robin-the-enby - Never meant to be human
Never meant to be human

Greetings, fellow creatures! I'm Robin (they/them), 20 y.o. Welcome to my blog! All requests are CLOSED. Side blog: @ihaveadesiretoshitpost

586 posts

Headcanon For Loki Laufeyson, Please? With A Shy, Ace SO Who's Easily Embarrassed. If That's Ok? Thanks!

Headcanon for Loki Laufeyson, please? With a shy, ace SO who's easily embarrassed. If that's ok? Thanks!

Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x gn!reader

Warnings: none

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long to write! I've been slipping back into depression and I'm getting hospitalized in a few days, so I've had a lot on my hands. But I've finally gotten the inspiration to create again, so I hope you'll like it! I've also tried to make this as gender neutral and race neutral as I could, but definitely tell me if there's something I could do better!

Headcanon For Loki Laufeyson, Please? With A Shy, Ace SO Who's Easily Embarrassed. If That's Ok? Thanks!

I personally think Loki wouldn't normally pick someone shy to be in a relationship with, but I have to say it, it's a little bit of a power trip for him.

I don't mean this in a bad way, not at all, he'd never take advantage of you in a way that would seriously harm you.

It's just...I guess you could say he feels a bit more...important? In a way? Useful? Yeah. He feels like there's finally someone who really needs him, either for protection or consolation.

Not that he thinks you can't take care of yourself! . . . Well maybe a little bit, at first, but he really can't help it!

He is naturally protective over people and things precious to him, but he still sees you as an equal, so if you tell him he's being overbearing, he'll ease down on the protectiveness.

If there's one thing he truly desires though, it's to show you off to the world. Whether it be taking you to numerous Asgardian balls or intergalactic gatherings. He is just very proud of you as a partner and wants everyone to be jealous. He swears you don't have to talk to anybody! He'll do all the talking abńd praising for you both, but his heart swells when he introduces you to someone and then sees your embarassed expression.

After a while he'd give you a break and take you further away from all that ruckuss and cup your face in his hands, to feel for himself how warm your cheeks are. If you really want, you'll leave the party early.

If you endure that, the next day (or few days) will be all about pampering and relaxing. He'll do stuff with you that you want to do and you'll have a nice day in, before you're ready for him to embarass you somewhere again.

But he enjoys the quiet days with you as much as the ones where he can show you off. The ones where you're simply...existing in each other's presence. It's quiet and nice and...domestic. And he loves it.

As for your sexuality (hello fellow aces!), he is very respectful. No matter what your relationship with sex is, he respects it. He won't deny that if he had the chance to, he'd worship every part of you and make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world, but he doesn't mind he won't get to do that in this particular way.

He completely understands that sex, while an important sign of intimacy for others, isn't really that important for some and he's totally fine with that.

Besides, he has other ways to make you feel beautiful and appreciated <3

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More Posts from Robin-the-enby

3 years ago

Y/N: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you... Bruno: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.

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3 years ago

Missing scalpels

Pairing: 'Hawkeye' Pierce x reader

Summary: You can't deny your attraction to Hawkeye. Things get steamy between you and him, but things don't work out. As Hawkeye tries to understand why, the rest of the camp is busy trying to catch a thief.

Warnings: self harm, depression, adult themes (but not explicitly nsfw)

A/N: Am I really adding another fandom to write for when I haven't written for some others in ages, if at all? You bet! I'm also in a very angsty mood, so have this...whatever this is.

Missing Scalpels

You've always admired his hands. The ones he used to save lives, even though the purpose why was highly debatable. The same hands that were used to holding a martini glass, ever so gently, were now exploring wildly your body, like if he didn't map out every curve of it in time, he'd die.

Captain Pierce, more widely known as Hawkeye, was a notorious flirt. If you wouldn't know better, you'd even go as far as to call him frivolous. But you knew better. Or, at least you'd like to think you did. There was so much more to the surgeon than he let on and maybe that was why you were letting him mold you just the way he wanted, just the way he liked. Even though he probably saw what you were about to do just as some fun, to take his mind off the constant death lingering all around him.

