Sawamura Daichi X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Masterlist Karasuno
Karasuno High
Koushi Sugawara x Reader
Daichi Sawamura x Reader “Scars and Souvenirs”
Daichi Sawamura x Reader "Don‘t fear the reaper“ +18 MDNI (fic)
A/N: How’s it going guys? After Kiyoomi and Kenma, I decided to try out writing for Daichi! I did a lot of research on Daichi’s character, since I don’t identify that much with him. But I tried my best. Hope you like it! Also, I am so sorry I don’t know unfortunately where Osamu has his shop, but I just made one up that is located in the Miyagi Prefecture :3 .
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!<3 PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR PLAGIARIZE MY WORK! genre: fluff, a tinsy tiny pinch of angst (since Daichi gets injured)
warnings: mentions of blood, cursing, Brooklyn Nine-Nine spoilers
words: 1419
Scars and Souvenirs (Daichi Sawamura xf!Reader)
It was a warm Saturday night in summer. The sounds of a knife chopping up spring onions, shiitake mushrooms and garlic cloves fill up the comfortable silence in the kitchen. The scent of boiling chicken stock and mirin spreads through the room as well, making the two people cooking it even more hungry than they already are.
Daichi finally has the weekend off after working the last couple weekends. It’s an enjoyable evening for you and your boyfriend since the both of you have busy working schedules, him being a police officer of the Miyagi Prefecture and you being a paramedic.
The both of you met during one of your calls, when Daichi got injured by a knife due to one of the thieves that tried to rob a store.
On a cloudy Wednesday, you were waiting in line at Onigiri Miya for your lunch break when you suddenly got called on scene after one of the police officers got injured.
Annoyed by your beeper going off, you unfortunately had to leave the restaurant in a rush and you jumped right into the passenger seat of the ambulance.
When you arrived at the scene, your hunger and annoyance due to your empty stomach were quickly swept away, when you saw a young and very handsome police officer sitting in the trunk of a police car, holding a towel pressed against his hand.
The moment both of your eyes met, you still swear to this day, you felt the butterflies in your stomach going crazy and your heart felt like it almost burst out of your chest with the rate it was going.
The two of you engaged in a flirty but still somewhat awkward conversation and when you had him all wrapped up in a pressure bandage on his hand, he asked for your number.
Daichi and you hit it off immediately, you were both easy to get along with and both had their fair share of stories to tell.
Your thoughts of the fond memory are being interrupted, as you jump by the sudden loud noise of Daichi cursing and dropping the knife against the wooden cutting board. Your head snaps into his direction and you can see a few drops of blood dropping on the white Quartzite kitchen counter coming from Daichi’s left hand. Daichi quickly gets a kitchen towel and applies pressure on his left index finger.
You drop the kitchen utensils from your hands with a loud clatter and rush over to him to take a look at his cut.
Daichi lifts the towel for you to take a look at his finger and feels bad for interrupting your cooking time together since you and him don’t cook together as much as you used to.
His gaze follows your movements as you hold his hand over the sink underneath the water hose as you turn it slightly. The water hose brings out lukewarm water as you hold his hand underneath it to wash off the blood and to see how deep the cut is.
As Daichi keeps his eyes on you, he admires your beauty and concentration as you take a look at his finger.
You grab some paper towels and wrap it around Daichi’s finger, making him wince a little bit.
,,Sorry Dai, but I got to put pressure on the wound, it‘ll help to stop the bleeding a bit faster.“
You explain to him, while still keeping focused on his injury.
What you don’t realize is that your partner is watching with the most lovesick smile anyone has ever seen.
Finally glancing up, you see his goofy smile and return one of your own.
,,What?“ You chuckle out, while still keeping the pressure on his finger.
,,Oh nothing, just admiring my beautiful girl.” He replies innocently while giving you a wink.
You blush a bit by his comment and tell him to take over for putting on pressure on his wound.
,,Aye aye ma’am.”
Waiting for your return, he checks out his hand as he twists it around.
Noticing the white outline of his old scar on the inside of his hand, he remembers the day he received it.
He had been called to a store robbery in downtown and got hurt while defending himself from a thief with a knife.
The thief tried to run away and Daichi was chasing after him, running down the street. He saw him taking a turn into an alley, quickly following him into it. As soon as Daichi ran around the corner he got tackled to the ground by the criminal. Trying to fight him off, the thief pulled out a knife and tried to go for Daichi’s throat. Daichi was able to stop him by pushing his hands against the attacker, protecting his face and neck.
Crushing his knee into the back of his attacker, Daichi held the arms against him in a restraining matter, kicking the knife away with his foot.
Daichi’s partner came around the corner, panting heavy breaths and talking into his Walkie-Talkie for a medic.
After getting the confirmation from the main station, his partner quickly cuffed the guy and pulled him up to his feet.
Daichi got up as well, scrunching his face in pain, as the blood from his hand dropped on the ground.
The young police officer watched his partner shoving the runaway into the back of the police car.
Slamming the door shut, his partner went immediately to check on Daichi.
,,Sawamura! Shit! You okay man?” His coworker frantically looked at Daichi’s hand, quickly getting out a towel from the trunk of the car, handing it over to Daichi.
,,Yeah I am fine, just a little cut, that's all.” Daichi growled through his teeth in pain.
,,I already called for a medic. The Ambulance is on their way. I have to tape up the broken shop, will you be alright by yourself?”
Daichi nodded in understanding and sat down in the trunk and continued to hold the towel against his wound.
Hearing the ambulance siren in the distance, Daichi tried to calm his pain by inhaling and exhaling through his nose.
The ambulance vehicle arrived on scene and Daichi lifted his head, his breath immediately stopping, as he took in the beautiful creature right in front of his brown eyes.
Daichi remembers the day, as if it just happened yesterday.
The way you took care of him and flashed him your breathtaking smile, gosh it felt like the world was going in slow motion.
The former Volleyball Captain sees you re-entering the kitchen with medical supplies that you have snatched from the bathroom cabinet.
Wrapping up his hand once again as you did four years ago in the most gentle manner, you see his old scar.
,,Do you remember the day you got this nasty scar?” You ask him while taping up the bandages around his hand.
,,Yeah, of course. I treasure this memory of being able to meet you that day. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the whole world.”
You blush at his statement and giggle lightly.
After bandaging up his hand, the both of you finish making the Shoyo Ramen and watch some more episodes on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Cuddling together, the both of you rooting for Amy and Jake, as they finally got married after five freaking seasons.
Daichi might have gotten that nasty scar from the incident that day, but at least he got one of the most precious souvenirs ever in his life, your phone number and to be able to call you his girl.
@nerd-of-karasuno @lyditheoverthinker @satisfactooru @wake-uptoreality <3
Masterlist of SassyCheesecake

Dating Headcannons 💋❤️
🐦⬛ ∞ Karasuno High ∞ 🐦⬛
🐈⬛∞ Nekoma High ∞ 🐈⬛
🦉 Fukurōdani Academy 🦉
👑 Itachiyama Academy 👑
🦊 Inarizaki High 🦊
🌿Aoba Johsai 🌿
🦅 Shiratorizawa 🦅
🐺 MSBY Black Jackals 🐺
Meet and Greet the MSBY Jackals!
🪽Tachibana Red Falcons🪽
🐬 Kamomedai High 🐬
7 sins special week <3
Haikyū!! Chat Series
Yakuza!Haikyuu!!Character x Reader
My pretty sunshine sachan
How are you on tumbler?
So here is the thing
I've always been self conscious about how do I look when I smile my widest smile, don't get me wrong, I love my smile and I think it's the only cute thing about me, but I just don't like how does I look when it's wide and all my teeth are showing (both of my Jaws are prominent so it looks like all my teeth are leaving my mouth) and I always end up covering my mouth while feeling delighted
BUT since now I'm an adult who's earning her own money I decided to have an orthodontist soon
How do you think Wakatoshi, Osamu, Daichi, Kyoomi and Iwazumi would react about getting a braces?
I am doing alright, I have been working on a Meian and my Osamu oneshot, but my sleep schedule is kind of messed up right now. Hopefully I will be able to finish them this year! :D
There’s always something or some things that people are self conscious about. But that’s okay! No one is perfect on the in-and outside. You shouldn’t let it get to your head to much. You’re a beautiful person, I have seen your smiles on Snapchat and they always brighten my day❤️ your fun personality adds to your awesomeness <3
You’re taking matters to your own hands and that’s great! Keep me updated on it :)
Let’s get to your ask regarding the reader getting braces! I apologize in advance I have like zero experience with that and I have never known anyone with braces :’D
Wakatoshi-kun…. Hmmm….. to be honest I see him being supportive but also confused on his partner getting braces. BUT. He would drive his s/o to the dentist and also pick them up. Honestly the best caretaker when it comes to comforting you pain wise. I don’t know about his cooking skills, I know he can do like basic things and he would be so careful with you. Gentle giant 🥹
Samuuu… I feel like he will be an asshole about it in the beginning. Like make fun of your pain in a teasing way, take post-op braces photos for his memory album on his phone and tease you about those as well. Hot chef will make food that’s easy for you to eat while you’re healing up. Husband material <333 picks you up after your appointment and closes his restaurant earlier just for you❤️ if dinner rush is too bad, he’ll make his brother pick you up. And Atsumu would take so many pics to send it to Osamu.
Captain Daichi 🤔 Daichi would take the day off to drive and pick you up from the dentist. I even think he would wait in the waiting room for you to be done. Already has a few meals prepared that his mum suggested for you to eat. He a great boyfriend <333
Omi-kun, our germaphobe beauty 🤤 Kiyoomi would only drive and pick up if it’s absolutely necessary and if seriously no one else can take you. At home he would make sure you take your pain meds exactly on time and would scold you if you take them five minutes later than the time you’re supposed to take them. Will 70% be a teasing asshole about your situation (pain-wise, swelling wise). Willingly gets you easy-to-chew-food and would go to the pharmacy at 11 pm if it means getting you more meds because of your pain.
Iwa-chan. Man’s gonna take a whole damn week off to take care of you. Hubby material as well, no one can fight me on this. Sneakily take some pics as well, whenever you think you’re not looking. He’d so concerned about your pain levels, asks like every 1-2 hours if you’re okay.
Nonetheless, none of them would love you any less just because you have braces 🥰
A/N: This is a new story that will actually have more than one chapter. It’s dedicated to my best friend, who is a total Daichi lover. @rukia-uchiha-98
This story will include murder, eventual smut, cursing and torture. This is a mafia ya’ll, it ain’t always rainbows and smiles in there.
Feedback appreciated! Enjoy reading!
Chapter 1 "Danger Zone"

It’s a quiet night as you unlock the door to your apartment in Tome and you set your weapons and heavy duffel bag next to your couch, before falling on top of it with a heavy sigh.
Not even three minutes later, you feel the vibration of your phone in your right pocket.
Groaning in soreness, you pull it out and the brightness of it makes you close your eyes quickly.
Now adjusting the brightness on your phone, you see a text message from Manjiro, your boss and rent payer.
>Got your next target. Natori. Will send you name and precise location. Needs to be done tonight.<
>I just got home and Natori is like an hour drive and it’s like 2 am. I need some sleep.<
>Do it or I will have Matsukawa knocking down your door with just one phone call. Do your job or you will regret it.<
With a loud frustrating groan, you get up from your comfortable leather couch, while you’re spitting curses under your breath, you snatch up your weapon bag and slam your door on your way out.
~ At the Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters ~
The young police officer is currently writing down a report of a call he had earlier about an elderly woman complaining about her neighbors having a party after 9 pm. Rubbing his tired eyes, he takes another sip of his now lukewarm coffee.
His partner for the night, Kaito, a man in his mid-thirties, smiles in pity at the young officer, really glad that Daichi is doing the paperwork tonight instead of him.
Finishing the report with a final signature with his own and Kaito’s, he stacks the paper neatly and puts it in the ‘FINISHED’ folder.
Drinking the last bits of his coffee, their number is called over their radio to check out a murder scene that has occurred in Natori.
“Well, let’s get to it, Sawamura.” Kaito sighs and grabs his police hat and his gun, just like Daichi and they head to their police car.
Getting inside, they turn the lights and head to the destination in their navigation system.
“This is now the fifth murder case in two weeks, doesn’t that seem strange to you?” Daichi asks while sitting in the passenger seat.
“Yeah, the most strange thing is that uh”- Kaito pauses to scratch his beard- “it was just straight up murder, one clean shot through the head every time. No signs of a break in or stolen goods.”
Daichi thinks for a few moments, before asking more questions.
“Any relations to the victims? Only men or women?”
“Nah, always a different one. But I have a theory.”
Perking up at his words, Daichi looks intrigued at his partner.
Kaito continues.
“I have a feeling this has to be dirty crime related, as in the yakuza.”
Widening his eyes at that, Daichi stares out of the window, bypassing dark houses and the street lamps that are barely lighting up the street.
“What makes you say that?”
Kaito takes a right turn, before answering his partner again.
“Well… a couple of months ago, there was a murder at least once a day, the victims had a lot of burning marks all over them, like from a taser. Seems like they have been tortured a lot before being shot straight in the heart.
The killer eventually turned out to be the official hitman of the yakuza, a man called Shigeru Yahaba. He was shot by one of our men while trying to escape.
After his death, there weren’t any incidents until two weeks ago when you started working here. The murders always ended in the same way. One clean shot through the head. Maybe the yakuza have a new hitman.” The short haired blonde explains.
After listening to this story, they arrive at the scene.
As they get out of the car, all that Daichi is asking himself now is, who is responsible for these certain types of deaths?
„Don‘t fear the reaper“ Cop!Daichi Sawamura x Hitwoman!Reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This story will include murder, eventual smut, cursing and torture. This is a mafia fic ya’ll, it ain’t always rainbows and smiles in there.
Feedback appreciated! Enjoy!
Chapter 2 “What I Am”

