Its So Frustrating - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Reposting this bc every opportunity i have to defend Ink i will do

Can we talk about how many people think that Ink can't love romantically speaking because he doesn't have a soul rather than he's just aroace? Lmao

UTMV fandom try not to be ableist and aphobic at the same time challenge (impossible)

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8 months ago

this is going to be a hard post. but i feel like it needs to be said. it’s hard to find anyone in my community that looks like me. (black nb lesbian.) when the majority of people i see are white (which isn’t a attack to you guys in any way possible). it’s just hard for me to relate with you guys i guess, i can’t look like you guys cut my hair short and shaggy, my top scars wont look like yours. everything will be different in a way if that makes sense. i don’t want to receive any type of hate because of this post i am just speaking my mind and how ive felt for a while.

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7 months ago

it’s kind of exhausting and depressing to be in the era of feminism where it’s watered down to just supporting women for being compliant with the patriarchy. will it hurt women to think critically about makeup, body image, heterosexual relationships, pornography, etc.? You can’t be a real feminist these days without so called feminists side eying you for bringing up the reality of being a woman. what’s that quote that says something along the lines of women ignoring their oppression because the truth is agonizing ? yeah, that’s what feminism is right now but it’s only getting worse

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10 months ago

please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts

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5 months ago


but i can't find any other words,

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10 months ago

I hate that I react so badly to any discussion of moving/him finding a new job/whatever. Like I try not to react outwardly but I'm sure he can tell, and obviously it just fuckin feels bad every time. It's frustrating because I know it would be good for both of us for him to find a job he likes better and also to be closer to our families, and I've been wanting to leave this shithole apartment complex for a long time anyway, and Tennessee is already a fucking nightmare of a state and only getting worse. But oh my god even him off-handedly saying "I'm so done I gotta get out of here" just *crushes* me internally every time.

I guess a lot of it is probably because I finally feel like I've gotten to a point where I function largely okay on a day-to-day basis and it feels like all of that would be lost if we do a big move?? But idk if that's even true, and it's not like we have much else to stay here for. We have some friends here, but they're not like, best friends. And everyone is so busy that we rarely hang out anymore anyway. Just the act of packing up and moving will be hard and stressful and I hate it, but setting up a new place could be fun? Idk, the prospect of trying to find decent housing we can afford kind of sucks the enjoyment out of that too.

And as embarrassing and lame as it feels to say, losing my therapist is honestly one of my biggest fears about moving out of state. Like I've been seeing her for over 2 years now, and she's the first therapist I've really clicked with and felt like she's actually been capable of helping me. She's been there through this whole leaving-my-job/horrible burnout/health issues/ADHD/ASD process and is like one of the only people in my life who's really believed me and wanted to help me investigate things and advocate for myself since she first met me. And I know she'd do her best to help find me a good therapist wherever I move to, but the uncertainty is so scary. Especially since I hate telehealth therapy, so my options would be even more limited depending on where we end up.

Idk. Something about it all is just so triggering and idk how to make my own brain understand that it's for the best and will probably improve my life significantly, even to the extent that I can tolerate it happening *at all,* let alone to where I can actively participate and help make it happen!!!! Ugh!!!!!!

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1 year ago

Y'know, some people do have a strong crying response to stress, and they might cry (even against their own will) when faced with an upsetting situation and that doesnt mean they are “gaslighting” or “manipulating” you.

There are people who use crying as a manipulation tactic? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that every person that cries during a heated argument is trying to get under your skin. They have their own emotions and issues, and frankly, not everything other people do is a personal attack on you.

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4 years ago

I know some artists suffer from same-face-syndrome but I suffer from something called “none-of-my-faces-look-even-remotely-similar-syndrome” which causes me deep distress because I can’t make any character designs

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9 months ago

“why can’t two guys be platonic best friends in peace?” THEY ARE platonic bestfriends. you guys really need to understand that no amount of shipping will change that, canon will stay unchanged so what’s the whining for?

this ‘problem’ only exists in your mind. hope this helps!

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2 years ago

What is the point of having sex toys if I can't even use them!

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Genuinely thinking about delete every social media account and go back to lurking and only sharing fanworks between close friends like old times

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