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Bruce may be sexist. I don't think he is anymore he might be idk not 100% on that one because saying one sexist comment doesn't make you sexist or else Steve is a sexist too you know? And Steve isn't.
But Bruce's comments to Nancy weren't sexist and he wasn't being mean to her because she was a woman. All his comments to her were about her being a kid and not doing her job or rather not doing what she was supposed to be doing at her job and was instead trying to do someone elses job. Someone else who had to work 20 years to get that spot. She'd be treated the same way she was if she had been a man.
I understand why Nancy wanted to have a bigger role in the company and I don't blame her for that at all I don't want you to think I'm talking trash about Nancy cause I'm not, but its not sexism when your boss tells you [a new hire] no to your suggestion. If Nancy were a man, she'd be treated the exact same way in the exact same situation.
It'd be different if Jonathan was allowed in those board meetings too [as a new hire] making suggestions but he wasn't. All the men in that room they were all older men that were 'the managers' of the company and she was trying to weigh in and give her opinion on what they should do.
Nancy's storyline is S3 was not about sexism/misogyny
Just to be clear, I'm not insulting Nancy anywhere in here calling her a kid/child I'm just trying to explain the story and the characters takes on everything to explain it. I'm sorry about rambling a bit at the end I may have repeated some things but I was trying to make sure I got everything. But please read everything because it may cover any questions you have.
The men that are making fun of her never make it about her being a woman, its always about her being a child/intern. They laugh at her suggestions because shes an intern who has only worked there for 4 weeks at the most and is trying to make suggestions about how to run the paper, when they spent over 20+ years working there [as Tom says] to get a spot in that room.
Nancy herself never even says or implies that its about her being a woman necessarily. In fact, theres points that contradict that the storyline is about sexism. Like this next subject.
Nancy's conversation with her mother is what gives it away. If this was about sexism, this is the part where Nancy is with another woman and can speak freely about men/sexism. She doesn't talk about sexism/being a woman ext though. Doesn't even imply it. I always thought this scene was odd because its about her being a kid, not a woman. I thought what a weird way to address the sexism/misogyny topic.
This is the part in the story where Nancy or her mother should be giving a speech about being a woman and how they're just as good as men and overcoming sexism, but that isn't the message being put out. Its all about Nancy being a kid. The advice Karen gives her and helps Nancy overcome her issue is also not about being a woman or fighting misogyny. Its about Nancy being a kid.
"I wanted to be right so badly." "And were you?" "I thought so. But maybe I justā¦don't want to admit that I'm wrong, because if I'm wrong, thenā¦" "You're what everyone thinks you are." "Just a kid who has no idea what she's doing."
You're what everyone says you are /just a kid who has no idea whats she doing [Confirming the bosses at Hawkins post were making fun of her for that, it had nothing to do with sexism/her being a woman.
Their insults towards her are never about her being a female, its always about her being a child/an intern. They call her Nancy Drew who is a "TEEN" detective. Nancy Drew often runs into trouble because she doesn't fully know whats doing. Shes very smart, but inexperienced. Again they are commenting about her inexperience. Not about her being a woman.
Bruce says about her forgetting mustard on his sandwich after she makes a suggestion for what to put in the paper. This isn't him being sexist, he is saying about how she can't even manage being an intern and getting that right, so why should they take her suggestions about how to run the paper seriously when shes only worked there for 4 weeks and can't even handle the menial tasks.
We never actually see the men being sexist apart from Bruce. Bruce makes a comment about a womans bust that is clearly sexist, but Bruce is never sexist towards her, nor are the other men. Their issues with her are always about her being a kid/an intern.
Tom clearly wasn't showing favoritism towards the men because he fired both of them even though Jonathan didn't 'cause as much trouble' as Nancy. Nancy did more, but Jonathan was given the same punishment as her.
Nancy was an intern and she was mad that she had to do interns job like get coffee. Men and women interns have to do this. It's not sexism. Interns jobs are to do menial tasks to help the higher ups [like get coffee ext] and learn as they go so they can advance to a higher level within the company.
The only reason Jonathan's job was different is because he had a skill no one else had there. Photography at a newspaper is also a menial task in itself. He was doing a menial task already, it was just different than Nancy's task because he had that skill, she didn't.
"Can you have one of the other girls get the coffee today." "They're needed at their desks." It is Nancy who makes the suggestion for another girl to do it [not Tom] even though she is the intern working there. Even Tom protests this. Hes not being sexist and is not the one who made the suggestion for another female to do it in the first place. If anything Nancy was being sexist saying have one of the other girls do it. It's not that women get the coffee, its that interns get the coffee and she may have been the only female intern working there. They're a small paper I don't see them having a lot of interns at one time, but if there was maybe shes saying have one of the other interns get it and the other two interns are women. She just refers to them as 'the girls'. I can't see Nancy saying something sexist like that making the suggestion for another woman to get it. I think she is talking specifically about the few interns who work there.
