sassycheesecake - SassyCheesecake

25/She/Her/ I write SFW and NSFW/ HQ intel officer (named by @millenialfanfictionaddiction), Certified Ravenclytherin

306 posts

Haiky!! Chat Series

Haikyū!! Chat Series ❤️

Pregnancy Scare with Atsumu Miya

Pregnancy Scare with Rintarō Suna

Pregnancy Scare with Tetsurō Kuroo

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More Posts from Sassycheesecake

1 year ago

A/N: I don’t know, lack of sleep is making me write angst. I apologize. Got the inspiration from watching 'Puss in Boots : The Last Wish', personal work experience and a story that I played in the game 'MeChat'.

If there’s one thing Kiyoomi Sakusa loathes about his work, it’s the job itself.

The job to take life, wether it be young or old, sick or healthy, man or woman.

He is not an assassin, or a bounty hunter or a hitman.

They can quit their job if they want.

He can’t.

He is always working. 24/7. No vacations or time off since the beginning of time.

Currently, he is standing in the doorway in a hospital room with a blank face, watching a family bid their goodbyes to their father.

End stage of leukemia.

Kiyoomi knows this man has been fighting his disease for a long time.

But the man‘s body is too tired to continue the fight.

Every living being has a glow around them. A warm light of sorts.

Whenever a person or an animal is in the process of passing away, the ravenette sees light sparks leaving the body. Like a fire slowly going out, the last remains of the flame flickering into the dark night.

He hears the faint flatlining of the monitor and the family bursts into tears, it is like déja vu because he has been through this too many times before.

The cries, the grieving, the last sparks leaving the person‘s or the animal‘s body.

Walking to the man‘s body, Kiyoomi lifts his hand and places it on his non-movable thorax.

Feeling the soul of the man, he gently pulls it out of his body, putting it into a vial that he uses for protecting the souls until he arrived back into his dark demension of what he calls home.

Leaving the room without looking back, he arrives back home.

Entering a dark room, some of the souls light up in his presence, almost like single fireflies.

He carefully takes the vial out of his inside pocket, placing it on the shelf on his left side.

Kiyoomi has a place for each soul.

Left is for adults and old people.

The middle is for animals.

And on the right shelf, children.

Lately, Kiyoomi found himself watching over you a lot.

You’re extremely adventurous, loving the excitement and adrenaline that goes through your body.

Whenever you try something knew, Kiyoomi stands close by, watching as you dodge death like a bullet so many times.

Today you’re trying out skateboarding.

Out of all the souls he has seen so far, your soul shines the brightest.

It’s almost like Kiyoomi is drawn to it, sort of like an undefined force.

You roll down the hill with protective gear on your knees and elbows, gaining speed very quickly.

Sitting on the roof of a house, his black orbs observe you like a hawk.

All of sudden, Kiyoomi hears a car coming from the right side of the intersection you’re cruising down on.

You’re not slowing down.

You don’t see the car.

Kiyoomi‘s eyes widen with fear, he jumps down and races towards you.

All that is left to hear, is a screeching of car tires.

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1 year ago

A/N: Some people wanted a part 2 of this Atsumu X pregnant!Reader Story where Atsumu doesn’t know he’s gonna be a dad, so here ya go :D. P.S. I recently watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and it destroyed me.

Here’s part one ❤️

The blonde Setter has the jitters while he is sitting on the plane, excited to see you again after being away from you for so long. He watches the outside world from the plane window, your beautiful smile embracing his mind and he can’t help but daydream about being reunited with you again.

Bokuto is sitting next to him, watching 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' with tears in his golden eyes while snacking on NicNac‘s for the last thirty minutes.

With each crunch and sniffle of Bokuto, Sakusa who sits in front of the pair, can feel his patience snapping with each loud crunch.

Turning around, because the ravenette had enough, he frowns at the silver-haired Outside Hitter, quite disturbed by his appearance.