A particularly sensual nip at your neck brought you out of your thoughts and you realized that at some point you had closed your eyes. Deciding to endulge your neediness, you opened them to take a peek at your temporary lover.

Normally you wouldn't be able to tear your gaze away from Hawkeye, especially when he looked so disheveled, but instead, your eyes were drawn to the lightbulb hanging over your heads. You felt Hawkeye sneak his hands under your shirt and a shiver ran through you. You could hear the surgeon chuckle, but you grew more and more restless by the second.

It took everything in you to take your hands away from his body, but you managed to grab his hands, that were getting closer and closer to your chest. "Wait..." you whispered. Hawkeye's movements stilled as he waited for you to continue. "Shouldn't we turn the light off?" you asked sheepishly. The surgeon chuckled again as his hands picked up from where he left off "Why? Don't tell me you're ashamed of yourself." he started placing kisses onto your neck again as he murmured "I would have to show you why you shouldn't be."

This time, it was your turn to chuckle. He didn't show it much, but Hawkeye could be sweet at times. "No..." you breathed out "But- but what if someone comes here?" you tried to mask your uneasiness, your hands still trying to slow his down. "That won't happen." Pierce reassured you "Everyone is trying to catch some sleep, before the next choppers arive."

This time, you grabbed his hands more firmly. With your head hanging low, you stepped away from him "I'm sorry, but I can't do this." Hawkeye looked confused. Why the sudden change of mind? "What- why? Is it because of the light? If it's that important to you, we can turn it off." he tried to reassure you again, but you only shook your head. The more you thought about it, the less appealing the whole ordeal was. You were sure that his skilled hands would feel what you were desperately trying to hide, even if he couldn't see it.

"I'm sorry. I really am. It's not your fault Pierce." you told him, before quickly slipping out the door, making a beeline to your tent, leaving Hawkeye alone and confused.

It's not like Hawkeye had never faced rejection before. But something about this case bugged him. He couldn't get you out of his head. You seemed into it, into him, at the start. Did the light bother you that much? But you said you weren't insecure about yourself. Maybe you just didn't want to admit it. But even though that seemed like the most logical answer, something still wasn't right.

"Hey, Hawkeye!" BJ snapped his fingers in front of his friend's face and watched with a smile as he returned to the present time. "Rise 'n shine, sweetheart!" BJ laughed. But seeing the lack of reponse from his tentmate made him frown "What's up with you? You've been like this since yesterday."

When Hawkeye still didn't answer, BJ began thinking. "Did something happen with (Y/N)?" he asked. Hawkeye had been preparing to take their colleague out the whole day, so maybe something went wrong? "Nothing." BJ quirked a brow "So it went well?" he pried further. "No, nothing happened." Hawkeye grumbled from his cot. BJ was surprised "They rejected you?"

"No, they seemed really into it at first, but...then they suddenly changed their mind." Hawkeye explained. BJ hummed "Well, happens sometimes." "I don't know. Something's not right." Before BJ could respond, the door to the tent opened, revealing a frowning Charles. "Ah, Charles! Seems you're in a great mood as always!" BJ exclaimed. "Just like anytime I see the two of you." the surgeon snapped back.

BJ sighed "Great. Now I have to share the same space with not one, but two grumpy idiots." Charles looked appalled "Well forgive me for my sour mood, but medical tools have been mysteriously dissapearing and nobody knows why and who did it! I think that that is a more valid reason to be 'grumpy' than mulling over a date gone wrong." Charles protested. The last statement grabbed Hawkeye's attention "How do you know about that?"

"Oh please, is there anyone who doesn't?" Charles rolled his eyes "Everyone knows that you two were up to no good yesterday and when today morning during breakfast they showed up looking like a kicked puppy, even a blind man would see something went wrong." When Charles saw the surprised look Pierce gave him, he couldn't help but sigh in annoyance "Don't give me that look. Everybody's noticed how they eye you up anytime you're not looking."

Hawkeye's gaze turned to BJ, who uncertainly nodded. Hawkeye frowned "Then why did they change their mind..." he muttered, mostly for himself. But not quiet enough, as Winchester piped up "(Y/N) rejected you? A wise decision. In my opinion. If I was in love with someone, I wouldn't want to start something when I'm not even sure if the other one takes it seriously."

