robby-bobby-tommy - RobbyBobbyTommy

"There's no rhyme or reason to what I do, I just do. A scoodly doo." pronouns: any, prefered she/her/🐍ask permission and tag me, if you want to use my works!!🐍/

325 posts

Emptying Some Of My Drafts/fanfic Ideas For The Two Badd Enjoyers Out There

Emptying some of my drafts/fanfic ideas for the two Badd enjoyers out there 🫡🫡🫡

Thanks to @kugamoogle I finally have a reason to post this crap lmao (sorry, if you don't want to be tagged)


Badd: (It's already so late. Almost no one is left in the precinct. I guess I should head out home....)

*phone rings*

Badd: (Oh.. Prosecutor Faraday... Why is he calling me at this late of an hour?)

Badd: Good evening, Prosecutor Faraday..... Is any....

Faraday: Tyrell..

Badd: !

Faraday: I need your presence.

Badd: What happened? Where are you? Should i bring the others from the precinct with me? (He never calls me by my name without a reason..)

Faraday: Something very important, Dye Young Hospital. No.

Badd: Are you hurt? I'll get there as fast as I can!

Faraday: No...Thank you.

~~~~~~Dye Young Hospital~~~~~~

Badd: Faraday, is everything okay?

Faraday: *turns around with a baby in his arms* Shhh! You'll wake her up.

Badd:......? This......... Is...?

Faraday: My daughter, of course. Want to hold her?

Badd: !... Byrne, you can't be serious..!

Faraday: Geez, such a big guy afraid of such a small girl? *gives Kay to Badd*

Badd: *very stiffly holds her. Freezes immediately. Afraid to hurt her* ...!

Faraday: *suddenly takes the photo* Ha, you should've seen your face! The detective with the heart of steel is finally flustered! I've stolen this moment from you.

Badd: Byrne!..... You....!! *Kay yawns* ......what is her name?

Faraday: Her name is Kay. Don't be so scared.. Be more relaxed.

Badd: .......Hi Kay...... Here's your dad *shows Faraday*.... I'm your dad's friend.

Faraday: It's your Uncle Badd!

Badd: ..! *very flustered. Suddenly Kay opens her sleepy eyes and takes Badd's lollipop* ...!

Faraday: Oh, Kay! Stealing is bad!

Badd: ......should I take a little thief to the precinct?

Faraday: Should I take your paycheck to my office?

They both laugh.


*Faraday shows his prosecutor's badge*

Kay: I wanna be a detective when I grow up! Like Uncle Badd! To be the hero of justice!

Faraday: ...!

Badd:'ll make a great detective....... You have a talent........ For finding things...

Faraday: (I could never hide any candies from her...)

Badd: But it's a very dangerous job..... Some of the bad people..... Will have to make an acquaintance to your kick...

Kay: Or I wanna be a prosecutor like Daddy! The true hero of justice that puts bad people in jail!!

Faraday: (suddenly I feel a tear in my eye...)

Badd: That take money form their subordinates' salary....

Faraday: I think your pay check has been oh too stable these past few months!

Kay: I'll never do something like that!

Badd: ......then I look forward to working with you, Ms Prosecutor Faraday.


Just to clarify, this next part has nothing to do with my other no dl 6 au lmao. Some parts of this au (mainly Badd getting shot) is tied to my other hcs I've posted before.

~~~~~~~~~~~ (no dl 6 au) ~~~~~~~~~~~

Eddie/Ray: Mr. Edgeworth, is it true that Detective Badd has been shot?

Gregory: That's what I heard from the people in the precinct. They sounded serious, so I came to check up on him.

Ray: I'm not sure they'll let us in, since we aren't a family, but worth the try!

(They go in the hospital)

Gregory: (now, we need to find a reception or a nurse...... Hm? What's all that noise?)

???: I need to continue the investigation..... They've stolen the video tape, I need to find it, Byrne..

Ray: Detective Badd!

Gregory: Yes, it's him! But who is he arguing with?

????: What you need is to stop being stubborn and take a break.

Ray: Hm? Is he trying to leave the hospital already?

Gregory: But it's been one day since he got shot! It's dangerous to leave! We need to talk him out of it.. Ahem.. Detective Badd!

Badd: ..! Attorney Edgeworth, Assistant Shields? What are you doing here? And what are these tulips doing in your hands, Edgeworth?

Gregory: These are for you, Detective. My sincerest hopes for your speedy recovery.

Badd: ..! Thank you.

* (Long time no see) *

(The incident)

(The mysterious man)

Gregory: It is a pleasure to meet you once again, Detective. Though, I would've loved to meet you in good health more.

Badd: Same here..... Was IS-7 incident ever solved?

Ray: Sadly, Master was convincted on being an accomplice. He confessed to it.

Badd: What?? But the recording..

Gregory: It was of help, Detective. Yet von Karma got away with only a penalty.

Badd: .... My condolences...

Ray: Do not worry. All this time we were working hard on getting a retrial. A lot has changed since then and I'm an official attorney now! I won't ever rest until they find Mr Master innocent!

Badd: You've already passed the bar exam....? I believe the truth won't escape you, Attorney Shields.