Inunaki, who is sitting next to Sakusa (and the only one that Sakusa tolerates sitting next to), also gets up to lean over his seat, staring with a frown at Bokuto.

"Bo, you good man?" The Libero waves his hand in front of the usual cheerful player.

Stopping the movie, Bokuto almost begins to cry hysterically while staring at his light-haired and the black-haired teammates, trying to explain while also hiccuping with tears.

"R-Rocket h-has s-s-such a sad p-past a-and i-it’s b-b-breaking m-my heart."

Atsumu doesn’t even acknowledge his teammates, still thinking about you with a goofy-lovesick smile on his face, making Sakusa almost gag by the sight of it.

"What’s wrong with him? He looks high." Inunaki asks with his head tilted to the side while looking Atsumu.

"When is there not something wrong with him." Sakusa mumbles before sitting down again properly, Inunaki following his moves.

"I heard that Omi." Atsumu says while still staring out the window.

Bokuto finally calms down, when Hinata, and who sits behind him with Joffe, hands him a few tissues that he had packed in his backpack.

Joffe leans forwards slightly, due to his massive height he doesn’t need to stand up to see his teammates.

"Missing your girlfriend? How’s she doing by the way?" Joffe asks.

Atsumu sighs before he turns a bit to look at the titan behind him.

"Yeah, missin' 'er terribly. An' she is doin' okay, I guess?Last time I called 'er, she was vomitin' lots. Must have been somethin' she ate, accordin' to 'er." Atsumu frowns deep in thought.

All of sudden, Hinata‘s orange hair pops up next to him.

"I hope she is okay. Maybe the flu?"

"Vomiting? You better not bring this illness to practice, we have a game in two weeks." Sakusa says in a threatening voice.

"Oh please, as if missin' yer presence on da court has any effect on our performance, Omi. We have plenty of players ta cover for ya."

Sakusa slowly turns his head, Hinata shrinks in fear behind the seat.

Bokuto does not care, still watching Guardians of the Galaxy in high anticipation, eyes entirely focused on the screen while munching on his snack loudly.

"Are you calling me useless on the court Miya?" The ravenette growls.

"Well if da boot fits-"

"Say that again to my face. I dare you." Sakusa begins to get up from his seat, about to strangle the blonde Setter, when the Captain, Shūgo Meian interrupts before it can escalate.

"Guys, we still have an hour left on the flight, behave. Please." Meian, the team captain calls out tiredly a few rows behind them.

"You heard the chief. No more fighting." Joffe laughs.

Sakusa huffs, putting his AirPods in, trying to calm down when he sits back down in his seat.

Atsumu looks back out the window, being with some people for a long time every single day for hours has really brought him to his limit.

Thank goodness the airport is not far from your shared apartment and the flight is less than an hour now.

Soon, he will be with you again.

Back at home, you just came back with some grocery bags, along with some prenatal vitamins from the local pharmacy.

Honestly you’ve been constantly so tired and grouchy, you’re thanking the heavens that Atsumu is not here with you right now.

He’d be constantly worried for you.

Putting away the groceries, you cut yourself some apple slices with honey as a dip and some rice waffles with strawberry Joghurt as dipping sauce.

Stocking the vitamins in the med cabinet, you begin to munch on your food when your phone rings.

Seeing Atsumu’s silly face on the screen, you put your food down and answer it.

"Hello, my handsome Setter." You greet him happily.

"Heyyy, my sexy girl. How’s it goin'?" Atsumu cheers back.

"Going good, missing you a lot. Just got back from the store to make some Japanese curry later on."

"Sounds delish. Hey, uh can ya open the door? I got some flowers in one hand an' my luggage in the other, kinda hard to open the door like that." Atsumu grins on the phone when he hears you gasp and run towards the door.

Highly confused at his saying, he hangs up all of sudden and you put your snacks down to run to the front door.