The "They like you no matter what you do." The bosses like Jonathan [not because hes a man] but because Jonathan comes in, keeps his head low, and does what hes told. Nancy is the opposite she is constantly making suggestions to the bosses how they should be running the paper.
Even Nancy herself never says its about sexism or implies it. She never says about how she is being treated differently because shes a woman except that one time already covered above. If this was about sexism or her being a woman she would have addressed that, but she never does. In fact, she makes it about her being a child, not a woman as shown above. The bosses also might value Jonathan because he has a skill while Nancy doesn't.
It's not sexism to expect an intern to do an interns job. Rachel on Friends has to do menial tasks like this as well when shes starting out in fashion. Her bosses weren't sexist, they give you menial tasks like that because you just started the job. You have to work your way to the top starting at the very bottom. This isn't a sexist thing. Its a people thing. Men have to do it too. Everyone, men included need to start out at the bottom and work their way to the top and gain skill and knowledge about the work before they can become a higher up. You can't just rush into the 'managers' office like Nancy did and start making suggestions about how to run the company when you only worked there for 3 weeks.
Maybe Nancy *thought* that the men were being sexist when they weren't, but even that doesn't add up. Because of what I went over above. Nancy never makes it about her being a woman at all. She understands its about her being a kid and that shes inexperienced and has no skills like Jonathan to give her a leg up. Shes smart, but she doesn't have any particular skills that set her apart from the rest.
The men never say anything towards her that is about her being a woman/they never say anything sexist. The only reason they're laughing at her suggestions and making fun of her is because shes a child and making suggestions to them the bosses when she just started working there. If Nancy was a man she would have been treated the exact same way. I'll make an example if I were a man and I started working at Walmart as a cashier and only worked there for 3 weeks and I went into a meeting that was meant for the managers and I started making suggestions about how to run the company when I knew nothing about it, they would laugh at me too. It had nothing to do with sexism.
Im not sure where the fans got this maybe reading too much into certain lines, but Nancy herself doesn't even feel that she was being made fun of for being a woman. She says its about being a kid not a woman.
True. Yes they shouldn't have been making fun of her since she was just 16(?) at the time. They should have handled it better and Bruce did say that sexist comment about a womans bust, but he never said anything sexist to Nancy or any woman from what we've seen.
Nancy's storyline is S3 was not about sexism/misogyny
Just to be clear, I'm not insulting Nancy anywhere in here calling her a kid/child I'm just trying to explain the story and the characters takes on everything to explain it. I'm sorry about rambling a bit at the end I may have repeated some things but I was trying to make sure I got everything. But please read everything because it may cover any questions you have.
The men that are making fun of her never make it about her being a woman, its always about her being a child/intern. They laugh at her suggestions because shes an intern who has only worked there for 4 weeks at the most and is trying to make suggestions about how to run the paper, when they spent over 20+ years working there [as Tom says] to get a spot in that room.
Nancy herself never even says or implies that its about her being a woman necessarily. In fact, theres points that contradict that the storyline is about sexism. Like this next subject.
Nancy's conversation with her mother is what gives it away. If this was about sexism, this is the part where Nancy is with another woman and can speak freely about men/sexism. She doesn't talk about sexism/being a woman ext though. Doesn't even imply it. I always thought this scene was odd because its about her being a kid, not a woman. I thought what a weird way to address the sexism/misogyny topic.
This is the part in the story where Nancy or her mother should be giving a speech about being a woman and how they're just as good as men and overcoming sexism, but that isn't the message being put out. Its all about Nancy being a kid. The advice Karen gives her and helps Nancy overcome her issue is also not about being a woman or fighting misogyny. Its about Nancy being a kid.
"I wanted to be right so badly." "And were you?" "I thought so. But maybe I justā¦don't want to admit that I'm wrong, because if I'm wrong, thenā¦" "You're what everyone thinks you are." "Just a kid who has no idea what she's doing."
You're what everyone says you are /just a kid who has no idea whats she doing [Confirming the bosses at Hawkins post were making fun of her for that, it had nothing to do with sexism/her being a woman.
Their insults towards her are never about her being a female, its always about her being a child/an intern. They call her Nancy Drew who is a "TEEN" detective. Nancy Drew often runs into trouble because she doesn't fully know whats doing. Shes very smart, but inexperienced. Again they are commenting about her inexperience. Not about her being a woman.
Bruce says about her forgetting mustard on his sandwich after she makes a suggestion for what to put in the paper. This isn't him being sexist, he is saying about how she can't even manage being an intern and getting that right, so why should they take her suggestions about how to run the paper seriously when shes only worked there for 4 weeks and can't even handle the menial tasks.
