I Hate My Job - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Tonights dinner served inside a starbucks mocha tub…

Tonights Dinner Served Inside A Starbucks Mocha Tub

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6 months ago

Anyone else have a coworker that once they find out they're old enough to he your mother, treat you like a teenager. I'm 46 you bitch! I've been here 3 times longer than you, don't double check everything I tell you with the manager or get pissy at me for doing it differently than you.

Sorry, had to get that out.

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6 years ago

It's not something I chose it's something I was given. That's why I don't want it

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7 months ago

Working at a place that specifically hires autistic people. Sounds great in theory, right? WRONG. They treat me like a child. I know that autism is a spectrum, but apparently the higher-ups of my job don’t get that? I’m an adult. Sure, I’m an immature fuck-up of an adult, but, like, shut the fuck up. I’m gonna be 20 in a month. You don’t get to talk down to me when I know I’m smarter than you. Not trying to sound like an asshole, but I know for a fact that I’m smarter than the people in charge here. Been working here a few months now, and I’ve thought of so many ways that this place could be run more efficiently. They treat me like a lazy child because I don’t put 100% of my energy into my work anymore. Well, the last time I did that, I had to go to the ER for heat exhaustion. This building has no windows, no ventilation, and no air conditioning. Just two poorly placed fans that aren’t on half the time. And machines that get over 400 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m more sensitive to heat than most people. I know that. But that’s no excuse.

Honestly can’t tell if they treat me like shit because I’m visibly tired and in pain all the time, because I’m on a different part of the spectrum than my coworkers, because I’ve got ADHD as well as autism, or because I’m trans and they view me as a fragile little girl. Yeah, I’m fucked up physically and mentally. That doesn’t make me weak. The fact I still show up here and get more done in an hour than my better-paid coworkers do in a week ought to make it pretty fucking obvious that I’m good at my job.

I have nothing against my coworkers, by the way. I understand that it’s a spectrum. It’s the people further above me. The neurotypical ones who think we’re all the same.

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7 months ago

My coworker: Hi [my name]! How are you?

Me: tired and in pain, same as yesterday.

Coworker: Don’t worry

Me: I have two anxiety disorders, I’m going to worry

Coworker: don’t worry

Me: *still very worried, actually*

Just sick of this one person who keeps asking me stupid questions. Like, shut up. I’ve been here like six months and you spent the first three calling me by the wrong name even though I told you my name. Last week you misgendered me AGAIN. Stop acting like you care. You don’t. Fuck off. Shut up. Leave me alone

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7 months ago

I’m so tired. Two cups of coffee and my eyes still don’t want to stay open. My brain keeps going somewhere else. I can’t think clearly. Everything hurts. I’m struggling just to stay awake. The problem is, I work with machines that get to over 400 degrees Fahrenheit. If I close my eyes, if I mess up, I could get hurt very badly. But I can’t say that I’m too tired to work. I can’t afford to not have this job. Even though it’s killing me. I got like three hours of sleep in the last three days. I have no appetite, but my stomach is screaming at me for food that I can’t even look at. Nothing feels real anymore. I wonder if I’m losing my mind.

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5 months ago

I’m getting so sick of my job. The early mornings, the physical labor, the fact that even though I’m surrounded by people at work, I still feel totally alone. No one there can see it, but the job is killing me. All the caffeine in the world won’t make me any less tired.

I spend all of my energy at work, so when I get home, even if I have any creative ideas of something I want to do, I simply don’t have the energy to do anything. It’s all I can do to shower and lay down for the rest of the day. Get barely any sleep, get up at six the next morning. Day after day. I’m not meant for this. I don’t know what I really want out of life, but maybe if I gave myself any time to think about the future, I’d have at least a vague idea.

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1 year ago

Anxiously waiting for a response for a text into work asking for a day off after attempting to email it in (they probably didn’t see it) and every notification is making me sick

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5 months ago
ERRMORY Gender Swap Yay
ERRMORY Gender Swap Yay
ERRMORY Gender Swap Yay
ERRMORY Gender Swap Yay

ERRMORY gender swap yay ❤️

Request Art from my IG ACC again! Fem Emory & Errmory, i mix these rqs! I luv draw em sm,,, imma draw more Errmory Yuri soon tehehehe

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5 months ago





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