rrasado - [Indefinite Hiatus] šŸŒ˜
[Indefinite Hiatus] šŸŒ˜

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790 posts

Lemme Just Shamelessly Post My Self Kakegurui Drawing That I Did For A Tiktok-

Lemme just shamelessly post my self kakegurui drawing that I did for a tiktok-

Lemme Just Shamelessly Post My Self Kakegurui Drawing That I Did For A Tiktok-
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More Posts from Rrasado

4 years ago

Thanks for the tag @replicagems šŸ˜….

I'll be real with ya'll my headcanon for my Mc's pact marks is kinda boring.

I actually like to think that the pact marks align themselves diagonally across my Mc's stomach whilst Belphie's and Luci's are more on the back.

So basically if my Mc would wear a swimsuit then she'd flaunt all her pact marks.

(Now that I'm actually looking at it I'm laughing so hard cuz Beel's pact mark is directly in the middle of her stomach which I find amusing-)

Thanks For The Tag @replicagems .

Imma tag @ramablir @sin-cosin-tan @3005jpg and @divinity-study but no pressure guyz only if you wantšŸ˜…šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ.

Pact Marks (Tag Game)

I think pact marks are really cool (and kind of hot but thatā€™s another topic), so letā€™s make a new tag game! Where do you think you/ your OCs/ your MC would have their pact marks? Is there any reasoning or stories behind it?Ā 

Want to play @thelazystrawberryboi , @rrasado, @apassintohell or @a-cup-of-nightshade?Ā Ā ((Iā€™m tagging at the very beginning because this got long so I put my other characters beneath the cut))((and of course, anyone can play too!)

Here are some blank formats I found if you want to use them, or of course you could find others or draw your own:

Pact Marks (Tag Game)
Pact Marks (Tag Game)

((If you donā€™t want to read all of it, my favorite marks are Carmafe (Mammon and Beel), Danny (Satan and Asmo), and Alice (Mammon and Belphie) ))


Pact Marks (Tag Game)
Pact Marks (Tag Game)

Lucifer (Lower back): There are multiple reasons for this placement, the biggest one being that his hand is always there when he guides her around Diavoloā€™s parties as a proper representative for the Human realm. The title may have started as a panickedĀ ā€˜jokeā€™ but sheā€™d taken it seriously every day there after. For a while, it was their secret, but he loved every event where sheā€™d wear a dress with theĀ  back cut low enough to show off his mark. Not even as possessiveness, but more of a mutual flex?Ā 

Mammon (Left side of the waist):Ā While he originally wanted to place it on her neck, he hesitated, wanting something more US than HIM. It ended up on her waist because he always wraps his arm around her waist, always trying to pull her closer to grabbing to pull her away from danger becauseĀ ā€œPLEASE LEARN TO PICK YOUR BATTLES. THATS TOO MANY PUT SOME BACKā€

Levi (Back of left ankle): He didnā€™t mean to put it there and was hella embarrassed when he saw it. Levi said he didnā€™t care where it ended up but her ankle seemed weirdly intimate! He figures it showed up there because thatā€™s where his tail had wrapped around, and cut Carmafeā€™s leg once when he lost control of his anger. While he hated that memory, he couldnā€™t help but admire that his mark looked pretty cool on her ankle, like an actual tattoo.Ā 

Satan (Left upper thigh): He didnā€™t mean much by this placement, it came naturally. Whenever theyā€™d read together, sometimes heā€™d put his hand here pull her closer so they could read better. He couldnā€™t help but admire when she wore dresses with slits, allowing his mark to peak through and it seemed to enhance her appeal.

Asmo (LOW on the right hip, right on the hip joint): Asmo has a surprisingly hard time getting Carmafe to blush or get flustered. She seemed to be indifferent to all of his advances, suggestions and jokes and while he was intrigued and kind of happy she didnā€™t flirt back, he wanted at least ONE thing that could embarrass her. He found this spot when heā€™d pulled her closer once, hands lower than he meant them to be. She was such a blushing, stuttering mess, heā€™d give anything to see that again. And he did! When she figured out where the mark was she had a permanent blush and couldnā€™tĀ speak for an entire week.