~ Before Officer Sawamura arrives at the scene ~
“Would it kill that old geezer to let me have a fucking break for at least 24 hours? No of course not, ‘(Y/N) do this, (Y/N) kill that person’. I am overdue for a fucking vacation.“ You mimic Manjiro’s voice, you mutter angrily while assembling your sniper rifle together.
It’s pitch-black outside and the cold wind of Natori blowing in your face on the roof of the high apartment building that you are currently located at, makes you shiver. The only noises are the distant sound of mild traffic and the clicking noises of the connecting parts of your rifle.
Right across from the building that you are on, your target, a man in his mid-forties, has not been paying back his debt for two months now. The waiting is getting on Manjiro’s last nerves, which is where you are playing your part.
As the new hitman or actually hitwoman of Manjiro, it’s your job to eliminate the targets he sends you, no matter who or what time it is.
The last time you disobeyed his orders, meaning you rather slept than killed the next victim, Kyōtani gave you a surprise visit. And a not so friendly one at that.
You may be a woman but the yakuza doesn’t care about gender. Meaning, you will get the treatment like everybody else who disobeyed orders from the boss.
Luckily for you though, Manjiro has a small liking towards you, even though you’ve only been working for him for about 3 months now.
After the previous hitman Yahaba got shot down by the police, Manjiro needed a new puppet.
Before you became a part of the yakuza, you were a local weapon safety instructor for a small gun range. One day, someone tried to rob your store while it was just you and two guys about your age. One of them had milk chocolate colored fluffy hair, along with beautiful hazelnut-colored eyes, that shined with mischief and arrogance. The other one had dark, spiked-up hair and when you had a peek into his eyes, it was like staring into a dark mysterious forest. Both men had a tall and muscular stature and were competing with their shooting and it certainly didn’t look like they did that for the first time.
The way the green-eyed guy was always hitting bullseye was kind of hot to be honest.
The two of them were just practicing their shots when all of sudden someone slammed the front door open from the gun range and was armed with a gun. It was a younger guy, perhaps in his early twenties, with dark blue hair and uneven bangs. He was almost shaking with fear when he was holding a small gun in his hand. Before anyone could react though, you always have your rifle underneath the desk for safety reasons and it just took one second for you to get a clean shot right through his heart. It was like your brain automated its action by itself.
Your customers didn’t even flinch or look disgusted by the dead body that was now pooling blood on the gray carpet in the entrance hall.
The steam of your rifle was visible to the eye and the two men just looked at each other with undefined looks. The one with the dark brown spiky hair stepped over the body and turned the corpse on its back with his boot.
“Goshiki.“ He says without looking up at his friend.
“Well. At least that’s one problem less on our list.“ The other one replies with a click on his tongue.
Both of them turn to look at each other and then turn back to you.
Their dangerous glints in their eyes are making you uncomfortable and you try to reach again for your rifle, only to stop in your tracks after hearing their words.
“Say pretty girl… you’re an amazing shot. Probably better than Iwa-chan right here.“
“Screw you, Shitty-kawa.“ The dark brunette snarls at him.
Ignoring his friend‘s words, he continues to stare at you with a flirty smile.
“So listen. Here’s the deal. That kid you just killed is one of our rival‘s gang members. Since you basically saved our lives and took away some of our work, I want to make you a deal.“
You squint your eyes at him in suspicion but listen to what he is offering.
“Go on.“
“Technically we can’t let you stay alive. Yannow, the whole ‘no witnesses’ and shit. Soooo. Since I am so generous and a great handsome looking guy who has a weakness for beautiful ladies who can handle guns really well-“
“Stop beating around the bush and just get out with it!” The guy named ‘Iwa-chan’ yells at him.
“As I was saying. We could use a new member of our ‘family’. Our recent sniper was shot down by those cop pigs and our boss has been dying to find someone new to take care of people that piss him off. So what do you say? You get to live and work for us and we spare your life.”
After hearing his words, you begin to think. On one hand, you have nothing to lose and you cherish your life. On the other hand, as soon as you join them, you will be constantly on the run, no more living your normal life in safety and comfort.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the less friendly brunette slowly reach for his gun in his holster, in case you decide not to join them and to stick with the ‘no witnesses’.
Taking a deep breath in, you look at them with a serious look.
“Fine. I’ll join.”
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno
Conversation I recently had with hubby that could be with Haikyuu!! Characters #3:
You: * waiting for your partner to bring food home *
S/O: texted „I am waiting in line for the food now. Shouldn’t be too long.“
You: *sends a selfie with closed eyes* texts back „time of death 17:38“
S/O: „don’t be like that. I almost got hit by a car in the parking lot. Someone must be more hungry than you.“
- RINTARŌ SUNA, Atsumu Miya, IWAIZUMI HAJIME, Issei Matsukawa, TOBIO KAGEYAMA, Daichi Sawamura, Kenma Kozume, KIYOOMI SAKUSA, Shūgo Meian
Yes I get hangry. And I am still waiting for food to get home 😂
Hello sweet cheeks 🙊🙊🙊
How's your day with me bugging you all the time 😂💃🏻
So I was wondering if you could write about meeting Kuroo, Iwazumi, Daichi and Akaashi for the first time, it can be before or after the time skip whatever makes you feel comfortable
Thank you in advance 🙈❤️
Don’t worry! You can never bug me 😂
I’ll gladly do that for you, I did Kuroo pre-timeskip and the others post-timeskip. I hope that’s okay. Enjoy! ❤️

You met the cheeky Middle Blocker Captain in high school. Precisely in one of the home rooms that you guys share together unknowingly.
Your teacher called you and Kuroo after class together, stating that your science grade is extremely bad and Kuroo’s grade in English is pretty much embarrassing to look at. But thankfully English is your best subject and Science is Kuroo’s.
So your annoying teacher put the two of you together, hoping that you can get each others grades up by studying together.
The two of you met up at the library the next afternoon after school, Kuroo being benched temporarily, until his grades improve.
The ravenette is a very attractive attentive teacher, explaining things to you so easily, that even a preschooler can understand it. He mixes humor and studying togther, mostly humor though.
Saying stupid chemistry jokes, making fun of other teachers and making you laugh uncontrollably by doing it.
Every time you would study together, Kuroo scooches closer to you each time with his chair.
He loves hearing your laugh, it’s the most beautiful thing he has heard in his 18 years of living.
After two months, Kuroo developed a big fat crush on you, not knowing you also started to feel the jiggles whenever you would see him at lunch in the cafeteria or in the hallway with his teammates from the volleyball club.
Kuroo started smiling a lot more and it doesn’t get unnoticed by his best friend.
The Nekoma team is on their way to the gym to go to practice when Kuroo spots you walking down the hall with one of your friends.
"Who’s that?" Kenma asks intrigued.
Kuroo keeps his hazelnut-colored eyes on you, as you walk down the hall with your friend and Kenma sees a gleam in his best friend’s eyes.
"Someone I will definitely want to get to know better and spend more time with."

The first time you met Iwaizumi Hajime, it was the day his kid got into trouble at school. His son, who is an exact replica of his father, stood up for a girl who got bullied by another boy. The little Iwaizumi boy warned the mean boy twice before he struck him down with a fist.
You as their home room teacher obviously had to call the parents, even if Isamu, the son of Hajime only did it to stand up for someone.
All the children have been picked up by their parents and you are just waiting in front of the school for Isamu’s father, who has a busy job but still has to talk to you about his son’s behavior.
When you met Isamu’s father, you weren’t prepared for a 6'1 man made out of pure muscle to show up in front of the school. His track suit had the volleyball logo and the Japanese flag on his front chest pocket and you have to pinch yourself to snap out of your drooling.
When Iwaizumi and you talked about Isamu’s behavior, the strict father scolded his son immediately but was also confused why he was violent towards a classmate because Isamu never strikes.
You assured him that Isamu stood up for a girl and that he won’t be punished for what he did and Iwaizumi feels his stomach doing small somersaults when he listens to your voice.
Thanking you for not punishing his son, Iwaizumi promises you that this won’t happen again.
With a blush and a smile on yours and the Athletic Trainer’s face, you part ways and the dark-brown haired man can’t help but be curious why his son was violent.
"Isamu, why did you punch that boy? I know I didn’t teach you to hit other kids even if they are mean." Hajime frowns at his 7 year-old.
"Uncle Tōru told me to ‘kick ass’ if someone is mean to someone else. He said I shouldn’t tell you or you will fly to Argentine and kick his." Isamu said nonchalantly while munching on his dumpling, walking beside his father to the car.
Iwaizumi can already feel his rage building up, thinking all sorts of ways how he can strangle Oikawa to teach his son this way to handle bullies.
When the Athletic Trainer remembers your kind face from just now, he can’t fight the smile that begins to grow on his face.
Maybe he will start picking his son up more often now, instead of sending Hanamaki or Matsukawa when he is too busy with work.

Funny enough, you met Daichi Sawamura when he was about to write you a speeding ticket.
You just got dumped by your ex via text message and to say you were furious about this cowardly way to break up with someone, is an understatement. (I got dumped once via text as a teen and I swear I wanted to set the world on fire)
So you were maybe driving a little bit over the speed limit, big deal.
What you didn’t expect though, is to have the hottest cop in town pulling you over for speeding.
You were so red in the face from anger, embarrassment and nervousness that Daichi honestly thought you were on drugs or something because you kept stammering when you talked.
You vented about the person that left you and Daichi listened intensely, hearing you out.
Luckily for you, he has a weakness for a beautiful messes like yourself.
He let you off with a warning, giving you a piece of paper anyway.
You’re about to crumble it up when you saw what he wrote down.
'Next time you’re thinking of speeding, don’t. Be safe and call me if you want to talk :) xxx-xxxx-xxxx'

Manga Editor Keiji Akaashi, the beautiful ravenette with the gorgeous blue eyes.
The two of you met at a coffee shop, while Akaashi needed to work some more on his deadline at work, he needed a good strong coffee to be able to stay awake.
Luckily, there’s a nearby store with the name ‘Night’s watch', a coffee shop who is only open at night.
Akaashi hasn’t tried that shop yet but according to some of the ravenette’s coworkers, it’s Game of Thrones themed.
When Akaashi enters the shop, he has to say he’s impressed with the interior design.
The room is decorated like an old tavern from the Middle Ages, some seats have sheep’s fur on them, the black stone walls decorated with swords from the show, some coats of arms of the House Targaryen, House Stark and House Baratheon.
It’s a cozy atmosphere and the drinks are not that expensive.
You were working as the barista that day and you were wearing the Hand of the King pin, meaning you are in charge of the shop if the owner is not in.
You are also kind forced to speak in Old English to costumers but thankfully you’re a literature student so it’s a piece of cake for you.
Akaashi thought you were incredibly charming and while you made his order ready, the two of you got to talk a little bit.
Funnily enough, you went to the same school but never crossed each other’s path.
Seems like Akaashi will drop by more, because it gave him some new ideas for manga tropes.
A continuation, aka part 2 to “When you meet for the first time” with Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Daichi and Akaashi (as requested by @rukia-uchiha-98)
Your first date with Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Daichi and Akaashi <3