Was that really the case? Were you in love with him? He can't deny he'd be flattered, but...what would he do? Somehow, he couldn't bring himself to break your heart. But did he feel the same towards you?

"So, how long has equipment been dissapearing?" BJ asked when Hawkeye got lost in dreamland again. He'd help him if he asked, but right now, it seemed he needed to sort something out within himself. "Four months." Winchester nodded "One scalpel each month. It's possible that tools might get lost or accidentally thrown out, but four times? Month after month? Even colonel Potter thinks it's suspicious." Charles continued and BJ nodded. It was definitelly weird.

"I need to go." Hawkeye shot up from his bed and out the Swamp before any of the two men could say a word. What was he going to tell you? He had to admit that he didn't think what would happen after he'd sleep with you. He never did. Because it just wasn't needed. He'd get his fun and made sure the other one had fun too and that was it. So why was it that the thought of you seeing him in a bad light made his stomach squeeze? Maybe he knew but wasn't ready to admit it. Not yet.

The fact that you couldn't be found didn't help either. He checked everywhere. Post-op, mess hall, your tent, hell, even the showers! But it was as if you'd vanished into thin air. Hawkeye decided to take a walk around, to clear his thoughts, before doing anything else. You had to be somewhere. And even if he was sure you were avoiding him, he knew you couldn't keep it up forever.

As the surgeon neared the minefield, he saw a figure sitting on the ground. They were sitting at the edge of the field, so Hawkeye crept closer, as to not scare them, which could result in a very nasty accident. As he got closer, he recognized your hair. How couldn't he? He kept imagining how it would feel between his fingers.

"Hey, (Y/N)..." Hawkeye called out softly. You stiffened visibly and Pierce frowned. You were hiding something. "Go away..." you said softly, but he was already on his way to you. With quick strides, Hawkeye was soon in front of you and the sight before him shocked him. There you were, sat on the dusty ground, one arm resting on your leg, the wrist bloodied, while the other clutched a scalpel.

"What have you done..." Hawkeye whispered. Tears rolled down your cheeks. It was pointless to try and hide now. "Put it down." Hawkeye pleaded, but you only clutched your weapon tighter "(Y/N), sweetheart, please put it down. We need to get those wounds cleaned." For a second, you held onto the tool, before letting it clamper to the ground. Next thing, Hawkeye was crouched next to you, doctor mode on as he kicked the offending weapon far away from your reach and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket.

"(Y/N) this will need stitches." Hawkeye said and looked at you with sadness in his eyes. You shook your head. "Don't be stubborn, this could get infected!" he growled, trying not to lose his temper. "I know how to take care of myself Hawkeye! I've done this a dozen times already!" Horror took over the man's face "What did you say?" You were so screwed.

"Where?" Hawkeye asked grimly. You shook your head. "Where. (Y/N)." he commanded. "Arms, legs, stomach..." you mumbled. Hawkeye could swear he was going to start crying soon."Wait here." he instructed and jogged off. As if you were planning on leaving.

In five minutes, Hawkeye was back with a first aid kit and started tending to your arm. "So the thief was you. Sneaky you." he joked, but his voice was choked up. You couldn't smile in this situation, but luckilly, he understood. When he was done, Hawkeye raised his eyes to your tear stained face "Can I see them?" Your eyes widened. "Just to make sure they're not infected. You slowly nodded and stood up.

You started by taking off your shirt, followed by your pants. Your body held numerous scars, some of them already white and nearly invisible, but most red and raised. Pierce thought he was going to vomit. There were so many. He wasn't disgusted. He had seen more gore in the last few years than most people in their entire life, but this was something completely different. Seeing someone he held dear mutilating themself this way...the sight was horrible.

"Please don't tell anyone Hawkeye." you pleaded as a fresh wave of tears made their way out of your eyes. Hawkeye wished he could argue with you, but he knew that if he told somebody, you would be immediately sent somewhere as bad as the war. So he nodded "But I'll be keeping an eye on those." he gestured to your wrist "And also that you don't steal any more scalpels, ok?" he smiled and it warmed your soul.