We never actually see the men being sexist apart from Bruce. Bruce makes a comment about a womans bust that is clearly sexist, but Bruce is never sexist towards her, nor are the other men. Their issues with her are always about her being a kid/an intern.
Tom clearly wasn't showing favoritism towards the men because he fired both of them even though Jonathan didn't 'cause as much trouble' as Nancy. Nancy did more, but Jonathan was given the same punishment as her.
Nancy was an intern and she was mad that she had to do interns job like get coffee. Men and women interns have to do this. It's not sexism. Interns jobs are to do menial tasks to help the higher ups [like get coffee ext] and learn as they go so they can advance to a higher level within the company.
The only reason Jonathan's job was different is because he had a skill no one else had there. Photography at a newspaper is also a menial task in itself. He was doing a menial task already, it was just different than Nancy's task because he had that skill, she didn't.
"Can you have one of the other girls get the coffee today." "They're needed at their desks." It is Nancy who makes the suggestion for another girl to do it [not Tom] even though she is the intern working there. Even Tom protests this. Hes not being sexist and is not the one who made the suggestion for another female to do it in the first place. If anything Nancy was being sexist saying have one of the other girls do it. It's not that women get the coffee, its that interns get the coffee and she may have been the only female intern working there. They're a small paper I don't see them having a lot of interns at one time, but if there was maybe shes saying have one of the other interns get it and the other two interns are women. She just refers to them as 'the girls'. I can't see Nancy saying something sexist like that making the suggestion for another woman to get it. I think she is talking specifically about the few interns who work there.
The "They like you no matter what you do." The bosses like Jonathan [not because hes a man] but because Jonathan comes in, keeps his head low, and does what hes told. Nancy is the opposite she is constantly making suggestions to the bosses how they should be running the paper.
Even Nancy herself never says its about sexism or implies it. She never says about how she is being treated differently because shes a woman except that one time already covered above. If this was about sexism or her being a woman she would have addressed that, but she never does. In fact, she makes it about her being a child, not a woman as shown above. The bosses also might value Jonathan because he has a skill while Nancy doesn't.
It's not sexism to expect an intern to do an interns job. Rachel on Friends has to do menial tasks like this as well when shes starting out in fashion. Her bosses weren't sexist, they give you menial tasks like that because you just started the job. You have to work your way to the top starting at the very bottom. This isn't a sexist thing. Its a people thing. Men have to do it too. Everyone, men included need to start out at the bottom and work their way to the top and gain skill and knowledge about the work before they can become a higher up. You can't just rush into the 'managers' office like Nancy did and start making suggestions about how to run the company when you only worked there for 3 weeks.
Maybe Nancy *thought* that the men were being sexist when they weren't, but even that doesn't add up. Because of what I went over above. Nancy never makes it about her being a woman at all. She understands its about her being a kid and that shes inexperienced and has no skills like Jonathan to give her a leg up. Shes smart, but she doesn't have any particular skills that set her apart from the rest.
The men never say anything towards her that is about her being a woman/they never say anything sexist. The only reason they're laughing at her suggestions and making fun of her is because shes a child and making suggestions to them the bosses when she just started working there. If Nancy was a man she would have been treated the exact same way. I'll make an example if I were a man and I started working at Walmart as a cashier and only worked there for 3 weeks and I went into a meeting that was meant for the managers and I started making suggestions about how to run the company when I knew nothing about it, they would laugh at me too. It had nothing to do with sexism.
Im not sure where the fans got this maybe reading too much into certain lines, but Nancy herself doesn't even feel that she was being made fun of for being a woman. She says its about being a kid not a woman.
Nancy's storyline is S3 was not about sexism/misogyny
Just to be clear, I'm not insulting Nancy anywhere in here calling her a kid/child I'm just trying to explain the story and the characters takes on everything to explain it. I'm sorry about rambling a bit at the end I may have repeated some things but I was trying to make sure I got everything. But please read everything because it may cover any questions you have.
The men that are making fun of her never make it about her being a woman, its always about her being a child/intern. They laugh at her suggestions because shes an intern who has only worked there for 4 weeks at the most and is trying to make suggestions about how to run the paper, when they spent over 20+ years working there [as Tom says] to get a spot in that room.
Nancy herself never even says or implies that its about her being a woman necessarily. In fact, theres points that contradict that the storyline is about sexism. Like this next subject.
Nancy's conversation with her mother is what gives it away. If this was about sexism, this is the part where Nancy is with another woman and can speak freely about men/sexism. She doesn't talk about sexism/being a woman ext though. Doesn't even imply it. I always thought this scene was odd because its about her being a kid, not a woman. I thought what a weird way to address the sexism/misogyny topic.
