Myth - Tumblr Posts

Sfânta Miercuri, generous widow, protector of animals and travellers and godmother to the sun.
Of Mirercuri(Wednesday) Romanian traditions tell us that she is a very old lady who became a widow very early in life and thus spent most of her time appart from human society, caring for the wilds and teaching animals how to survive. She is said to be guide to travellers especially if they are treading wild paths. She is one of the frequent presences in fairy tales, always in a helper role, calling on her animal companions to aid the hero and possesing a treasure trove of magical artefacts(golden apples, a distaff and spindle that spin gold on their own, brushes that when thrown over the shoulder turn into forests) that she is very generous with. Miercuri is also the day the Sun was born and it is said that no matter the weather he always shows his face for at least a second for his godmother.

Sfânta Joi, lady of marrying opposites.
Half woman, half man; with a foot in winter and one in summer, both a protector and harsh punisher, patron of spinning, weaving and needlework who forbids those activities on her holliest days, Joi(Thursday) ties together the week and most likely, given how many important Thursdays without christian connections are in the traditional calendar, used to be the queen of the week. The middle of the week carried a lot of power in the old days, being associated with the full power of the Sun. With the rise of Christianity that power was divided between Joi and Duminică(Sunday), the latter gaining the positive gentle light and fertile warmth, and Joi keeping the scorching heat. Still, there was no full usurpation; the two ladies share the center of the sky for a home and Joi still presides over the transition between seasons and remains the luckiest day of the week when it's great to be born, get engagged and married. Usually it is a day free to any kind of labor, exept in the transition period between winter and summer and vice versa, when it is forbbiden to spin thread, weave or sow on Thursday. On the Thursday before Easter, it is said that Joimărița visits every household to inspect the hardwork, skill and creativity of women, burning the fingers of those who have not finished spinning last year's flax and leaving gifts for those who finished their work, the prettier their new clothes they made the more luck they'll have over the year.
Harpy Biology
Okay, from a biological stand point the mythological creature known as the harpy, do not or would not have the mammary glands associated with milk producing mammals. Its possible that what we call boobs on them, are a form of crop pouch that is located in the neck of some birds. Now considering harpies are often depicted as a weird mammal, avian hybrid its possible that what we call breast are actually crop stores and similar to milk producing mammals they use these to feed their young.
Now the real question is considering both male and female birds can give crop milk would male harpies also be able to give crop milk in a similar way?

The Tale of the First Witch

One of the earliest linocuts I made, big bulky line work.

Drawn for a secret Santa exchange this is for all my Latvians out there, the marriage of Lāčplēsis and Laimadot as afficiated by Ziemeļmeita based in the 1980s rock opera.
They always say that tumblr is a place for specific niches

I am forever cursed to like things that nobody has made a fandom for, RIP all my passions wasted , anyway here's Ziemeļmeita telling Lāčplēsis to man the fuck up from the 1980s Lāčplēsis rock opera

Good mythical morning

Sinking mirror... Kisses... Melting lipstick Ofelia and Narcissus (2018) sophia D. S. wright Composition on #ipadpro Made with #procreate #originalartwork 5050x5050px #art #art🎨 #digitalart #newmediaart #applepencil #artnow #rosemary #ofelia #narcissus #meltedlipstick #redlips #dreamy #fairylike #shamanicart #myth #mywordsmythoughts #symbolicart #prettyexpressionism #sophiadswright

Medusa once was beautiful… Remember this Dragonflies Don’t Lie (2018) sophia D. S. wright Composition on iPadPro Made with Procreate Original 5050x5050px
“Sometimes I think of you, Medusa. Inside your temple, mournful, surrounded by a hundred stone statues. The men who came to kill you and never left were named lost heroes, warriors, demigods whilst you were called monster, gorgon, terror. (Because the stories were always written by men) But this was never a story about a monster. It was always about a woman burned for a Sea God’s sin, a pawn in an ancient game the fates would never let her win. You did not desecrate that which is sacred, it was him. (But your story was always written by men) You begged him not to visit you, you pleaded with every God. But the Gods turned away when you needed them. You did not want to be remembered this way. And then one day, whilst you slept, a son of Zeus came. And killed you before you could even look his way. (And he too was named hero because the stories were always written by men) Someone once said, words cut deeper than a knife. That history is told by the victors. That he who tells the story is the one who controls the world. Women did not get to write your story, Medusa. Because if we did, a very different tale would be told. (And in our tale, you would not be Monster. But Priestess. Goddess. A maiden who once had a heart of gold.)”
— Nikita Gill, Excerpt from Maidens, Myths and Monsters

Apollo and Marsyas from PermaDeath. Thought I’d posted this already, haha.
When You’re A Mythology Nerd
When you’re music appreciation teacher has you listen to ride of the valkyrie and then he asks what a valkyrie is.
You sit in the front row. You know this. You’re apparently the only kid in class who knows this.
You’re teacher keeps talking after looking at you shocked that you know such knowledge.
He then says some wrong knowledge about the valkyrie and you have to sit quietly and cringe internally because you have to keep quiet but the mythology expert inside doesn’t want to be quiet no matter if this person influences you’re grade.
You still stay quiet.
You are an embarrassment the myths you study.

