Black Magic - Tumblr Posts
All is lost and love is tragic, cast a spell it's called black magic
Little Mix
They ATE this cover of “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac!!! 🙌🏿

Inktober - Day 14
I remembered why I don't draw Nat very much - he's really, really difficult. But that's no excuse! So here he is again, with a cruciform, which is a slightly questionable artifact to be using.
Nat tries not to use black magic, but it comes very naturally to him.

Inktober - Day 18
This didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, but never mind. Ink and water can be like that.
If you had the right tools to separate it from him, Nat's shadow would be a powerful (and dangerous) magical artifact in its own right.

Inktober 2015 - Day 23 : mapping pen He’s a lovely and responsible brother, but magically speaking Nat may be a bad influence. This is probably the first one I just doodled up without a plan this year. I even changed my mind about how to ink it halfway through (originally it was going to have spot colour). That’s probably why I can’t tell if I like it or not. Nat’s nice and on-model though, that’s unusual.
Ajjskskdksk bro ily

If I remember correctly, this one is half colored already, but I forgot it at granny's, so unfortunately it'll stay like that until next year.
send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
We're getting kinda close to October so a little upsetting remember - if you have a black cat keep them inside on and around halloween
The reason is pretty bad and kinda gory so I put it under the cut
Since black cats are associated with evil and witches, people will kill them, abuse them and/or perform rituals on them in October
Some people have kidnapped cats and killed them, or tied fireworks to them, some people have done rituals and 'sacrificed' them
Most pet shops/animal rescues won't let people adopt cats around halloween because of the sick things people do to them (and because the ones that live usually get sent back right after halloween)
It's sick and so wrong, I keep my cat in for most of the month because I don't want him in danger and I should not have to do that. So protect your cats, don't be a dick and happy halloween
Just a Little Bit of Magic
Song🐣🎵- Black Magic (Inspiration)
Artist🤸♂️🎤- Little Mix
Warnings 🥵 ⛔- Fluff
Prompt🥺🔥- N/A
Ship😳💍- Saiki Kusou x Witch reader
Any extra Information📃- Saiki speaking out loud- Example
Saiki speaking telepathically- Example
Saiki speaking just to Y/N telepathically- Example
Y/N’s speaking to Saiki telepathically- Example
Y/N’s thoughts- Example
~~~ First Person POV ~~~
Y/N is a witch, who attends PK Academy. Her parents disappeared when she was 13, so she has been maintaining life on her own. She owns a 'small' business near a Cafe. Though her magic was real, she was very cautious with what she gave humans. They were known to do foolish things will her potions, and this is how she met Saiki Kusou.
~~~ Second Person POV ~~~
You were young and had hope in humanity, until you (technically) caused an outbreak of fake love potions because someone couldn't keep their mouth shut. There were people forcing their crush to fall in love with them, 3 people literally were put in the hospital because someone used the potion incorrectly. This made life VERY inconvenient for Saiki, so he took the world back in time 4 months, before you even finished making the potion. This was the first day you met, he randomly appeared in your apartment as you were making the successful prototype of the love potion. He told you everything, reluctantly of course… this started a bond. Everyday Saiki would come to your lab, he said that he was making sure you didn’t ruin the world again. He would help you with potions and gathering materials, the two of you have been working together. You sell your potions and he insures that you don’t mess it up. It was perfect, you made enough money to keep your house and you bought him coffee jelly every day after work for helping. This turned into a regular thing even when you weren't working, growing closer... until the two of you gave into the romantic tension and started dating. It was smooth, you were both still in middle school but mature enough that your relationship seemed like you had been dating for years. You were both very reserved people, so you didn't have much PDA, only when you or Saiki would get jealous. You were gorgeous to say the least, so reading the minds of the men around you was a walking book of derogatives. To make matters worse, you were polite and oblivious, this didn't help when you accidentally spilled a potion on him. His powers wouldn't work on for 2 months. During this time you couldn’t help but notice the amount of girls swooning over him… since he was acting different, this honestly pissed you off. You were something else when you were jealous.
