of your mesmerized gaze upon his broad shoulders and back muscles whenever he twirls his sword. his confident and annoying grin follows him everywhere— even more when he has the opportunity to thank you for giving him the strength to fight.
his popularity grows larger with each spectacle as he triumphs over his enemies. men and women are at his feet, but when he exits the arena, it’s your attention gladiator!toji is so desperately searching for which you often grant by visiting him after the fights. he’s still trapped behind bars, but finds ways to stroke your arm with his rough finger or trap you deeper into his enchantment. unfortunately, you had fallen for the criminal as soon as he had opened his prideful mouth to your emperor.
when the public pleads gladiator!toji for mercy, he can only turn to you, awaiting approval with his blade against the poor gladiator’s neck. it’s only when you point your thumb down that he takes the final blow with a nasty and satisfied chuckle.
if only you knew how desperate he was to finally be free and have you all to himself. gladiator!toji wasn’t just a gladiator, he was the emperor’s daughter’s gladiator and he was so dependent on your approval that he would’ve done anything to get you to love him. even defying an emperor.
© shegetsburned 2024 please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own
König who isn't afraid of taking pictures of his thick cock when he's far from you.
He loves taking pictures where the heavy weight of it can be seen from the way it drops.
He loves making sure you can see his hefty balls in shots.
When cum dribbles down the underside, dripping down the back side of his hand.
The few times he's sent videos, he aims his cock directly at the lens so it's like he's cumming on you.
He grunts, continuing to work his wilted cock because his hand doesn't even come close to being gripped by your walls.

𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 𝒙 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒆𝒎 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who after work, goes to pick you up from your last class of the day, patiently waiting in the car until you swing the door open “Sorry, baby, the class ran longer!” You apologize profusely, plopping down in the passenger seat, out of breath from running to his car.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who reassures you that it’s fine, leaning forward to get his kiss that you almost forgot about. It’s only a small peck, but he spent his whole day looking forward to it.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who, on the drive back to your place, listens intently to your rant, humming and nodding as you tell him about the annoying professors and their ridiculous assignments.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who urges you to shower while he makes dinner for the two of you “I wanna help,come on” your groan, making your way to the kitchen but he quickly snatches you up “just go, sweetie, you’ll slow me down anyway” he says, earning a good cussing from you cuz he’s saying you can’t cook or sum ?
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who has the food ready and the table set the moment you’re out of the shower, smelling like cocoa and your pretty face glistening. With a smile on his face, he watches as you hop in joy because he made your favorite,
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who does the dishes while you finish some college work upstairs, rolling up his sleeves, scrubbing away with some music playing in the background.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who forcefully drags you off your laptop because it’s getting late and you need to get some rest.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who’s an hypocrite because he doesn’t even let you sleep, having you rather bounce on his cock, thick veiny hands palming your sore ass from all the slaps you received “you tired already, baby ?” he mocks , noticing how you’re slowing down, thighs burning up like crazy trying to ride this monster.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who has you on your side, leg held up by his huge arm as he harshly thrusts into you, grunting against your neck from the way your pussy is hugging him so tightly “wait-toj..” you cry out when you feel his thumb pressing on your clit, making slow circles, forcing out the nastiest moans out of you “feel so good, sweetie” he smirks, pussy so wet and cozy, he couldn’t believe he had survived all day without tasting you.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who makes sure you cum at least twice before he finally leaves your poor cunt alone, holding you tightly in his arms as your QUICK to fall asleep.
𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅!𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 who wakes you up in the morning with soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks “cmon, baby, you gon be late” he whispers against your skin, watching as his girl yawns and tries to drag him back in bed with her.
✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶
Requests on the way dw ✍🏽
Bucky Barnes Series
Breach (Winter Soldier)
Heart-Shaped Box
Smalltown Bringdown (Biker AU)
From Eden
Dinner and Diatribes (Regency AU)
Crown of Thorn (Medieval AU)
Cabin Fever
Time (D)rift (Apocalypse AU)
Watching, Waiting…
The Lonely Souls Club
Multicharacter fics ft. Bucky Barnes:
Witness (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)
Yours, Mine, and Ours (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)
Tapestry (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, Medieval AU)
kiss me in the d-a-r-k (dad! Steve Rogers, professor!Bucky Barnes)
Summertime sadness (dad! Steve Rogers, professor!Bucky Barnes, boss!Loki)
Painted Windows (Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers)
Blue Jean Baby (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, Porn AU)
Omerta (Loki & Bucky Barnes, ft. Steve Rogers and Thor, Mafia AU)
Secrets (prince!Steve & Bucky)
Bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes)
Northern Exposure (Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes)
Hue and Cry (Bucky Barnes, Helmut Zemo, Medieval AU)
Bent, not broken (Winter Soldier & Captain Hydra [Stucky], MCU)
Staycation (Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, MCU)
Hidden Gems (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Thor, Loki, Peter Parker)
Campus AU (Multifandom)
Pretty Petals (Multifandom)
Outside the Lines (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)
All the Good Girls Go To Hell (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)
Blind Offer (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Lloyd Hansen, August Walker)
2022 Drabbles (multi fandom collection)
Forbidden Lessons (Professor Loki, Professor Bucky Barnes, MCU)
Sweet Treats AU (MCU, multiple characters + multiple reader)