With both of your grades going up, Kuroo was now able to rejoin his team at practice and you aren't going to fail your Science class anymore.
The ravenette was just minding his own business by walking down the hall with Kenma and Yaku by his side, when they heard your excited yelling.
Once you got your last test back with a 95, you looked for the Middle Blocker and when you found him, you literally jumped into Kuroo's arms out of pure joy and almost knocked him over.
Kenma and Yaku both left you be, the latter with a big smirk on his face. The ravenette returned your hug with big enthusiasm and when you told him about your grade, he was extremely happy.
"How can I ever repay you for helping me?" You smile at him, expecting maybe a 'Don't worry about it' or a 'You can buy me lunch one time' but not this.
"Go on a date with me. There's a new cat café that just opened up down the street and I am hereby asking you out." Kuroo grins with confidence.
"Uhm, I-" You start but get interrupted by the Captain.
"Great, I will pick you up at 2 this Saturday."
It seemed like Saturday couldn’t come fast enough but when the school week was over, you were so nervous to spend time with Kuroo outside of school.
You put on your best outfit and when you checked your phone, you saw that it was almost time.
Leaving your house, you saw Kuroo approaching and when he saw you, a nervous grin started to spread on his face. Running his hand through his usual messy hair, you can’t help but think that his casual clothes look even better than his school and his volleyball uniform.
His black hoodie with red strings and his black jeans complement each other well with his raven-colored hair, a pair of dark red sneakers complete his outfit.
Once he stands in front of you with his towering height, you can’t help but blush as well at his striking appearance.
Clearing his throat, Kuroo finally finds his words.
"Y-You look breathtaking. N-Not that you usually don’t! You just look so much different than in your school uniform. It’s a good different though!-" He starts to stammer and you think it’s the cutest thing, since he always looks so confident on the court and in class.
"I know I look good Tetsu. We can either stand here and I listen to your compliments or we can make our way to where you wanted to take me." You grin with mischief.
Snapping out of his rambling down, he chuckles nervously and agrees to the plan of taking you where he originally intended to take you.
Arriving in front of a cat café, you already see all kinds of sizes, colors and shapes of different cats roaming around the café.
Widening your eyes in amazement, Kuroo sees your excitement and holds the door open for you like a gentleman.
"Thank you." You smile brightly at him, which he returns with a blush.
The two of you ordered a hazelnut-flavored 'Catpuccino' and a dark chocolate-flavored 'Meowcchiato'.
As the date goes along, you can see Kuroo getting more and more comfortable, the longer he talks to you.
His shoulders loosen up, he leans forward on the table, never interrupts you and listens with great interest to every word you say.
Along with your conversations, cats jump up and down on your laps, on the table or they rub against your legs.
By the time the two of you are done with your drinks and petting all the cats, it was getting dark outside.
The Nekoma Captain stays close to your side, making sure you're out of the way of traffic and danger.
Wanting to test the waters a little bit, Kuroo brushes his fingers slightly against yours while he is walking you home.
When you felt his rough fingers against your own, you can't help but smile at his actions.
Assuring him you're fine with his attempt at physical touch, you intertwine your fingers with his, feeling like two puzzle pieces belong together.
As you reach your house, you both agree in going out together again and when you part ways, each one of you has a lovesick smile on their face.

Iwaizumi finally had the courage to ask you out with the help of his son after months of trying to ask you out himself in person, but always chickening out at the last minute.
It's been a while since Iwaizumi had to ask anyone out, ever since his ex-wife left him, Iwaizumi didn't feel the need to have a partner again.
But seeing his son look at other children with both parents with a longing look made him realise that Isamu needs a second parent.
Someone he can talk to, someone kind and nice, someone... like you.
The Athletic Trainer asked Isamu to give you some flowers that Iwaizumi got, with a hidden note attached to it.
When you opened the card in recess, it made you smile and blush so much, that Isamu had to ask if you were okay after you read the card and received the flowers that Isamu's father gave to him.
'I feel like a coward for doing it this way but I was hoping these flowers that I got for you make up for the shitty way I am asking you out. So... Will you go out with me?'- Hajime Iwaizumi
Isamu snaps you out of your blushing mess, demanding to know what the paper says.
"Uhm. Just tell your father 'yes' when you see him later on at home, Isamu." You manage to stutter out.
"My dad will pick me up later on, you can tell him in person (Y/L/N) Sensei."
Oh. Even better.
"Why did my dad send you flowers? Is it your birthday Sensei?" Isamu tilts his head to the side, looking at you like a confused puppy, yet a small frown remains on his little face, looking exactly like his father.
"Uhh no Isamu, your father send me flowers as in... apology again for you hitting Daisuke the other day!" You chuckle nervously at the youngster.
Isamu looks at you still, before bowing again to apologise for his behaviour the other day that got him into trouble.
Assuring him it's okay, Isamu walks back over to his friends and you feel yourself breathe out.
'Get it together!'
As you look at the time, you will see Iwaizumi in just three hours, hopefully by the time he arrives, you have gained proper control of the blood flow in your cheeks.
When the time comes, you see Isamu waiting for his father outside of the school gates.
You approach Isamu, the young Iwaizumi looking at you with a small smile which you return.
As Iwaizumi arrives and walks out of his car towards you and his son, his face begins to grow a reddish colour and he looks to the floor when he approaches you and his son.
"Hey Pa! Sensei (Y/L/N) got the flowers you gave her!" Isamu runs to hug his father’s leg.
When Iwaizumi looks up at you, he is anticipating your answer to his question from his card.
Feeling the heat rise again in your cheeks, you fumble with your fingers a bit before raising your gaze to meet his green eyes.
"My answer is yes, Iwaizumi."
It looks like the brunette was holding his breath while waiting for you answer, because as soon as he hears your agreement, he breathes out a big sigh of relief.
Isamu looks between you and his father, not understanding quite what’s going on but he makes sure to ask one of his father’s friends about it.
The young Iwaizumi hasn’t seen his father’s face that red in a long time.
The last time Iwaizumi’s face was red, it was out of anger, back then with his mother, fighting with her at night while they thought Isamu was sleeping.
But instead of anger, it’s happiness that Isamu sees on his father’s face and it makes the young Iwaizumi happy.
Agreeing that Iwaizumi will pick you up on Friday at 18:00, you part ways, both of you excited to see each other.
Now all Iwaizumi needs to do, is find someone who can watch his son while he is out with you.
Thankfully, Hinata from the Volleyball Team agreed to watch him with much enthusiasm, since he used to watch his little sister from back when he was younger.
While Hinata was watching Isamu, Iwaizumi takes you to the best steakhouse in town, that serves the best wagyu steak in the prefecture.
The two of you talk in a very comfortable atmosphere, sharing glasses of the best wine, you haven't felt this good in quite a while.
In the beginning, Iwaizumi felt very awkward, it's been quite the while since he went out on a date, the wounds from the divorce still pretty deep but he wanted to give it a chance, a chance to fall in love again.
Dinner went by perfectly, the steak was so tender, it melted on your tongue like butter. The red wine was just as exquisite, greatly complimenting the meat.
After the delightful dinner, Iwaizumi leads you to a spot that him and Isamu sometimes visit, a place where you can overlook the city of Tokyo.
Finally arriving, you feel like almost having an asthma attack, while Iwaizumi is not out of breath at all, neither is he even sweating.
The two of you sit on a wall together, only a few inches separate yours and his thigh.
The view is outstanding, the night being perfect so far.
The Athletic Trainer can feel his hands starting to sweat, glancing at your face, seeing how some of the city lights reflect on your skin.
He can feel his heart pumping faster and he can’t help but admire you more than the view.
To be honest, if Iwaizumi had the option, he would love to look at you for the rest of his life.
Hopefully with you by his side some day, with a ring adorning your finger.

When you saw Daichi’s number on the paper, you honestly didn’t think you would text him that quickly.
But Daichi was just waiting on the side of a road, hidden behind some trees, in hope to catch some people who are exceeding the speed limit.
His phone vibrates with a message from an unknown number but he smirks in confidence as he figured that the message came from you.
'Hey, this is (Y/N), you recently almost gave me a speeding ticket and said if I wanna talk to you, I can. So uh this is me texting you now '
'Hey (Y/N)! Glad you reached out. how’s your day been going so far?'
'Slow, currently at work.'
'What do you do?'
'I work as one of the accountants for the Sony company.'
Daichi raises his eyebrows in amazement, impressed that you managed to work for a big company.
'Wow! That’s pretty cool 👏🏻 now I feel lame for being a cop haha.'
'don't be like that haha. I think being a cop is dope.'
'Glad you think so.'
'Hey I know this seems kind of forward but I think you're a really nice guy. Wanna go out sometime?'
Well, Daichi certainly didn’t see that coming.
He has to admit, your upfront personality is really intrigued and interesting.
You both agree to do a Harry Potter Marathon at his place, with a promise of a home cooked meal.
You have yet to meet Daichi’s injured roommate, a coworker and companion of the young police officer, named Ninja, a black and brown haired German Shepherd K9 Officer.
The brunette has to say he is worried about you meeting the K9, since Ninja is very cautions and uncomfortable around strangers.
When you arrive though, it’s like Ninja has known you for years. As soon as you walk inside Daichi’s home, Ninja comes limping around the corner, intrigued who the house visitor is.
Once Ninja got a sniff of you, his tail wagged with happiness and he began licking your hands.
"Okay, down boy. Sorry about him, usually he doesn’t like strangers the first time he meets them." Daichi pulls Ninja back by his collar, careful due to his injured front leg.
"Don’t worry about it! I love dogs! Especially this little cutie. Look at you, a brave, strong police officer." You caress Ninja’s face and the dog looks in bliss.
Clearing his throat, Daichi tells you that he chose the first Harry Potter for the movie marathon and that he made some pasta with freshly made bread.
After a nice dinner, the brunette and you started watching the first movie, with you inching closer to him, resulting in Daichi wrapping his strong arm around your shoulder, caressing it gently with the tips of his fingers.
Ninja joins you on the couch as well, laying his head on your lap, an occasional deep sigh escaping him.
By the time you’re almost halfway through the second movie, you begin to get very tired, so the two of you called it a night with a promise of date number two.
After all, you need to finish the franchise together. And Ninja already started to miss you after you left, according to Daichi.
You say goodbye to Ninja by scratching his very soft ears, he licks your hands as thanks and it makes you giggle.
Daichi watches that in awe, very happy that you get along with his K9 partner so well.
Perhaps Ninja will have a dog mama in the near future if Daichi plays his cards right.