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3 years ago

Hello :) hope you had a wonderful day<3 but may I ask if your matchup request are still open- Also stay safe and have a good day/night/afternoon

Hi! Hope you had a wonderful day as well! Unfortunately, only non-matchup requests are open at the moment :( Hope I didn't dissapoint you too much!

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3 years ago

I usually don't enjoy pregnancy fics, but thus one...oh this one was perfect. You captured Bruno's character so well, as well as the rest of the family's excitement and gentle help, advice and assurance. Also, WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN JULIETA I CAN'T JUST UNPREGNANT HER XDDDDDDD got me laughing so hard!

Can I request a bruno x pregnant reader headcanons ?

{A/N: ✨⌛️Absolutely, because I often think about how sweet and how good of a father this man would be and I am more than willing to write a bit of cute lil Bruno fluffs because I love my lil baby rat man<3 I know nobody asked, but i also added just a little touch of how I feel certain characters would react and help!💚⌛️✨

{Word count: unknown}

{Warnings 🚨: none unless you count tooth rotting fluff.}

Can I Request A Bruno X Pregnant Reader Headcanons ?

First of all I just want to preface this by saying the only person more excited, aside from you and Bruno, about there being a new set of little toes in the house is Alma. 

She probably NEVER thought the day would come that her little Brunito would produce new gift holders for la Familia. 

It probably fills Bruno with mixed emotions to know how excited his mother is, especially knowing her high standards for how she expects her family to run. 

He would NEVER tell Abuela to her face that he doesn’t want his child pressured and burdened by all this gift stuff, but he definitely tells you. He’s very open about it whenever you two are alone. 

He’ll lay his head in your lap, fingers absent mindedly tracing light spirals on your swollen abdomen as the occasional sigh passes his lips. 

You’d reach your hand down to his head, gently swirling one of his curls along your finger watching as he melts into your touch. You don’t have to even ask what’s wrong. 

He’d immediately spill whatever’s mentally siphoning his contentment. I’d imagine by this point he KNOWS he doesn’t get to just hide his emotions from you anymore.

Bruno: “What if the baby gets a gift like mine.” 

Y/N: “Then we’ll love them...and we’ll guide them...and we’ll help them grow.. Everything we’re suppose to as their parent. ” 

Bruno: “Well, yeah duh I know that Vida...but I-I dont know. I just don’t want my kid to have to grow up the way I did...I know mama. If our kid grows up with some cursed useless gift like me, I’m never gonna hear the end of it. I don’t want them to get outcasted for something they don’t have a choice on....” 


It just burned you up, you hated to see the anguish he held. While the two of you always made such strong progress working through the pain and doubts he held onto throughout the years, you still wished you could do more. 

Y/N: “Mi Amor, our baby will always have a place in this family. Right here...with you and me...And if your mama doesn’t like whatever gift is bestowed upon our child when they come of age, she can take it up with me. I will FULLY advocate for our child, no one will make our baby feel like they do not belong in this family.”

His eyes are just hearts as he glances up at you.

It also heats his stomach to see the primal mama bear side of you. He thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world. 

The man is CONSTANTLY asking his sisters for advice. 

As two woman who have given birth 3 times each, he takes their word as gospel. 

Bruno: “What did you always want more than anything when you were pregnant? I mean, you two have had kids before....I just want to make sure she’s comfortable without being a bigger pain than anything she’s going through.” 

Julieta: “Honestly, the only thing I wanted more than anything when I was pregnant was to not be pregnant anymore.”



He’d press his lips together, brows pinching in confusion. He’d ask for something more manageable that he can help with. Back rubs, foot rubs, stuff like that. 

Both of his sisters would 100% give him a laundry list of helpful and NOT helpful things that he could possibly do to help ease you to your due date.

Pepa: “Don’t suffocate her! ¡Por el Amor de Dios!, I hated NOTHING more than when Felix followed me around like I was some fragile helpless thing! I just wanted him to shoo! When you’re that big and that uncomfortable having someone follow you around and worry about your every move day in and day out is NOT helpful.”  

He definitely takes this all to heart, making sure to keep a strong mental list of all the DO NOT’s. The last thing he wants is to make your pregnancy and his presence in it a nuisance.

