Brush Inking - Tumblr Posts

Inktober - day 2
Are there even any pictures of Nat on this blog? I hardly ever draw him anymore even though I love him very much. He's one of my oldest characters, I think I made him up when I was 14 or so.
I haven't used ink wash in forever either, I am out of practice!

Inktober - Day 4
It's Tabitha and her as-yet-unnamed cat! I did this with a brush, which I don't do very often. I think I need more practice, good thing there's still 25 days to go.

Inktober - Day 10
This one was an experiment that went kind of wrong. I need more practice with both brush inking and ink wash.

Inktober - Day 31
Okay, I lied, the very last one isn't spooky at all. I thought I'd take one more stab at brush inking for the last day, and Tabitha makes such a cute Halloween picture. It's a very important night of the year for her.
Happy Halloween!

Inktober day 2 - brush inking and ink wash
Already time for ill-advised adventures in ink wash. Some day I'll be good enough at it that I'll use it outside of Inktober.

Inktober day 5 - G-pen, ink and water, brush inking, mapping pen, brush pen
I had a busy evening so I just scribbled up some Poppets and inked them in different ways.

Inktober day 6 - brush inking
Lena is wearing her brother's jacket, it's a bit big for her.

Inktober day 11 - brush inking and ink wash
Near the end of this picture I found some white ink in my art supplies, so I had a go at using it for highlights.

And the second one! I bet everyone would have thought this was really cute on Hallowe’en.
day 31 - brush inking, coloured ink (which was harder to work with than I expected)
Tabitha is very proud to have been entrusted with Granny’s All Hallow’s Eve deliveries.

Inktober - Day 3 : brush inking and ink wash
Lena is all fancied up in some sort of shiro-lolita type outfit. Oh dear, is it time to cheat and do a dolly-style picture already? (Yes, it is. I was so tired yesterday I fell asleep on my desk.) I tried to make it a bit less of a cop out by inking it with a brush and trying some ink wash.

Inktober day 5 - brush inking and ink wash Lucas survived (more or less), but the police never found the culprit. It’s time for my favourite part of Inktober, ill-advised adventures in ink wash! I don’t like this method enough to use it at other times of year, but when I’m restricted to ink it can be a fun alternative to paints. I don’t think I’ve ever drawn this part of Lucas’ life before. (I don’t think I’ve drawn him recently enough for anyone to know how this turned out either... maybe he’ll show up later this month.) The police took the incident very seriously, but there’s not much you can do when there’s no sign of an intruder, no weapon, no discernable motive, and when your victim finally wakes up he insists it was a hairy monster that came out of his mum’s mirror. Or just screams a lot, the poor lad. Best stop asking him.

Inktober 2015 - Day 7 : brush inking and ink wash 7 or 8 years later, Lucas is probably as fully recovered as he’s ever going to be.
I was going to wait until later to draw something like this, so I didn’t have the same characters too many times, but I couldn’t think of anything else so here we are. Surprise, he has a sister and it’s Lena! He was born with the same Second Sight as her, but it’s all messed up now and he can’t control it any more.

Inktober 2015 - Day 18 : brush inking and ink wash The Crow Boy’s natural habitat is rooftops and windowsills. What’s this? A proper background? Astonishing! Although not completely without laziness, as this roof is basically the roof of my local church.

Inktober 2015 - Day 31 : brush inking and coloured ink And the last one, happy Hallowe’en! This year Tabitha is collecting branches for the bonfires that ward off evil spirits during this important night.

Inktober 2016 - Day 2 : brush inking and ink wash
Is it time for ill-advised adventures in ink wash already? I tried to keep the wash a bit looser this time and I think it turned out fairly well. Spider’s parents didn’t do a great job of dealing with his seemingly ever-increasing psychic powers, but in their defence I’m not sure I’d handle this very well either.

Inktober 2016 - Day 27 : brush inking and ink wash
I’ve never drawn the Crow Boy dolly-style before. It doesn’t really suit him, which presents a problem because it really suits Lottie, but they come from the same place so they really have to be drawn the same way. Hmmm.

Inktober 2016 - Day 31 : brush inking and coloured ink Every All Hallows Eve the coven sends witches to guard the paths through the local forests and graveyards, with instructions to safely escort anyone not wearing a mask while the spirits roam free. Always wear a mask on Hallowe’en to protect yourself from malicious spirits!
Happy Hallowe’en everyone!

Inktober 2017 : Day 1 - brush inking It’s finally here, my favourite art challenge of the year! In the spirit of self-improvement I’ve started with brush inking, which is a weak point of mine. I realised in hindsight that those flames Nat is making would stand out better in coloured ink, but this is how we learn.