Akaashi took a little bit longer to ask you out, mainly the reason that he wants to know you a little bit longer before he officially asks you out.
He started to become a regular costumer at 'Night's Watch', ordering something different every time.
The name of the drinks and food sounded funny as well.
Joffrey‘s tears, Sansa Macchiato, Jon Snowccino, White Walker coconut cake, Direwolf cookies, etc.
Each drink and food samples are unique, geeky and savory at the same time.
One late night, after he and Tenma worked together on a new manga with some more people, he knew you were working again tonight.
So Akaashi makes his way towards the coffee shop that you work at, a nervous feeling in his stomach when he gets closer to it, yet he is also excited.
When he walks into the shop, he is immediately greeted by the warmth of the electric fireplace in the right corner and the strong smell of coffee beans and cinnamon buns, or as your shop likes to call them 'Dothraki buns'.
He sees you helping out a costumer and he can already feel a small smile growing on his face, as he watches you engage with the costumer with that breathtaking smile of yours.
Once the costumer in front of Akaashi got his order, he sees you recognise him and it looks like your whole world just brightened up by seeing him.
"Hey! How's the new manga coming along?" You ask with a smile so bright, that it has Akaashi blushing a little bit.
"It's going good so far, we are still working on the way the two lead characters confess their true feelings towards each other." The ravenette explains.
"Aww, that's so cute. I can't wait to buy and read it! Anyway, what can I get for you today?" Ready to take his order, you stand behind the cash register with your Khaleesi costume.
"Uhm... I'll have a Jon Snowcchino with a double espresso please."
"Double espresso? Wow, someone plans to stay up long." You type in his order, writing his name on the cup and pass it to your coworker to make the drink for him and the blue-eyed editor hands you his card to pay.
Akaashi takes a deep breath, trying to gather up enough courage to ask you out.
"C-Can I ask you something (Y/N)?" Akaashi gets nervous and stuffs his hands into his coat, so he doesn't fiddle with his hands like a nervous High School boy.
You finish swiping his card against the card reader machine and you give him a curious look, encouraging him to go on ahead.
"Would you mind if I take you out sometime? Like a date?"
You feel your breath hitch in your throat and your coworker hears the question, having a smirk on her face, since she knows you have been crushing on him for a while now.
There is a tense silence and Akaashi begins to fear a rejection coming in.
"If you don’t want to-" He stammers but you interrupt him frantically, super excited that someone as hot as Keiji Akaashi wants to take you out on a date.
"I didn’t mean to stretch out my answer, I am sorry. I-I just didn’t expect someone as good-looking as you to ask someone out like me… I mean, I am just a mere ordinary literature student who works in a geeky coffee shop." Your panic clearly shows and the former Setter thinks it‘s the cutest thing ever.
"You’re anything but ordinary. I want to get to know you more, without having to visit you at work." Akaashi gives you that dazzling smile of his and it makes your knees weak at the sight of it.
"Sure, I am free this Saturday." You give him a bashful smile.
"Cool, let me give you my number, so we can figure out together what we can do."
You hand him your phone, while he hands you his, and your coworkers Mary and Ro'ya give you knowing smirks and big thumbs up, as if you unlocked a big achievement.
Akaashi hands you your phone back, taking the beverage from your hands and farewells you with another breathtaking smile, leaving the shop to go back to work.
Mary gives you a small squeal, shaking you a bit with her overexcitement.
Akaashi and you agree to go to the local museum, they have a new section that put on the human anatomy on display, along with an newly added art section that has Van Gogh and Claude Monet paintings.
You love art and after the recent Doctor Who episode, you really are looking forward to seeing the finest painter, his command of colour is the most magnificent thing you have ever seen.
As you walk along, stopping in front of 'The Starry Night', you stand in front of it, admiring the colors and you feel Akaashi standing next you.
"What do you think of it?" Akaashi asks you.
"Well, one of the best things about this painting is that it came entirely from Van Gogh’s imagination. None of the scenery matches the area surrounding the Saint-Paul mental hospital or the view from his window there. As a man who religiously paints what he sees, it’s a remarkable break from Van Gogh’s normal work, like the portraits of himself or the people that he did." You ramble on, clearly highly fascinated by the art.
Akaashi can't help but feel starry-eyed as he watches you from the side, your passion and your analytic interpretation of the painting is simply fascinating to him.
He honestly didn't know he could feel this way.
Afterwards, Akaashi invites you to one of the best ramen shops in Tokyo.
The Miso Ramen filled with pak choi, shiitake-mushrooms, tofu and a marinated egg topped with leek and sesame seeds is just what you were craving for.
You both keep the conversation flowing like the calmest river, sharing laughs and stories.
At the end, Akaashi walks you home and departs from you by giving you a soft lingering kiss on your forehead, saying that he is looking forward to seeing you again.
The next morning, when Akaashi walks into his work department, he has a slight skip in his steps.
A soft smile replaces his usual neutral expression and Tenma already had a guess why.
"Had a good time with (Y/N) yesterday I am guessing?" Tenma grins behind his set up drawing tablet.
"Yeah, they really are amazing. We already agreed on a second date."
"Sounds like wedding bells ringing in my ear." Tenma laughs and gets back to drawing, while Akaashi shakes his head in amusement.
That doesn't sound like a bad idea in the future.
Taste like Strawberries - DILF Daichi

