referencass - Untitled

256 posts

Referencass - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

if your support of decolonization (anywhere) is predicated on your view of the colonized people as exceptionally peaceable, equitable, environmentally conscious/“in touch” with nature, or otherwise morally superior by your own personal standards, it’s not support. the only moral high ground colonized people need to justify decolonization is …. not being the colonizer

If Your Support Of Decolonization (anywhere) Is Predicated On Your View Of The Colonized People As Exceptionally

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1 year ago

Verso Books has made several e-books on the history of Palestine available for free

Verso Books Has Made Several E-books On The History Of Palestine Available For Free

1) Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappe — examines the claims that are repeated endlessly in the media, enforced by the military, accepted without question by the world’s governments and reinforce the regional status quo. download here:

2) The Palestine Laboratory by @antloewenstein — uncovers how Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defence hardware that fuels the globe's most brutal conflicts. download here:

3) Palestine Speaks ed. by Mateo Hoke and Cate Malek — a collection of testimonials from Palestinians narrating their own experiences and their own suffering. download here:

4) Blaming the Victims ed. by Christopher Hitchens and Edward W. Said — shows how the historical fate of the Palestinians has been justified by spurious academic attempts to dismiss their claim to a home within the boundaries of historical Palestine. download here:

5) The Case for Sanctions Against Israel ed. by Audrea Lim — considers all sides of the movement—including detailed comparisons with the South African experience. download here:

6) The Punishment of Gaza by Gideon Levy — Tracks the development of Israel policy, which has abandoned the pretense of diplomacy in favor of raw military power. download here:

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1 year ago

Google Ambient Chaos if you ever need background noises for writing! It's a customizable soundscape website.

Anon, when I first saw this ask, I thought it was going to be one of those mixers of nice, traditional sounds, like rain or a coffeeshop. And it is! And there's lofi hiphop, my favorite sound to write to! Which means this is legitimately an excellent tool for writers, and I love you for introducing it to me.

But I also want to say. There are some choices here. That I need to point out. Because they're either fantastic or questionable, and I can't decide.

Things like . . .

Couple arguing.

A pale purple volume slider in the shape of an arc, on a dark purple background. The slider is set to 0, and in the center, there are two stick figures clearly engaged in a verbal fight. Beneath the slider, it's labeled with "couple arguing," as noted above.

Medieval battle.

The same slider above, except the center figure is a pair of swords crossed.

Beehive, where you can write to a fuckton of bees.

The same slider as above, but the center is a bee.

Crime scene.

The same slider as above, but the center is crossed caution tape.

And actually the perfect soundscape for NaNoWriMo.

Same slider as above, except the center is a radiation symbol. This one is actually labeled "nuclear siren."

(It's here, for those curious.)

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1 year ago

Reposting this tweet from Abdalhadi Alijla عبد الهادي العجلة (@alijla2021):

"Via Scott Long. For those interested, I've uploaded my entire library of books on Palestine/Israel to the cloud, in digital form (mostly pdf and epub) so you can access them. It's a little over 1700 books, a lot of them good and important, some of them historical or political curiosities. Nearly all are in English, I'm afraid. You can download any that interest you individually, or the whole library (about 13 GB). And feel free to share this."

Link to the drive

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1 year ago

People with low spoons, someone just recommended this cookbook to me, so I thought I'd pass it on.

I always look at cookbooks for people who have no energy/time to do elaborate meal preparations, and roll my eyes. Like, you want me to stay on my feet for long enough to prepare 15 different ingredients from scratch, and use 5 different pots and pans, when I have chronic fatigue and no dishwasher?

These people seem to get it, though. It's very simple in places. It's basically the cookbook for people who think, 'I'm really bored of those same five low-spoons meals I eat, but I can't think of anything else to cook that won't exhaust me'. And it's free!

People With Low Spoons, Someone Just Recommended This Cookbook To Me, So I Thought I'd Pass It On.
People With Low Spoons, Someone Just Recommended This Cookbook To Me, So I Thought I'd Pass It On.
People With Low Spoons, Someone Just Recommended This Cookbook To Me, So I Thought I'd Pass It On.
People With Low Spoons, Someone Just Recommended This Cookbook To Me, So I Thought I'd Pass It On.
The Sad Bastard Cookbook by tRaum Books
by Rachel A. Rosen and Zilla Novikov || Food you can make so you don't die.

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1 year ago

Ok but like. What the fuck is there to do on the internet anymore?

Idk when I was younger, you could just go and go and find exciting new websites full of whatever cool things you wanted to explore. An overabundance of ways to occupy your time online.