Ray: He he heh. I'm so happy! Detective Badd actually praised me!

????: the IS-7 incident.... That's where I heard about them...

* (The incident) *

(The mysterious man)

Gregory: May I ask you about what happened to you?

????: Mr Attorney, he's been through a lot recently. Don't make him recall such terrible memories so soon!

Gregory: (True... It's been tactless from me...) I apologize.

Badd: It's okay, Byrne... A few days ago, I was walking home after the day at the precinct.. On my walk I was ambushed by three men, each carrying the gun. I tried to escape and called the first person in my phone. Yet they got me. They cornered me and then shot two times in the abdomen. After that I don't remember anything, but a green flame.

Gregory: (he says he's fine, but I can see he's shaken by the whole ordeal...)

Ray: Green flame?

Badd: Then I woke up at this hospital.. They stopped the blood, so I headed straight to the courthouse.

Ray: Courthouse?? Without operation?

Badd: Hmph, it's no big deal. That sort of thing happens all the time. I even had full intentions of continuing the investigation.

Ray: But! But that would've been too much!

Gregory: (You don't have to act all tough in front of us, you know?)

Badd: But right after the trial I was dragged here by THAT prosecutor.

????: It was the only logical course of action given the bullets were still lodged in you AND you started bleeding out right in the hallway.

Gregory: And now? Did you have your operation??!

Badd: ... Yes... I'm all good now.

????: Big talk from someone who woke up only a few hours ago!

Gregory: (Just who is this man? It takes a lot of courage to speak to Badd that way....)

* (The mysterious man) *

Gregory: Good morning, mister. I'm Attorney Gregory Edgeworth. This is Attorney Raymond Shields.

Ray: How do you do?

Gregory: And you are...?

Faraday: Prosecutor Byrne Faraday. Nice to meet you, Mr Edgeworth, Mr Shields.

Badd: This man is a prosecutor in charge of the case we're solving right now, and my close friend.

Ray: Enchanté, as they say... Have you heard of us?

Gregory: (Raymond seems very cold all of a sudden.. Probably, he thinks Prosecutor Faraday is like von Karma. Ever since that incident he dislikes prosecutors a lot..)

Faraday: Yes. Tyrell talked a lot about you and the IS-7 incident back in the day. My condolences. I had no idea Prosecutor von Karma would stoop so low to get his guilty verdict.

Ray: Why would it surprise you, Prosecutor? Are you surprised he got caught doing what you all do?

Faraday: ...! I have no idea what are you suggesting!

Gregory: I'm sorry, Prosecutor Faraday. Please forgive his rudeness. That incident left a big impression on him..

Faraday: ..... It's nothing, I suppose. But I would like Mr Shields to stop judging book by it's cover. Not all prosecutors are like this.

Faraday: Back to the matter at hand. Badd, I am not letting you investigate until you have rested enough.

Badd: ...! I've told you countless times, Faraday...

Faraday: If you try to leave this hospital, I'll take you off the case!

Gregory: (..! He seems desperate.. He must've grown weary of this pointless argument.. But despite the harshness of Prosecutor Faraday's words, it seems he really cares..)

Badd: That never stopped me before.!

Faraday: A foot out of this building, and you won't be able to afford a taxi to the courthouse!


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(Excusez moi, si mon français est terrible)

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6 months ago

Continuation of this post with some new ideas. I'd really want to see OG Phoenix, Maya and Edgeworth to meet this reversed people they long new. Because it would be so hilarious to have MVK be our assistant.

Like imagine Phoenix trying to defend Franziska in Reversed DL-6 and hitting the dead end. Phoenix reaches for the court record, but it isn't where it was last. He turns to Maya, who was unusually quiet for quite some time. But it isn't Maya anymore, it's MVK's ghost, that she channeled. And he took the court record to examine the case for himself. He explains to Phoenix that he suddenly awoken in these strange clothes, in the middle of the court case with a crumbled paper in his hands. There was simply "I'm Maya Fey, channeling you to help Phoenix to win the trial. Your daughter is the defendant, crazy, right? Anyway, we're stuck, please help." So he helped himself to the court record to at least understand what's happening.

Now in this AU MVK is a good person, but still a jerk at times. Like, if Phoenix gets something wrong Manfred would be at his limit.

Phoenix: "And the real culprit is.... Franziska von Karma! "

Judge: *shocked*

MVK: Sorry, I guess the defence is an absolute buffoon who humiliates both himself and this court. Allow him to think again, though.


Phoenix: The victim in DL-6 incident was killed... With the glass shard!

Phoenix: (why do I feel that my temple burning..?)


Phoenix: This is the proof that Ms von Karma wasn't there during the crime!

Phoenix: (if the looks could kill, we'll have a trial with me as the victim.......)


But the other times he helps very much. Despite staying stoic ans unfazed, MVK tries his best to protect his daughter and find the truth. And when prosecution (OG Edgeworth) or witness (Gregory) tries to push defence around, he usually helps with his mere presence. When Judge tries to end the trial MVK does smt similar to his OG counterpart and literally stops him mis sentence.

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6 months ago

This shuffle hates you specifically 💀💀💀/j

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