Warnings: Fem!Reader, age gap (Reader is 22 and Daichi is mid to late 30s), daddy kink (obv), brat taming, finger sucking, spit kink sorta, dumbification, degradation, thigh riding, oral (m. receiving), rough sex, a little praise, alcohol consumption. (as always, let me know if you want something else tagged)
Word Count: 4.9k (honestly idk how it got so long hahaha sorry)
Author’s note: This is my contribution to @kaijime's dilf collab! Make sure you go check out the masterlist and read all the wonderful works on there as well! Also, I edited this at 2am; so sorry if it is a mess.
Can you pick Mei up for me? I have to work late.
You sigh looking down at the text from your sister, this is the third time in the last few weeks she’s sprung this on you. Despite knowing there’s nothing she can do about it, it’s irritating with her husband traveling and needing to work. The one good thing is the quality time you get funny spoiling your niece after school, getting her whatever junk food she wants that your sister never lets her have.
Texting her back that you will, you go back to studying. Your final year of college has been more stressful than you expected, work always piling up with your motivation lacking. No wonder so many students take an extra year. However, you were determined to finish now and not extend your torment any longer.
Glancing at your phone you see it’s nearing pick-up time at Mei’s school. You clean up the library table, shoving your laptop and notes into your bag, and leave. The drive isn’t long, her school is close to your apartment and sister’s house so you would have needed to take this route anyways. Pulling into a free spot near the school, you leave your bags in the car going out to meet her by the school’s front gate.
“Big sis!” Your niece squeals and you look up from your phone. She’s dragging another little girl behind her, pulling her your way. “This is Kaiya! She’s my best friend. She said it's okay I use her first name, so don’t scold me like momma does! I let her call me Mei too!”
You laugh listening to her babble on about her new friend. She’s coming up on her 6th birthday, and every day she is growing more and more into her own personality. “I wouldn’t scold you like your mother. You know that,” you bend at the knees, getting at their height.
“Hi Kaiya, I’m ----. It’s nice to meet you.” You shake her little hand and she smiles.
“You’re very pretty, like Mei.” She pulls her hand away and then her lip pouts. “I wish I had a big sister.”
“I can be your big sister too if you want. Mei, you don’t mind sharing me do you?”
“Only if you promise to get me ice cream.” Her eyes and nose squint and she laughs, her mischievous face has stayed the same since she was a toddler. It’s impossible to resist.
You stand up, rubbing her head and laughing. “Fine, we can stop by a shop on the way home.”
“Sorry,” a deep male voice comes from a few feet behind you. “I had a work thing... I’m sorry I’m a little late baby.”
You watch as a tall, broad man picks up Kaiya while she giggles and wraps her arms around his neck while squealing ‘daddy’. You smile politely when he looks at you. His face is handsome, features not too sharp or round; everything about it warm and inviting. He’s still dressed in his uniform, well besides the jacket. You assume he’s a part of the police force from the pants and belt he wears matched with a dark blue shirt that clings to his form.
“I hope she wasn’t bothering you,” he says while setting her down.
“Oh of course not. She was very polite and well behaved. You’ve raised a great daughter.”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thank you. I’m Sawamura Daichi, and you are?” His smile is so cute, you think. It’s not forced or out of politeness, but instead genuine happiness.
“---- -----,” you tell him and shake his hand. He squeezes it once, and your stomach turns. What was that?
“Is Mei yours?” He tilts his head, eyes going between you and your niece. “I’ve never met her mother, only your husband. Kaiya talks non-stop about Mei when she’s home with me.”
“Oh, no-no. I’m her aunt. My sister works a lot, so I pick her up from time to time.” You laugh. “I go to the local college, so it’s close by. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Sawamura.” Trying to keep yourself from becoming too flustered, you look away. Watching as your niece digs through her backpack for some reason.
“Please, call me Daichi. It’s nice to-”
“Daddy, big sis is taking Mei to get ice cream!” Kaiya cuts him off. “Can we go too? Pretty please!” She kisses her father’s cheek, smiling brightly as he sets her back down. She holds tight to his hand, begging some more.
“If it’s okay with your dad, we don’t mind. Do we, Mei?”
She nods with a big smile. “Kaiya they have the BEST strawberry flavor.”
“Do you mind? I don’t want to impose on your time with Mei.” Daichi asks while still keeping an eye on the girls, who have wandered a few feet away while blabbering about ice cream flavors.
“Of course not. It’s good for young girls to spend time together.” He nods and thanks you. “There’s a spot close by. We could walk if you don’t mind.”
“Better wrangle the girls then,” he laughs, walking towards them both and getting their attention.
Taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh, you try and relax. It’s just ice cream for the girls… even if Kaiya’s hot dad is coming along. You’re sure he’s just trying to be nice and let his daughter have a nice time. However, it’s hard not to feel something when a man this hot and good with children is around.
The ice cream shop has a pretty outdoor area off the back of the shop, fenced in with a swing set and other children’s toys and playsets. No one else is visiting currently, so the girls have the playground to themselves, running around with ice cream dripping all over the ground when they forget they should be holding the cones up. Sitting quietly, spooning ice cream into your mouth, you try not to stare at Daichi too often.
“What are you studying?” He asks, breaking the silence that was threatening to become awkward.
“Oh, uh,” you swallow the cold cream. “Literature and classics.”
“Interesting. I bet you enjoy reading to your niece then,” he smiles at you before taking another spoonful of ice cream. You can’t help but watch his tongue dart around the spoon.
“Yeah.” You say quickly looking away. “Mei enjoys it, well, when she pays attention. Does Kaiya like stories?”
“Her mother says she always listens to her when she reads, but for me, it’s hard enough to get her to go to bed. I don’t think she’d ever stay still to let me read her a book.” He continues to talk about the weekends he gets with her, and you listen closely.
It’s stupid, you think. You shouldn’t feel this excited that he’s either divorced or at least no longer together with Kaiya’s mom. It’s selfish, but lucky in some ways. You don’t have to worry about a jealous wife coming after you because her husband paid for your ice cream.
“I’m not around for bedtime, so I can’t really relate.” You say softly and stick your tongue out lick the spoon clean. Stopping yourself from licking the ice cream off, deciding to explain more, “Mei never really stays the night anyway. She gets too worked up without her-”
The spoon is plucked from your hands and you frown looking at Daichi, who has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “What do you like to do at bedtime?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you stutter out something incoherent. Daichi’s tongue swipes up your spoon, and you watch carefully, longing to be that spoon as his tongue drags across it.
“Well?” He continues, then hands you back the spoon.
“I, uh, I don’t know.” You manage to stutter some words, even if it's not a real answer. “I uh-”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t need to answer now. Let me see your phone,” he asks holding out his hand and you hurry to hand it to him. He puts in his number then hands it back to you. “I’m not free on weekends unless I get a sitter. But, I’ll see you around.”
You sit, stunned by how quickly that turned from a polite playdate for your niece to potentially a playdate with Daichi. You bring your hands to your face, trying to compose yourself before waving at both Daichi and Kaiya as they leave.
“Big sis,” your niece wines. “Wanna go home.” She pulls you from the park bench and through the shop while you continue trying to collect your thoughts.
Did you really just pull a dad? There’s no way he was serious, right?
You texted him the night after you got ice cream, but he hadn’t responded. It wasn’t until late Sunday evening he sent back a short ‘you’re welcome’ after you thanked him for the ice cream. Your face burned and your stomach twisted with every flashback to watching his tongue slide across your spoon.
It was so unnecessary.
It was so hot.
Gathering up the courage to ask when you could see him again took another day and liquid encouragement. Maybe texting him while you were drunk wasn’t the best idea, but it did make sending him photos of yourself a lot easier. The ones you got in return nearly made you drool. Joining the police force ensured he never lost his perfect physique. Every inch of him looked like it had been handcrafted by the gods themself.
Slipping your fingers into your panties and toying with your desperate clit was all too fun when he called you late that night, not caring about his early morning shift or the classes you may have. His voice breathy and deep, yours whiny and high pitched when you came around your fingers begging him to come over and fuck you.
He only laughed, telling you to wait until he had a day off.
Sitting across from him at dinner should be fun. He keeps the conversation going and you always paid attention and politely answered. However, it becomes increasingly obvious that the burning between your thighs is becoming unbearable.
“Check please,” he tells the waiter, and you nearly squeal with excitement.
“Mind if I go get some fresh air while you settle the bill?” You ask, placing your hand over his; thumb drawing circles on the back of his hand.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He smiles at you and you walk out of the door, ignoring the way his eyes make you feel as you walk out the door.
Cool evening air hits you hard. Letting out another sigh, you laugh at yourself for acting this desperate in public. He must know. It’s not like you’ve been good at hiding it. You’re worse than a cat in heat, mewling for attention and a quick fix.
“Ready?” His voice startles you and you turn to face him. You nod and he extends his hand out for you. The walk to his car is short, and you’re grateful for the dim lighting in the parking garage once you slide into the passenger seat.
Unable to can’t wait any longer, you straddle his lap in his seat and he tilts his head, looking up at you in amusement. Kissing his neck, you run your hands down his chest and slowly grind against him. His firm hands hold your hips and you whimper, trying to convince him to give your body more attention.
“Daichi,” you whine against his neck. “Please, I need-”
You’re stopped as his hand takes control of your jaw, cheeks squished in his hand while he admires you above him. His gaze is intense, not a hint of a smile or enjoyment on his face, but the bulge in his pants hints otherwise. You frown looking down on him, irritated this is the most he’s touched you all night.
“I don’t like brats.” He says simply. “Impatient ones are even more annoying. Tell me, are you going to be an annoying brat?”
You try and shake your head no, barely getting it to move from side to side in his grip.
“Good,” he releases your face and you sigh. Rubbing your cheeks with your fingers you relent from trying the aggressive approach with him; seeing now he’s much less patient than you had expected. “Now can you wait until Daddy takes you home?”
You nod, a smile brimming on your lips while your stomach turns.
“I want to hear you say it.” His eyes somehow focus on you more, making your stomach twist once more.
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
The rest of the drive is silent, his hand resting on your exposed thigh a little too close to the hem for comfort. It keeps your mind buzzing, every nerve lit aflame at the slightest bump in the road or motion of his fingers. His thumb occasionally draws circles on your sensitive skin, and the whimper that always leaves your lips feels embarrassing.
Are you really a whimpering mess already?
Everything about being with Daichi made you feel more intense like your body knew just how to react to everything he does and says. Was it the age difference and excitement? Or was it simply because he knew how to touch and speak to you?
“Sweetheart?” Daichi’s voice draws your attention and you look over to him. “We’re home now. Be a good girl for me, and go unlock the door.” He dangles the keys in front of you and you take them nodding.
“Yes sir,” you slip out of the car. Did you call him sir? At the moment it felt right, but now with your face burning and palms sweating you wonder if he thinks it’s ridiculous.
You unlock the door, pushing it open and standing awkwardly waiting for him to walk up the stairs to the front door. Why is he prolonging this? There was no reason for him to stay behind. Turning your head to look where he parked the car, you see he’s talking to a neighbor, laughing, and paying you no mind.
What’s his game here?
You huff, frustrated, and embarrassed with how desperate you’ve been acting and he seems to not have a care in the world. Stepping inside, you close the door and take your shoes off. He doesn’t mind you having access to his house with you unsupervised. After all, he did give you the keys to unlock the door.
His home looks comfortable and lived in, not overly clean but not messy per se. You sit on the couch, crossing your legs and laying your head back. While you know it’s rude to begin feeling this irritated, if something didn’t happen soon you were going to have to call for a ride and get home to a toy or even indulge in one of the sleazy dating apps you’re all too familiar with.
Pulling out your phone, you respond to a few notifications you garnered over dinner, nothing of real substance, but better than sitting in silence. A few friends have invited you to a bar not too far from your location, and you consider it, but the front door opening grabs your attention.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart.” He smiles at you and you lay your phone down on the cushion beside you, feeling like you’ve been caught texting in class. “I see you made yourself at home.”
“Oh, I-” you stand up, even more embarrassed.
Does he take pleasure in making you uncomfortable or are you just too on edge?
“Sit back down,” he laughs walking into the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?”
“No thank you,” you answer quickly, sitting back down and laying your hands in your lap to fiddle with your fingers.
He comes back into the living room with his shirt unbuttoned a few, his chest peeking out, and a beer in his left hand. Sitting on the recliner adjacent to the couch, he motions for you with his pointer finger then pats his lap. Your body moves without thinking, straddling him with your knees sinking into the soft cushion of the recliner on either side of his hips. He grins watching your dress ride up your thighs before he takes a drink from his beer.
“Why are you acting so shy now? What happened to that confident little attitude?” He sets the beer down on the table between the couch and chair.
“Why are you toying with me?” You ask, furrowing your brow and tilting your head. “Just fuck me already.”
“There it is,” he chuckles. “You’re not as good of a girl as you think. You’re nothing more than a spoiled brat who needs put in her place. Lucky for you, I know just how to handle bratty girls like you.”
His thumb pulls on your bottom lip and you part them, letting his middle and index finger slip in and press against your tongue. You moan at first, grinding your cunt against his thigh before his fingers slip further in and make you gag. Closing your eyes you grind on him harder, the gagging only intensifying and your body lighting on fire.
“Pathetic,” he laughs while resting his cheek against his hand. Opening your eyes more you see he looks unamused, even as he shoves his fingers down your throat more. “Moaning like this over what? I’m barely touching you.”
You moan again, pressing your core harder on his thigh and whining. Your fingers dig into the arm of the recliner, steadying yourself while you ride his thigh. It feels too good to stop, the minute amount of pleasure intensified by Daichi’s fingers in your mouth.
“Maybe I was wrong,” his voice making you whine again. “Maybe you’re not a brat, just a dumb little slut desperate to cum.” Removing his fingers from your mouth, you take deep breaths, coughing and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“P-please,” you beg. “Please fuck me, daddy. Wanna feel you in me. I’ll be good, I swear.” You sound desperate, you know it and so does he.
“Do you think you deserve it?” He rubs the spit from his fingers onto your cheek while holding your jaw. He shakes your head back and forth slowly as a no for you. “That’s right. You don’t deserve daddy’s cock.”
“B-but-” you whine and grind against him. “Please!”
“Hmm,” he hums, releasing your jaw and licking his fingers clean before taking another sip from his beer. “Maybe if you earn it. I’m not in the mood to fuck an ungrateful whore.”
“Anything!” You nearly shout, eager to please him.
How you’re feeling is different than usual, the need to do whatever Daichi wants completely takes over your own desires. While the feeling is new, it’s something you want to continue to chase. Your head feeling lighter and body burning is all too good to give up now.
“Do I need to tell you what to do?” You nod. “Of course,” he chuckles, “silly of me to forget you’re nothing but a dumb brat. Get on your knees in front of me. Put that mouth to good use for once, won’t ya?”
“Yes daddy,” you say quietly, sliding onto the floor and tugging at his pants.
His belt is a struggle, and he makes no attempt to help you until you’re sliding his pants and boxers off and he lifts his body up just enough to get them down his thighs. Gripping his cock, your mind races wondering if you’ll even be able to fit his girth in your mouth as your fingers barely manage to wrap around him.
“If I finish this beer before you make me cum, I might not fuck you at all.” He says tapping your forehead with the cold glass bottle. “Do you understand?”
You nod again and he leans back into the recliner. Precum leaks from the tip and you wipe it up with your tongue, enjoying the taste as it floods your senses. As your tongue swirls around the head and your warm mouth takes him in, he moans.
It’s quiet and short-lived, but enough to encourage you to take more of him. He fills your mouth so quickly, but you’re determined to make him cum; unsure if it's because you’re desperate to be fucked or if you just really want to please him. Either way, you’re going to have him cumming in your mouth in minutes, you know you can.
You gag loudly when you force him into your throat, nearly taking him to the hilt. This time his moan is louder and longer, making you buzz with pride. Managing to keep him deep in your mouth you rub his balls with your shaky fingers while setting a steady pace bobbing your head up and down.
“Fuck,” he groans. “I guess that mouth is useful for something…” another moan breaks his last word but you don’t care.
The condescending praise just enough to make you hum against him with glee. He bucks his hips when you do, his fingers tangling in your hair and forcing you to choke on him again. You claw at his thighs, desperate to come up for air while you fight against him. He releases the tight hold and you take him out coughing as you stroke him with your hand.
You watch with a frown while he drinks on his beer again, watching carefully as the faint line of liquid lowers nearing the bottom of the bottle. You can do this, you tell yourself before taking a deep breath and taking him back in your mouth. Humming against him lightly while massaging his balls in your palm earns the same reaction, except you’re better at keeping a steady pace now.
“Shit,” he groans.
His cock twitches against your tongue and warm spurts of cum coat your mouth before you can swallow fast enough. He pulls you off his cock by your hair.
“Tongue,” he says and you stick it out timidly.
He spits on your tongue before pulling you to his face and kissing you, his tongue invading your mouth and making you gag at the taste of his beer. His kiss takes your breath away, literally struggling for air as he continues. You’re coughing and pulling away from him while a mix of spit and cum runs down your chin.
“I didn’t think you could do it,” he admits. “I’m surprised someone as desperate and stupid as you could make me cum that fast. I suppose I should reward you then, hmm?”
“Please daddy, please,” you beg. “Want your cock in me so bad.”
His hand slips under your dress and rubs against your soaking panties. “You really do want me, don't you baby?”
You nod.
His free hand gropes your breast, pinching your nipple through the thin material of your dress. You close your eyes biting your lip as you enjoy the not so soft touches he gives you. You moan when his fingers slip into your panties, sliding against your puffy clit.
“Daddy!” You squeal when his middle finger slides inside of you and curls. “Fuck, more please.”
He laughs, pulling his finger out and standing up. He sheds his clothes while you remain on your knees in front of him. You can’t help but admire how good he looks above you like this. Honestly, you think you’d do anything to remain in this moment even if the anticipation of him splitting you open is forcing you to clench around nothing.
Daichi offers you his hand and he assists you in standing to your feet, but it doesn’t last long. He bends you over the arm of his recliner in seconds, pulling your dress down and allowing your bare breasts to fall from it.
“Tell daddy what you want,” he teases while rubbing his cock between your folds.
“Want your cock!” You turn your head back to look at him. “Please, I need it.”
“Good fucking girl,” he groans while sliding inside of you.
Even with your intense arousal and the spit on his cock, it stings. Your body goes limp against the arm of the recliner as you try and relax your body to let him in. Crying into the cushion, you try to not be too loud while getting used to his size.
“If I’d known you’d be this tight, I would have fucked you sooner,” he says after fully sheathing himself inside of you.
He isn’t nice enough to give you more time, too overwhelmed with the way you squeeze him so nicely to not start thrusting immediately. You cry out when his cockhead hits deep inside of you, pulling against your walls as he pulls back out only to do it all over again.
It hurts. It feels ethereal.
“Daddy!” You whine as his fingers twirl your nipple between them and he holds you back against him while relentlessly pounding into you. “Too much!”
“Be a good girl,” he hisses. “I know you can take it.”
You whimper in response, his thrusts forcing your breasts into his hands while he continues to assault them. Your thighs begin to shake and your core feels like it’s a tightwire about to break.
“Wanna cum!” You tell him, some part of you knows it's better to warn him or ask instead of letting yourself go. “Please, daddy! Let me cum.”
“Aw, my little slut is learning,” he chuckles, thrusting deep into you and letting you fall back onto the recliner. “Go ahead, cum for daddy. Cream all over my cock sweetheart.”
He hits the sweet spot inside of you once more and you come undone, cumming around his cock and crying out a mixture of daddy and curses. He grunts as you clench around him, body pliable for him to hold you closer while rapidly fucking you.
He cums, and you feel it drip out of you around his cock before you comprehend what’s happened. You’re too fucked out to even care if you’re honest. He pulls your panties back to the side as he pulls out of you.
“You’re going to keep it all in, aren’t you?” He pulls his pants back on, leaving his shirt on the floor and sitting on the couch.
You nod, pulling your dress back over your breasts and adjusting the thin straps back to a comfortable position on your shoulders. He pats his lap again, and you sit across him, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your cheek against his shoulder.
A knock at the door startles you and you look at Daichi with a concerned face.
“Oh,” he laughs. “I lost track of time. Can you get that?”
You sheepishly nod. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I need to go grab something from my room. I’m sure you can handle it.” He disappears down the hall.
Running your hands through your hair to make sure you don’t look crazy, you open the door.
“Oh,” a sharp tone greets you.
“Big sis!!” Kaiya screams, jumping up and down and running inside.
“Uh,” who you assume to be her mother says shaking her head. “Is Daichi here?” She’s irritated, and reasonably so. “I need to speak with him immediately.”
“Yeah, he’s right-”
“What do you want?” He appears back into the living room, pulling a loose shirt over his head as he comes in.
He easily could have done that before. Is he doing this on purpose?
Oh god, he is.
You look quickly between the two of them as he steps in the doorway with you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“I think we need to speak in private.” His ex tells him, eyeing you up and down.
“Sweetheart, do you care to take Kaiya to her room to play for a few minutes?” He kisses your forehead and you look away from the intense glare you receive from Kaiya’s mother.
“Daichi! Why are you-”
“Stop,” he says loudly. “---- can watch her for a moment.” He lets go of you.
“Can you show me your room Kaiya?” You ask sweetly and she takes your hand and guides you down the hall.
You’re not sure if you’re grateful Daichi got you away from his ex or if you’re happy Kaiya won’t have to see her parents bicker. Either way, it’s a win for you. Your heart is beating against your chest, making you nauseous. There’s no way he just forgot he was getting his daughter tonight.
You’re flattered that he used you to make her angry, but the more spiteful part of you wishes he had let you in on it a little more. Having you answer the door was good, but you could have left your hair a mess or something more…
“Big sis, why are you here? Did you and daddy have a playdate?” She asks, handing you a stuffed rabbit while you sit on the floor of her room with her.
“Uh,” you giggle. “Yeah, we had a playdate.”
Haikyuu boys you meet while pet-sitting

