roadkillthefox - Roadkill

Just some guy

411 posts

My Coworker: Hi [my Name]! How Are You?

My coworker: Hi [my name]! How are you?

Me: tired and in pain, same as yesterday.

Coworker: Don’t worry

Me: I have two anxiety disorders, I’m going to worry

Coworker: don’t worry

Me: *still very worried, actually*

Just sick of this one person who keeps asking me stupid questions. Like, shut up. I’ve been here like six months and you spent the first three calling me by the wrong name even though I told you my name. Last week you misgendered me AGAIN. Stop acting like you care. You don’t. Fuck off. Shut up. Leave me alone

More Posts from Roadkillthefox

7 months ago

“I’m a fuckin’ slut for cinnamon raisin bread”

- Corpse Husband December 3rd, 2020

Me too, Corpse. Me too

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7 months ago

Can confirm

roadkillthefox - Roadkill
7 months ago

Personally, I only care about the feelings of those who I think care about my feelings. So, the list of those whose feelings I care about is short (my dog and my bird. That’s it). But I know I’m not a representation of everyone

"Autistic people aren't worried about other people's feelings" well that's big fucking news to me considering how I'm anxious 24/7 about accidentally annoying everyone I ever meet

7 months ago

On the one hand, I like ordering off the kids’ menu. On the other, I AM TWENTY, NOT TWELVE

Annual reminder to please not tell "young looking" trans guys/transmascs to "appreciate" not being seen as even close to our actual ages?

No it's not cool, flattering, or something I enjoy. I don't want to be handed a kids menu at almost 24. I don't want to be ID'd 10 times in the same night at the same establishment, I don't want people to refuse to see my ID because I "must not be even close to 21". I don't want people staring at me and making comments seeing me a smoke a fucking cigarette because they think I'm 13.

I don't want to chat with a random 50 year old drunk cis guy about youth

I don't want some random group of middle schoolers chatting me up and telling me how I look even younger than them when I tell them I'm a full ass adult

If it wasn't to the point that I've literally almost been denied service or kicked out places multiple times? Maybe I wouldn't be so mad. If It wasn't to the point that I feel ashamed and embarrassed because of other people being weird? Maybe I wouldn't be so mad.

7 months ago

Me: *has heartburn due to genetics*

My mom, who also has heartburn: eating chocolate will cause it to hurt

Me, eating chocolate during the conversation: worth it

My mom: …

Me: *shoves chocolate ice cream into my mouth*

My mom: You’re going to regret that

Me: *already regretting it*

I will never change my ways

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