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Inktober 2015 - Day 10 : ink and water
A neat trick Spider can do with his psychometry is translate books written in foreign languages he otherwise doesn’t know.
I remembered to snap a photo of this one before I put water all over it, so I can show you how it looked before if anyone’s curious.
If you’re interested, the way this works is that everyone who has read the book leaves a psychic impression on it. If the book has been read enough times, it will ‘remember’ its own meaning. The number of times the book has been read by people who understand the language will far outweigh the times its been read by someone who doesn’t, so he can sense the meaning of the words.
Nettle is impressed because her own psychometry is much too weak to do this. She can do a similar trick with things like combination locks though. That’s easier as you only need to read the physical position of the lock in the past, not the thoughts of past people using it.

Inktober 2015 - Day 15 : ink and water It’s nice to make new friends. I was short of time yesterday and realised I hadn’t drawn the mirror twins yet this year! Have they disturbed that grave by climbing on it, or were they attracted by the already restless dead?

Inktober 2015 - Day 17 : ink and water They’re lost. I’m trying to develop a technique for doing decent backgrounds with this method, but I haven’t quite managed it yet.

Inktober 2015 - Day 22 : ink and water I went blackberry picking, so Sweetpea and Coriander did too.

Inktober 2015 - Day 26 : ink and water I’m still working on a background technique, but I think I was a bit too ambitious. Shasta’s environment is hard to draw at the best of times.

Guess who did hourly comics yesterday?
It all went fine until dinner time, at which point I fell behind and couldn’t catch up. It didn’t seem within the spirit of the thing to finish them today, so I’ve left them how they were when I gave up and went to bed. Complete with annoyed notes about Zeno Paradox Comics. (A book I had when I was little spelled it ‘Xeno’, which is why I wrote it that way in the comic, but I googled it just now and apparently it’s ‘Zeno’.)
Sammy filmed me inking her sketch and made a lovely time-lapse! If you’re interested in how I do my ‘ink and water’ pictures, this is it! Materials: Sketch (by Sammy): 2H pencil on bristol board Inks (by me): Rotring art pen, Pentel water brush pens.
Incidentally I’ve got normal, cheap, water-soluble black ink cartridges in the pen, the kind you can get in packs of 100 from any old stationer’s shop. I’m so happy Rotring pens take standard-size cartridges!

Since @sarahfogg moved to Birmingham we’ve been meeting up regularly for ‘inking club’ … to start with we were working on our own comics/illustration projects, but we realised last week it would be fun to do some swaps. So this is my pencils, with Sarah’s inks :) for comics about these guys!

Inktober 2016 - Day 9 : ink and water
Louise likes rain, but I’ve never tried to get a rain effect out of this medium before so I’m not sure how happy she’ll be with that view.

Inktober 2016 - Day 16 : ink and water
Lena is able to use all sorts of divination tools. She can get much the same results from a clear bowl of water, but the crystal ball looks spookier.

Inktober 2016 - Day 19 : ink and water
I made this one a lot harder than it needed to be! I sketched it early in the morning when I was full of energy, but I had to go to BOTH day-jobs and didn’t have time to ink it until the evening when I was really sleepy and cursing myself for drawing something complicated (I hadn’t decided what the spirits should look like at that point). I finished inking it on a moving train I was so determined not to have to work on it after I got home. I’m surprised it turned out okay! Things look different through the bad eye.

I ended up doing a lot of companion pieces in this year’s Inktober, so I thought I’d compile them so you can see them side-by-side. I’m pleased by how well most of them line up, since I do these in a bound sketchbook and they’re all many pages apart. Also a bonus pair from last year!

Inktober 2017 : Day 10 - ink and water
The first ink and water picture of the challenge! Sweetpea is planting out acorns from his tree to help its children grow.

Inktober 2017 : Day 13 - ink and water
If only it really were just sleep paralysis.

Inktober 2017 : Day 30 - ink and water I wanted to do something fancy, but I have another cold! Oh well. One of the reasons Nat wears his hair so long is that it’s actually usefully prehensile. Very helpful when your hands are full and you told your sister to stay where she is.

Lately I ordered some nice pen accessories, including a cartridge converter for my Rotring pen and some coloured cartridges for my cheapo £5 cartridge pens, so I drew Nettle and Spider while I was messing around testing them. I’ve never done spot colour with ink and water, it looks pretty nice I think. Having said that, I’m not a fan of this ink. It’s a weird colour called Bilberry that can’t decide if it’s blue, purple or black. (I tweaked it in photoshop to make it more purple.) They do one called Imperial Purple that might have been a better bet. Ah well, next time.

Inktober 2018 : Day 7 - ink and water Spider is a powerful telepath, but his telekinesis is weak and he’d like to develop it, so he spends a lot of time trying to bend spoons. Sometimes he can do it and sometimes he can’t. I didn’t draw him in his usual woolly jumper because I had a sudden desire to show you all that he’s kind of hairy.

Inktober 2018 : Day 13 - ink and water My sisters came to visit so I drew this very late at night, poor Louise ended up a bit off-model. She hopes to ward off some alarming fairies with those twigs.

Inktober 2018 : Day 16 - ink and water Lena often can’t remember her prophesies if nobody was around to hear them.

Inktober 2018 : Day 25 - ink and water Augury is the practice of divining the future from the flight of birds. I have still been doing these, I’ve just been away from my scanner again! I don’t think I’ve ever been this busy during Inktober, I can count on one hand the number of full days off I’ve had this month. I’ve had to scrap some really nice ideas because I just didn’t have enough time to get them done. TT_TT