Daichi, Matsukawa, Kuroo, Ushijima x afab reader Word count: ~1.6k Tags & warnings: Smut, smut, n more SMUT-MDNI, thigh riding, dom (teeny tiny), praise, p in v, creampie (implied), oral sex (m and f receiving), hair pulling, fingering, throat fucking, I love a man that smells good and has a sexy voice
Note: New year, same horny me. This got out of hand. Recently did a lot of pet-sitting and I wish any (all) of this happened. It’s my first time writing smut - thoughts & constructive criticism welcome

You meet Daichi before you even start cat-sitting. Due to a last-minute itinerary change, your friend flew out a day early and left her extra key with a neighbor for you to pick up. He opens the door dressed in a t-shirt and shorts and you’re reduced to a stammering mess as you gape at his immense biceps and thighs, trying to explain that you’re the cat-sitter and sorry for disturbing him but could you please get your friend’s key?
Daichi is too polite to comment on your wandering eyes and nervous stuttering, but he’s smirking to himself after he closes his door. Unfortunately for your composure, he suddenly finds himself needing to borrow a lot of things. Could he get some sugar? One of his best friends is an elementary school teacher, you see, and he wants to bring some cookies for the kids when he goes for a class visit. Does your friend have a wrench he can use? You don’t know where it is? Well, why doesn’t he come in to help you find it? You get used to seeing him every day, although he makes you short circuit each time, your nerves constantly on edge because he’s always murmuring things in your ear (he doesn’t want to startle you by yelling) or accidentally brushing against you (he can’t help it, he’s just so broad).
He finally decides to stop teasing you and asks you out to dinner. He’s so sweet and funny, and you find that when you’re not too flustered to function, you really enjoy his company, so much so that you invite him in for a drink afterward. The alcohol must have gone to straight to your pussy though because you quickly find yourself straddling him, absolutely intoxicated by his deep voice and masculine scent. You’re drenched and you can feel him straining against his pants, but he doesn’t want to rush it with you. He exudes natural authority, which is why you don’t let out a peep of protest when he tells you to ride his thigh first. He sits back with his hands behind his head and drinks in your furrowed brow and desperate whimpers as you grind yourself against his rock-hard muscle, cooing, “You’re doing so good, baby. Be really good and cum for me and I’ll give you a big reward.”

You’re confused when you call for your friend’s cat to come inside one night only to see her climb out of the neighbor’s window. The neighbor in question, Matsukawa, steps out onto the shared balcony and is just as confused to see you. You tell him you’re cat-sitting and he explains that your friend’s cat likes to sit on his laptop while he works. It turns into a comfortable routine to talk with him in the evenings while you wait for the cat to return. He’s incredibly handsome, but more than that he’s magnetic, witty, and has an absolutely lewd sense of humor that he’s surprised you love.
What you don’t know is that he’s got a major problem with you. The problem being he’s confused - no, frustrated - by why you’ve suddenly started wearing a shirt so flimsy it leaves nothing to the imagination. Every night, he struggles to keep himself from fixating on the swell of your breasts and the outline of your nipples poking through the sheer fabric. When he retreats to his apartment after your chats, he’s so worked up he has to fuck his fist, picturing how you’d look underneath him, glassy-eyed and drooling with his cum all over those pretty tits and leaking out of your pussy.
After a solid week, he decides enough is enough and invites you over. The two of you barely make it more than 10 minutes. He’s pouring you a drink when you confess you’ve been wearing that shirt on purpose after seeing him out on a run. In a flash, Issei’s got you bent over his kitchen counter, pulling your panties to the side. He barely needs to prep you because you’ve been looking forward to this all day, cursing under his breath as his fingers slide in with little resistance. He pulls your head back by your hair and growls into your ear while he rails you from behind, “If you’re gonna tease me, you better be ready to show me what this tight little pussy can do.” You barely register what he’s saying because the only thing you can focus on is how full you feel with each delicious drag of his thick cock against your slick walls. His cum drips down your thighs as he reaches between your legs one more time. “Gonna cum on my cock again baby?”

You first see Kuroo one morning while walking your friend’s dog. He’s out on a run with his own dog and you’d have to be a statue to be impervious to how his shirt clings to his chest. He sees you checking him out and decides to give you a show by lifting up the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his neck. Except he accidentally uses the same hand that’s holding the leash, causing his dog to pull him forward flat onto his face. After you make sure they’re both ok, you let yourself laugh so hard you get a stomachache.
You wonder if you’ll run into him again after that fiasco. He must be shameless because he makes sure to leave the house at the same time the next morning to catch you. He’s more sheepish this time, though he still drops some cheesy jokes. You run into him every morning after that, and every evening too. He always stops to chat. You give him shit for how unfunny he is, but he lives to hear your groans when he comes up with an especially terrible line. You two fluster each other constantly. His stomach flutters on the rare instances he actually makes you laugh - loudly and genuinely - at something he says. Meanwhile, you’re speechless when he starts running without a shirt on (because it’s hot out and not for any other reason), eyes hungrily taking in every inch of corded muscle. He smirks when he catches you gawking at him yet again, “Want me to ask you over or something?” Let me tell you, that false bravado slips right off when you reply, “Yea, I’d like that,” and suddenly he’s the one that's a stuttering wreck.
You go over to watch a movie together that night, but don’t get far because it’s adorable how he fidgets with his hair and his cheeky grin is so charming and he smells so enticing that it’s impossible to keep your hands to yourself. He shoos his dog out of the bedroom when you get down to business because “I don’t want her to see this.” As ridiculous as this man is, he is an artiste when it comes to eating pussy. He’s got you cumming around his tongue and fingers for the fourth time and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. You’re gasping for breath, barely able to form a coherent thought, cunt drenched and clenching and begging for him to fuck you already. “Cum for me one more time baby, then I’ll do whatever you want.” But he’s said that three times already.

You’re intimidated when Ushijima opens his door but not too intimidated to ogle him as drops of sweat glide down his naked torso. You’ve interrupted him in the middle of a workout, but how were you to know? You just wanted to hand over a package that had been misdelivered to your friend’s apartment next door. You watch the way his muscles ripple as he reaches for the box, and he watches you brazenly eyefuck him (to be fair, his pecs are right there, not to mention the shadow of something massive in his shorts).
After that, he always offers a polite hello in the hallway, but never initiates conversation and only gives you one-word responses, so you figure he’s not interested. It’s disappointing, but at least you can still fantasize about him, moaning his name while knuckle deep in your soaking cunt, desperately wishing it was his thick fingers instead. You hear a knock and hurriedly throw on a robe to find Ushijima at the door. He clears his throat. “Were you…calling for me?” SHIT. You forgot to close the windows. If only the ground would swallow you whole right now so you don’t have to stammer out an excuse, any excuse.
But then you notice the nervous bob of his adam’s apple and the bulge in his pants, and you find yourself asking if he came over to help. He nods, following you to the couch obediently like a huge puppy. He’s so timid at first, letting out sweet little whines when you wrap your lips around him, barely able to fit a few inches in your mouth. But now he’s grunting like a feral thing as he fists your hair, slamming his cock over and over again into the back of your throat, unable to hold back as he chases his own release. And after he pumps your throat full of cum, you’re going to count yourself the luckiest bitch in the world as you slowly sink your dripping pussy down onto his fat cock. “Are you sure I’ll fit?” he whispers in a haze, watching your eyes roll back as he disappears inside of you inch by inch.

Note 2: Pussydrunk Kuroo or bust. Ok but now I’m thinking about how hilarious (read: horny & amazing) reader’s life would be if this was all in the same apartment complex and happening at the same time
Men whose personalities flip when they have a crush on you
Suna, Atsumu, Oikawa, Suga, Yaku, Daichi, Futakuchi, Tendou, Kita x gn reader

God himself couldn't stop Suna from flirting with you. You'd think he has a secret twin; honey eyes dull and uninterested until you walk in. He's got a sly smirk on his face as he leans in to talk to you, the first conversation he's engaged in for the day. Calloused fingers poke your cheeks and tease their softness. You and you alone can make him seem this alive.
Atsumu could not be more quiet in your presence. His abdomen is starting to cramp up from how he's been sucking it in for the last two hours, not daring to breathe too loudly in front of you. He's clumsy and dazed, making you repeat yourself a handful of times before his ears regain their function to listen instead of just staring at you. A far cry from the perfect player he is on court.
Oikawa is insufferable. Whether it’s to the people around you both, or you directly, he’s flaunting everything he’s got. He has the pointless delusion that his friends will play wingman for him instead of sabotaging. He’s not a tyrant captain but seeing Mattsun purposely distract you as he sets up for a floater makes him think Seijoh can go for a few laps after practice. Nicknames and small affections galore. Sure, he smiles and waves at all his fans but does he hold their hand and give them long hugs even if they’re just excusing themselves to the restroom? Also he leans on you a TON. Has no spine when you’re around, just always draping himself over you and whining for your attention.
Sugawara gets a little mean. He can't help it! He knows he's the poster boy of being a kind senpai, but one glance at your sweet face has his inner desires tumbling out. He's fairly good at controlling himself but you are his one exception. He'll make sharp quips in the sweetest voice possible just to see you get whiplash over it. He knows he should stop, that there's a chance he might drive you away with his behavior, but he's addicted to teasing you in the worst way.
Demon senpai Yaku? Did you mean angel boyfie-to-be Mori 😇😊🥰 Man is the simp of simps and everyone knows it. Nekoma is disgusted with the way his forehead vein disappears and he immediately stops yelling once when you walk in. Yaku spoils you rotten even if there is no label on you two; he's holding your hand to kiss the back of it, walking you to class, buying you dinner all the time, and complimenting you non stop. He's a perfect gentleman. That's not to say he won't tease you (relentlessly at that,) but that comes later. First, he needs you to know that you're the apple of his eye and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you.
Daichi would forget his head if it weren't attached to his body. You're just so pretty and wonderful, it makes him nervous! The type to drop his food all over himself if he's eating around you. He's knocking things over and tripping over his feet in your presence. Daichi is adorably clumsy but he always gives you a bashful grin, blush staining his cheeks and ears.
Futakuchi teases you so badly, you'll think that you're the one with the crush instead of him. This man won't let you live. You're not even dating but he already has an entire folder of blackmail on you- when you fell asleep in class, you tripping up the stairs, dropping a whole bag of chips on your white pants. He brings up your embarrassing moments so often. I wonder how much attention he must have been paying to you to catch them all 🧐
Tendou is selectively awful to you. The definition of ‘gives you his worst to see if you deserve his best.’ He’s so tired of people abandoning him when they realize who he is as a person. He’s almost expecting to scare you off, so he goes overboard as some assurance that ‘yeah, you’re not the one.’ Color him surprised if you do stick around and dare he say….treat him normally. If you get to that point, he’s gonna be clinging on you like there's no tomorrow. He might even seem like he’s leading you on a bit with all his hot and cold teasing, but trust me, there are definite feelings behind it.
Nobody expected Kita to be offering you his shoulder for a nap, but here we are. He cares about you deeply. Deep enough that when he sees you yawning, he folds his cardigan in his lap as an extra pillow while he gently guides you to his legs for a quick rest. He keeps his warm hand on your shoulder the entire time and gently rubs it, even long after you drift off. His highly valued personal space is now your highly valued personal space. He has the sweetest smile and a warm blush on his face whenever he talks to you. The team can’t even make fun of him because it’s so adorable.