Now, it’s just… Social media. That’s it. Social media and news sites. And I’m tired of social media and I’m tired of the news.

Am I just like completely inept at finding new things or has the internet just fallen apart that much with the problems of SEO and web 3.0 turning everything into a same-site prison?

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1 year ago

listen I ended up regretting saying anything about this on my old blog because people will interpret literally any and every statement maliciously on this hellsite but I want to start like. a helpline for people who are like “hey I pretty much only read YA but I’m like 22 now and don’t relate to teenagers as much, it’s such a shame that there are no fun books written for adults :(” because boy HOWDY are there some fun books for adults 

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1 year ago

WWC’s A Beginner’s Guide to Academic Research

We are pleased to present  WWC’s A Beginner’s Guide to Academic Research!

This pandemic project has been over 2 years in the making and we hope it will greatly assist any of our readers who are eager to conduct in-depth research but may be at a loss where to start. 

Go to the Guide Here

The guide is split into 6 parts:

Introduction and Table of Contents

Part 1: Getting Started

Part 2: Searching for Sources Online 

Part 3: Evaluating Sources

Part 4: Navigating Academic Sources 

Part 5: Recognizing Your Limits

Each portion of the guide has links to connect to the previous and next sections. While it is possible to view tumblr pages on phones and tablets through the app, we highly recommend viewing this guide via browser on desktop whenever possible. Tumblr page formatting is better suited for browsers and each section is very dense with information, which will make scrolling in the app or on your dashboard difficult. 

Future FAQ/ Discussion: 

As noted in part 5 of the guide, for the next two weeks, we will be keeping an eye on the notes for this post. If you have further questions or comments about academic research, drop them here and we will select the most pertinent to respond to in a later post. 

If you find this guide helpful, we request that you consider tipping the moderators below for the work and time required from conception, to drafting, formatting and debugging. Their ko-fis are listed below: 



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1 year ago

Things People Don’t Mention About Top Surgery or Mastectomies

There is reluctance to do the surgery if you live alone, even if you have a good support system. One of the most stressful things was the hospital constantly asking about who would be looking after me, picking me up, etc. I really felt the bias towards people who are married and against people who are single. I don’t think it was intentional but it was definitely there. (Please read more about this situation here) That being said you will definitely need a robust support system of some kind to get through everything in the first 4 -8 weeks or more after surgery. 

All your pill bottles will have safety caps and you won’t have the strength to open them on your own without a lot of struggling.

There are soooo many medications. Take them as prescribed and when they say take the level of pain meds you need to manage your pain, do it. I got opiods and ibuprofen. If the pain is bad 5-7+ on the 1-10 scale take the stronger meds. Pain can slow healing by causing stress on the body.

Drains are a pain in the ass. Every hour pushing the hoses so they don’t clog. Major drag but they are very important and if they get clogged it can cause issues

Sleeping sitting up, prepare for this. Lots of pillows or recliner or something. Practice for a week or more before surgery to get used to it. 

Sleep as much as you need. Don’t feel like you should stay awake or whatever because you are supposed to or it is day time or whatever. Listen to your body.

Drink lots and lots of fluids. You may think you are drinking enough but you probably aren’t. The fluid in the drains and the medicines and peeing all the time and sweating from the tight wrap. You need to replace all of this fluid. I think I have been up around 80+ oz the past few days.

The month before and a month after surgery eat a high protein and higher calorie diet. It will help with surgery and recovery. You need the energy and the protein to recover. 

Cut out added salt, caffiene, alcohol, and nicotine before surgery and during recovery. All of these can increase fluid retention, slow healing, or be dangerous with the meds.

Your chest will feel very strange. At first you can’t feel anything and then the skin feels tight everywhere and still strange. The recovery process feels real weird. Your whole torso feels kind of bizarre and new.

Ask all the questions. No question is stupid. It’s trauma to your body ask all the questions. YES all of them.

The tube (intubation) from surgery irritates the throat. Coughing from this sucks so damned much because of the binder and the chest tightness and what not. Find lozenges (Both cough drops and just candy) that you like. I say candy because too many cough drops can upset the stomach and you don’t need that after anesthesia and with all the meds. Also get popsicles.

Take everything out of packages you can before surgery. They are damned hard to open. Those paper cartons holding the apple sauce and snapping apart pudding cups and pulling apart pill blister packs.. ugh I should have taken them apart before the surgery.

Scissors are your friend and every package is an enemy. Seriously, get a good pair of scissors for packaging.

