sameerkankali - Sameer Kankali Ⓥ ☮
Sameer Kankali Ⓥ ☮

#Activist #HumanRights #AnimalRights #Veggie #ClimateChange #Books #Tech #Poker #Chess

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Sameerkankali - Sameer Kankali Ⓥ ☮

For 1 million students in Nepal, disaster put school on hold indefinitely. This NGO is helping them bridge the gap. #ProjectLiteracy
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9 years ago
Hedge funds tell Puerto Rico: lay off teachers and close schools to pay us back
Report commissioned by 34 hedge funds says government had been ‘massively overspending on education’ despite spending only 79% of US average per pupil

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9 years ago
Courage Demonstrated By Villagers In Indias Mahan Forest Is Helping To Protect The Forest From Devastating

Courage demonstrated by villagers in India’s Mahan forest is helping to protect the forest from devastating coal mine development.

The Mahan forest provides a livelihood to more 50,000 villagers from 54 villages. For several years, the forest has been threatened by a coal mine proposed by the Mahan Coal Ltd. Community members from several villages in India’s Mahan forest banded together as the Mahan Sangharsh Samiti (MSS) in a series of protests that put them between mine developers and the trees.

Villagers prevented officials from marking the trees as boundaries to their new coal mining project. Perhaps surprising company and government officials, villagers asserted their right to protect the Mahan under the Forest Rights Act. Local resistance grew with more and more protests and rallies that placed members of the MSS between coal mining officials and the trees.

Courage Demonstrated By Villagers In Indias Mahan Forest Is Helping To Protect The Forest From Devastating

In 2014, members of MSS found themselves celebrating. The Mahan forest was deemed off limits to coal mining at the recommendation of the Indian Environment Ministry,

“The government has finally accepted that this forest, which gives thousands of us so much, must not be destroyed for the profit of a few. We will continue to fight for the recognition of our community rights over the forest, so that we never again face such a threat to our livelihoods. This is not the end of our struggle; it is the start of a new phase,” said a member of MSS.

The fight to protect the forest continues on as on only parts of the Mahan forest were protected.

Read more about the Mahan forest and the communities that are fighting to protect it.

Photos by Greenpeace. 

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9 years ago
Dont Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise!

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

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9 years ago
The world's loneliest elephant has been kept alone in concrete jungle since 1977
Mali has not felt grass under her feet or had contact with another ­elephant for nearly 40 years

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