Everything had been fine, until you entered your second year of high school.... It introduced you to what you and Saiki like to call a full house.
~~~ Third Person POV ~~~
Y/N had three... Kaido, Toritsuka and Kuboyasu. Saiki had two... Teruhashi and Yumehara. This went on for years, or well… What Saiki and Y/N knew as years. It had been 4 years since the love potion outbreak, 9 if you include the multiple times Saiki had to reset the world. To be frank, she missed playing cupid, it made her happy seeing people fall in love. Saiki had 200 reasons to refute the idea, 99 of them were Teruhashi, 51 was Yumehara, the last 50 was the boys crushing on Y/N, but he loved seeing his girlfriend happy.... so to the lab they went.
There were 3 obvious flaws in her potion, 1. Misuse of her product. Too much would create a yandere, and this was not going to work. 2. You can't force people to love you, that's wrong.... and kinda illegal. And finally, 3. The creation of FAKE more expensive options.
If they could solve these three problems then she could sell love potions again. The last one was actually easy, seeing as Y/N is dating the most powerful being on the planet. As he did when he changed the DNA of all humanity, Saiki put it in everyone's mind that creating love potions would be a waste of time and resources. That checked number 3 off the list. Number 1 was actually easy as well, if she sold the potion in perfect percentages then there would be nothing to worry about, also she can place an invisible bar code on anyone that bought one... to insure no one buys too much. That checked number 1 off the list. Now to the hard part, number 2, Saiki couldn't show everyone who loved them, that would ruin the point AND break up a LOT of marriages. Then it clicked.... just change the potion recipe. As Y/N flipped through her spell book, she came across one called "love enhancer" it had the same effect as a love potion, except it only worked on those who already love/romantically like the person who ingests it.
The potion was very simple, when the mix is ingested you have 1 minute for the effects to kick in. If they are in love with the first person they look at then they will fall even deeper in love. If they aren’t in love then the potion will leave slight hormonal residue, though it is unrecognizable for normal humans.
Yet, there was one small problem with the potion. Because of Saiki’s powers it effected him differently, his powers forced him to fall in love with anyone he looked at. Though, Y/N genuinely left it alone because what are the odds that Saiki would actually drink it were 0 to none.
Like that, love potions were back on the menu. And Kaido, Toritsuka, Kuboyasu, Teruhashi and Yumehara all wanted a taste. The 5 all came to Y/N on different occasions. Looking for a love potion. It was the hot topic at PK Academy. The first to arrive was Toritsuka, Blatantly telling Y/N the potion was for her. It did not take long for Saiki to kick him out, literally. Kaido came the next day, wanted one for Y/N as well... though he didn't know he was talking to her. When Y/N told him that it would only work if she already liked him, he said the potion was because "I can't let dark reunion get their hands on this." Y/N felt bad that the boy had no faith in his abilities (he didn't stand a chance... but still. Have a little bit of faith), but she still sold it to him. Y/N was completely shocked the next day when Kuboyasu came in, he was blushing heavily like he was doing something dirty. "Let me guess, love potion." Y/N broke the silence, laughing to herself about his actions. He shook his head slightly before taking a seat, "Here. I know it's for Y/N L/N." His eyes widen at her response, but he thanked her nonetheless. Before selling him the product, she told him the rules, and he left accepting the terms. Everything was normal, until she saw Yumehara and Teruhashi in the same day. Each one there for a love potion, she wasn't oblivious, so she knew they were all for Saiki. Though, what they didn't know. Is that he was already taken, and he was well aware of all of their plans.
~~~ First Person POV ~~~
Yumehara made 5 different attempts to get Kusou to drink the potion. The both of us knew it wouldn’t work but we were also aware that the potion messes with a persons hormones. That is the last thing Kusou needs, the last time that happened… let’s just say he almost killed 3 different boys for simply talking to me, one was Toritsuka. That was a long night, apparently his mom accidentally gave him a testosterone booster. That just leads us to where we are today, choosing to stay inside instead of going out because our friends have a way of finding us no matter where we go.