Also, skip 2 liters of pop, gallon of milk, etc. They will be too heavy to pick up after surgery. You can be more independent if  you get smaller size things.

Timers are your friend. All the phone timers forever. Also, handwritten or some other chart type to keep track of drain cleaning and taking meds. You will be sleepy and forgetful the first few days. Use other things to help you keep track.

Take stock of how your lights go on and off. Can you reach them while pretending you are a T-Rex. If not, especially ceiling fans and that, put long strings on the pulls so that you can operate them while you can’t raise your arms.

Also check your doors to make sure they don’t stick. You won’t be able to tug hard on doors or drawers or whatever.

Get yourself some treats. Food related or clothing or whatever. Treats will help.

Before surgery plan out and prepare at least a week of meals. Be sure to include some that are easy on the stomach like crackers, rice and chicken, etc. Just in case you have stomach upset from the anesthesia or meds. Gentle foods include starches and chicken/tofu that is low fat and low spice so that it is gentle.

Soft fuzz free and easy to get on clothing is essential. I went out and got a couple of those shorts and button down shirt pajama sets. Life savers. Also, get a size or two bigger than usual to accommodate drains and padded bandages and things. 

Strange pains, you will probably have them. 

Be sure to do the arm exercises as directed by your surgeon and watch your shoulders hunching. The shoulder hunching is from the chest tightness but you don’t want your back to start hurting. Try to sit up as straight as you can.

Pump action soap dispensers will be too hard to use the first few days.

Weeks before surgery, start teaching yourself how to do things without your arms; like standing up, getting into and out of bed, squatting, getting up from chairs, etc. Practice doing things with your elbows next to your chest like a t-rex; getting food and drinking, brushing teeth, taking meds, etc This will be very important

I am sure there are more but I thought some of you might benefit from the things I have learned so far from going through surgery.

1 year ago

my favorite clip studio assets!

since i’ve been using csp a lot more now i thought i’d make a post of the assets i use the most for ppl looking for good stuff!

general brushes: Pen + Caspar Pen (かしペン+カスレかしペン) (my fav pen for sure) Erase Along Edge (YOU NEEED THIS ERASER YOU NEED IT!!!) Freehand Style Brush Set (フリーハンド風ブラシセット) (cant recommend this one highly enough, i use it for all my backgrounds) Bong pen OBONGBONG’S PEN Halftones (スルスル塗れる5線刻みトーンブラシ) A non-shin pen (しんでないペン) SU-Cream Pencil Noisy Ink Brush v2 Simple Retro Halftone Brushes Smeared Paintbrush (べっとり絵筆) A breather pen (一息ペン) Aj’s Pencil Set Watercolor set (수채화 세트) T-marker Wind Brush Set (Tマーカー風ブラシセット) Watercolor marker ▲ ■ and texture set (水彩マーカー●▲■とテクスチャーセット)

special effect and decorative brushes: Tights Pen (タイツペン) Glitch Brushes 2 (彩塵ブラシ(Prism Dust) Hand-painted effect set No. 2 (手描き効果セットNo.2) Oriental Emblem 11-20 (동양 문양 11-20) (this creator has so many amazing assets ive downloaded them all) Ribon brushes (りぼんブラシ) Lace Set レース セット Ornate lace Bramble (rose-玫瑰叢) Loose hand-painted sprinkle brush (ゆるゆる手描きのふりかけブラシ) Bush pen (수풀 펜) Fantasy Papers Pearl Brush (真珠ブラシ)

gradient maps: Gradient map set for hologram (홀로그램용 그라데이션 맵 세트) Yunywave★ Gradient Set cb gradients 3 ONG SET

3D: The Only Perspective Grid You Need! 3d sketch head Movable horse 1.8 A (可動のお馬 1.8a) Sitting poses collection (便利かもしれない座りポーズ集)

misc: Raiku RGB Shift Hand-drawn Rags tool Set (手描きのボロ線ツールセット) VHS action set

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1 year ago



References of a Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, and Tiefling!

Download the free pack on my Patreon

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1 year ago
Super Bokeh Brushes Are Up Now!
Super Bokeh Brushes Are Up Now!

Super Bokeh Brushes are up now!

These are free and compatible with Clip Studio only. Follow the link and grab the attachment at the bottom of the post. Instructions for use & uploading are included, too. Good luck!