Just a quick painting drabble I did while looking through the way too many palettes I have downloaded from XD Illumi the Light Myth for your viewing pleasure, blending into this color palette like it’s nobody’s business! I’ve been asked before why I only do Illumi in dark color palettes. Well. I really like the way dark blue looks on her?? Technically she absorbs the color of whatever is around her but because I love the feeling that a mysterious dark blue gives her, I tend to gravitate towards those kinds of colors for her. Add a red or maroon accent to her though and mm, something just shines. A little light blue and purplish dark violet and I’ve got myself an Illumi!
...Come to think of it, though, I really haven’t talked about Illumi much here have I? Well, here’s to start with. Illumi is from a co-project called Myth with my friend CC. Basically, a group of people got turned into half-mythical creature beings and have to find a cure. At least, that was the baseline for an RP that started the project years ago. Since then there’s been some changes, and a group of villains that are quite content with turning everyone into Myths so that they can better humanity! ..Something like that anyway. I’m half the project and I still get things wrong. XP Anyways. Uhh, nothing what I said probably just made sense right now. Just take the painting drabble and don’t ask anymore questions! (or ask them if you want to idk don’t let me tell you what to do)
Palette: Angel Hair courtesy of colourpod

Mermay #31 - Illumi as a Mer WOOT! Finished mermay! >8D On time this year, too~ Didn’t have to cram like I did last year XD Yaaay! I had a few days where I got behind, but I managed to stay pretty much on target this month! Hooray!! XD This is a first for me. So here’s Illumi as a mer. Pretty heavily digitalized. The traditional version I only used one color XD The rest was lots and lots of retouching... I think Illumi’s unique blend of colors can really only be achieved digitally, at least with my current skillset. XD With her weird glowy glass stuff everywhere... She’s a challenge to render digitally or not o.O I had to go through a lot of color balancing and photo filters to get what I have now. XD She’s a weird iridescent illuminescent thing... more so as a mer. XD But she’s got the perfect cocky personally to say goodbye to this year’s Mermay with. Phew! What a trip huh? XD
I saw this and wanted to do it as my chars, so… XD

I wasn’t sure if Doc would be the type to plot world domination, but then I thought, with Myths? Oh yeah. XD; Everyone else was an easy fit. XD;
Can you draw the NTs plotting world domination?