Kusou and I had been cuddling for the past 2 hours, it was Sunday and I was on the last day of my period. Though, we would have cuddled even if I wasn’t. As we did normally, we were both silent, no music… no movie… no parents. Kusou had come over to my place to take care of me, that was 4 hours ago. As I laid on his chest my mind started to wonder.
I really missed selling love potions, sometimes people would come back telling me that it worked and thanking me. And then you had the skeptics, the ones that buy it hoping that it would work but it fails because well….. they didn’t love them back. Sometimes people just don’t wanna listen…. Speaking of people not wanting to listen. Teruhashi… and Yumehara I guess but she’s just a hopeless romantic. I’m genuinely curious what Kusou did to make them think he liked them. Yumehara moves on too quickly, so I’m not even worried about her. Teruhashi is the problem… she has to be fake, no-one is THAT perfect, I have to have a mind reading spell somewhere in that book. She’s so annoying, god, I’m really tired of Teruhashi. I just wonder what it would be like if we revealed our relationship… be open about my feelings.
“Me too.” His smooth voice caught me off guard, it wasn’t the first time I heard it. I mean I’m the only person he lets hear it after I said I liked how his voice sounds. But, it still amazes me. “Which part, Teruhashi or the relationship?” I looked up to him, resting my chin on his chest, his eyes were still closed, this was because he had taken his glasses off. “Both” I could see the smirk form on his face, this made me shake my head and sit up slightly. “And you just thought of something. So spill.” His eyelids lifted slightly, revealing his piercing violet eyes. His petrification (for reasons unknown to the both of us) has never worked on me. But I do know that he is terrified that one day, it will start working. The slight smirk on his face only seemed to grow, “You got anymore potions?”
The Next Day
It was now lunch and Kusou has yet to tell me what his idea was. “Still not going to” I rolled my eyes when his voice popped into my head. And I pestered, believe I pestered in the best way I know how. And, I’mma be honest… this idea is scaring me, he volunteered to sit with the full house…. Is my boyfriend crazy? “No, your boyfriend is a simp.” Yet again Kusou invaded my thoughts, this time he only confused me more. “Get outta my sandwich”
“……No” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud, pulling everyone’s attention to me. The girls were looking at me like I was crazy, the boys just looked curious as to why I was laughing. “I- um… was just…” I have no clue how I’m gonna get outta this one. “Has anyone bought one of those love potions from the new psychic place? It’s called Black Magic.” Literally everyone but Kusou and Nendo raised their hand. Why did I raise my hand, I don’t know… I mean I make them for god’s sake. I thought that maybe, just maybe everyone would be drawn to the fact that Teruhashi raised hers, but no such luck. “What? L/N you?” Kaido’s outburst made me blush… I almost blanked. “Yeah, well I was curious to see if it worked but I didn’t have anyone to try it on.” It must have been a good lie because all three boys started volunteering. “What about the rest of you? Did you have someone in mind when you bought it?” Literally my best decision in changing the subject, I do NOT need to have that conversation. In that moment, everyone got really silent… seeing as the reason they had bought it was sitting at the same table. “It’s supposed to smell like what the person likes the most, why don’t you test it Saiki?” Of course Teruhashi opened her perfectly big mouth. Good grief, did I literally just say that…. God he is wearing off on me. Anyway, I literally told her once the person smells it, they won’t be able to not drink it. That would have actually been smart. At least it’s Saiki, so like he won’t fall for it of course. “Sure.” I swear my eyes almost popped out of my head from my boyfriends answer. That was until his eyes shifted to me, he looked down at my pockets. It genuinely confused me until I heard the girls struggling to find their potions. He’s sneaky, and I love it.