Beel (Tongue): This caught EVERYONE by surprise. Carmafe couldnā€™t feel the mark immediately after making the pact, and was a bit weirded out later when she couldnā€™t see it in the mirror. She knew the pact marks were optional, so she figured he must not have wanted one. It was about a week later, she was talking with Levi at dinner when Mammon started choking on his food. When Mammon managed to not die, his face was bright red and he could only gesture to her mouth. She used her wine glass to look at her reflection, getting redder than Mammonā€™s when she realized where the mark was, (Levi actually screamed). She could only turn to Beel gesture to her own mouth in dismay. Beel only smirked, shrugging before turning his attention back to his dinner.

Belphie (Inside of left thigh): Again, it just sort of happened. Carmafe was often too busy with assignments or researchingĀ something to nap with Belphie, so they fell into a pattern of her sitting still on the bed or couch with him sleeping on her lap, and viola, pact mark.


Pact Marks (Tag Game)
Pact Marks (Tag Game)

Lucifer (Back of her neck): This one almost started a fight. Lucifer had developed a habit of yanking the back of Dannyā€™s shirts to stop any outburst, and this made her think he was using it as a visual collar on her. He had to explain that, no, it was more of a reminder to everyone that, even if she beat the shit out of them, theyā€™d also have to deal with him as well.

Mammon (Left shoulder): Danny had introduced Mammon to theĀ ā€˜gameā€™ punch buggy when they were in the human realm, mostly as an excuse to get to punch Satan and Lucifer a bit, and they came up with a similar version for the Devildom. Itā€™s their thing.

Levi (Back of the right hand): Levi would normally not be this bold, but Danny was secretly a weeb and theyā€™d bonded over fairy tail. Dannyā€™s favorite character was Lucy and theyā€™d give each other the fairy tail hand sign as silent support at parties or in class, of course itā€™d end up here.

Satan (Midcalf, left leg): Satan and Danny often went on hikes throughĀ the western forestĀ together, and heā€™d had to bandage her leg after a particularly nasty fall (ā€The rock looked stable okay? Iā€™m FINE!ā€), teasing her as he carried her back home to make sure she was okay. His mark ended up partially covering the scar from that fall, but if anything it made it more distinctive and separating it from his brothers. He had no objections when she started wearing shorts more often on their hikes after making the pact.

Asmo (Back of right ankle):Ā ā€œMy ankle?? Huh, thatā€™s pretty cool. Any particular reason?ā€Ā ā€œ I want to be able to kiss my mark when I put your leg on my shoulder and-ā€ Asmo laughs, unable to finish his sentence as he dances out of Dannyā€™s half hearted attempts to hit him, her face bright red.

Beel (Midback): HELL YEAH THAT LOOKS SO COOL! Theyā€™re workout buddies and she usually wears some sports bra + training jacket when she works out. It looks particularly badass when sheā€™s lifting weights that even some other demons canā€™t handle.

Belphie (Behind her left ear): This one was a bit weird to both of them, he had decided to let it show up where it may. Danny didnā€™t even notice it until she took off her headband later that night. She wondered about it only for a moment, before remembering all the times Belphie wouldĀ  insist on cuddling her and talk/whine between naps, always whispering in her ear in case she wanted to fall asleep first.


Pact Marks (Tag Game)
Pact Marks (Tag Game)

Lucifer (Back of her right hand): A simple gesture, but it meant the world. He doesnā€™t know when he started kissing the back of her hand to say goodbye/goodnight, but it became much more frequent once she had his mark.

Mammon (Upper back, right between her shoulder blades): This one was the most intimate, but in a different sense. Alice was only 3 months in to her stay in the Devildom when she brought up to Mammon that what his family said to him wasnā€™t normal or okay. He tried to laugh it off, but when she kept pushing, he snapped, yelling at her to mind her own business. Alice got up to leave, but didnā€™t make it three steps before Mammon grabbed her shoulders, putting his forehead on her back.Ā ā€œWait, noā€¦ā€ His voice was cracking, already thick with regret and tears,Ā ā€œplease donā€™t go.ā€ This was the first of many serious talks sheā€™d have with him, but Mammon never wanted her to see him cry. So sheā€™d turn around, and heā€™d hug her from behind, crying into her back.