These are a real thing, too:

Rainbow Burst Brushes | Shiny Sparkly Jewelry Pack | Shiny Sparkly Jewelry Pack Plus (+Only) | Grunge Brushes (Krita) | Valentines Lace | Twiggy Patterns & Brushes | Grunge Brushes (Support+ Only) | The Pack With Cracks | 2022 Brushes & Patterns Master List | And the freebies tag is right over there.

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1 year ago

HUMAN SKULLS parts 3 and 4! My ENCYCLOPEDIA of tutorials BOOKS is coming EXCLUSIVELY to KICKSTARTER on a SECRET DATE NEXT MONTH! The ONLY WAY to know when it launches it to STAY TUNED to this TUMBLR feed for the BIG LAUNCH DATE ANNOUNCEMENT coming SOON!


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1 year ago

video essays about horror, fear and dread

Films That Feel Like Bad Dreams

The Nightmare Artist

Fear of Big Things Underwater

Control, Anatomy, and the Legacy of the Haunted House

House of Leaves: The Horror Of Fiction

Monsters in the Closet: A History of LGBT Representation in Horror Cinema

The History of Insane Asylums and Horror Movies

The Saddest Horror Movie You’ve Never Seen

Fear of Forgetting

Slender Man: Misunderstanding Ten Years Of The Internet

The Real Reason The Thing (1982) is Better than The Thing (2011)

The Bizarre Clown Painting No One Fully Understands

The Little Book of Cosmic Horrors

The Disturbing Art of A.I.

Fear of Depths

Goya’s Witches

David Lynch: The Treachery of Language

The True History That Created Folk Horror

The Existential Horror of David Cronenberg’s Camera

Keep reading

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1 year ago

Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 

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1 year ago
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others
A Compilation Of Tips Ive Made Per Request Of Others

A compilation of tips ive made per request of others

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1 year ago
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really
Very Happy To Finally Post My Second Tutorial ! You Guys Have Been So Kind The Last Time And I Really

Very happy to finally post my second tutorial ! You guys have been so kind the last time and I really hope this helps some of you in your art path 🙇‍♀️

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1 year ago
Getting Back Into Painting My Dragon Bois More So A Lil Tutorial For How I Paint Scales!
Getting Back Into Painting My Dragon Bois More So A Lil Tutorial For How I Paint Scales!
Getting Back Into Painting My Dragon Bois More So A Lil Tutorial For How I Paint Scales!
Getting Back Into Painting My Dragon Bois More So A Lil Tutorial For How I Paint Scales!

getting back into painting my dragon bois more so a lil tutorial for how i paint scales!

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1 year ago

Want to learn something new in 2022??

Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)

40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)

Excellent basic crochet video series

Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)

Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)

How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)

Another drawing character faces video

Literally my favorite art pose hack

Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??

Introduction to flying small aircrafts

French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding

Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)

Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)

Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)

Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:

Calculus 1 (full semester class)

Learn basic statistics (free textbook)

Introduction to college physics (free textbook)

Introduction to accounting (free textbook)

Learn a language:

Ancient Greek




Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)


Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)

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1 year ago
Have Fun W/ This

have fun w/ this

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1 year ago
As Promised (thumbs Up) Heres A Lil Uhhhh Simple Breakdown Of How I General Do Fur Things! Can Be Applied
As Promised (thumbs Up) Heres A Lil Uhhhh Simple Breakdown Of How I General Do Fur Things! Can Be Applied

as promised (thumbs up) heres a lil uhhhh simple breakdown of how i general do fur things! can be applied to hair in general and also clouds and grass depending on how you work it (thumbs up pt2) feel free to request other tutorials 

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1 year ago
Layer Effects Tutorial By Robin

Layer Effects Tutorial by Robin

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2 years ago
My New Grass & Fields Brush Pack Is Officially Out For Photoshop CC, Procreate, And Clip Studio Paint!
My New Grass & Fields Brush Pack Is Officially Out For Photoshop CC, Procreate, And Clip Studio Paint!
My New Grass & Fields Brush Pack Is Officially Out For Photoshop CC, Procreate, And Clip Studio Paint!
My New Grass & Fields Brush Pack Is Officially Out For Photoshop CC, Procreate, And Clip Studio Paint!

My new Grass & Field’s brush pack is officially out for Photoshop CC, Procreate, and Clip Studio Paint! 

You can download it from this page (click!)

Like all my brush packs it is free, with tips welcome but optional. You can use these brushes in anything - personal work, freelance work, professional work, commercial work - including things you sell, no license required. Demo videos are linked on the product page. Enjoy!!

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2 years ago i make a post about other (re: better) magic school/wizard books or what?

because i have strong opinions!

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