I pulled one of my potions from my pocket and place it on the table. “You can smell mine.” I could feel the death glares from the other side of the table, dang if looks could kill. I watched as he casually picked up the bottle, and my anxiety spiked. “You don’t have to smell it. Just pretend” I know he heard me, yet he didn’t answer, simply looked at me before bringing the bottle to his nose. Time seemed to move in slow motion as he took a whiff. “Smells like… strawberries and magic.” His words brought me right back to reality. I expected him to say Coffee jelly, where did that come from… “You” Before I could react to his words, Kusou raised the bottle up to his lips and drank the entire potion. “Oh. My. God” In that moment, my mind started a countdown… one minute, starting now.
60… 59… 58… 57… 56… 55… 54… 53… 52… 51… 50, Everyone at the table went silent, all the boys could do was stare at Kusou as he placed the bottle back on the table.
49… 48… 47… 46… 45… 44… 43… 42… 41… 30, All the girls were trying to get his attention, all except me… the shock had yet to sink in by my boyfriends ‘mistake.’ “Saiki, Saiki, Saiki….” Yumehara and Teruhashi were begging for his attention.
29… 28… 27… 26… 25… 24… 23… 22… 21… 20, “Hey, Saiki. Can you help? I think I have something in my eye.” Teruhashi was suddenly next to Kusou, but what she didn’t realize was that she was a little too loud. Her entire fan club swarmed her and she was suddenly no longer within eye site of Kusou. “I’ll help you Teruhashi.” “Do you need eye drops?” “Are you sick?” “Teruhashi… Teruhashi… Teruhashi…” Just like that, she was out of the race.
19… 18… 17… 16… 15… 14… 13… 12… 11… 10, “Can you help me with the math homework Saiki? I just don’t understand….” This is a mean girls tactic I swear it is, something that is actually very expected from Yumehara. What caught me off guard was Kaido’s voice, “Yumehara, your homework is done. And correct.” When the girl looked down at the paper she was shocked, not only was the paper completed it was in her handwriting and we got it during the previous hour. “Did you do that?” I didn’t expect Kusou to answer, but he did anyway. “No. She was too busy looking at me to realize that she was doing her homework during school.” Like that, she was out of the race, too caught up checking her answers to do anything.
9… 8… 7… 6… 5, “Your glasses aren’t going to let you. Why did you drink it?” Right now I’m trying to think of a way for him to not accidentally fall in love with someone. “Y/N… Look at me.” The fact that Kusou said this out loud actually scared me, so I hesitantly looked up to be met with purple eyes.
4, His glasses were placed on the table.
3, Our eyes were locked.
2, “What are you doing Saiki?”
1, “Why not fall just a little bit harder?”
0, I could see the stars beginning to form in his eyes. I had never seen what happened to the person for myself, but he has never looked more pure, his once dark violet eyes were now lighter and held a lot more emotion. I could see his eyes shift down, it took me a moment to realize he was looking at my lips. “Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna kiss me?” Before I realized, we were moving… out of the cafeteria, to the stairwell, then suddenly we were in my room. “So… Mr. Psych-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence before I felt his warm lips on mine. This kiss was slow and passionate, as though we’d been separated for years. When we finally separated, I could see a bit of shock on his face.
“I thought it lasted 24 hours.” Hearing him say this made me way too happy, because I knew exactly why this was happening. “It does…. But… true loves kiss always breaks the spell.” The smile on my face was genuine, so was the blush spreading. “Fairytales….” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, I might as well take it one step up.
“That makes me your prince.” I somehow made him laugh, more to my stupidity but nonetheless he laughed.
“No.” … “That makes you my everything.” All I could do was stare at Kusou, because like who is this and what have you done with my boyfriend. “God that was corny.” But there is no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. “I heard that” Who would have thought, a witch and a psychic.

Style by Uzoma Nduka
For You

:The Addams Family: (1991)

As the witch rises
hopes and prayers.
...does it count as a prayer if its to gods of death and war?
Someone please make a fic where it's like your typical tmnt crossover fic with a bunch of iteration and everyone and their counterparts are having these super deep emotional talks about their trauma and all that
And it just randomly cuts back to the Mikeys who are helping rise Mikey preform some dark mystic rituals

Happy Halloween booitchs

The Incredible Hulk (pinup)