He’ll happily climb the stairs of the tower as many times as you need throughout your pregnancy to bring you midnight snacks and treats. Anything you want, you’ve got. 

Antonio is EXCITED. 

He asks Bruno everyday when the baby will be here. 

Truly it’s a good test of patience for the man. Repetitive questions are a consistent part of a child’s learning, especially when testing the limits of their parents patience.  

Bruno: “Uh, aha well I don’t ACTUALLY know...we’ll yeah I COULD have a vision but your Tia told me I was to have absolutely no visions about the baby, so sorry kid. When the baby is born they’re born. I promise you’ll know about it, okay?”

 As you approach closer to your due date, the man is a wreck. He composes it fairly well but internally he’s screaming, throwing up, panicking. 

He’s definitely scared to be a dad. What if this kid doesn’t like him? What if he’s not good with kids? What if he’s not a good parent? What if he doesn’t love his that something that happens? Can he hate his kid? 

He would not bother you with these thoughts though, he’d confide them in someone else. Agustin or Felix. 

Bruno: “Anything I should be doing right now?....I’m just...I-....What if when this kid is born, I don’t like them and they don’t like me.....What if I’m bad at this whole being a dad thing. I think I want to throw up.” 

They give him the pep talk of a lifetime. From two amazing fathers, to one amazing father to be, they know exactly what he needs to hear. 

Agustin: “It’s scary at first, you have this little human looking up at you and they’re so helpless and defenseless, but the first time you lay your eyes on that baby nothing else in this world is gonna matters. The only thing you’ll be able to think about is them. And your wife of course.”  

Felix: “is’ true. The first time I ever held Delores I thought, there is nothing more gorgeous. She blew the breath right outta me. Bring yourself some tissues, your going to cry mi Hombrecito.”

The day you give birth he’s a wreck. Pacing back and forth outside of his door, fingers winding and twisting his ruana as he waits for the door to pop open.

If I’m being entirely honest, while you would have wanted him there, both Pepa and Julieta strongly advised against it. 

He’s definitely a little squeamish and I feel is the type of dad to pass out in the middle of delivery. 

While it breaks your heart to think you’d have to go through this alone without your husband, you know he’s leaving you in two very capable hands. 

When the door finally opens, Casita wastes no time bringing the man straight to the top of the tower. The tiles clatter and clink as they warp him to your side in what felt like no time at all. 

His heart thuds ferociously against his ear as the sight of you with a tightly wrapped baby pans into his vision. Those gorgeous green eyes of his widen and glisten as he watches the way the small baby lays so peacefully nuzzled against your chest. The bottom of his foot would rub against the top of his toe as he glances between both you and the baby, his ruana still tightly wound in his hands. 

Bruno: “Hi.”

He’d be so flustered and so overwhelmed he wouldn’t know what to say. 

Felix is 100% right. Tears are all over the mans face just LOOKING at the baby.

Casita would nudge Bruno's body forward until he’s next to the bedside. 

You’d give him a weak tired smile, gently holding the baby forward for him to take, his hands hesitative as they remain in their wound place. 

Y/N: “It’s okay mi Amor. You’ve waited 9 months for this moment, you’re ready. Come meet our baby.” 

His hands would out stretch and you’d lay the baby right against his chest, positioning Bruno’s arms to insure he holds and supports the baby properly. 

Overwhelmed is an understatement to say the least. 

His brain is in a whirl wind as he watches the baby whimper and worm in his arms, their little mouth popping open as they give a yawn. 

How could he think he’d ever hate this baby. 

Tears pour down his face, and you cant help the way your own tears dribble. You extend your hand out craddling his cheek as your thumbs brush the water from his face. 

Bruno: “I will never let anything in this world hurt you. I love you...Both of you” 

He’d glance down at you, just pressing a small kiss to your forehead.

He holds the baby for as long as he can until eventually he has to pass them back to you. His eyes don’t leave the two of you the minute the baby is out of his hands.

He was mush, putty in your hands. Both of you. 

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3 years ago

Writing for fandoms I'm in? Nah bro, adding new fandoms to write for is the way <3

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