When you open the door, a 6'1 tall, athletic guy with messy blonde hair grins excitedly at you, a grin that you missed terribly.

Throwing yourself in his arms, Atsumu drops his luggage to the side, wrapping his strong arms around you while still having the flowers in one hand.

You breathe in his familiar scent, the smell of his expensive Ayurveda body scrub fills your nose and you almost tear up with how much you missed him.

Walking you backwards very carefully, Atsumu pushes his suitcase inside, while still holding you and closes the door, so the privacy between the two of you remains.

Remembering he got you flowers, he parts from you a little bit to hand them to you with a dazzling smile.

"Awww Tsumu, you shouldn’t have. They’re beautiful." You take in the beautiful smell of your favorite flowers but the usual lovely scent makes you nauseous.

The Setter sees your happiness turn into a wince and he immediately is worried again.

"Ya okay? Still feelin' bad from last night?"

"Yeah, uh the paella really did a number on me last night. I promise I’ll be fine." You chuckle, trying to convince him that it’s just the food making you feel bad and not the pregnancy.

"Mhm, okay, if ya say so." The Setter says unsure but doesn’t question you any further.

"I promise, I will be fine." You assure him once more with a long promising kiss and the Olympian practically sighs in bliss to feel your soft lips against his own after being apart from you.

The rest of the evening, you spend the time in each others arms, making up for being away from each other for so long.

Atsumu told you more stories about Argentine and his teammates, his stories make you laugh and appreciate that he is back home.

It’s late at night, due to Atsumu’s body still being used to Argentine’s time, he needs to get adjusted to Japan’s time again.

But not only the time difference is keeping the young Olympian up, your weird food eating habits, your extreme tiredness and your all of sudden sensitive smell to your favorite flowers is making him worried.

So he does what he always does, when he seeks out for advice, even if it physically pains him sometimes.

He texts his brother.

A/N: Some People Wanted A Part 2 Of This Atsumu X Pregnant!Reader Story Where Atsumu Doesnt Know Hes

A/N: Some People Wanted A Part 2 Of This Atsumu X Pregnant!Reader Story Where Atsumu Doesnt Know Hes

A/N: Some People Wanted A Part 2 Of This Atsumu X Pregnant!Reader Story Where Atsumu Doesnt Know Hes

The next morning, you do feel a little bit better but for some reason, Atsumu is not his usual self.

He looks deep in thought, he looks very distracted since last night.

During breakfast, Atsumu pushes his food around a little bit, not really much eating any of it.

So you decide to break the silence.

"You’ve been awfully quiet, you okay?" You ask him in a quiet voice.

"Can I ask ya somethin'? An' promise ta be honest please." The blonde says, playing with his fingers a little bit.

For some reason, you have a feeling what this is about.

"Go ahead." You look at him and push your plate a little bit away.

"Are ya pregnant?" He looks at you with serious eyes, a small hint of fear behind those chocolate brown eyes of his.

You feel your breath hitch in your throat, surprised that he figured it out.

But Atsumu has always been direct, didn’t matter in what terms.

You gulp down nervously and you reply so quiet, that he barely hears it.

"Yes, I am." You confess.

Atsumu looks to the side shortly, shakily breathing before getting up and looking out the window, running his hand through his hair.

"I-I know we’re still young and y-you’re still focusing on your career… I am sorry this happened, I-I know this isn’t what you imagined when you got home, I will leave and I won’t bother you-" You start to panic, tears coming into your eyes, your hormones acting crazy.

Shocked by your sudden panic, he rushes to you in a heartbeat.

"Hey, hey… calm down okay? If anythin' we’re both at fault but we’ll get through this together kay? And honestly, this is the biggest and happiest surprise I have ever gotten home to. And I wouldn’t trade you or junior for anythin' in this world, my love. I love ya two more than anythin'."

"More than volleyball?" You ask teasingly with tears in your eyes.

