remtheratfem - 🧃🐀

The Enlightened Rat Feminist

259 posts

Remtheratfem - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
remtheratfem - 🧃🐀
6 months ago

Sooooo, I'm an itty-bitty bit confused. When did the terfs start calling themselves "gender critical". Like I'm so confused right now. You're not "gender critical" for saying that trans women are men and have no right to express their gender the same way many cis women do. Like no, our gender is not more based off of gendered products than the average cis woman's gender is. My mom has a collection of heels, and my dad says it's because she's a woman. But I've seen people who call themselves gender critical say that trans women doing the same are men dressing up and only base their gender off of stupid stereotypes. So, which is it? Are ya'll just transphobic or is my mom (a cis woman) just dressing up, playing into capitalism, and not a real woman?

6 months ago

I actually don’t see the problem with drag as long as the queen isn’t using any padding to imitate the female body and doesn’t make any sexist jokes (which I’ve noticed is getting better). I don’t think gay men wearing makeup and dresses is inherently misogynistic and to think so would suggest you really do see female = feminine.

6 months ago

saying I'm 'cis' would be saying that I have an internal identity that 'matches' my physical sex. I fundamentally reject the premise of any internal identity 'matching' either sex. I do not have a womanbrain or a femininemind or a girlgender. my body is female and that has shaped many of my life experiences, specifically because of the ambient misogynistic culture of male supremacy; none of that is innate to my brain. the things I like or do or want are gender neutral and particular to my personality as a human. the idea that the things I like or do or want either 'match' or 'don't match' my body rests on the premise that different personalities are tied to 'matching' bodies on the basis of sex innately rather than artificially. that is a fundamentally sexist premise at odds with feminism.

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7 months ago

I can’t wait until the average person is agnostic sorry if that’s not based or tolerant I want religion gone

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7 months ago

I don't really care if rapists can be rehabilitated or not, they don't deserve to be.

7 months ago

I don't really care if rapists can be rehabilitated or not, they don't deserve to be.

7 months ago

as an aro who wants a partner and is open to being in a romantic relationship under the right circumstances. i am BEGGING you people to start being normal about nonpartnering and romance-repulsed aros. i promise you don't have to add "aros can still date!" to every post about aromanticism that doesn't explicitly mention that aros can still date

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7 months ago
remtheratfem - 🧃🐀
7 months ago

The Supreme Court blocked the Biden-Harris administration's re-write of Title IX, for now, which would allow biological men in women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, and dorms.

The rule still needs to be finalized, but no part will go into effect while the case proceeds.

The Supreme Court Blocked The Biden-Harris Administration's Re-write Of Title IX, For Now, Which Would

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7 months ago

lets just replace the word “gender” with “sexist stereotype”

sexist-stereotype nonconformity. sexist stereotype identity. sexist stereotype critical. sexist stereotype binary. sexist stereotype validation. sexist stereotype diversity. sexist stereotype fluidity. sexist stereotype dysphoria

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7 months ago

I was born in the wrong class and the state should give me lots and lots of class-affirming money

7 months ago

lorde and mitski: stop using make up, dress up more masculine, don't shave

conservatives: they want to be men 🤢👎

queers: they want to be men ❤🏳️‍⚧️

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7 months ago
remtheratfem - 🧃🐀
7 months ago
remtheratfem - 🧃🐀

If makeup doesn't have women, it dies... :)

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7 months ago

tumblr users when they're told that wanting to have sex with someone is feeling sexual attraction:

Tumblr Users When They're Told That Wanting To Have Sex With Someone Is Feeling Sexual Attraction:
7 months ago

Can we stop with the type of feminism that tells women aspects of their bodies are “beautiful flaws” and start teaching them that it’s their natural female body?

Calling it a “beautiful flaw” “gorgeous imperfection” sounds nice until you realize it’s still something viewed as “wrong” with your body. A flaw is a mistake, something not intended. That bit of fat on your lower lower belly isn’t an “imperfection,” it’s protection for your uterus. Your cellulite isn’t a “flaw” it’s a secondary sex characteristic. Your body hair isn’t unhygienic or gross it’s natural, and your pubic hair not only helps prevent STIs better, but also yeast infections.

Stop calling a natural female body flawed. It’s not fucking flawed.

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7 months ago

chappell is saying shes demisexual now oh my god girl...stop...

7 months ago


In the spirit of trying to get out the vote, I want to do something a little different!

On Election Day, post your I Voted sticker and tag me in your post. I will write down the usernames of everyone who tags me and put them all in a hat. I will randomly choose a username and send $25 over cashapp to the lucky girl. Deadline will be midnight (West Coast time) on Tuesday, November 5th.

I hope to see your stickers!!! I'm also going to schedule this closer to election day so as many people remember and see it as possible.

7 months ago

watching the olympics, it's always frustrating to me that the women are still tryna be so "pretty." like male swimmers will have black swimming caps and black goggles--just neutral shit--but female swimmers will have to make their accessories pink and "girly" all complete with some patriotic fake nails. the beach volleyball females have swimming bottoms riding up their crack like g-strings, men winking and cracking jokes about why they love watching it. female runners with contoured faces, perfect liquid eyeliner flicks and lip liner to suit. hell, you'll be watching female weightlifting and they'll have fake lashes on. like "yeah i know i'm doing something super unattractive to men rn like daring to be stronger and more athletic than them, but look! the pink! the glitter! the false lashes! i'm still fuckable! don't put me in the ugly category!" so tired of women surrendering their power to men lmao

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7 months ago
remtheratfem - 🧃🐀

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7 months ago

it’s kind of exhausting and depressing to be in the era of feminism where it’s watered down to just supporting women for being compliant with the patriarchy. will it hurt women to think critically about makeup, body image, heterosexual relationships, pornography, etc.? You can’t be a real feminist these days without so called feminists side eying you for bringing up the reality of being a woman. what’s that quote that says something along the lines of women ignoring their oppression because the truth is agonizing ? yeah, that’s what feminism is right now but it’s only getting worse

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7 months ago

twitter “gencrits” (many of whom aren’t critical of gender at all like posie parker who’s the epitome of femininity) have gone off the deep-end with these accusations actual female Olympians are male. JKR providing unreliable right-wing “sources” like this in this tweet is a real let down because her original feminist takes on gender were so great but she’s becoming exactly what TRAs think she is with this paranoid cooker shit. like now all her good takes are being discredited because she’s fallen off the deep end and I’m genuinely angry at how bad that is for gender abolitionism

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