ENTJ: *Loudly plots*
ENTP: *Loudly counter-plots*
INTJ: *Sneakily plots*
INTP: *Is asleep*
13, 35, 29, 33, 22, 11, 44, 47
Oh gosh where am I there’s so many questions what’s going on okay UMMM… *after actually reading the questions*
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Troublemakers… Well, there’s Sleepi’s sister Penelope/Obbie (in the middle of a name crisis so all of them kind of have two names. XD; ), who is infamous for her troublemaking, and her older sister Chiffie who is even more infamous for making trouble… Also Daniel from the same story, he’s an annoying knight who can be a bit of a troublemaker, more so when he was younger but still enough now to annoy his superior. XD; On a whole different story note Sh’zkai was a troublemaker when she was little. Advanced beyond mere troublemaking as she grew older, but. XD; And those are all I can think of that sometimes purposefully cause trouble. Anyone else I can think of more accidentally cause trouble… No, scratch that, Ron from Guardians can definitely cause trouble on purpose if he wants to XD; Again he kinda grew out of it later, but especially as a kid…
35. Any sibling characters?
Gosh. Any sibling characters you ask. My stories are filled with siblings. Where do I even begin?? XD; There’s all the sisters of TA, with Sleepi, Angri, and all her other sisters. Sh’zkai and Sz’nami from Aliens, a number of other siblings. Isura and Hiyura the mains of Twin Scars are sisters… In Myth, Illumi and Aqua are sisters… I’d be hard pressed to find a story of mine that doesn’t include siblings! They’re everywhere! Some alive and some not, but I digress. XD;
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Probably Nola. She’s too curious for her own good. XD;
33. Your shyest OC?
That…. would be a particular OC I have yet to introduce publicly from Guardians. I might introduce her initial form when I finish those color asks (haven’t forgotten about you!! just really busy between work and school!!), but until then… that OC will remain the shyest OC I have and no one will know why until waaay later. XD;
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Hmmmm… I think at any given moment people have mischaracterized any number of my major characters, yes. XD; One being another non-publically introduced OC from Aliens, who is often misunderstood because of his development. Though even people who have seen him beyond that point can sometimes misunderstand his actions to be a lot crueler or harsher than this OC is trying to do. XD; Or see this OC as a lot nastier in personality than they actually are. Which… is understandable, but… Then there’s Kenith who is a fan char sorta type of thing for the asker of this post’s story Zenith (for the first time in my life I realize Kenith’s name rhymes with and is almost spelled identically to Zenith my life is a lie), who’s been mischaracterized at least once but then he was also fairly new at the time, so some misunderstandings are understandable. XD; Similar to the first one, his personality came off way worse than I intended, and though he is sort of an ex-antagonist, I guess I didn’t want him to look totally awful… or maybe I did, well, either way, he came off way nastier than intended. XD; Bardwyn from Torn Apart is also often misunderstood, but then I guess I’m the one who really knows him. XD; This one is a little harder to describe, since it was a misunderstanding with the co-writer of TA, CC (offsite). From what I remember, the mischaracterization had to do with how he handled a certain part of the story, but my explaining made it seem like he only had a lot of little flaws, which… maybe he does, but it wasn’t what I was trying to get across at the time I guess. XD; After multiple tries to characterize and re-explain him, that edit meeting did not end well. XDD; Sleepi can also be misunderstood at times. I find my co-writer getting confused sometimes why she acts one way, but then, I think Sleepi used to be a lot more bold and extroverted, so a transition to a slightly more introverted Sleepi as the story goes on can be understandably confusing and cause some issues with mischaracterization. XD; So, those three plus another who I also can’t mention yet are some of the ones that stand out to me as having been mischaracterized before.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Well… Tsuname sort of used to be a sunshine. He still is in my mind. But… now, I think his sunshine is often fake. I think it was genuine at one point, a long time ago, but… Megan from Twin Scars also has a very sunny disposition, though I don’t typically think of her as a sunshine, even though she might be. XD; Haruna is kind of sunny, but maybe not really full on sunshine, I don’t know. She might be perceived that way by others though. XD; Nola from Guardians is definitely a sunshine, though again, I feel like that part of her has been dimmed some from story events. All the same though, there’s a reason I strongly associate her with sunflowers. XD; Ron kinda almost has the exact same thing. He’s generally pretty sunny, in spite of being a snow Guardian, but lately he’s gotten angstier and hasn’t been as sunny… (is it the Washington winter that I now live in??? no XD; ) Oh! Crang is definitely an undefiled sunshine pretty much. From Aliens. XD; Pretty rare for that series. In TA there’s Sleepi’s sister Joy… the very definition of a sunshine. XD; But ummm… I think that’s it for sunshines. Crang and Joy I think are two of the only true sunshines. XD; All the others I can think of are close but don’t fit the bill, or are sunshines with deep shadows. XD; Or dim or whatever metaphor I’m using here haha.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
Uh…. gosh, you mean everyone? That’s way too much ground to cover. XD; Ummm. Gosh um… I might have to do this by story group or char group at least… XD; There’s way too much ground to cover. Ummm… I was thinking about something earlier today. I think over all a lot of my chars tend to have a certain patience that I’ve noticed other people don’t have irl and I’m just like ‘huh I guess that’s a good trait I passed down to some of them.’ Not all of them had it, but it kinda fascinates me to see what kind of things I take for granted as traits that people have that are really actually specific to me, and then I realize almost all my chars have it because I took that trait for granted as something people have. XD; I think almost every char has something about them that I can look at them and go ‘huh that’s like me.’ Whether it’s a physical trait, or preferences that I like, a personality trait, nose shape, build, character’s own preference or likes/dislikes. I also like finding differences that feel quirky or silly to me in some way? Like sometimes a character feels too different and I can’t relate. But sometimes chars go out of their way to be my opposite in some cases and for some reason I find this funny. XD; Like oh wow, I really like this thing but this char HATES it! Wow! XD; Things like that. I guess I like that I have an ability to create a pretty diverse cast across the board. Maybe some are less in some cases but I guess I like looking at my OCs and thinking about the range I have. From weird aliens to Pillsbury doughboy children to humans and among humans there being slice of life, sci-fi, fantasy, all these different genres of chars and stories that come together and I guess I like how they interact sometimes? IT’s just… interesting to me XD; I guess…
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
*stares directly into camera* Um… yes… *looks pointedly at asker of this ask* Many times… Not to say that I haven’t rapid spammed calling MY friends’ OCs my children. XD; Probably where I get it from, but y’know. I think a lot of people I’ve RPed with have claimed my OCs as their children so… yes. XD; It’s become kind of a habit honestly sometimes I have to make a conscious effort not to say child all the time but XD;