hey hey hey!! You're one of my favourite writers and seeing your requests open makes me so happy! can I request: how would daichi, aone, ushijima, tsukishima, and iwaizumi act when they're pining for a fem!reader who's just completely oblivious?

characters: ushijima wakatoshi, sawamura daichi, tsukishima kei, iwaizumi hajime, & aone takanobu, all with a fem!reader
warnings: i think i swore somewhere lol also a very slightly suggestive ending for Iwaizumi’s
a/n: my heart is DYING seeing this :') anon you're much too kind! but I love this idea!! gotta give a HUGE thank you to @satan-ruler-of-hells for helping me out with Iwaizumi’s!!!! also i’m so sorry that i turned these into practically fic sized haha i got so carried away with the ideas! also sorry if some of the yn’s are more oblivious than others LOL none of the following gifs are mine - all credits to the creators!
haikyuu masterlist

In full honesty, Ushijima probably already thinks you two are dating. He stood in front of you one time, clearing his throat before just saying, “I like you,” in such a mundane and casual way, you hadn’t thought of it as anything out of the ordinary.
You thought the two of you were just friends, and that Ushijima was just saying he liked having you as a friend. So you beamed up at him and nodded, saying, “I like you too, Ushijima!”
And you were happy with being friends with him! Who wouldn't be? Ushijima Wakatoshi was one of the greatest volleyball players in Japan, but even more than that, he was actually really fun to get to know. He was always so gentle with you, compared to how you saw him with his teammates. On the Shiratorizawa volleyball team, Ushijima was the stoic captain with strength beyond anyone’s imagination. But with you, Ushijima was just a giant with calloused hands that sometimes held yours.
It probably would’ve been months after Ushijima’s confession before you two realized the differences in what you two thought your relationship was, but thankfully Tendō embarrassed you both a few weeks after.
“Shiratorizawa’s captain has found a loverrrr, a lover like no otherrrr,” he sang happily around you two, sending you a playful wink as the three of you walk across campus as you headed to one of their games.
“Tendō you’re so embarrassing!” You laughed, shaking your head. Your face felt so hot the more he talked about it. How could he possibly say such things so casually?
“Oh come on, Y/N!” Tendō grinned. “It’s not every day that my best friend finds a girlfriend! I’m just glad you manned up enough to confess!” The red head nudged his friend, continuing on humming his melody.
You stared at him for a moment, looking between the two afterwards and wondering why Ushijima wasn’t telling him otherwise. “Girlfriend?” You repeated.
The boys looked at you in as much confusion as you were looking at them, a tension rising in the air. “Sorry, have you guys not labelled things? I just thought that when a guy confesses and a girl agrees, it’s natural to assume they’re dating.”
You were going to throw up. What was happening? Why wasn’t Ushijima saying anything? Why was he just staring at you with that almost blank no-thoughts look on his face?
“D-Dating?” You repeated again, choking a bit on your words. Of course you wanted to date Ushijima, but there was no way you were admitting yoru feelings like this. You had been crushing on this guy for months now and there was no way that you would embarrass yourself, or rather have Tendō embarrass you, about your feelings now.
Tendō just continue whipping his vision from you to Ushijima, obviously very concerned that he had gotten something wrong.
“Is there something wrong?” Ushijima finally asked, a slight crease in his eyebrows. “Was it wrong of me to have told Tendō? I didn’t think there was any reason to keep it a secret.”
Had you magically woken up in a different universe where you were actually dating Ushijima? Had you hit your head too hard and this was the dream your subconscious wanted you in? All your conspiracy theories started to build up in your head as you stared up at this boy you were practically in love with already. What was he talking about?
“I thought you said you confessed,” Tendō murmured not-so-softly to his best friend.
“I did,” Ushijima responded back flatly, but there was a slight panic in his eyes. He looked at you, stepping forward and taking your hand gently like he had before so many times. “Was it not a good confession?”
You tried to think back to all the encounters you had had with Ushijima recently. None of them had seemed out of the ordinary... and he had never mentioned liking you like that... or had he?
“I... I didn’t know you were confessing,” you admitted nervously, your heart starting to pound against your chest.
Ushijima’s eyes faltered a bit, glancing at the floor before looking up at you, “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
He started to walk away but you grabbed his hand and tried to pull him back, “Ushijima wait! I... I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just... never realized you would feel like that about me.”
Tendō let out a sort of cackle from behind you two, shaking his head, “Come on, Y/N, how many times does a guy have to reach for your hand for you to realize he likes you? Doesn’t Ushi here walk you home every night too? Text you good morning? Send you good night texts? Doesn’t he stay on video chat with you while you’re doing your homework?”
Ushijima’s cheeks were going a rosy sort of colour as Tendō listed all the things that he had done. He always worried that he was being too forward with you so he never gripped your hand too hard so you could pull away if you wanted. He always told you you could go home when he can practice in case you didn’t want to walk with him, never insisted you text him back, never made you stay on a call for longer than you wanted to... all this time he thought he was being too much... had he not been doing enough?
You stared up at the ace volleyball player in surprise, unsure of how to take all this information. Sure, Tendō made a lot of good points... what other guy would do all that for you? Aren’t they all typically boyfriend things to do?
“I’m sorry, Ushijima!” You exclaimed as you let the realization sink in. “I do like you too, I just... I thought you meant you liked me as a friend,” you explained to him, squeezing his hand slightly.
Ushijima gave you a small smile and reached his hand up to pat your head, “It’s okay. I like you more than a friend... is that alright?”
You giggled at his still-stoic demeanour, nodding quickly, “Yes! It’s more than alright!”
Ushijima’s smile grew just a little bit and he pulled you closer as the three of you started to walk again.
“Ya know, Ushi, if I had know that you were going to just tell her you liked her, I would’ve written you a speech! You could’ve used one of the confessions that I’ve read in mangas - girls love that shit!” Tendō pointed out with a snicker.
“No, it’s okay,” you laughed, smiling to yourself. “Even though I missed all the signs, I’m just glad I know now.”
“Yeah you’re right. Ushijima was being so obvious with how much he liked you too. It probably wouldn’t have even worked if he gave a big speech. Probably would’ve gone right over your head,” Tendō laughed and you swatted at his arm with a playful glare.
Ushijima didn’t really mind having to confess twice - he hated how nervous he felt waiting for your answers but the relief he felt after, knowing that you liked him too, made it all worth it.

Daichi wasn’t sure what else to do to make how he felt about you more obvious. He thought he had tried everything. He had brought you your favourite sweets and asked you if you wanted to see a movie with you, but you were so busy with club activities and exams, you couldn’t attend. Then he tried to invite you to have lunch with him but you saw Suga and Asahi nearby and assumed they were joining (so of course they did). He even tried to tell you how he was feeling and you mistook his nervousness for being worried about his upcoming game.
“Y/N... I... I’ve been trying to get the courage to tell you all this for a while now-” he had started to admit when you cut him off.
“Don’t worry, Daichi!” You told him with a huge grin. “I know you guys will be great!”
“S-Sorry?” Daichi blinked, unsure of what you were talking about.
“Your game!” You explained. “That’s what you’re talking about isn’t it? Don’t worry! I know that you’ve got a lot on your shoulders being the captain and all but there’s nothing wrong with a guy being nervous!”
Daichi had been so caught off guard with your perfect smile and the way you were trying to comfort him, he just rubbed the back of his head nervously and gave you a smile.
Daichi was starting to think that you were purposefully avoiding his confessions and date ideas. Everytime he tried to grab you and confess, you always seemed to wiggle out of the conversation. You had such a lighthearted way of doing it, he wasn’t sure if you were just oblivious to his feelings or if you really were trying to let him down gently. “What if she just wants to be friends? And she’s trying to keep us as just that?” He suggested as the third years had a brain storming session.
“No way,” Sugawara shook his head.
“How can you be so sure?” Asahi asked curiously and Suga just gave him a smirk.
“Because I heard from Y/N’s best friend that Y/N’s been into Daichi for a while now. She definitely like you, Cap,” Sugawara insisted. “Though, I did also hear that she thought you were dating Michimiya.”
Daichi let out a splutter of excuses, insisting that he only liked you, a blush across his cheeks.
“Oh calm down, Daichi, you don’t have to convince us,” Sugawara laughed as he and Asahi snickered over how quick Daichi was to defend his feelings. “Maybe you’re just going to have to come out and say it. Set up the whole environment, ya know? Bring her on a date, bring her flowers, and then bam! Kiss her goodnight!”
"Can’t you be less bold?” Daichi insisted, blushing at the mere thought of getting to kiss you goodnight. But Suga had a point. Maybe it was time to just rip the bandaid off and see what happens.
And that’s who Daichi ended up on your front doorstep, holding a small bouquet of roses and a cue card with little points of how he felt about you that he didn’t want to forget.
“I’ve been trying to hint to you how I felt for the past few weeks now and honestly, I thought maybe you were trying to avoid me,” he admitted softly, watching your eyes carefully as if trying to see if you were getting uncomfortable. “But I like so much about you, Y/N, and I was really hoping that maybe you’d want to come on a date with me. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or serious if you don’t want it to! Maybe just... a movie or maybe ice cream. I just... I really like you and I don’t want to go the rest of my life wondering what could’ve happened between us because I didn’t have the courage to come tell you how I felt.”
Needless to say, you were thrilled to receive such a sweet confession. Of course you accepted, and quickly invited him in so you could put the roses in some water.
“How come you didn’t say anything before?” You asked with a smile. “Not that I didn’t like your whole speech, and that adorable cue card, but you didn’t really have to do all that for me, ya know.”
Daichi just laughed and poked you playfully, “What do you think I’ve been trying to do lately? Always pulling you away from your friends? Bringing you your favourite snacks?”
You blinked in thought, thinking about how nervous Daichi seemed recently, “Oh! I... I honestly just thought you were thinking about volleyball.”
“Who could think about volleyball when you’re around?” He winked at you, giving your hand a squeeze and making a promise to you that he’d take you for ice cream the next time you were both available. After you promised to stop cutting him off mid-sentences that is.