Levi (Left palm): This was the first place he thought of, but he couldnā€™t believe it when it actually showed up! He always joked about wanting a genuine high five like Henry and the lord of shadows. Alice was HIS Henry and he loved getting a high five after they won another round in a video game or managed to pull a good prank. He had the weirdest urge to kiss her palm after he saw his mark, but heā€™d be too scared to ask.

Satan (Behind left thigh, midway up): Satan chose this spot because he knew Alice liked to wear shorts and skirts often. It may have made her blush at first, but he had another intention. It was a warning to any demon that would even think of laying a hand on her; they must be prepared to face the Avatar of Wrath himself.

Asmo (Right side of her waist): Another warning, Asmo knows Alice clothes could be a little short, especially since she jumps around and constantly tries to grab things SPECIFICALLY because theyā€™re out of her reach. A reminder to the older and particularly creepy demons in the Devildom that Alice was under the protection of the demon lords of hell, and that this one in particular could ruin them socially and financially before finally killing them.

Beel (Upper left arm): Heā€™s an honest to goodness protector to Alice, so heā€™s always pulling her into hugs. But once Beel realized she wasnā€™t exactly the ā€œcandy, peace, and love!ā€ girl he thought she was, his hand ended up on arm, more often than not, to pull her away from a particularly reactive alchemy reactions, from diving head first off the balcony to get down stairs faster, and so much more.

Belphie (Crook of her neck, to the left): LMAO when I tell you this one was CONTROVERSIALĀ AS HELL! At first, everyone, even Belphie, assumed that the mark was there because he always laid his head on her neck when he hugged her or fell asleep with her. Alice never disagreed. It was Mammon who was glaring particularly hard at that mark one day to realize why else it was there. He jumped up from his spot on the couch, drawing everyoneā€™s attention away from the movie. He looked livid, tripping over his own words as he pointed at her neck.Ā ā€œThat-! Neck-! Belphegor!!ā€ He finally made a strangling motion, and everyone realised what he was trying to say The mark was exactly where one of Belphieā€™s hands had been when he strangled her, the other Alice, to death, theyā€™d all seen the bruises on the corpse.Ā ā€œDID YOU KNOW!?ā€ Alice just took a long sip of her soda and kept looking at the movie, ignoring the way the back of her neck started to sweat.

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4 years ago

! ā€¢ UPDATE ā€¢ !

Courtesy of my little brother who wanted me to do the other two cards, I now have in my possesion three different types of devilpoint cards.


(RIP the two Uno cards I used, your sacrifice won't be in vain-)

Quarantine Has Me Doing Stuff, Obey Me! SWD Has Me Hooked, Combine The Two And Voila I Made The Devil
Quarantine Has Me Doing Stuff, Obey Me! SWD Has Me Hooked, Combine The Two And Voila I Made The Devil
Quarantine Has Me Doing Stuff, Obey Me! SWD Has Me Hooked, Combine The Two And Voila I Made The Devil

Quarantine has me doing stuff, Obey me! SWD has me hooked, combine the two and voila I made the devil point card.

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4 years ago

Mammon: I do I do I do I do~

Brothers: He~ey!

Mammon : Ohhh~ I do I do I do I do~

Mammon : Boy you got me heLPLESS-

Solomon: If you could marry a brother, youā€™re rich son

MC: Is it a question of if, sir, or which oneā€“

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4 years ago

To all my fellow Hetalians who also play Obey Me! (Or genuinely anyone who knows of Hetalia and the avid otome game-)

What if Mc was a Nation.(Like the gunuine personification of their country)

And they kept it secret from the brothers.

Said brothers only found out when they were strolling through the Human realm CENTURIES after Mc left the Devildom, only to bump into them and just thinking.

"Why aren't you dEAD!?!"

Lowkey imagine the chaos that ensues when the brothers find out that they're not the only immortal beings who roam the three realms just sayin-

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4 years ago


*The brothers waiting for me at the cafetiria expecting me to show up in a wedding dress for monday of spirit week*: where's MC?

*Me bursting through the cafetiria doors in a tuxedo 'caus Majolish ran out of wedding dresses*: 'sup!

*The Brothers Waiting For Me At The Cafetiria Expecting Me To Show Up In A Wedding Dress For Monday Of

Lowkey think about it tho, like do you know how many RAD students are gonna storm Majolish for wedding atire-

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