
we ain’t angry at you, loveyou’re the greatest thing we’ve lost

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Rosaaeles - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

maybe you should be honest with your friends and reveal this to all of them, it'll certainly help with the stress, and it could potentially be a chance for all of you to get closer, like one of them might have gone through similar things and you guys could be there for each other, but idk if you have a close bond with your friends so don't listen to this if not.

this is true!!! i’m sure we’ve all felt fomo at different times because it’s five of us and we’ve hung out in smaller groups before when some of us are busy etc, they’re so lovely and understanding so i think they would get it

i don’t want them to feel like they can’t talk about fringe around me just because i won’t get it, but i am also worried at the same time that i won’t get it haha

you’re right though, it can be easily fixed by talking to them about it! thank you for taking the time to write this, anon! your advice is very appreciated <3

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6 months ago

the sound of moving water is the best thing in the world. rain falling, waves crashing, fountains tinkling, streams gurgling, a lake lapping, cascades crashing, springs's all so beautiful.

6 months ago
Don't Need To Be Loved By You

don't need to be loved by you

7 months ago

My unpopular opinion is that Peeta as a father would never have “issues” breaking the cycle of violence because he simply wouldn’t do anything remotely close to that. He wouldn’t yell. He wouldn’t lift a hand. He wouldn’t be mean. He’d just take a deep breath and look at his children’s eyes, realize how much he loves them and how grateful he is to have this life with Katniss, he’d just discuss things calmly and show them what they can and can’t do.

He would never allow any of the shadows of his abusive childhood to creep on his current life. He just wouldn’t.

7 months ago
Just A Dad And His Toastbaby

Just a dad and his toastbaby 💚

I think Peeta wears glasses in the future, and I love it!

I don’t know what to say, he is so in love with his baby girl.

7 months ago

Tell me about your Little Mermaid AU!

omg anon! what a lovely question to receive 😁😁

my little mermaid AU is an odesta centric fic that follows the story of the little mermaid! i’m taking a lot of inspiration from the original tale but also from other iterations like the disney live action version and just general mermaid lore!! annie is the mermaid and finnick is the prince and other thg characters will play important roles in the story too ;) it’ll be the first multi chapter fic ive written and it’s starting to get kinda long but i don’t want to say a set number of chapters yet incase i go under or over!! i’m planning on finishing it all before posting because that way i can post updates regularly!

i’m nowhere near close to finishing it because i don’t write in chronological order so there are scenes which take place in the middle of the fic that are fleshed out and others that should be at the start that i haven’t written yet, but i have written a comprehensive plan of everything that should happen in each chapter!!!!

i’m really really excited to keep writing it :) the little mermaid has always been my favourite fairytale and i had a mermaid hyperfixation when i was younger so i’m really loving letting that all show through this!

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7 months ago
7 months ago

“But his arms are there to comfort me”.

But His Arms Are There To Comfort Me.
7 months ago

tw grief

grief is so weird. i went to my great grandma’s house today for the second time since she passed and at first it just felt so empty. but then i went into her part of the house and notices that there is a framed picture of the two of us together still on the shelf. she put it there when i was little and whenever i visited, she’d make a point of reminding me that she didn’t forget about me even though i lived in a different country unlike all my other cousins.

later i went to sit in the garden and a warm breeze pushed the shutters to the back doors of her side of the house gently open and it was so weird because im not religious at all or particularly spiritual but maybe that was her saying hello? i don’t know, it sounds so silly when i say it haha

it’s weird usually to see places previously filled with life so empty. it’s like the house doesn’t know what to do with itself without her in it. but i did feel her today, i really think i did. she’s in the wind and the leaves and the sun. i miss her every day. i hope she’s somewhere warm.

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7 months ago

whenever i feel writers block coming on i open up pinterest, add a few pictures to my wip boards, and am magically healed

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7 months ago
Havana Rose Liu As Annie Cresta I Would Lay Down My Life For You
Havana Rose Liu As Annie Cresta I Would Lay Down My Life For You
Havana Rose Liu As Annie Cresta I Would Lay Down My Life For You
Havana Rose Liu As Annie Cresta I Would Lay Down My Life For You

havana rose liu as annie cresta i would lay down my life for you

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7 months ago

currently dealing with the awful crippling fear that everyone i’ve ever known actually despises me ❤️

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7 months ago



This is literally Annie Cresta by the way

This Is Literally Annie Cresta By The Way
This Is Literally Annie Cresta By The Way
This Is Literally Annie Cresta By The Way

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7 months ago

what a shame doctors don’t prescribe vacation to secluded seaside towns like they used to

7 months ago

PSA to say that it fits and all is well

just bought a denim mini skirt at the market for 3€, if it doesn’t fit it might just be my last straw

7 months ago

just bought a denim mini skirt at the market for 3€, if it doesn’t fit it might just be my last straw

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7 months ago

every august without fail is like i will give you some of the most beautiful golden summer moments of your life but also you will be thinking about childhood and loss constantly. it will always be either 5pm or 2am

7 months ago
7 months ago

hello lovely girl!! i hope the world’s been treating u kindly recently <3 i’m thinking of u lots !!

hey vidia thank you babe, i love you so much :’)

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7 months ago

hey, you don't have to answer, but i just wanted to tell you that i hope you feel better soon and the worries you've expressed strangely comforted me because i'm also going through a tough time and knowing somewhere out there someone is also struggling, idk it just comforts me, but i have hope that we'll both get through our issues, you deserve the world!!

hey anon, thank you for taking the time to write this. i really hope that you feel better soon too and that things start looking up! i’m sending you all the best vibes possible!

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7 months ago

realising that i’ve been so out of it and missed so much is making me increasingly worried honestly. i can’t stop thinking about what will happen if i feel like that again during term time. what will i do then? i can’t afford to stop everything and not go to classes or do the work. it’s really scary to think that i could feel like that again at any given point in time.

the depressive episode i went through last month truly had me living under a rock , like what do you mean i was supposed to re enroll into university weeks ago?? what do you mean our timetables already came out?? what do you mean uni has been trying to contact me and i have been awol since basically the start of summer 🥲🥲

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