Fantasy, gothic and horror illustrator, occasionally makes comics.
867 posts
Inktober - Day 18

Inktober - Day 18
This didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, but never mind. Ink and water can be like that.
If you had the right tools to separate it from him, Nat's shadow would be a powerful (and dangerous) magical artifact in its own right.
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Yusss a fun time was had by all! Even accidentally dying behind the table couldn't stop us.
Please come and see us in Cheltenham if you can! We'll be launching the Autumn issue of What's the Time, Mrs Woolf? as well as bringing the various comics and trinkets you see in these photos.

We had a brilliant time at our first October event! The Bristol Comic and Zine Fair!! Thank you very much to everyone who came by our table for a chat or to buy comics. We hope you enjoyed the free mini comics.
We’ll be doing the same thing next weekend at The University of Gloucestershire’s Small Press Fair. The event will be held in a marquee in the Imperial Square, Cheltenham. The Literature Festival is being held at the time, so there should be more to see than just the fair.
And remember the secret password for free mini comics is ‘Do you have a business card?’
Thanks!! 8D
Thanks, see you there! Sammy Prefer Tumblr? www.inspiredcomics.tumblr.com Prefer Blogger? www.inspiredcomics.blogspot.com

Inktober - Day 14
I remembered why I don't draw Nat very much - he's really, really difficult. But that's no excuse! So here he is again, with a cruciform, which is a slightly questionable artifact to be using.
Nat tries not to use black magic, but it comes very naturally to him.
Yeah! Who's excited for that Goth Anthology?
I am excited for Goth Anthology.

Hello! The photos from the weekend aren’t quite ready yet, so I’ll try and blog about that as soon as I can.
Over the weekend Sarah Fogg and I have also been compiling our new comic anthology!! It’s called Children Of The Night and we sent the files off to the printers today. The books are schedueled to arrive in time to take to London MCM Expo!
Keep following over the next 2 weeks for previews from all the comics in the new anthology!
When they arrive I’ll get them listed on Etsy.
Prefer Tumblr? www.inspiredcomics.tumblr.com
Prefer Blogger? www.inspiredcomics.blogspot.com

Inktober - Day 9
I doodled up an autumnal witch while chatting to my sister on Skype.