This is the part in the story where Nancy or her mother should be giving a speech about being a woman and how they're just as good as men and overcoming sexism, but that isn't the message being put out. Its all about Nancy being a kid. The advice Karen gives her and helps Nancy overcome her issue is also not about being a woman or fighting misogyny. Its about Nancy being a kid.
"I wanted to be right so badly." "And were you?" "I thought so. But maybe I justā¦don't want to admit that I'm wrong, because if I'm wrong, thenā¦" "You're what everyone thinks you are." "Just a kid who has no idea what she's doing."
You're what everyone says you are /just a kid who has no idea whats she doing [Confirming the bosses at Hawkins post were making fun of her for that, it had nothing to do with sexism/her being a woman.
Their insults towards her are never about her being a female, its always about her being a child/an intern. They call her Nancy Drew who is a "TEEN" detective. Nancy Drew often runs into trouble because she doesn't fully know whats doing. Shes very smart, but inexperienced. Again they are commenting about her inexperience. Not about her being a woman.
Bruce says about her forgetting mustard on his sandwich after she makes a suggestion for what to put in the paper. This isn't him being sexist, he is saying about how she can't even manage being an intern and getting that right, so why should they take her suggestions about how to run the paper seriously when shes only worked there for 4 weeks and can't even handle the menial tasks.
We never actually see the men being sexist apart from Bruce. Bruce makes a comment about a womans bust that is clearly sexist, but Bruce is never sexist towards her, nor are the other men. Their issues with her are always about her being a kid/an intern.
Tom clearly wasn't showing favoritism towards the men because he fired both of them even though Jonathan didn't 'cause as much trouble' as Nancy. Nancy did more, but Jonathan was given the same punishment as her.
Nancy was an intern and she was mad that she had to do interns job like get coffee. Men and women interns have to do this. It's not sexism. Interns jobs are to do menial tasks to help the higher ups [like get coffee ext] and learn as they go so they can advance to a higher level within the company.
The only reason Jonathan's job was different is because he had a skill no one else had there. Photography at a newspaper is also a menial task in itself. He was doing a menial task already, it was just different than Nancy's task because he had that skill, she didn't.
"Can you have one of the other girls get the coffee today." "They're needed at their desks." It is Nancy who makes the suggestion for another girl to do it [not Tom] even though she is the intern working there. Even Tom protests this. Hes not being sexist and is not the one who made the suggestion for another female to do it in the first place. If anything Nancy was being sexist saying have one of the other girls do it. It's not that women get the coffee, its that interns get the coffee and she may have been the only female intern working there. They're a small paper I don't see them having a lot of interns at one time, but if there was maybe shes saying have one of the other interns get it and the other two interns are women. She just refers to them as 'the girls'. I can't see Nancy saying something sexist like that making the suggestion for another woman to get it. I think she is talking specifically about the few interns who work there.
The "They like you no matter what you do." The bosses like Jonathan [not because hes a man] but because Jonathan comes in, keeps his head low, and does what hes told. Nancy is the opposite she is constantly making suggestions to the bosses how they should be running the paper.
Even Nancy herself never says its about sexism or implies it. She never says about how she is being treated differently because shes a woman except that one time already covered above. If this was about sexism or her being a woman she would have addressed that, but she never does. In fact, she makes it about her being a child, not a woman as shown above. The bosses also might value Jonathan because he has a skill while Nancy doesn't.
It's not sexism to expect an intern to do an interns job. Rachel on Friends has to do menial tasks like this as well when shes starting out in fashion. Her bosses weren't sexist, they give you menial tasks like that because you just started the job. You have to work your way to the top starting at the very bottom. This isn't a sexist thing. Its a people thing. Men have to do it too. Everyone, men included need to start out at the bottom and work their way to the top and gain skill and knowledge about the work before they can become a higher up. You can't just rush into the 'managers' office like Nancy did and start making suggestions about how to run the company when you only worked there for 3 weeks.
Maybe Nancy *thought* that the men were being sexist when they weren't, but even that doesn't add up. Because of what I went over above. Nancy never makes it about her being a woman at all. She understands its about her being a kid and that shes inexperienced and has no skills like Jonathan to give her a leg up. Shes smart, but she doesn't have any particular skills that set her apart from the rest.
The men never say anything towards her that is about her being a woman/they never say anything sexist. The only reason they're laughing at her suggestions and making fun of her is because shes a child and making suggestions to them the bosses when she just started working there. If Nancy was a man she would have been treated the exact same way. I'll make an example if I were a man and I started working at Walmart as a cashier and only worked there for 3 weeks and I went into a meeting that was meant for the managers and I started making suggestions about how to run the company when I knew nothing about it, they would laugh at me too. It had nothing to do with sexism.
Im not sure where the fans got this maybe reading too much into certain lines, but Nancy herself doesn't even feel that she was being made fun of for being a woman. She says its about being a kid not a woman.