Tsukishima wasn’t really sure what to do with these feelings he had suddenly caught from you. He always found you rather interesting and would listen intently to your answers in class, or your conversations with Yamaguchi as the two of you laughed over some anime the both of you watched. You were... interesting. And these feelings were surely just curiousity.
But the more Tsukishima started to interact with you, the less he could argue that he was merely curious about you. Soon, he was faced with the problem of everything she smiles, I feel like my heart is beating too fast and lately I’ve been pretending like I forgot all my pencils because I like the brush of her fingers against mine when she offers me one. He knew he liked you, even if he wasn’t quite sure how to put it in words.
But it didn’t matter how nice Tsukishima was to you (though, Yamaguchi argued that he was always giving off mixed signals), you never really seemed to pick up on his feelings. He knew you weren’t an idiot, because you were much smarter than him in some classes. Maybe you were just oblivious?
So Tsukishima decided to step up his niceness, standing over your desk one day and waiting for you to look up at him before mumbling, “Don’t bring lunch tomorrow.” Before you could even really ask any questions, the blond boy had disappeared, walking home quickly while Yamaguchi teased him slightly for being so nervous.
“I’m not nervous,” Tsukishima insisted, but his palms inside of his pockets were sweating and he could swear his chest was growing more and more tight.
“I think it’s sweet,” Yamaguchi laughed and Tsukishima shrugged it off, but started to mentally prepare what his evening would look like.
His mom didn’t even question it, as Tsukishima awkwardly asked her if he could make an extra lunch for tomorrow. She had noticed the softness in his eyes when she asked if it was for Yamaguchi, and instead he told her it was for a friend. She watched as he moved around in the kitchen, packing two matching bento boxes, and offering some small snacks or other side dishes to pack as well because her son had never talked about another friend the way that he was talking about you.
The next day, when Tsukishima plopped the container in front of you at lunch time, you honestly found yourself at a loss for words. “W-What’s this, Tsukishima?”
“Lunch,” he stated simply, as if it were obvious. You watched as he reached for cutlery instead of his headphones like he usually did, and then glanced around and found that Yamaguchi wasn’t around like he normally was either.
“Did you pack lunch for me, Tsukishima?” You asked with wide eyes, peeking under the cover.
“It’s not a big deal,” he mumbled, but his cheeks were flushed pink to match the tip of his ears.
You beamed as you found some of your favourite foods packed in the box, digging in excitedly. Much to Tsukishima’s content, you started to fill the silence with conversation, asking him about volleyball and telling him about your own extracurriculars. It was so easy to talk to you, he found, you didn’t make him feel weird for his opinions, and actually listened intently as he told you about his favourite topics or favourite musicians.
It soon became an every other day event, one of you bringing lunch for the other because you insisted that you bring him lunch as a thank you for him bringing you yours. After a few weeks of this, Tsukishima held out a bento box to you and as you opened it, you found some of the meat arranged to make a little heart.
You stared at it in silence for a moment, wondering if it had magically done that itself or if Tsukishima had actually meant for it to be like that.
“What?” He asked bluntly, shifting in his seat as he watched you stare.
“W-What’s that?” You asked softly, showing him what you were seeing. Your face was warm with nervousness as you tried to read his expressionless face. His eyes glanced at yours and then back at the little heart and gave a careless shrug, “Nothing.”
“It’s a heart.”
“I can see that, Tsukishima.”
“It doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be,” he muttered, his fists clenched up in his lap as he looked away from you. “Whatever, don’t make it into a big deal.”
“What do you me, if I don’t want it to be?”
Tsukishima sighed, glaring over at you, “Are you really that dense? I thought you were smarter than this.”
“H-Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” You whined, unsure of where this animosity had suddenly come from.
“I like you! How can you not see that? What else would a stupid heart mean? I wouldn’t be having lunch with you all the time if I didn’t, idiot,” he grumbled, rolling his eyes. He wanted to reach for his headphones, he wanted to shove everything back into his bag and run away because this wasn’t going the way he wanted it to and he couldn’t even look at you now because you were defintely going to reject him-
"Oh. Well i like you too, Tsukishima,” you admitted, taking out the chopsticks and happily starting to eat.
“H-How can you be so casual about this?” Tsukishima asked after a moment, his heart still racing as he tried to process what you just said.
“Casual?” You repeated, munching on a bit of veggies. “Hm.. I guess it’s because everything just seems to easy with you. I never thought you actually liked me back and... I guess I’m sort of relieved to hear you say it. Besides, if you count all the lunches we’ve had together, it’s practically like we’re dating already, isn’t it?” You giggled, grinning up at him as you noticed how taken aback he seemed.
“N-No! I’m going to take you on a real date, idiot,” he huffed, starting to eat his own food but not before flicking you in the head. “God, you’re impossible.”
“Well that’s good because it’s impossible to put up with you too,” you teased, sticking out your tongue at him. The two of you ate for a little bit more before you started to laugh, “Dang it, I should’ve taken a picture of it. Tsukishima Kei made me a little lunch heart,” you giggled.
“Oh shut up,” he blushed, rolling his eyes like it was no big deal, but still shovelled some of your favourite parts of the bento from his box to yours. You beamed up at him because Tsukishima finally confessed to you in the cutest, most Tsukishima way, and you couldn’t be happier.

Iwaizumi didn’t realize how fast he could fall for someone before he met you. You had been such a big part of the team, he honestly thought that his excitement to see you was really just excitement to play volleyball. But even when he got to play, when you weren’t around, he always felt disappointed.
Oikawa didn’t even need Iwa to tell him how he felt about you, he had known long before Iwaizumi came to the conclusion that the mom and dad of the team were destined to be together, and he would do anything to make that obvious for you two.
“Why’s Iwa mad now?” Matsukawa asked as he came into practice, noticing Iwaizumi spiking a little harder than usual.
“I”m not mad!” Iwaizumi insisted but the frown on his face was secure.
“Because mommy and daddy had a disagreement and like usual, mommy won,” Oikawa chuckled, holding up his hands in his defense when Iwaizumi’s glare turned to him.
“Why does everyone always refer to us like we’re married?” You huffed as you cleaned up some of the balls rolling around.
“Because we all know you two would be the main couple in an anime,” Oikawa stated with a grin, Iwaizumi throwing a volleyball at him in retaliation.
Maybe that should’ve been your first clue, or maybe the way that Iwaizumi turned so red so quickly should’ve been. But you shrugged it all off to Oikawa being an idiot (because when was he not annoying the shit out of his best friend?)
The mom and dad jokes never really went away, everyone always playfully calling you Mom until it wasn’t really said in such a teasing tone anymore, and you didn’t answer to it with a glare as often. Now when the team called you Mom, you responded with as much attention as you would have if they called you by your name. There was even one time when Kyōtani gave a quick, “Thanks mom” under his breath as he snatched his water bottle from your hands.
Calling Iwaizumi Dad still remained as hilarious as ever because Iwaizumi would just roll his eyes and throw whatever was nearest to him at the teammate who had addressed him as such. It was an annoying nickname... unless he was addressed as Dad and you were around to play Mom. Because he didn’t mind the idea of being a father with you around... a father of these idiotic teammates was a god awful nightmare, but... he couldn’t help but blush anytime someone called you his wife jokingly or teased him about making Mom mad.
Iwaizumi knew that the moment he came to the realization of how he felt about you, he had to tell you. He didn’t want this feeling in his chest to just sit there forever - he needed you to know how he felt and either feel the same way so he could make you happy every day for the rest of your life, or have you reject him so he could forget about ever feeling like this.
“So...” He cleared his throat one day, standing next to you as you started to put the equipment away. “I... I love you, Y/N.”
“I should fucking hope so,” you huffed, trying to push one of the net poles away. Iwaizumi’s eyes grew wide as he heard you accept his confession so casually.
“We’ve got like 7 kids, Iwa, you can’t leave me a single mother of all of them. Oikawa would drive me insane and I’d have to leave him on the side of the road or something,” you sighed, standing up and brushing off the dirt and dust on your hands. “All done!”
Iwaizumi just stared at you, amazed that you could be so fucking oblivious, or at least deflect a confession so easily. Had you really been confessed to so often that you weren’t even fazed by the words anymore?
“Mommmm! Daddd! Are you guys almost done? You aren’t doing weird things in that storage closet are you?” Oikawa teased, poking his head in. “We were all thinking about grabbing something to eat if you guys were interested?”
You thought about it for a moment and glanced over at Iwaizumi who still seemed faze for whatever reason, “Sure! If Iwaizumi is coming,” you shrugged.
“Well hurry up then because we’re leaving now. You two will have to catch up if you keep dragging your feet!” Oikawa smiled his perfectly pretty boy smile, grabbing the rest of the team and pulling them all out with the promise of food.
You walked out of the storage closet, grabbing your bag from the floor, “Come on, Iwaizumi, I’m starving-” you started before turning to find him standing right behind him, making you jump a little. “Sheesh you okay? You look so dejected, what’s up with you?” You raised an eyebrow at him as you leaned against the wall behind you, Iwaizumi slowly closing the gap between you two.
He frowned, looking down at you as if measuring something in your face.
“Is my confession really that easy to reject for you?” He demanded harshly, leaning his hand on the wall behind you so he was practically towering over you.
Your mouth suddenly felt very dry, your chest tightening as you realized just how close he was to you, “C-Confession?”
“I just told you I love you... and you’re not even phased by it.”
Your eyes widened as you thought back to his voice saying those words to you... you hadn’t even considered the fact that he had actually meant it, “I... I don’t understand I thought... I thought you didn’t... that we weren’t...” you mumbled nervously, gulping slowly as he brought his other hand to your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“I love you, Y/N,” he repeated it again slowly, his forehead pressed slightly against yours. “If you’re going to reject me, at least look me in the eyes and do it.”
“I-” you felt your voice waver a little, looking up at his determined eyes. “I don’t... I don’t want to reject you, Iwaizumi. I love you too... I just... I didn’t think we were ever going to be more than friends.”
“I can prove to you otherwise if you’d like,” he teased with a smile and you could’ve sworn his thumb ran over your lips but it was so light it felt like a ghost’s touch.
Needless to say, you two were very late for dinner and Oikawa chewed you two out because of it.

You remembered the first time that Aone brought you flowers like it was yesterday, mostly because it had caught you so off guard. You had been sitting in the library, going over your notes for your upcoming math test, when suddenly a large shadow was over you.
You had practically jumped, seeing Aone there, because for some reason this large man was also really quiet and always seemed to surprise you.
“Hey Aone!” You beamed, moving your stuff over slightly. “Did you come to study with me?”
He shook his head and glanced back at some of his teammates who seemed to be waiting for him near the door.
“Oh do you have practice?” You asked, glancing at the time. He nodded and just stood there for a moment more as you wondered if there was a reason for him stopping by. “Are you okay, Aone?” You finally asked, blinking up at him.
Aone nodded slowly and moved his hand to you, showing a few small wildflowers that he was holding. He was very gentle with them, even though his hands were practically two times bigger than they were. But he set them down on your books and before you could even process what just happened, Aone had disappeared along with the rest of his teammates.
It was such a sweet gesture, and even if you weren’t really sure why he did it, you enjoyed looking at them.
It became a sort of calling card for Aone, flowers taped to your locker, or just lying on your desk. You knew they were from him because he always seemed to linger and watch you find them, watch as you’d smile and look for him. And sometimes, you could swear he was smiling too before he’d go off and disappear again.
Other days, Aone would bring them to you. Sometimes it was during lunch, and he’d find you while you were sitting with your friends, and place them on your lap.
“They’re so pretty today, Aone!” You’d beam, touching the delicate petals with your fingers. “Thank you!”
He just nodded and patted your head gently before walking off like it was nothing.
Your friends always questioned you about the big Date Tech blocker, teasing you about his supposed affections for you. “Don’t be silly, I think he just likes flowers. Maybe he heard I kinda like them too.”
But honestly, Aone probably thought you had gotten the picture by now. Futakuchi insisted to him over and over again that he had to give you some sort of other message because flowers weren’t enough but Aone was never sure what kind of message would be. He wasn’t very good at putting words together and it’s not like he was known for his calligraphy either. How was he supposed to let you know if not with actions?
But after weeks passed and you always seemed to smile just the same at his gifts, Aone started to wonder if Futakuchi was right. Did you really not know? What could you possibly think the flowers were for if not a silent confession? He sighed as he tried to go to a flower shop, awkwardly asking the lady who worked there what kinds of flowers would be good for a confession. She showed him some smaller bouquets that wouldn’t attract too much attention, but would still show an affection, and once Aone had those, he decided it was time to actually try to say something.
He spent the whole night before, writing over and over again script on a small page, trying to make his calligraphy seem perfect. But no matter how much he tried, it always seemed too messy, too large, not delicate enough. He sighed as he looked at the heaps of crumped paper around him, frowning tightly as he tried just one more time. Maybe it didn’t have to be perfect, even though you deserved perfect.
When you got to school the next day, Aone was standing there at the entrance that you usually came in from, with this adorable bouquet in his arms. Girls everywhere were whispering, eyes watching from all directions as if trying to pick out who he was confessing to.
“Aone?” You called him as he started to walk towards you. He pushed the flowers in front of you, eyes watching your carefully as you took the flowers in your hands. “What’re these for?”
He nodded towards a small piece of paper that was tied to the stems and you couldn’t help but smile at the small confession of “I like you” written on it.
“More than a friend,” Aone added quickly, as if worried you wouldn’t get it. “If that’s okay.”
“O-Oh... I always thought you just... I thought the flowers were just...” you stammered out nervously, thinking back to all the lovely small flowers he would give you. “That’s more than okay, Aone,” you finally managed to get out, grinning as you looked at the beautiful flowers in your arms. “They’re beautiful... but I liked the wildflowers you got me before more, you know. Don’t go spending so much money on bouquets.”
He nodded quickly and firmly, as if reminding himself of this for next time. You smiled up at him and he gave you a small smile gave, patting your head gently and lovingly. At least with these flowers, you finally got the hint.

haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added):
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana @just4readingfics