"Maybe that’s pushin' it but yer high up there." Atsumu sticks his tongue at you cheekily.

You laugh with him, calming down that he looks happy about this pregnancy.

"How far along are ya?" He looks at you, intrigued as he caresses the lower part of your stomach.

"About 4-5 weeks I think? Still pretty early."

Atsumu takes your hand in his, still having his other hand on your stomach, indirectly asking you to stand up.

Following his lead, you get up and he rests his forehead against yours.

"I won’t leave ya side okay? I will stay by yer side and protect ya from any harm."

Sharing a deep, passionate kiss, you can’t believe that you and Atsumu made a life together and like Atsumu promised, he will share every moment of it with you.

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1 year ago

Various yakuza!Haikyuu!!Character x Reader

Hajime Iwaizumi x Reader

Tetsurō Kuroo x Reader

Tōru Oikawa x Reader

Atsumu Miya x Reader

Osamu Miya x Reader

Rintarō Suna x Reader Part 1

Rintarō Suna x Reader Part 2

Shinsuke Kita x Reader Part 1

Shinsuke Kita x Reader Part 2

Shūgo Meian x Reader

Kiyoomi Sakusa x Reader

Kōtarō Bokuto x Reader

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1 year ago

Conversation I recently had with hubby that could be with Haikyuu!! Characters #3:

You: * waiting for your partner to bring food home *

S/O: texted „I am waiting in line for the food now. Shouldn’t be too long.“

You: *sends a selfie with closed eyes* texts back „time of death 17:38“

S/O: „don’t be like that. I almost got hit by a car in the parking lot. Someone must be more hungry than you.“


- RINTARŌ SUNA, Atsumu Miya, IWAIZUMI HAJIME, Issei Matsukawa, TOBIO KAGEYAMA, Daichi Sawamura, Kenma Kozume, KIYOOMI SAKUSA, Shūgo Meian

Yes I get hangry. And I am still waiting for food to get home 😂

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1 year ago

A/N: I am sorry it’s so short, I am working on two more things currently but I am working so much in my job, I barely have the energy to continue the long OS I currently have in my draft. Enjoy some yakuza!Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi Hajime is currently doing pull ups on a bar in a dark gym, close to Seijoh‘s headquarters.

Grunting with effort, he pulls himself up on last time, jumping to the ground when he let go of the bar.

The different colored tattoos shine with sweat on Iwaizumi’s chest.

The white and turquoise dragon starts from his left pectoral muscles, the whole scaled body wrapping itself around his upper arm to his elbow.

Each unique tattoo of the Wakagashira shows part of being in the yakuza of Seijoh.

But there’s one tattoo that the brunette didn’t get to show off his status in the yakuza.

It’s the initials of his significant other, resting on the inside of his left wrist.

It’s 100% the most meaning one for the young man.

None of the members besides Oikawa, the Kumicho of Seijoh know about you, Iwaizumi‘s pretty girlfriend.

Swiping his sweat off of his face and chest with a big towel, he doesn’t hear you come in.

"Working out again? Did Oikawa let you do the dirty work again?" You tease him from the front door.

He laughs before he turns to look at you.

"Doesn’t matter what Shittykawa does, it‘ll piss me off nonetheless."

Laughing along with him, you get closer to your lover.

The closer you get, the more Iwaizumi eyes you up and down like a predator.

Tracing your finger around his shoulder, you take very slow steps around him, rounding him.

Following the art lines of the black and white koi fish on his strong back, you see goosebumps forming on his skin.

Smiling at his reaction, you lean up a bit and wrap your arms around his neck from the side.

"So, you have some energy left for cardio?" You whisper in his ear.

Eyeing you with his dark green eyes from the side, he puts his hands on your waist and pulls you into an tight embrace, resting his tattooed knuckles on your thighs.

Lifting you up without any effort on his part, the brunette gives his all in an inviting kiss, doing cardio for a good two more hours.

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